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Soliton "dictionary" for massive quantum electrodynamics *

Michio Kaku
Department of Physics, The City College of The City University of New York, New York, New York 10031
(Received 5 May 1975)
The Thirring model and the sine-Gordon theory in two dimensions have been shown to be equivalent. We
extend this result by demonstrating the equivalence between massive QED (with self-interacting ferrnions) and
a vector generalization of the sine-Gordon theory. We demonstrate this equivalence by perturbation theory
and by constructing the appropriate transformation between the two sets offields. Because the sine-Gordon
equation is known to have classical "kink" or soliton solutions, we are led to suspect that hadrons correspond
to extended solutions to the equations of motion in the strong-coupling region.


Recent work in the theory of strings1 and bags2 +h ,

~ ~ ~ , @ ~ ~ i l + ~ $ ~ ' l i l ~ , ,
leads u s to suspect that theories based on extend- (2.1)
F,,=J,A, - a , ~ , , goo=l=-g I]
ed objects, r a t h e r than point s y s t e m s , yield many
qualitative f e a t u r e s of hadron theory, and the work Since the theory i s exactly solvable, we can use
of Nielsen and Olesen3 suggests to us that these these exact solutions in o r d e r to calculate Green's
extended objects e m e r g e naturally out of classical functions corresponding to an interaction t e r m :
solutions of spontaneously broken local field theo-
r y in the strong-coupling region. These qualita-
tive r e m a r k s have been partially realized in r e - We wish to investigate the relationship between
cent work on the quantum dynamics of strong- this theory and the f r e e field theory of a m a s s l e s s
coupling t h e o r i e ~ which
,~ lends further support to s c a l a r particle and a massive vector particle:
the conjecture that extended s y s t e m s e m e r g e a s
bound s t a t e s of field theories in the region of
strong coupling.
In two dimensions, the classical "kink" solu-
We wish to p e r t u r b this f r e e field theory by adding
tions (solitons5) of the sine-Gordon equation a r e
a modified vector generalization of the sine-Gor-
v e r y suggestive of strong-coupling solutions of a
don interaction:
quantum field theory. The realization of this no-
tion comes f r o m the work of C ~ l e m a n who , ~ used
perturbation theory to prove the equivalence of
the quantized sine-Gordon equation and the m a s -
sive Thirring model. Mandelstam7 h a s explicitly
Our goal i s to prove that the Green's functions
constructed the operator equivalence relations
generated by the perturbation t e r m (2.2), when
f r o m which a "dictionary" can be constructed f o r
expanded around the exact solutions of (2.1), a r e
translating back and forth from either language.
equivalent to the Green's functions generated by
In this work, we extend the r e s u l t s of Coleman
(2.4) when expanded around the solution of (2.3).
and Mandelstam to include m a s s i v e QED. By us-
[We notice that t h e r e a r e infrared divergences a s -
ing perturbation theory and by constructing expli-
sociated with the m a s s l e s s fermion. This i s r e m -
cit solutions, we show that massive QED i s equiv-
edied by multiplying (2.2) by a suitable support
alent to a vector generalization of the sine-Gor-
function, which we will l a t e r s e t to be 1. Also,
don equation. We suspect, therefore, that this
since a m a s s l e s s s c a l a r f r e e field does not exist in
vector sine-Gordon equation p o s s e s s e s classical
two dimensions, we will have to implicitly add in a
"kink" solutions (solitons).
s m a l l m a s s t e r m to the s c a l a r particle in (2.3).] As-
We a r e currently investigating the correspond- suming, of course, that these theories actually exist,
ing SU(n) generalization of this model, from which we may prove their equivalence perturbatively by
information concerning bound s t a t e s of confined comparing Green's functions for both theories.
quarks may be derived.
It i s a simple manner to f i r s t derive the equiv-
alence r e s u l t s for the c u r r e n t and vector matrix
elements and commutators. Following Sommer-
We f i r s t s t a r t with m a s s i v e QED (with fermion field,8 we find the Green's functions for m a s s i v e
self-coupling), which i s exactly solvable8: QED with self-interacting fermions:


