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Super lattices and gauge theory

Michio Kaku
Physics Department, City College of the City University of New York, New York, New York 10031
(Received 15 July 1983)
There has been a fundamental flaw in all previous attempts to put supersymmetry on the lattice.
Because supersymmetry closes on the Poincare group, and since the Wilson lattice breaks Poincare
invariance, the standard lattice must necessarily break supersymmetry. We solve this difficulty by
putting supersymmetry on a random super lattice, where each random site is a point in super space
( x i , < i ) . We construct the action out of unitary S U ( N superfields connecting two such super lattice
sites and sum the traces over simplexes. The theory is manifestly supersymmetric because there is
no preferred direction in either real or Grassmann space. This supersymmetric lattice gauge theory
on a random lattice reduces to the usual supersymmetric gauge theory in the continuum limit. We
discuss applications, such as calculating nonperturbative corrections to the vacuum energy, which
may yield a large enough supersymmetry breaking to explain the hierarchy problem. We discuss us-
ing random lattices to describe a lattice version of gravity and supergravity.

I. INTRODUCTION trary translations and rotations because the lattice points

simply map back onto t h e m ~ e l v e s . ~
All previous attempts to put supersymmetry on the lat- Our problem, then, is to generalize the random lattice
tice have been unsatisfactory because the Wilson lattice to include Grassmann variables. Since a supersymmetric
breaks Poincare invariance, while supersymmetry neces- operation in superspace is simply a translation on the
sarily closes on the Poincare group. For example, calcula- Grassmann variables, we must construct the super lattice
tions of the string tension on the lattice are dependent on so that the translation simply maps the random supersym-
which direction the string is oriented (at least in lowest or- metric sites back onto themselves. In this way, by assign-
ders). In a truly Poincare-invariant lattice formulation, ing a unitary S U ( N superfield linking two random lattice
string tension should be manifestly independent of the points, we can construct the supersymmetric gauge theory
direction of the string. Because of this difficulty, super- on a super lattice. We call this a random super lattice
symmetry on a Wilson lattice can only be formulated in gauge theory, or slattice gauge theory for short.
1 1 dimensions or with only the space-time coordinates Our ultimate aim is to use the arsenal of nonperturba-
on a lattice,' which cannot yield a satisfactory description tive techniques developed in lattice gauge theory. For ex-
of gauge theories. ample, we wish to construct a strong-coupling expansion
In supersymmetric theories, the anticommutator be- of the theory so that we may calculate the vacuum energy
tween two supersymmetric generators closes on the of the theory, which may be nonzero and hence yield
translations: dynamical supersymmetry breaking. If the scale of this
breaking is exp( - g - 2 ) , then we have a plausible mecha-
=(yo),$a . (1.1) nism for explaining the gauge-hierarchy problem of large
As a direct result, the Wilson lattice cannot be a suit- numbers.
able formalism in which to investigate supersymmetry. A second use for this supersymmetric construction is to
On the other hand, lattice gauge theory yields the only solve the problem of the renormalization of gravity by
formalism in which one may begin a systematic calcula- calculating nonperturbative effects in supergravity5 and
tion of nonperturbative effects. If dynamical supersym- supereonformal gravity.6 Since conformal gravity
metry breaking is the origin of the large mass scales in- theories are formally renormalizable, a strong-coupling
volved in grand unified field t h e ~ r i e s then
, ~ one must use expansion of these theories makes sense and we may be
nonperturbative methods, such as lattice gauge theory, to able to analyze the phase structure of these theories. Our
calculate these effects. Thus, the problem of constructing conjecture, which we have made in a series of is
a super lattice gauge theory is a physically interesting that the nonphysical unitary ghosts found in conformal
problem. gravity theories are an artifact of weak-coupling perturba-
The most natural way in which to formulate the prob- tion theory (much like free colored states in gauge theory
lem of super lattices is to use random lattice^,^ where the are an artifact of weak-coupling theory). Free colored
lattice sites are distributed randomly, and the plaquettes states are not solutions of the Dirac constraints and are
reduce to triangles. In the random lattice, no preferred eliminated from the true Hilbert space by infrared correc-
direction is singled out. For a finite number of lattice tions. In the same way, we argue that a truly nonpertur-
points, the theory becomes Poincare invariant only when bative calculation of the states of conformal and super-
one integrates over all possible positions of the random conformal gravity will show that these unitary ghosts
sites. Thus, the random lattice is invariant under arbi- vanish because they are not solutions of the Dirac con-

- 1992 @ 1985 The American Physical Society

straints and because of infrared divergences. In effect, strong-coupling expansion. In order to find this crucial
nonperturbative effects produce ghost confinement, where measure, let us review a few elementary facts about in-
the true Hilbert space may be unitary. The way in which tegration and lattices.
we hope to calculate these nonperturbative effects is to In ordinary calculus, we construct a translation-invar-
put general covariance on a random lattice. The invari- iant integral by summing a function over a set of regular-
ance under reparametrization of a manifold is replaced by ly spaced lattice sites
the equivalent summation over all random lattice sites. In
this way, we put gravity and supergravity on a random
lattice which preserves reparametrization invarianceS8


Before we can begin a discussion of a supersymmetric Let us use this translationallv invariant construction in
lattice, let us carefully define what we mean by a lattice order to define a summation over regularly spaced
defined over a Grassmann variable. Let us assume the ci
Grassmann variables = k f + i c ( i = integer, E and f are
simplest case of only one Grassmann variable f and try to constant Grassmann numbers, and k is an arbitrary real
construct a supersymmetric theory out of a general super- number which can be set to zero at this point). Notice
field ~ ( fconstructed
) out of this Grassmann state. In that, first of all, the following summation is invariant
this limited case, supersymmetry reduces to invariance under translations by a constant Grassmann number,
under translations of the Grassmann variable. In other where we now take an infinite sequence of Grassmann
words, we wish to construct a mapping from a function variables:
.ir(f)=a + b f to a real number such that the mapping is
invariant under g - + f + ~ , where E is a constant
Grassmann number. If ( ) represents this mapping, then

This definition of supersymmetry, of course, is closely (The variable y i , which for now is equal to an integral,
linked to the definition of the integral over a Grassmann will play an important role in defining the Grassmann lat-
variable. Berezin's integration rules are used so frequently tice.)
that one often forgets how these rules were derived in the For now, yi is chosen to label regularly spaced sites
first place. Berezin originally derived the definition of the only for pedagogical reasons. Of course, later on we must
Grassmann integral by demanding that it be invariant make yi label random sites. We will treat yi as regularly
under a translation. In other words, he demanded that the spaced for the next few examples, keeping in mind that yi
integral over a Grassmann variable obey will eventually be a covariant label for random sites on the
This sum, although formally invariant under transla-
tions, is not well defined, so let us introduce the following
measure for convergence:

Thus, we see that A = 0 and we can normalize B = 1.

