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Strengthen These 9 Key Brain

How Meditation Boosts Melatonin, Serotonin, GABA, DHEA,

power of meditation to make your
Endorphins, Growth Hormone, & More healthier. Change your brain, cha
Backed by thousands of studies, meditation's incredible benefits reach 2/)
far and wide. Here, we explore how the ancient practice upgrades 7
critical brain and body chemicals — as well as the massive implications.
Longevity, Life Extension, & An
meditators look so young and live
Jump To Article Section: | Serotonin: The "Happy Neurotransmitter," Ends
meditation’s most fascinating age
Depression | Cortisol: The "Stress Hormone," Elevates Health | DHEA:
The "Longevity Molecule," Slows Aging | GABA: The "Calm Chemical," longevity-tool/)
Ends Addiction, Anxiety | Endorphins: The "Natural High," Boosts Mood

| Growth Hormone: The "Fountain of Youth," Upgrades Health |

Lose Weight, Achieve Your Ide
Melatonin: The "Sleep Molecule," Ends Insomnia |
benefits of meditation are nothing
meditation can propel anyone to t
#1: The "Happy Neurotransmitter" — How Meditation (/meditation/4-ways-meditation-is
Boosts Serotonin healthy-mind-healthy-body/)

Of our approximately 86 billion brain cells, most

Access Your Subconscious Min
all are influenced by serotonin. Known by many
incredible power of your deep min
scientists as the "happy" neurotransmitter,
unlocks a world of benefits. Detai
serotonin is key to helping relay signals from
one part of the brain to another. This crucial
chemical has a profound impact on our mood,
contributing greatly to our overall state of well-
being. Naturally Boost Good Brain Ch
health benefits, meditation boosts
According to Princeton brain researcher Barry Jacobs, PhD, depression
GABA, Endorphins, & more. Upgr
sets in when fewer and fewer new brain cells are created, with stress
and age being the leading trigger. Thankfully, depression sufferers (/meditation/dhea_gaba_cortisol_hgh_melato
don’t need to submit to a diminished quality of life, there is a highly
effective, all-natural solution.
Boost Immunity, Build Health, Bea
University of Montreal scientists conquering “unconquerable” disea
(Perreau-Linck et al) have shown that rewriting DNA, meditation’s latest
activities like mindfulness have a direct (/meditation/boosting-your-immun
impact on the brain’s production of
serotonin levels. It is thought that
Meditation Relieves Anxiety Fo
meditation "bathes" neurons with an
neurotransmitters, to quieting the
array of feel-good chemicals, effectively
amygdala, here's how meditation
melting away the stress that leads to low serotonin levels and
In the end, meditation’s serotonin replenishing effect works to create a
Meditation Conquers Addiction
utopian chemical environment for the production of new brain cells,
to mastering stress, to uprooting u
making you a happier and healthier person.
eradicates addiction on many leve
More Serotonin Benefits: ▲Heart health (/meditation/key-study- meditation-can-naturally-beat-add
shows-how-meditation-helps-heart-bypass-surgery-patients/) |
▲Neuroplasticity (/meditation/10-key-brain-regions-upgraded-with-
Meditation Naturally Beats Dep
meditation-2/) | ▲Brain cells (/meditation/the-neurogenesis-guide-
transforming psychology, to rewiri
how-meditation-changes-the-adult-brain) | ▼Anxiety (/meditation/8-
the brain, here's how meditation d
reasons-meditation-best-natural-anxiety-relief-technique/) |
▼Depression (/meditation/8-compelling-reasons-meditation-can-
cure-depression/) | ▲Sleep (/meditation/meditation-for-insomnia-
and-better-sleep/) | ▲Energy (/meditation/meditation-for-increased-
energy-how-why-it-works/) | ▲Happiness (/meditation/10-key-brain- End Insomnia & Get Super Dee
regions-upgraded-with-meditation-2/#codeword2) | ▲Mood | into the reasons underlying insom
▲Controls appetite | ▼Obesity | ▼Free radicals | ▲Longevity the best solution for deep, refresh
(/meditation/4-top-ways-meditation-is-the-best-anti-aging-longevity- (/meditation/meditation-for-insom
tool/) | ▲Relaxation (/meditation/10-ways-meditation-makes-you-
healthier/#codeword10) |
Balance Left & Right Brain Hemi