[I?(.Y). j ! ( y ) Ixo=,,o = ii2n)-l(2 - A ) ( 1 - a)-'(l - a -A)-'

x aX6(x1- ? ; I )

if (2.11)
[a,(x), al(y)Ixo=,o = iax6(.x1-

The form of these m a t r i x elements for massive [I?(x), @(?)I .o= ,I= -iaX6(x1- y') .
QED with self-interacting fermions leads one to
suspect that, with a suitable combination of f r e e Now that we have established the representation
fields [one m a s s l e s s s c a l a r particle and one m a s - of the exact operators d and A , in t e r m s of f r e e -
sive vector particle of m a s s p l = p ( l + a +A)'/' field o p e r a t o r s Q and a,, our next step i s to dem-
~ (+a)-'/'].
l we might be able to reproduce these onstrate the equivalence of the interaction t e r m s
relations. We a r e then led to t r y the free-field (2.2) and (2.4). We f i r s t need the commutator be-
representation (2.8) and (2.9). tween vector fields and the spinor:
On the left-hand s i d e s of (2.8) and (2.9), we have [A, ;i(zi)l,o,
(-4, ,o
the exact o p e r a t o r s of massive QED with self-in-
teracting fermions, and on the right we have op-
e r a t o r s of a f r e e s c a l a r and vector theory. By in-
serting (2.8) and (2.9) into (2.5)-(2.7) we can show [J,,(x),d(~)].o,,o = -[g,,,(l - a - h ) - ' + ~ , ~ y , (+l a ) - ' ]
that these Green's functions can be reproduced if
we s e t x 6 ( 1 1-y1)$(4'). (2.13)
If we take
0, =$Z$(~*Y~)$,

then we find
Furthermore, we a l s o easily verify that the solu-
tion given by (2.10), (2.8), and (2.9) satisfies Som-
merfield's equal-time commutation relations:

Z i s a multiplicative renormalization constant

needed to define the limiting p r o c e s s of when two
spinor fields a r e defined at the s a m e point. Now
we construct, out of f r e e fields, the quantity A , :
[the cutoff p a r a m e t e r 1V i s needed because D ( 0 )
A, = ,V expj*i@ $ + y f ) ] . and A ( 0 , p ' ) need to be regularized].
W e easily find We have now shown that the QED commutators
of ( 2 . 1 4 ) and ( 2 . 1 5 ) a r e satisfied if we make the

/- + d( aX, () x ) , A , ( v ) ] , o . yo
- C E ~ ~ ~ ~ O

=*(c3 + & ) A , ( ~ ~ ) E ~ ~ -Fy (l X) '

The l a s t thing we would like to demonstrate i s the
=O. (2.18)
equivalence of the Green's functions generated by
Comparing ( 2 . 1 7 ) and ( 2 . 1 8 ) with ( 2 . 1 2 ) and ( 2 . 1 3 ) , products of P, and by A , . Following Coleman and
we a r r i v e a t Sommerfield, we know that

On the other hand, it i s a simple matter to construct the f r e e - f i e l d Green's functions for A ,


Though the c l a s s i c a l solutions of our vector

sine-Gordon equation a r e not known, there i s a
Again, on comparing these two expressions, we strong possibility that they will b e "kink" solitons.
rederive the correspondences given in ( 2 . 1 9 ) and At the quantum level, it is possible to make a dic-
(2.20). tionary between operator functions in one language
Since all Green's functions f o r one theory can in t e r m s of o p e r a t o r s in the other.
b e written in t e r m s of the Green's functions for Following the work of Mandelstam, we have been
the other, we have shown that if these theories in- able to construct t h i s dictionary in the c a s e of
deed exist then they must be the s a m e . m a s s l e s s fermions and f r e e s c a l a r p a r t i c l e s . Un-
F r o m the relations between coupling constants fortunately, we have not been able to complete
of the two theories, we again establish that the this dictionary for the c a s e of the fully interacting
weak coupling of one theory i s the strong coup- s c a l a r particles and the massive fermions, be-
ling of the other, and hence the bound s t a t e s of cause the commutators involved in the calculation
one may be looked a t a s the "free" s t a t e s of the a r e not well defined.
other. Our task i s to find solutions of the following

equations f o r 4 and A,:

-1gi) - md. +gA$ + a j i = 0 , (3.1)
a , ~ +~ p" 2 ~ -g~'
" = 0, (3.2)

Notice that the complexity of (3.6) prevents us

These solutions must be in t e r m s of the fields from evaluating all commutators needed in the
and a , , which obey calculation of currents. Because of this difficultv,
we will not t r y to solve the model in t e r m s of the
fully interacting c a s e , but instead will construct
the dictionary between m a s s l e s s fermions and
free scalars.
We begin by postulating the f o r m of the spinor
The canonical quantization relations a r e given by in t e r m s o f f r e e s c a l a r and vector fields ( k , and
k 2 a r e mass-dependent f a c t o r s which simply n o r -
malize the anticommutation relations):