In much the same way, we can now define a
Grassmann lattice that is also invariant under transla-
W e will define a supersymmetric invariant integral as
any operation which is invariant under Grassmann transla-
tions and maps a superfield into a real number. We see
that the random lattice automatically satisfies the first (Notice that this summation is not exactly translation in-
criterion of translation invariance (notice that the random variant because of the values at the end points, but notice
supersymmetric lattice does not single out any particular that this noninvariant piece goes to zero as N goes to in-
direction in superspace), so the only difficult problem is to finity.)
construct a measure which can map or project out super Notice that this result is not unique. We could equally
lattice sums into real numbers. In this paper, we will well have extracted out b if we had set k = N . In general,
adopt a particular measure and parametrization of super- we will usually have this option of extracting out the su-
space which satisfies these criteria. The result is probably persymmetric invariant by either summing over the E
not unique, as other measures and parametrizations of su- term or by carefully choosing the coefficient k so that the
perspace may exist which also satisfy these criteria, but f term survives as N -+ co .
our choice leads simply to the known supersymmetric We are now in a position to introduce a translation-
gauge theory in the continuum limit. It will probably invariant mapping which maps Grassmann states onto
turn out that the best choice for the measure and the real numbers and which is defined on a regularly spaced
parametrization of superspace is the one which permits a lattice:

N This lattice construction over Grassmann variables can

( T ( ~ ) ) = ( T ( ~ + E ) )lim
= 2(2/IV2)~,r(6;) be easily extended to higher dimensions. For two
N+m i,l
Grassmann variables c',c2, we can construct the most
=b . (2.6) general superfield
~ ( < ' , 6 ~ ) =+ ab a P + c c 1 ~ 2.
Because we want a map that takes a superfield into a real
number, we must use the projection operator P,, which Now let us define the Grassmann lattice by making regu-
larly spaced displacements in both variables- Each point i
simply extracts the real number coefficient of the term
in the two-dimensional lattice can be labeled by two in-
(if k =N, then we will use Po, i.e., it maps Grassmann
tegers n and m:
numbers into 1.
Notice that E does not represent the lattice spacing.
The lattice spacing between two random Grassmann
c f = ~ :=, c~1 + n ~ ' + m e 2,
states is represented by ~ ( y-yj ; 1. (2.7)
Notice that we have now introduced an alternative defi- ,$=<:,, = C ' + n ~ ~ - r n1~
nition of a supersymmetric mapping which reproduces the
integration rules of Berezin: ( 1 ) =O and ( 6 ) = 1. (E'S are constant Grassmann numbers). We will find it
Up to now, we have constructed a mapping from a convenient to parametrize the lattice as follows:
~ r a s s m a n nstate to a constant which is translationally in-
variant under a fixed Grassmann displacement. In order
to construct a mapping which is invariant under a vari-
able Grassmann displacement, we must integrate over the
set of all randomly distributed lattice sites, rather than
only sum over evenly spaced lattice sites. Thus, the vari-
able yi becomes a convenient parameter in which to con- In this way, we can now construct the following lattice
struct the randomization over Grassmann variables. In mapping, which takes an arbitrary superfield and maps it
this way, we can construct a mapping which is invariant into a real number such that translation invariance is
under arbitrary Grassmann displacements. maintained in two Grassmann directions:

A', M
= lim ~ ~ , , v +[ b( aak c a + c k 2 6 ' c 2 ) + ( b 1 - c k c 2 ) ( n c ' + m e 2 )
N,M--tm n = - ~


N ,M we must now integrate over the set of all random configu-
M.v3~= lim
(n2+m2) PElE2 . (2.10) rations of the lattice sites in order to achieve a mapping
m=-M which is invariant under arbitrary Grassmann displace-
ments, not just fixed Grassmann displacements.
Again, we could equally well have achieved this result if Our next task is to generalize the previous discussion to
we had let k 2 equal the sum over the squares of n and m, the four-dimensional case. We begin with a complex
and if we had used the projection operator P Grassmann spinor p,(ga)+ = '. We can, of course, con-
f If2'
We now have constructed an alternative formulation struct a real vector superfield with 16 components out of
which is equivalent to Berezin's integration rules. Finally, these Grassmann variables .rr(C,f ) = a +
. . . +dc2f 2. In

order to write down a Grassmann lattice in four dimen- vector space and the corresponding Grassmann space are
sions, let us parametrize our lattice in the following way: remarkably similar, with rotations and scale transforma-
tions in one space reflected as rotations and scale transfor-
mations in the other. (In the case of k#O, we must take
,a,aa -6 6
CYBUBo,,a differences between Grassmann states in order to clarify
this topology. Rotations are to be studied when we com-
(2.11) pare yj,i with ~ k , ~If . yj,i and yk,i lie on the same hyper-
E ~ ~ = E1,~ ~ = - 1, E ~ ~ = ,
E ~ ~ = ~
sphere, then their corresponding Grassmann variables will
differ by a pure rotation in spinor space.)
If yi rotates into -y, , then the vector has rotated 180
where E is a constant spinor and is a Pauli spin matrix degrees. We suspect that its corresponding Grassmann
( a = 1, . . . , 4 ) . Notice that the vector yi takes the place variables will have rotated a full 360 degrees in order to
of the integers we introduced in our earlier discussion. In pick up an overall minus sign. T o prove this, we must
y space, the vector yi connects the origin with a lattice now calculate precisely how ci differs from c,. If k = 0 ,
point i, where these lattice points are, for the moment, all then we can calculate c in terms of 6 and therefore calcu-
integrally spaced in a rectangular array as in the Wilson late Ci in terms of cj:
lattice. This allows us quite generally to parametrize the
Grassmann lattice by a simple vector field, not by abstract
Grassmann variables. In much the same way, we can now
introduce a summation over lattice sites which preserves
translation invariance and maps vector fields into real
( a ( & , E ) ) = lim CM,a(fi)=d,
lul+miEu We see immediately that cidiffers from Cj by a scale
transformation and a Lorentz rotation. By allowing yi to
sweep out all of real space, therefore, the Grassmann vari-
ables sweep out all possible fermionic variables that can be
reached by a scale and Lorentz transformation. As we
where i labels all points in a rectangular volume v and we noticed earlier, the square of ti is equal to 2 y i 2 ~ 2SO ,
let this volume smoothly approach infinity. As before, therefore any pure Lorentz transformation on the y's
PE2z2extracts out the coefficient of c2z2,which is equal to translates into a pure Lorentz transformation on the e's.
the square of the sum over yi2. Alternatively, we could Also, any pure scale transformation on the y's converts
have set k equal to the square of the sum over yZ2,in into a pure scale transformation on the Grassmann vari-
which case we would have gotten the same result if had ables. (In Euclidean space, this means for all yi and y,
used the projection operator PgzE2.Notice this definition which lie on the same hyperspace, fi and cj
are related by
a pure four-dimensional rotation.)
of the mapping yields exactly the same integration formu-
Let us now examine the case of a pure rotation. Let yja
las of Berezin:
be a vector pointing along the x l axis in Euclidean space
and now rotate this vector into yib, which has the same
length as y; but lies in the x l - x 2 plane and is rotated
It is instructive at this point to elaborate how the vector from y;. Under this rotation, we want to calculate how
yi parametrizes the Grassmann variables. As we men- the corresponding Grassmann variables transform:
tioned earlier, the distribution of points yi determines the
distribution of Grassmann variables on the super lattice.
When yi sweeps out real vector space, the corresponding = (cosw/2 +2a2'sinw /2 . (2.15)
ci sweeps out Grassmann space, so it is important to clari-
fy how the topology of the real vector space differs from Comparing this expression to the previous one for scale
the complex Grassmann space. Let us assume that k = 0 , and Lorentz transformations, we see immediately that we
so we can easily calculate how ci
differs from cj
when yi can write down a correspondence between rotations in y
is close to yj. Notice that ei2
= 2 ( y p ) 2 ~ 2Since
. the square space and rotations in Grassmann space, which are
of a Grassmann variable is proportional to the square of parametrized by the angle w :
its real vector counterpart, then ci2=cj2 if the square of
their real vectors are equal to each other (i.e., if yi and y i
lie on the same four-dimensional hypersphere). h hi$ If the length of the vector yi is equal to that of yj, then
means that when yi and yj differ by a pure rotation, we see that the angle between these two vectors is equal to
which preserves the lengths of their vectors, then their one-half the angle w.
corresponding Grassmann variables also differ by a pure We see, therefore, that as the vector y (in Euclidean
rotation (in a spinor representation). Notice also that if yi space) rotates around by 180 degrees along the surface of
and y j differ by a pure scale transformation, then their a sphere, the Grassmann variables rotate 360 degrees.
corresponding Grassmann variables also differ by a pure This means, of course, that the Grassmann variables pick
scale transformation. Therefore, the topology of the real up a factor of ( - 1 ) when y rotates 180 degrees or when