Access the limitless benefits of meditation quickly, safely, and easily: Get effectively balances your brain he
started with EquiSync® Many incredible benefits. Realize
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#2: The "Stress Hormone" — How Meditation Reduces Harness The Power Of "Neurog
brain's neuron count is not set for
generate a "neuro-fortune" has m
Cortisol, a major age-accelerating hormone, is
the one chemical where less is better. When
we are stressed, our bodies produce cortisol
and adrenaline in abundance. This is normal, a How Meditation Boosts Brai
natural product of our evolution. meditating brain boosts brain pow
focus — no matter your age. Awe
However, over the long term, the chemical
cocktail present when under chronic stress is
not normal, and can tear your body down,
destroying healthy muscle and bone, blocking
the creation of good hormones, eventually Why Meditation Makes You So
leading to anxiety, depression, increased blood pressure, brain fog, an everyday state of flow to harne
insomnia, inflammation, the list goes on and on. Clearly, too much of this here's why meditation & happines
stress hormone is really bad news for your overall physical health. (/meditation/meditation-and-happ
Luckily, scientists have found a very powerful solution. In 2013,
researchers at UC Davis discovered a very powerful connection
between mindfulness and cortisol, with remarkable results seen within
only a few short weeks. How Meditation Makes Us Successful. H
authors, CEOs, pro-athletes, & ev
In fact, another study by a Rutgers University doctor discovered that
meditation is the secret to their su
meditators had a nearly 50% reduction in cortisol levels! As many
scientists claim Cortisol to be public enemy #1, meditation is always on-
call ready to save the day!
Strengthen Willpower & Self-
More Benefits Of Reducing Cortisol: ▼"Fight or Flight willpower, the dream of a better to
(/meditation/10-key-brain-regions-upgraded-with-meditation- that. A dream. All the great ones
2/#codeword8)" | ▼Chronic stress (/meditation/10-ways-meditation- (/meditation/boosting-willpower-se
makes-you-healthier/) | ▼Inflammation (/meditation/cortisol-how-
meditation-extinguishes-inflammation-anxiety-stress/) | ▲Sleep
The Best Way To Awaken Cr
(/meditation/meditation-for-insomnia-and-better-sleep/) | ▲Brain
needs creativity. Luckily, we are c
function (/meditation/10-key-brain-regions-upgraded-with-
our genes. It's in our brains. Awak
meditation-2/) | ▼Cholesterol | ▼Blood pressure | ▼Brain fog
(/meditation/how-to-focus-your-mind/) | ▼Insomnia
(/meditation/meditation-for-insomnia-and-better-sleep/) | ▼Obesity
(/meditation/4-ways-meditation-is-the-weight-loss-key-healthy- Become Highly Focused & M
mind-healthy-body/) | ▼Disease (/meditation/boosting-your- obstacles in your path, you can m
immune-system-with-meditation/) | Here's how meditation rocket laun
Access the limitless benefits of meditation quickly, safely, and easily: Get
started with EquiSync®
(/meditation/free_demo_and_coupon_equisync/?CTA-button-7-30-14) Strengthen "Grit" & Mental Tou
famous psychologist makes the c
toughness" as successful people'
#3: The "Longevity Molecule" — How Meditation Boosts

Best known by researchers as the How Meditation Magnifies In

"longevity molecule" and stress counter- scientists, human intuition is defin
puncher, DHEA is one of the most meditation develops our intuition.
important hormones in the body. As we get (/meditation/develop-your-intuition
older our DHEA levels decrease year after
year, opening us up to disease and Fill Your Fluid Intelligence To T
accelerated aging. resourcefulness, problem solving

Doctors have measured DHEA levels to change, people with high fluid inte

find a patient’s physiological "true age", a far more accurate health (/meditation/ultimate-guide-to-ada

marker than "age in years." In fact, a 12 year study of 240 men (50-79
years) found that DHEA levels were directly linked to mortality. The How To Heal Your "Gut Brain
researchers' findings were simple yet impactful: the less DHEA you meditation's incredible brain bene
have, the fewer years you have left. your microbiome & ultimately, you
Luckily, meditation provides a dramatic boost in DHEA hormone levels. How To Heal Your Body With Yo
Dr. Vincent Giampapa, M.D., former President of the American Board of trillion living cells. Here's how med
Anti-Aging Medicine and current prominent longevity researcher, molecular level, helping to create
discovered that meditation practitioners have an incredible 43.77% (/meditation/the-cell-membrane-h
more DHEA over everybody else! Is meditation the fountain of youth? heal-both-mind-body/)
Many scientists think so.