In the case where @ and n , a r e f r e e fields, there tain t e r m s like d, which contribute in O ( s - I * ) ,
i s no ambiguity in forming the exponential function. while the t e r m s $J and f contribute in O ( 1 ) . T h e r e -
Our f i r s t task will b e to calculate the combina- f o r e , the only t e r m s in the exponent which survive
tion $+ arid show that we rederive the identities of the reconstitution p r o c e s s a r e the 0 and f fields.
the previous section. Then we will construct the We find
current j , - @ y , ; with a careful limiting process.
With the f o r m of the c u r r e n t , we will verify that
a* -a e x p [ i i @+
~ d)] (3.13)
the c o r r e c t coinmutation relations between a l l s o that
vector quantities with spinor fields a r e r e e s t a b -
lished. Finally, we will show that the proper
y-: = cos(P@+ ? f ) , (3.141
equations of motion (for m a s s l e s s fermions and $-r.,*& sin@@+ - i , f ) .
f r e e s c a l a r particles) a r e satisfied by (3.9) and
Now, our task i s to construct the current. We
(3.10). We begin by defining the quantities
must be particularly cautious because, a s Johnson
has noted, the naive definition of the c u r r e n t yields
nonrelativistic o r nonconserved r e s u l t s . The
proper relativistic version of the c u r r e n t must be
where the path v I i s taken it-, a space -like d i -
the average over different, perpendicular s p a c e -
time directions. If and 2 a r e two orthogonal
rection. We will use the useful identities vectors,

where the commutator between A and B i s a r

then we will adopt the definition of the current as
number, and the + and - r e f e r to creation and
annihilation operators. F i r s t , we n o t ~ c cthat the \ ) ~ l r n { ~ ( x ) - y J+ba( 0
l J ( =: \
presence of the f fields in (3.9) and (3.10) does
not change the basic anticommutatlon relations.
- Y P ,(x+a<)$((x)- i £ - x ) J . (3.16)
Second, we notice that combinations like @ con-I1 If we average over two points separated bv a
2334 M I C H I O KAKU

spacelike separation then the commutators yield

no problem, but if we average over timelike sep-
arations we cannot use equal-time commutation
relations and m u s t use the approximation

If we w e r e investigating the fully interacting the-

o r y then the formula (3.13) would have to be modi-
fied, and instead the full Baker-Hausdorff theorem
would have to b e invoked. (Because of the com- Rearranging t e r m s , we find
plexity of the problem, we will only t r e a t the c a s e
of m a s s l e s s fermions.) Upon averaging in two -41 + d l 1 +im& =i([-R(c($ - 4') +d (a, - a,)(-1))
s e p a r a t e directions, we easily find -cr(a($ - a ' ) +h(n , - a o ) ) l ~ l F.
This l a s t expression i s easily regrouped to give
the original wave equation. Thus, we find that
a l l the r e s u l t s of the previous section a r e s a t i s -
I s easy to show that this i s equal to the expression
fied, and that we can construct the following dic-
f o r the c u r r e n t found in the previous section, (2.8)
and (2.10). tionary between the two s e t s of fields:
Using t h i s result, we can now a l s o calculate 4 ,
in t e r m s of q5 and a,. Putting this r e s u l t in the
wave equation (3.2), we find

Again, this expression can be shown to be identi-

cal to the expression found in the previous s e c -
tion, (2.9) and (2.10).
As a further check on our r e s u l t s , we can now
calculate the commutator between vector quan-
tities and the spinor field. It i s straightforward
to evaluate a l l commutators, and we find