the Grassmann variable rotates 360 degrees, as expected.

When the vector y sweeps out a 360-degree rotation, then
the fermionic variables sweep out 720 degrees.
We are now in a position to generalize our previous re-
sults and define lattice integration over both Grassmann We can also define finite displacement operators D act-
and coordinate space. We start with an eight-dimensional ing on this eight-dimensional space:
space, labeled by two four-vectors xi and yi. To each
point zi in this eight-dimensional space, we can assign ei-
ther the pair (xi,yi or the Grassmann set (xi,Ci,Zi1. In
this way, we can now define a lattice integral which is
translationally invariant under both real-number and con-
stant Grassmann displacements:
In the continuum limit, we have

( n - ( x , i , S ) > = lim ZM,dzi),

'Ul j m i ~ u

where i labels the lattice points in a rectangular region v Notice that two supersymmetric displacements do not
in this eight-dimensional space with volume v 1 , while anticommute, but instead yield a net torsion. On the oth-
c, is the appropriate volume element so that we recover er hand, Q and D anticommute with each other (we let E
the integration over four-dimensional real space. PEZZ2 ex- parametrize the Q displacement and 7 parametrize the D
tracts out the coefficient of c2g2. We could equally well
have set k equal to the square of the sum over yi2, in
which case we could also have chosen the projection
operator to extract out the coefficient of c2Z2.
Armed with the above construction in eight-dimen-
sional space, we are now in a position to begin a discus-
sion of physical models, such as the Wess-Zumino model. Now notice that successive applications of Q (or D)
We will find that there are two nontrivial complications adds Grassmann bilinears to the variable x, which is no
to our super lattice when we introduce these new models: longer strictly real. In fact, because this is a torsion term,
torsion and constraints. these bilinears do not vanish when one makes a complete
U p to now, we have not introduced torsion into the circuit in Grassmann space. Instead, we find that these
theory, which arises because the anticommutator between bilinears are proportional to the area enclosed by any such
supersymmetric translations yields a Poincare translation. closed path in Grassmann space. For example, let us take
All our summations have been invariant under separate two points zi and zj and connect them via n small succes-
translations in x and c.
When we introduce supersym- sive displacements generated by Q. We can label these
metric operators, however, we find that the variable x is discrete displacements starting from zi and ending up
no longer simply a real number, but contains bilinears in with zi+, . The new variables are represented as
the Grassmann variables. Most of these Grassmann bilin-
ears are proportional to the squares of infinitesimal dis-
placements, and hence can be dropped. Furthermore,
these bilinears will all drop out when we go to the contin-
uum limit, where they can be eliminated as total deriva-
tives. However, in the lattice we will find that we must
take into account these bilinears.
In this eight-dimensional space, let us now define a lat-
tice action which will eventually reduce to the Wess-
Zumino model in the continuum limit. We first begin Notice that, if we now take the limit of infinitesimal
with defining finite supersymmetric displacements Q in displacements in Grassmann space, our new variables can
this eight-dimensional space, which will reduce to the usu- be represented by the following integral, if we let zi and
al supersymmetric operators only in the continuum limit zf represent the initial and final points:
(any two random slattice sites can be connected by the
proper combination of supersymmetric translation opera-
tors P and Q. But the converse is not true. Arbitrary ap-
plications of the displacement operators P and Q to a slat- + ~ . c . , i ~ + n , i , E f + nJ ,.i (2.23)
tice site d o not, in general, generate another slattice site.
This will be important when we define chiral fields): Notice that, if we make a complete closed path in