More DHEA Benefits: ▲Longevity (/meditation/4-top-ways-

meditation-is-the-best-anti-aging-longevity-tool/) | ▲Heart health EquiSync®: Above & Beyond Bin
(/meditation/key-study-shows-how-meditation-helps-heart-bypass- Evolution Has Arriv
surgery-patients/) | ▲Brain function (/meditation/neuroplasticity-4-
ways-meditation-builds-healthy-immune-brains/) | ▲Energy
(/meditation/meditation-for-increased-energy-how-why-it-works/) |
▲Muscle tone | ▲Metabolism | ▲Fat loss (/meditation/4-ways-
meditation-is-the-weight-loss-key-healthy-mind-healthy-body/) |
▲Sex drive | ▼Mood swings | ▼Inflammation (/meditation/genes-
cortisol-how-meditation-stops-inflammation-builds-health/) |
▼Cholesterol |

Access the limitless benefits of meditation quickly, safely, and easily: Get
started with EquiSync®

#4: The "Calm Chemical" — How Meditation Boosts


Best known for making you feel calm, Harness The Power Of Your Brai
GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) is one of are key to a happy & healthy life. S
the major inhibitory neurotransmitters in your brainwaves into the most adv
your central nervous system. (/meditation/brainwave_charts_b
Anyone with an addiction, including
alcohol, drugs, tobacco, caffeine, and food,
all have one thing in common: lack of GABA. Not having enough of this The Next Generation Meditation
super-important chemical can create an array of problems, including tracks produce such deep meditati
anxiety, nervousness, racing thoughts, and sleeplessness. Luckily, there EquiSync's next generation design
is an effective solution. (/meditation/binaural-beats/?orde

In 2010, Psychiatrists at the Boston University School of Medicine found

a 27% increase in GABA levels after only 60 minutes of mindful EquiSync: Frequently Asked Que
exercises - proven even more effective than physical exercise! the highly powerful brainwave syst
Researchers were quite surprised by the "more powerful than exercise" frequently asked questions. Very h
finding, but meditation has been practiced over the millennia for very (/meditation/frequently_asked_q
good reason. sidebar)
Visiting this super-effective neuron soothing Verified EquiSync® User Testim
state every day during meditation can testimonials that our happy custom
effectively melt away any anxiety and Just the tip of the iceberg.
addiction you may carry, clearing the path for
your highest potential to be realized.
More GABA Benefits: ▼Anxiety
Order The Full EquiSync® Syste
natural-anxiety-relief-technique/) |
pleasurable, super beneficial state
▼Depression (/meditation/8-compelling-reasons-meditation-can-
safely, & easily using incredible bra
cure-depression/) | ▼Addiction (/meditation/7-reasons-meditation-
can-naturally-beat-addiction/) | ▲Brain function (/meditation/how-
to-boost-brain-power-iq-memory-intelligence/#6-26-16-XYZ-1) |
▲Mental focus (/meditation/how-to-focus-your-mind/) | ▲Calm |
Feel "At One" With All. Beat Lone
▼ADD/ADHD | ▼Panic attacks | ▲Sleep (/meditation/meditation-for-
realize how important "human con
insomnia-and-better-sleep/) | ▲Quiet mind (/meditation/how-to-
happiness & health. How meditat
harness-your-subconscious-mind-power/) | ▲Longevity
tool/) | ▲Stress relief (/meditation/healing-thoughts-how-mindful-
meditation-boosts-immunity-health/) |
It's Like "Miracle-Gro" For The
Access the limitless benefits of meditation quickly, safely, and easily: Get
tiny fraction of our precious brain
started with EquiSync® of every day. Meditation reverses
(/meditation/free_demo_and_coupon_equisync/?CTA-button-7-30-14) (/meditation/bdnf-how-meditation-
#5: The "Natural High" — How Meditation Boosts
Endorphins How Meditation Tames The Monk
is like a room full of monkeys, jum
Responsible for the all- endlessly, carrying on all day & ni
encompassing sense of happiness mindful-meditation-tames-the-anx
we sometimes feel, endorphins are a
category of neurotransmitters that
Lobsters Don't Age. Let's Be Li
the body uses as an internal pain
biologically immortal. That is, they
killer. A 1995 study (Harte et al)
we do. Here's how meditation "lob
published in the Biological
Psychology Journal tested the neurochemical release of two groups —
11 elite runners and 12 highly trained meditators — after running and
meditation, respectively. What did they find? Both groups’ endorphin
levels were greatly elevated. Perhaps even more amazing, meditation's The Mind-Body-Anxiety Conn
"feel-good effect" scored even higher than running! stressful. Only a master can main
non-stop, chaotic world. Luckily, t
Joggers have coined the term "runners high" to describe how
wonderful the endorphin rush feels after a nice, long run. This happy,
zen-like, alert state of bliss can be a powerful and highly pleasurable
experience, going a long way to explain Need Less Sleep, Have Mo
why so many runners are addicted to hours in the day. Luckily, meditatio
their sport. Luckily, this wonderful mind- to need less sleep. Master sleep e
state is readily found through (/meditation/require-less-sleep-wi
meditation. Maybe it is time for
meditators to come up with a cool
We Think 70,000+ Thoughts
phrase for how good they feel after
worried, anxious mind has a new
couple of seconds. How meditatio
More Endorphin Benefits: ▲"Natural high" (/meditation/7-reasons- (/meditation/how-mindfulness-me
meditation-can-naturally-beat-addiction/) | ▲Happiness | ▲Well- thoughts-mind-chatter/)
being (/meditation/10-key-brain-regions-upgraded-with-meditation-
2/#codeword7) | ▼Chronic pain (/meditation/4-reasons-meditation- The "Flow State" Is Ultimate Ha
is-the-best-natural-pain-relief-method/) | ▲Stress relief time when you experienced "flow.
(/meditation/10-ways-meditation-makes-you-healthier/) | ▲Self- soul fully absorbed? Do it again w
esteem | ▲Confidence | ▲Motivation | ▲Willpower | ▲Relaxation (/meditation/how-meditation-affec
healthier/#codeword10) |
From Mindless Eating To Mindfu
Access the limitless benefits of meditation quickly, safely, and easily: Get food as fast as possible, eat when
started with EquiSync® foods, overeat — all without think
(/meditation/free_demo_and_coupon_equisync/?CTA-button-7-30-14) (/meditation/mindless-vs-mindful-