Again, we find exact correspondence with r e s u l t s

of the previous section, (2.12) and (2.13).
At this point, we wish to show that the wave
equations f o r d and A , a r e satisfied when they
Notice that this dictionary i s constructed between
a r e expressed in t e r m s of $ and a,,, which s a t i s - ~ n a s . s l e s sfermions and Jree s c a l a r and vector
fy f r e e field equations. In particular, we wish to fields. The complete dictionary, with massive
show that the quantized version of the following
fernlions and interacting s c a l a r and vector fields.
equation i s satisfied:
h a s not yet been found because of the complexity
of the commutator (3.6). But does this mean that
t h e r e does not exist a correspondence between
m a s s i v e QED (with m a s s i v e fermions) and s o m e
By taking the derivatives of the spinor field, we interacting theory? Probably not. F o r example,
find it i s known that a vector field can be represented

by two spinless fields in the following way: introducing a vector interaction i s to make
cu - a +A in the expression for J . In particular, if
5 / 2 = ~ ~ ~ / 2= ~ i p ~the - f ~ e efermion field c o r -
0 then
where the o field h a s two poles, one at the m a s s responds to the interacting sine-Gordon equation
of the vector field and the other a m a s s l e s s pole with j 2= 4 i ~ . AS a! +A gets l a r g e r P 2 gets s m a l l e r
(which i s canceled by the z e r o - m a s s pole coming until, at cu + h = 1, ,3 =O (Sommerfield finds one
f r o m the h field). By analogy, we a r e tempted to m o r e restriction on the coupling constants a r i s i n g
r e p r e s e n t the f field by a spinless field f =;J.'-'o from considerations of the definition of the cutoff:
because of Eq. (2.23). If we now replace the f r e e 1 > ( a +A/, 1 + a 0). (Notice a l s o that the coupling-
Lagrangian for the a , field by the corresponding constant convention chosen by Coleman and Man-
t e r m f o r a spinless field with the s a m e m a s s , then delstam differs from that chosen by Sommerfield.)
the canonical quantization relations (3.5)-(3.8) It s e e m s like that the vector sine-Gordon equa-
lose their dependence on the sine t e r m . Thus, by tion p o s s e s s e s solitonlike static solutions, which
replacing the vector field a , by a spinless field, correspond to the fermion s t a t e s in the other lan-
we greatly simplify the canonical commutation guage. This i s currently being investigated.
relations, which in turn make it possible to con- Also, though we have not been able to r e p r e s e n t
s t r u c t simple expressions for the current. The the m a s s i v e fermion theory in t e r m s of interacting
net effect of this i s to replace the f appearing in s c a l a r fields, there i s the possibility that the m a s -
(3.9) and (3.10) with a spinless field with the ca- sive fermion theory may be represented by two
spinless fields if we make the replacement f o r
nonical relations of a f r e e field.
.f p'-'a in (3.9) and (3.10). Because the canonical
commutation relations no longer a r e dependent on
the sine t e r m , t h e r e i s the possibility that all c u r -
In much the s a m e way that the weak coupling of
r e n t s and products of spinor fields can be r i g o r -
the Thirring model corresponds to the strong
ously defined and that a new equivalence to m a s -
coupling of the sine-Gordon equation, and vice sive QED (with massive fermions) may be found.
v e r s a , we found that the weak and strong couplings
The power of establishing the equivalence be-
of the two models studied h e r e a l s o have the s a m e
tween the weak coupling of one field theory and
relationship. In particular, the Green's functions
the strong coupling of another i s , of course, that
found when perturbing both models a r e exactly
we may gain further insight into the strong-cou-
equivalent. We were a l s o able to show that, in
pling bound s t a t e s of four-dimensional field the-
the m a s s l e s s fermion and f r e e s c a l a r case, we
ories, and that conjectures of quark confinement
could give the explicit construction of one s e t of
(such a s those advanced by Kogut and Susskindg)
fields in t e r m s of the other. In the case of the
may be realized in a m o r e complete theory. One
fully interacting model (massive fermions) we
physically relevant procedure i s to extend the
were not able to construct the dictionary, given
Abelian model studied h e r e to the c a s e of SU(n),
the complexity of the commutators arising from
where properties such a s quark confinement may
the limiting p r o c e s s of defining two spinors a t the
e m e r g e . This i s currently under investigation.
s a m e space-time point.
Yet another approach i s to examine the field
If we s e t A = 0, then we reproduce the r e s u l t s of
theory of strings" and s e e whether a correspon-
Coleman, a s the vector fields decouple f r o m the
dence e x i s t s to a four-dimensional Higgs theory.
system. (If we s e t a = 0 , then we find that all four
fields still remain, s o that pure massive QED
still has a representation in t e r m s of v e c t o r s and
scalars.) The author i s happy to acknowledge fruitful con-
Notice that the combination cu + A o c c u r s in the versations with D r . K. Friedman, P r o f e s s o r
coupling constant relations, s o the net effect of R. Mohapatra, and P r o f e s s o r B . Sakita.

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