Grassmann space, then the bilinear term is proportional to generated by repeated displacements by the operators Q
the area of that closed path. and P. However, because there is a torsion defined when
In the old Wilson lattice, we construct string elements making repeated operations by Q, a naive summation
out of the displacement vector xi -xj, which we notice is based on repeated displacements by Q will not yield a
invariant under translations. In the same way, for the unique description of each lattice site. The ambiguity is
super lattice, we also want to construct tensors which are reflected in the choice of the vectorial index x , , which will
invariant under supersymmetric translations. We notice in general contain bilinear products of Grassmann states
that the following tensors are invariant under both in addition to the usual real numbers. Therefore, we must
Lorentz and supersymmetric translations: modify the summation in the previous expression to in-
clude all possible summations over bilinear Grassmann
states in the variable x,. In the continuum limit, however,
this additional summation will have no effect on the final
result. This is because the modification of the variable xi
Notice that we can now construct fully Lorentz invari- to include a bilinear Grassmann component disappears
ant and supersymmetric invariants by simply contracting like a total derivative.
any of these tensors on each other to form scalars. Next, we can add interactions into our lattice version of
We are now in a position to define an action on this the Wess-Zumino model. If we simply take powers of the
eight-dimensional space. If we take an arbitrary super- chiral superfield and sum them over the lattice, we find
field .rr(x,<,g ), we notice that we have a large number of that the action vanishes in the continuum. In order to
unwanted fields. As in the continuum theory, we want to find nonzero actions, we must therefore make modifica-
base our action on the smallest irreducible representation tions in our Lagrangian. As with the case in the continu-
of the group, i.e., we need a constraint on the superfield um theory, there are actually several ways in which in-
T ( Z ) which preserves supersymmetry. (We will find the teractions can be defined in superspace, depending on
problem of constraints to be a crucial aspect of the con- which formalism we use: whether we integrate over two-
struction of supersymmetric gauge theories on the lattice.) or four-dimensional Grassmann space and whether or not
Because Q and D displacements anticommute with each we use the usual Q's or a chirally shifted version of the
other, the simplest constraint is to impose Q's. Each of these various formalisms has a direct lattice
analog. For example, instead of the usual choice of the
Q's defined on the lattice, we could equally well have con-
structed the lattice points out of displacements generated
It is simple to check that this constraint on the super- by the translation operators:
field does not change its invariance properties. If z
represents a point on our super lattice, then let
z,=z,+z, represent another point separated by a dis-
placement Q,+Q,. We now check that the above con-
straint is maintained if we displace our superfield by a su-
persymmetric translation generated by Q, Out of the several choices one can make for a lattice
version of interactions for the Wess-Zumino model, we
will use the usual Hermitian choice. In the continuous
case, we can write down an interaction term by integrat-
ing the reduced chiral term .rr(x,()* over two Grassmann
The first step is possible because D and Q anticom- variables, or by integrating T ( Z + , ~over
) ~ the same two
mute. The second step is possible because it is nothing Grassmann variables and letting the integration over x
but a reexpression of (2.25) with z replaced by z,. Thus, eliminate the bilinear term in z + (because this bilinear
we see that the constraint on the superfield is maintained term appears in a total derivative). In the same way, we
even when we make a translation via Q on our coordi- will adopt this latter choice in order to construct a super
nates. [In the continuum limit, the constraint (2.25) lattice analog:
reduces to Bn-=0.1
Our constraint can be satisfied if we reexpress our
superfield in terms of new variables. Let z + = ( x
+irE',ga). Then d z + ) automatically satisfies the
above constraint. In other words, to every point ( z i ) on
the eight-dimensional lattice, we can assign a function
T(Z+ 1. The projection operator P F 2 extracts out the coefficient
Now let us define our propagator by the lattice summa- of c 2 . If k equals the sum over yi2, then the projection
tion: operator P-, can be used to select out the coefficient of
lim 2 M"?i(z-i).ir(z+i) . <2, with the same result.
lo l k m i ~ ~ At this point, because we are summing the Lagrangian
over a random series of supersymmetric points, it is easy
The lattice summation here is slightly different from to see that the product of superfluids or chiral superfields
the summations introduced earlier. The lattice sites are transforms on the super lattice in the same way as the

superfields themselves. This is because the transforma- Q and P transformations, but the converse is not true.
tion of superfields or products of superfields is given by This problem is remedied by noticing that we can extend
the difference of these quantities at two nearby lattice the parameter Tj until zgi approaches within the average
sites. Usually, in field theory we use the Leibnitz rule to lattice spacing of a real'lattice site. Because supersym-
construct group generators whose action on products of metry cannot be defined on the lattice in our approxima-
fields is derived from their action on individual fields. In tion to less than the average lattice spacing, the point zlii
the super-lattice case, however, we see that these group will come close enough to a real lattice site to preserve our
generators act identically on products of superfields as definition of supersymmetry, which is recovered only as
well as on the superfields themselves. (As shown in the an average over all lattice configurations. Therefore,
first reference, the alternative to this is to define the group without loss of generality or loss of invariance, we can
generators acting on individual fields only, and then to de- maintain the definition of (2.25) by comparing two real
fine nonlocal products of superfields which transform ac- lattice sites, not fictitious ones.
cording to the Leibnitz rule. This leads to the unpleasant Next, notice that the measure in (2.29) and the measure
necessity of defining nonlocal exponentials of superfields, in (2.17) differ from each other. This is because the defi-
such as those found-in super-lattice gauge theory.) nition of a chiral integration and a normal integration,
This feature is perfectly acceptable and is a natural out- even in the continuum limit, are quite different. In par-
growth of defining discrete space-time symmetries on lat- ticular, notice that the measure in (2.29) does, in fact, like
tices, whether they be discrete Poincare transformations the measure in (2.17) select out the largest divergent factor
defined on the Wilson lattice or continuous Poincare in the integrand. This is because factors which are pro-
transformations defined on the random lattice. Even in portional to cubic terms in the Grassmann variable be-
the Wilson lattice, a lattice field a ( x i ) transforms under come total divergences in the continuum limit and can be
discrete translations in the same way as r r ( x i 1". disregarded. Thus, notice that the measure in (2.17)
This is the way in which the random lattice field theory selects out quartic terms in the Grassmann variable and
evades the Leibnitz problem that plagues other formula- (2.29) selects out quadratic terms in the Grassmann vari-
tions of super lattices, which are defined on regular (rath- ables. but both of them select out the term in the in-
er than random) lattices. In these hypercubical formula- tegrand which has the largest number of Grassmann vari-
tions, we evaluate the transformation of the fields them- ables.
selves under supersymmetry SUSY transformations, and Lastly, one final comment must be made concerning
thus have a Leibnitz problem. In the random-lattice ap- the measure of integration that we have used throughout
proach, however, zi is treated as a dynamical variable. our discussion.
We must sum over all possible orientations of slattice At first. the measure that we have chosen, which is a
sites. Therefore, the slattice gauge theory is SUSY invari- function of yi2, appears to break supersymmetry because
ant because the action consists of an infinite sum over all the x and y parts have "factorized." In particular, be-
wossible orientations of slattice sites. A SUSY transfor- cause it is not a function symmetric in x and y , at first it
mation simply rotates this infinite collection of terms into seems that the measure does not rotate properly under su-
itself: The action is invariant under SUSY only when we persymmetry transformations.
sum over all possible orientations. This is totally different Our measure, of course, is supersymmetric. Under a
from the usual hypercubical lattice formalism, where we supersymmetry transformation, notice that the
want the lattice action defined over one specific orienta- Grassmann variables do not rotate into x variables. Su-
tion to mav into itself under SUSY transformations. The persymmetry is not a symmetry which rotates the
important feature is the invariance of the action, not Grassmann and x variables into each other; in fact, the
necessarily the fields, under SUSY. Of course, we can Grassmann variables simply undergo a displacement. In
still extract out the variation of the fields from the varia- y space, this means that y is simply displaced by a con-
tion of the action, but this transformation does not have stant amount. This is the reason why the measure does
to satisfy the Leibnitz rule. not have to be symmetric in x and y.
Given the fact that the action (which consists of an in- Second, under a constant displacement in y, the mea-
finite sum of terms each defined over a particular random sure does transform, but notice that the change in the
orientation of sites) maps into itself under a SUSY measure is infinitesimally small. The measure diverges
transformation, we easily find that the measure of each like yi2, while the change in the measure diverges as y i .
orientation must be unity. In our final result (3.31), we This means that, in the limit of infinite y space, the
functionally integrate over all possible zi as well as all change in the measure goes rapidly to zero. The measure,
possible unitary string bits Ui,with a measure equal to therefore, is indeed supersymmetric (i.e., invariant under a
unity for each orientation. constant displacementin the Grassmann variables).
We see that our action by construction is guaranteed to We have chosen our measure so that, in the limit of in-
preserve invariance under SUSY rotations. finite lattice size, we recover the usual Berezin rules. Be-
We close this section by making a few clarifying state- cause of this, the measure is not manifestly supersym-
ments concerning our action. First, notice that the defini- metric under variations in the x variables, although it is
tion of a chiral field (2.25) in general may involve com- fully supersymmetric in the limit of infinite lattice size.
paring the value of a scalar superfield at a fictitious point Of course, it must be possible to rewrite the measure in a
not defined on the random lattice. This is because every form which is manifestly supersymmetric even before we
random site can be generated by repeated applications of take the infinite limit. This manifestly supersymmetric