#6: The "Fountain of Youth" — How Meditation Boosts

Growth Hormone Balance Your Brain With Med
have shown that highly successfu
Since the dawn of time, man has people use both brain halves toge
sought out the elusive "fountain of (/meditation/how-meditation-balan
youth." While most people today no hemispheres-boosts-creativity/)
longer believe in miraculous, "stay
young forever" potions like our
Endorphins. Run Away From
ancestors once did, growth hormone
exercise so effective at relieving a
(GH) is making a very strong case
Endorphins. Fill yours up with me
as the key to turning back the hands
of time.
GH stimulates growth during childhood and sustains our tissues and
organs today. Starting in your 40s, your pituitary gland, the pea-sized Become A Certified Master O
structure at the base of your brain where growth hormone is produced, scientists, stress causes around 9
gradually decreases the amount of GH it creates. The body’s how meditation transcends this "s
diminishing supply of growth hormone causes the frailty that comes (/meditation/10-ways-meditation-m
with aging—weaker bones and muscles, increased body fat, poor heart
contractions, bad moods, lack of motivation, and fatigue.
Here's Why We Get Addicted to Food. Pu
addictive chemicals, food can be a drug. Med
With so many benefits to our overall solves this beautifully. (/meditation
health and well-being, it is easy to overeating-food-addiction-binging
understand why movie stars spend
$10,000+/year taking GH. But you don’t
Why We Fill Our Emp
need to be a millionaire to beat Father
joy & hope on fumes,
emptiness, unhappine
The key state where our brains release Meditation fills the vo
the most growth hormone, "Delta" is a (/meditation/filling-up-our-emptiness-why-we-o
key brainwave frequency found during both meditation and the deepest fixes-it/)
stage of sleep. Perhaps meditators naturally elevated growth hormone
levels are why they tend to look so young and healthy? Scientists seem Train Your Brain For Super Dee
to think so. Session by session, meditation effectively turns back the energy, & health taking a major hi
clock. crimp our potential. Here's how m
More Growth Hormone Benefits: ▲Healing (/meditation/boosting-
your-immune-system-with-meditation/) | ▲Young skin
boosts-longevity/) | ▲Healthy cells & organs (/meditation/boosting- Meditation Plays Genes Like
your-immune-system-with-meditation/#codeword15) | ▲Strong good & bad genes. But which one
bones | ▲Strong muscles | ▲Fat loss (/meditation/4-ways- stay dormant? Here's why medita
meditation-is-the-weight-loss-key-healthy-mind-healthy-body/) | (/meditation/epigenetics-how-med
▼Cardiovascular disease (/meditation/key-study-shows-how- expression-slows-cancer/)
meditation-helps-heart-bypass-surgery-patients/) | ▲Energy
(/meditation/meditation-for-increased-energy-how-why-it-works/) |
From Caveman Brain To Astrona
Access the limitless benefits of meditation quickly, safely, and easily: Get sabertooths no longer chase after
started with EquiSync® brain wiring. Here's how meditatio
(/meditation/free_demo_and_coupon_equisync/?CTA-button-7-30-14) humanity. (/meditation/caveman-t