measure can be written down as a function of supersym- rameter where we can always reparametrize the dis-
metric quantities, which are given in (2.24). Any function placement by a and P translations:
constructed out of scalar products of these functions are
guaranteed to be manifestly supersymmetric. In particu-
lar, the most important function that we can construct We can parametrize this unitary superfield by introduc-
from the invariant tensors in (2.24) is the supervolume of ing superfields which have vectorial and spinorial indices
a super polygon. defined over displacements on the lattice space:
The idea of a supervolume comes from the usual
Lorentz (or Euclidean) random lattice. When construct-
ing the random lattice, we must assign a unique simplexi-
fication of the lattice into closed nonoverlapping sim-
plexes for each particular randomization of points. In
Sec. 111, we will divide up the random lattice into clusters
of points, consisting of D 1 lattice sites connected by all
possible links in a D-dimensional lattice. In Lorentz
space, each cluster has a volume which can be written as a Let zi,zJ,zk be three points which represent a three-
function of the various Lorentz-invariant products of the simplex in a cluster. (We will define how to calculate dis-
intervals xi-xi Likewise, in random superspace, it is tances between lattice sites, and therefore how to con-
also possible to write down an expression entirely in terms struct clusters, later.)
of the tensors given in (2.24) which describe the super- As a first guess, we can formally construct the action as
volume of a supercluster. The measure of integration is follows (we will modify this action later on when we in-
then manifestly supersymmetric even before taking the troduce constraints on our string elements):
limit of infinite lattice size.
Unfortunately, the formalism involved in constructing I= kijkTr( Uij Ujk Uki) . (3.4)
supervolumes from supersymmetric tensors is beyond the
scope of this article. We will present the results of the We will find that the evaluation of the measure kijk
measure defined as a supervolume, which are quite plays a key role in defining the theory on the super lattice.
mathematical, in a later paper. Notice that the definition of the action allows a gauge
As far as this paper is concerned, the measure that we invariance on the string element U:
constructed is perfectly adequate to describe supersym-
metric integration in the limit of infinite lattice size.
We notice that the above unitary transformation can be
111. SLATTICE GAUGE THEORY reexpressed, in the continuum limit, as a transformation
We can now begin our discussion of the gauge theory on the gauge fields given by
defined on this super lattice. Let each slattice site be la-
beled by eight (or more) real numbers ( xi,yi ), where x and
y are vector fields, or equivalently, by the point
zi =(xi,Ci,Ei). We want to connect the lattice points by
links so that D-dimensional space is divided up into non- It is clear from our discussion that the difference be-
overlapping polyhedra which completely fill up the space. tween the points zi and zj can be rewritten as displace-
Unfortunately, there are many ways in which we may ments generated by D and P (rather than by Q and P ),
connect these points in order to create a random lattice. with coefficients given by the 6's. The next question we
T o achieve a unique prescription, we first group sets of must ask is whether or not this construction is invariant
points into c l ~ s t e r s . ~ +
A cluster is a set of D 1 lattice under supersymmetric displacements on the lattice. In the
sites such that the hypersphere that goes through all these old Wilson lattice, we notice that the coefficients of dis-
sites contains no other sites in the interior. If D =3. for placement are trivially invariant under Poincare transla-
example, the entire space can be simplexified by dividing tions, because they are nothing but differences between
it up into nonoverlapping tetrahedrons. The set of links is the two lattice sites. In our case, however, we must check
defined to be the set of all lines that one can draw between that our string element is defined in a supersymmetric
the points in a cluster. way.
Now let us define a unitary element of S U ( N defined First of all, the ea's are supersymmetric because they
between zi and zj: are nothing but differences between two Grassmann sites,
which are supersymmetric. But it is not at all clear that
the vector 6' is supersymmetric. To check supersym-
metry, let us rewrite as a function of the lattice sites:

[The integral used here is defined to be a path-ordered in-

tegral, and we suppress all SU(N) indices.] We saw earlier that the above tensor is, indeed, a super-
Let us parametrize our coordinates by linking arbitrary symmetric invariant when we were discussing (2.24). In
lattice sites zi and zj by a displacement labeled by the pa- this way, we have shown that the form of our string ele-

ment is not changed when we make supersymmetric Q A t this point, notice that the above expression for the
displacements on the lattice, in the same way that the usu- action does not appear to be gauge invariant because of
al Wilson string element is invariant under Poincare the piece involving the summation over the three lattice
translations. We can define distances between sites in the displacements. In reality, this expression is gauge invari-
Wilson lattice because xj,: is invariant under translations ant because we must remember that there is a torsion de-
in each orthogonal direction. In the same way, we can use fined with respect to the anticommutator of two super-
the invariance of (3.7) to define*the invariant distance be- symmetric translations. We can rewrite the action in a
tween two super lattice sites, which is essential in decom- more familiar form if we realize that the summation over
posing our super lattice into sets of clusters of sites. the displacements is not zero, but in fact is
Whether or not two sites are to be connected by unitary
SU(N) supermatrices depends crucially on whether or not
they are part of the same cluster.
We can now redefine our curvatures to agree with the
Given any point in superspace, it is possible to associate
ones found in continuum supersymmetric field theories:
a real number with it. We simply decompose this point
into its various Grassmann components, and then take the FAB =RAE except for FaB. =R US. - 2iAab .
sum of the absolute value (or square) of each of the real
coefficients of each Grassmann c ~ m p o n e n t .For
~ the rec- We are now in a position to determine the value of the
tangular lattice considered in Sec. 11, the invariant dis- measure kijk, using the criteria that we wish to obtain the
tance between zi and zj would simply be the sum of (yi,q)2 usual supersymmetric gauge theory in the continuum lim-
and (xi,q12. In our case, because we have torsion, we must it. We need to show that the summations over the lattice
also include the real coefficients of the bilinears contained sites can eventually be given in terms of 6 functions in or-
in xi,:, which is no longer strictly a real number. Our der to recover the usual gauge action. For this purpose, it
original eight-dimensional space, composed of (xi,yi), is is essential that we use the parametrization of Grassmann
actually higher dimensional if we include the space space given earlier in terms of the vector field y. There is
spanned by the real coefficients of the bilinear Grassmann a theorem3 that we will need to reduce out this expression.
terms contained in xi. The actual dimensionality of our First, however, we need some preliminary definitions.
space, therefore, depends crucially on how we define our The cell corresponding to lattice site i is the space of all
parametrization of the Grassmann space. From now on, points that are closer to the site i than to any other site
we will treat our superspace as if it were eight dimension- (see Fig. 1). Notice that the boundaries of this cell, which
al for convenience, but we must realize that the complete is a convex polyhedra, bisect the links which connect i
theory must include the other terms arising from the real with the other sites in the cluster. We see, therefore, that
coefficients of those terms generated by the torsion. The we can either decompose D-dimensional space into the set
modification introduced by these extra terms, it turns out, of all nonoverlapping clusters or cells. The ( D - 1)-
is trivial. dimensional surface sij is the set of points which bisects
Let us now begin a discussion of how our lattice action the link connecting i and j. The boundary of the cell cor-
can be reduced down to the usual supersymmetric gauge responding to the site i are made up by all sij, where j la-
theory in the continuum limit. The key to this construc- bels all sites which connect with the site i. The surface sij
tion, as we shall see, is the weight function kijk. We will in turn, has a ( D - 2)-dimensional boundary given by T ~ ~ ~ .
calculate this weight function by taking the continuum In three-space, rijk corresponds to a line, while in super-
limit and requiring that we reproduce the usual supersym- symmetric space, Tijk is a six- (or higher) dimensional
metric gauge theory. volume.
To begin a discussion of the continuum limit, let us It can be shown that the following summation over the
first Taylor expand the vector and spinor superfields in sites in the cell holds in D-dimensional space:
order to construct the various curvatures of the theory.
We will power expand each of the three string elements
around the average point Z= (z; +zj +zk )/3. For exam-
ple, if we let cij =cj
-&, then the power expansion of A
In this case, A,B,C,D represent the purely vectorial in-
dices in D-dimensional space, and Aijk is the area of the
ijk triangle. The term Si is a small correction which sums
to zero when we sum over all cells in the lattice. Ltiis the
A simple power expansion of the trace yields D-dimensional volume of the ith cell.
Uij Ujk Uki exp ( i [ A ; ~ R/2~ ~
Applying these results to our eight-dimensional space
( xia,yp), we can prove the following relations by inserting
(2.11) into the previous expression where we introduce a
measure on the space (the indices A,B,C,D now represent
vectorial and spinorial indices):

( a , b ) = ( O , l , l ) for (&a,a;ct) .

reduction to the continuum theory will be the one which

allows a strong-coupling expansion. We will find that
some of the naive choices which yield the correct weak-
coupling expansion (such as reexpressing the string ele-
ments in terms of two complex vector fields, and placing
constraints on traces over paths which make only purely
fermionic displacements) do not necessarily yield a satis-
factory strong-coupling expansion. Therefore, the final
version of the theory will be the one which yields both a
satisfactory weak-coupling as well as strong-coupling ex-
pansion. (More on the strong-coupling expansion will be
presented in a later paper.)
Notice that we can implement the first constraint
Fa8=0 by adopting a non-Hermitian representation on
the lattice. Let us define a complex vector superfield
FIG. 1. In three-space, sf, is the surface which cuts the link exp[ W ( z ) ] which is defined only at a single lattice site.
(ij). rijk refers to the line which forms part of the border of sij. Now construct the product of two such superfields taken
In D-space, sij is a D - 1 surface and rijk is a D -2 surface at two points which are separated by a pure Grassmann
which forms part of the boundary of su. The convex polygon displacement ca:
formed by the various su surrounding the point i is called a cell.

We can define a gauge transformation on these fields:

where X ( z , ) is a chiral superfield defined at the lattice

site, i.e., T(z, ) = z ( z j ). By splitting the matrix Uij into
two parts, each defined at the end points which are
separated by a pure Grassmann displacement, we have in-
troduced a new chiral invariance defined between the two
points zi and zj which did not exist before, which also
All other values of A ~are equal
~ to, zero.~ ~ happens in the continuum case. In the continuum limit,
Using these relations, we can now show that our action we find that we can express some of the gauge fields in
reduces to the following expressions if we choose the ap- terms of this complex vector field and its complex conju-
propriate measure for kJJk: gate:
I- Jd4x d 2 c d 2 j ~ a b ,~ a b
kc = ( ~ /2Afi
~ ~ k ) [ 2 2 (y;)' ] -2
c , P .~ ~ ~

We have now derived a supersymmetric gauge action. Whenever a unitary string element is represented as the
However, because we have not placed any constraints on product of two (one the inverse of the other) de-
the theory, we find that this theory contains an unaccept- fined only at the end points, then this string
ably large number of fields. xn order to make contact represents a pure gauge, i.e., the trace around a loop of a
with the usual supersymmetric gauge theory, we must im- series of contiguous string elements cancels out identical-
pose constraints on the string elements. ly. In our case, the theory does not reduce to the identity
In the usual theory, we impose the con- because the string element is no longer unitary.
straint FaB =Fdrb =Fab=O on the curvatures. From these Products of these complex vector fields can be used to
generate a string elemznt defined between two points
constraints, we can reexpress the entire theory in terms of
separated by a D and D displacement. In the continuum
two complex vector fields, instead of tensor fields. Thus,
limit, we find
any constraint on the string elements which make these
Grassmann curvatures vanish will, in the continuum lim- V(Z,,Z~)~(Z~,Z~)V(Z~,Z~)
it, reduce down to the usual supersymmetric gauge theory.
Unfortunately, there are many ways in which this con- - e x p ( i [ c a ~ , ( w,W )+zaK'( W, w )])
straint may be implemented in the continuum limit. In
the weak-coupling approximation, we are unable to dif- Z2 =" +DcZ1 12' z3 = z 2 Diz2 '
+ (3.19)
ferentiate which is the unique choice among the several z4 =Z3 +D ~ 1 2Z .~
possibilities which will yield the best reduction to the con-
tinuum theory. Ultimately, the correct choice of con- Similarly, it is possible to find a discrete version of the
straints on the string elements which will yield the unique string element defined between two points separated by a

pure Poincare (not Grassmann) displacement using prod- Fag=R ,g -2iAag, where Rab is given by
ucts over exp( W). However, we find that, because - -
Grassmann displacements generated by products of D's Rair = - i D a [ e x ~ ( lD&exp(- F )I
cannot ever generate a pure real number Poincare dis-
-iD,[exp( - W)D,exp( W)]
placement, we find that we cannot reduce a string element
defined between two points separated by a Poincare -i { exp( - W)D,exp( W),exp( W )Daexp(- p ) ) + .
translation with a real-number coefficient. [Instead, we
will use a trick in order to rewrite A,,, -- in terms of (3.23)
e x ~W).]
( We know from the expansion of the action that the
We can satisfy FaB =Fkb= 0 by rewriting the usual ex-
term Fan occurs quadratically in the action. Therefore,
pression for Uij (where zi and zj are separated by both D
we can perform the functional integral over A,&, which is
and Poincare translations) in terms of the complex vector
field exp( W). We begin by rewriting the string element nothing more than a Gaussian functional integral. Of
Uij into a product of separate terms, each representing a course, we will find that the equation of motion for A,,
modification of the original path from zi to zj. Between is nothing more than A,, =( - i /2)Ra&(W, W ). (Actual-
these two points, let us define several intermediate points ly, there are more terms in this expansion, but all of them
and the corresponding string elements defined through are of lower order.) In this manner, we have now elim-
these intermediate points: inated the troublesome term A,, in terms of the complex
vector field W.
The next lower-order terms in the continuum expansion
of (3.9) are F,,Faa and FabFablThese terms, now written
entirely in terms of W and W , can be further reduced.
After a certain amount of algebra, we find

where P is a Poincare displacement which translates z2 by

x, -XI.
In the continuum limit, it is easy to see that this expres-
sion reduces to the usual string element with the A, and
z& terms expressed in terms of exp( W), while the Aa,
term is still left as an independent superfield. It should be
noted that the above expression is not unique. In the
weak-coupling limit, we could have rearranged the order
of the terms (3.20) and arrived at the same result in that where V is a real vector field, W, is a chiral field, and 5
limit. The only difference between (3.20) and other is a SU(N) covariantized derivative.
choices with a different order of terms are factors propor- At this point, we are finally able to determine the exact
tional to Fa,,, which can be absorbed into the rest of the structure of kijk, the measure of the theory. Different
action in the weak-coupling limit. In the strong-coupling values of kijk will yield different supersymmetric theories.
limit, however, we expect one ordering to be preferred. For example, if we want a higher-derivative supersym-
We are now in a position to eliminate A,, in terms of metric gauge theory, then we can choose
exp( W ) . Remember that previously we were not able to
do so because any finite sequence of D and displace-
ments inevitably led to vectorial superfields with bilinear
Grassmann coefficients, not real number coefficients,
which is what we desire. In order to finally eliminate
A,,, we will use the trick of applying the equations of The first term in kijk guarantees that the orthogonality
relations (3.14) are maintained. The second term selects
motion to reduce out this vectorial superfield.
Our action is now written as out the ci2Ei2 term. The third term selects out two terms:
the first projection operator selects out the Fak2term,
while the second projects out the FabFab term, bypassing
the term completely. [We are now assuming that k,
In the continuum limit, we will find terms like the fol- the coefficient of c
in Ci, is equal to the sum of the
lowing from expanding (3.9): squares of ( yy)2.]
The result of this choice for kijk yields a higher-
derivative supersymmetric theory:

Performing the summation over simplexes, we find a

term like F,,F,,E~S~.
Notice that this term dominates over the succeeding
terms in the Taylor expansion. We remember that However, we are really interested in the usual super-

symmetric gauge theory, which will require a different will be given in a later paper, but we will make a few re-
choice of measure. marks about the strong-coupling expansion in our formal-
We notice from (3.24) that the term we want, F,,,', is ism. The expansion of our theory can be carried out in
actually a chiral object, since Dw,=o. If the measure powers of ( 1/ g ) in the usual way:
contained terms proportional to the square of sums over
( yp)2, then our action would vanish, because the chiral ob-
ject is only proportional to t2,not ('5'. Thus, we actually
want to use a different measure in this case, and let our
projection operators screen out the higher-order
term. We choose

At first, functionally integrating over superfields may

seem a bit forbidding. Actually, the integration is rather
easy since we are actually functionally integrating over the
The last projection operators guarantee that we select x-dependent fields contained within U j j ,multiplied by the
out the usual gauge theory, not the higher-derivative one. appropriate gauge-invariant measures. Uij is easily ex-
Inserting this measure into our theory, we can now ex- panded in terms of x and (, with the coefficients given by
press the final result as a chiral integral: x-dependent functions which serve as our integration vari-
At this point, we must carefully keep track of our spi-
Let us now summarize our results. Our final result is nors in the expansion over n in (3.30). Remember that
that our action can be expressed as our measure kijk actually contains projection operators
which select out the real coefficients of various spinor
combinations. Because we are now taking products of
kijk which include the projection operators, we must be
with the choice of measure given by (3.27) and the modi- careful to realize that each term in the expansion of (3.30)
fied string elements 6given by (3.20). with respect to n contains a different set of constant spi-
It is a simple matter to couple the gauge field to the nors ~ , lThus,
. integrations over two string elements
chiral scalar fields found in the Wess-Zumino model. We must take into account the fact that each string element is
notice that this new chiral invariance that we found ear- defined with different sets of spinors. Let zi and zj be
lier is precisely the symmetry necessary to allow for cou- two super lattice points defined with constant Grassmann
pling to chiral scalar fields. . Tj and Zj be two superlattice sites
spinors E , s , { , ~Let
If the field .rr now has SU(N) indices, then we can write with the same real coefficients as zi and zj except defined
down a supersymmetric and gauge-invariant coupling as with a different set of Grassmann spinors Z,f. Then we
are interested in functional integrations like the following:

The sum over n traces will then give us n different sets

of spinors ( E , [ ) . Only at the end of the calculation d o we
then operate with the projection operators, which now
We stress that our choice solving the constraints may consist of a product over n individual projection opera-
not be the unique choice. For example, one solution of tors. All integrals can be performed by proceeding
the constraints is to set the trace of any path in superspace methodically in this manner. The calculation depends on
equal to a constant if the path can be executed only by su- our choice of gauge fixing, and details will be presented
persymmetric Grassmann displacements and by Poincare later.
translations which have coefficients which are bilinears in
the Grassmann variables. The constraints can then be
reexpressed as the statement that the area of any path in
superspace which only encloses Grassmann displacements IV. BIANCHI IDENTITIES
is set equal to zero.
Another choice of action, which would eliminate the
bothersome higher-derivative term, is to only trace over In the continuum theory, the Bianchi identities were
intermediate points which have no area in superspace useful in reformulating the curvatures in terms of a com-
which encloses purely real Poincare displacements. plex vector field. We can easily generalize the Bianchi
The final decision as to which formalism to use will identities for the super lattice, in much the same way that
probably be the strong-coupling expansion. All the the Bianchi identities can be written down for the Wilson
above-mentioned formalisms probably have the same lattice.'' In Fig. 2, we have arrows representing various
weak-coupling limit, but they have different strong- paths around a tetrahedron linking the points of a cell la-
coupling limits. beled by i,j,k,l. Notice that the product of the paths
A detailed discussion of the strong-coupling expansion represented in the diagram yield the identity

In this way, we have reproduced the usual Bianchi iden-

tities on the lattice. The generalization of this result to
the super lattice is also straightforward, except now we
must make manipulations in eight- (or higher) dimension-
If we multiply the unitary string elements sequentially al space. Because of the existence of torsion in this space,
around the combined path, then we arrive at the identity. we must be careful in how we label the points ( i j k l ) of the
If, however, we are to recombine the unitary string ele- slattice. A naive manipulation of these factors will result
ments in groups, we can rewrite the entire expression in in an expression in terms of the non-gauge-invariant
terms of curvatures. Each circuit around a triangle is not quantity R , rather than the gauge-invariant curvature F.
gauge invariant, because we do not trace over individual Taking into account the symmetrizations and antisym-
triangles, but each triangle does contribute a curvature metrizations, we finally arrive at expressions involving
(plus extra noninvariant terms). Since each separate path A ~ F where
, ABC now represents both vectorial and spi-
yields a curvature, then the combined expression for all norial indices because it is a supersymmetric generaliza-
curvatures must yield derivates of curvatures. Let us first tion of (4.4). Exactly the same analysis applies to the case
take the case when D =4. The factor Uijk, which is cen- of Bianchi identities in superspace. The details are tedi-
tered at the point zijk =(zi +zj +zk )/3, must now be ex- ous, but we also find
panded around the approximate center of the tetrahedron,
given by zijkl =(zi +zj +zk +zl )/4. The factor Uijk is a
function of F ~ ~ A defined
$ at point ziik, which now must
As before, in the case of traces over a single simplex, we
be expanded around point zijkl :
have a contribution due to the torsion terms because sums
over ca's do not necessarily equal zero.
We explicitly write out all the terms found in this ex-
Now we are in a position to put all factors together and
power expand the expression in (4.11, which is identically
equal to one:

A~a kb-
cl _8 L z ( Eijcik
a b cil
c +cjlcjkcji
a b c


+ €&€6ki€Eki +clj
a b c
Eli Elk ) , (4.4)
where ( ] stands for cyclic permutations of the indices, so
where Pabcequals the sum over all cyclic permutations of that a negative sign is picked up upon interchanging two
abc. (We must be careful when handling the curvatures real indices or one real and one Grassmann, while there is
found in each separate path. Notice that the reduced ex- no sign change picked up by interchanging two
pression for each path is not a gauge-invariant quantity, Grassmann indices. The presence of the F ' s is due to tor-
so we must handle non-gauge-invariant factors until the sion terms that must be carefully included, e.g., because of
very end of the calculation.) (3.10).
The tensor quantity can be further reduced. No-
tice that if it is contracted on cabcd,the resulting vector is V. CONCLUSION
perpendicular to all the c's. Notice that this tensor is also
cyclic in all its indices. Thus we conclude that this tensor In summary, we have found that the usual Wilson lat-
must be expressed in terms of the totally antisymmetric tice is not a suitable form in which to introduce super-
tensor cabcd: symmetry, because the Wilson lattice manifestly breaks
Lorentz invariance, while supersymmetry is an extension
of Lorentz invariance. Thus, we are forced to formulate
the theory on a random supersymmetric lattice.
We have seen that the essence of a supersymmetric
transformation is a translation-invariant mapping which
where, of the six 6's that make up the tetrahedron, only takes an arbitrary superfield and maps it into a real num-
three are actually independent. Because of the identities ber. The Berezin integration rules are one consequence of
linking up the various c's, it is easy to arrive at a more this definition, and the superlattice is another.
symmetrical-looking expression for the above tensor quan- With this new approach to constructing lattice versions
tities. of the Berezin integration rules, we have shown that we
In the continuum limit, we see therefore that in four di- can also construct supersymmetric actions, both for the
mensions we have the following identity: Wess-Zumino model and for the supersymmetric gauge
theory. In theory, by adding isospin indices to our
Grassmann variables, we should also be able to build ex-

There are many possible physical applications for the

super lattice, among them calculating the mass hierarchy
which will be introduced by dynamical symmetry break-
ing, which may play a crucial role in understanding the
large number problem in grand unified field theories.
Another application is to perform strong-coupling calcu-
lations on superconformal gravity, which is formally re-
normalizable, in order to construct the correct Hilbert
space for the theory, which may or may not have the
troublesome unitary ghosts that plague higher-derivative
theories. Dynamical breaking of scale invariance will
then reproduce the usual theory of supergravity.
After this work was completed, we received an interest-
FIG. 2. The Bianchi identities on the super lattice are con- ing paper from V. Alan Kostelecky and J. M. Rabin [Re-
structed by forming the product of string elements by multiply- port No. LA-UR-83- 1373 (unpublished)] which is perhaps
ing these paths togehter. The product over these paths is exact- the most developed of the various formalisms involving
ly equal to one. hypercubical lattices. Because their work depends on a
hypercubical lattice, however, their work necessarily
breaks supersymmetry. As a result, their work is plagued
with the standard problems common to all fixed lattices:
tended supersymmetric models on the lattice. (a) they have problems with the Leibnitz rule, which is
One complication that we found was the presence of simply not a problem with the random lattice approach,
constraints to eliminate unwanted fields and to find the (b) they must postulate the existence of nonlocal terms in
simplest irreducible representation of the group. For the their action, which prevents them from defining a gauge
Wess-Zumino model, these constraints can be satisfied by theory, which is necessarily polynomial in the fields, and
rewriting the coordinates of the lattice point in chiral no- (c) they take the measure of integration to be unity, which
tation. For the gauge theory on a lattice, we found that means that their integrations do not preserve Berezin's
there were several ways in which to implement the vanish- rules. In particular, their measure selects out the lowest
ing of fermionic curvatures. The problem, however, is to rather than the highest polynomial in the Grassmann
find the unique way in which the strong-coupling expan- variables, which is quite unacceptable. As a consequence,
sion can be applied. The solution to the constraint prob- they must postulate additional factors involving D~ which
lem mentioned here reduces correctly to the usual contin- considerably complicates their formalism.
uum theory in the weak-coupling approximation, but
must be modified to correctly incorporate the strong-
coupling expansion. More will be presented on the
strong-coupling expansion in another paper.
Once the strong-coupling expansion is defined, then we
are in a position to calculate possible dynamical symmetry
breaking on the lattice. We need to calculate the vacuum
energy on the lattice, which should be straightforward This work was supported in part by the National Sci-
once one defines integration over the group measure in the ence Foundation under Grant No. PHY-78-24888 and by
presence of constraints. Facility Research Award No. R F 13090.

'P. H. Dondi and H. Nicolai, Nuovo Cimento 41A, 1 (1977); E. (unpublished), but the previous references represent the most
Elitzur, E. Rabinovici, and A. Schwimmer, Phys. Lett. 119B, complete approach to this method.
165 (1982); V. Rittenberg and S. Yankielowicz, CERN Report 4M. Kaku, Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 1893 (1983).
No. TH-3263 (unpublished); C. M. Bender, F. Cooper, and 5D. Z. Freedman, P. van Nieuwenhuizen, and S. Ferrara, Phys.
A. Das, Rochester Report No. UR-838 (unpublished). See also Rev. D 13, 3214 (1976); S. Deser and B. Zumino, Phys. Lett.
M. Kaku, in Superspace and Supergrauity, edited by S. W. 62B, 335 (1976).
Hawking and M. Rocek (Cambridge University Press, Cam- 6M. Kaku, P. K . Townsend, and P. van Nieuwenhuizen, Phys.
bridge, England, 1980). Rev. D 17, 3179 (1978).
2E. Witten, Nucl. Phys. B186, 513 (1981). 7M. Kaku, Nucl. Phys. B203, 285 (1982); Phys. Rev. D 27, 2809
3N. H. Christ, R. Freidberg, and T. D. Lee, Nucl. Phys. B202, (1983); 27, 2819 (1983).
89 (1982); Columbia Reports Nos. CU-TP-206 and 207 (un- 8M. Kaku, CCNY report (unpublished).
published). Random lattices, and, in particular, actions like 9A. Rogers, J. Math. Phys. 21, 1352 (1980).
(3.4), have been proposed before, for example by this author 1°J. Kiskis, Phys. Rev. D 26, 429 (1982).

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