#7: The "Sleep Molecule" — How Meditation Boosts

Melatonin How To Become Kind & Compas
our fellow man & see people as "o
Since the beginning of time, our biological "others" — that life takes on mean
clocks have been dictated by Earth’s (/meditation/the-compassionate-b
natural cycles of light and dark. In recent kinder-happier/)
decades, in an effort to become a 24 hour
per day, super-productive society, modern Hating How Fat We Are Makes U
man has been experimenting with ever our weight & hating our body can
shorter nights and longer and longer days. on more pounds. Love yourself w

This unbalancing, combined with our (/meditation/hate-your-body-then-

newfound love of morning to night screen staring, is taking a heavy how-the-mind-works/)

biological toll on us all. With excessive light being the number "1" enemy
of melatonin, perhaps the most important casualty of this epidemic is Anger: Why Meditators Always Stay Cool. Fo
that we are shutting down our body’s production of this critical chemical. issues, our health, our work, & ou
one supreme ruler. Be cool. (/med
A key to good mood and restful
sleep, melatonin is a hormone
manufactured by the pineal gland, with
levels in the blood peaking just before How To Burn Belly Fat With You
bedtime. A chemical "Superhero", bodyfat is the wiggly, jiggly that w
melatonin is known to prevent cancer, a deeper kind of fat that's very ha
strengthen the immune system, slow meditation-burns-visceral-belly-fa
down aging, and has been linked to helping prevent over 100 different resistance/)
The Healing Power Of Feeling
Luckily there is a very effective, all natural solution. Rutgers University
shown that our thoughts directly i
researchers discovered that melatonin levels for meditation practitioners
organs. Why quieting the mind is
were boosted by an average of 98%, with many participants having
increases of more than an incredible 300%! Incorporating meditation
into your life can be your much needed biological re-balancing tool.

More Melatonin Benefits: ▼Cancer (/meditation/endorphins-how-

Crank Up Your "Longevity M
meditation-can-self-generate-key-cancer-fighters/) | ▼Depression
key hormone decreases year afte
hands of time. Luckily, meditation
depression/) | ▼Anxiety (/meditation/8-reasons-meditation-best-
natural-anxiety-relief-technique/) | ▲Immunity
(/meditation/boosting-your-immune-system-with-meditation/) |
▲Healing (/meditation/boosting-your-immune-system-with- How To Open Your Feel Great Fl
meditation/) | ▲Cell renewal (/meditation/the-cell-membrane-how- "happy" neurotransmitter, has a h
meditative-thoughts-heal-both-mind-body/) | ▼Free radicals | well-being. Open the floodgates w
▲Antioxidant | ▼Inflammation (/meditation/genes-cortisol-how- (/meditation/the-happy-neurotrans
meditation-stops-inflammation-builds-health/) | ▼Headaches & boosts-serotonin/)
migraines | ▼Insomnia (/meditation/meditation-for-insomnia-and-
better-sleep/) | ▲Sleep (/meditation/meditation-for-insomnia-and-
How Meditation Increases Inte
better-sleep/) | ▼Disease (/meditation/boosting-your-immune-
linking & building the brain, to boo
system-with-meditation/) |
enhancing EQ, here's how medita
Access the limitless benefits of meditation quickly, safely, and easily: Get smart. (/meditation/increase-your-
started with EquiSync® meditation/)
How Meditation Raises Conscio
& origin of consciousness is not fu
Main Mind & Brain ▼ Health & Body ▼ how to hit the upper echelon. It's
EquiSync® consciousness/)
Low Neurotransmitters, High Anxiety. W
our stress defense shield drops, m
anxiety. Top them up with meditat

Meditation Shifts Libido Into Ov

the mental, emotional, & physical
folks running into the bedroom. B

Our Brains Are Programmed To

doom & gloom? Is it in our DNA?
Deep meditation upgrades 9 key brain regions. The result? So
natural? Here's how meditation de
many benefits: less stress, more happiness, more success, deeper
sleep, easier learning, better memory, higher IQ & EQ, just to name
a few. Change your brain, change your life.
The Incredible Meditating "Ic
Guinness World Records, the 60
famous for his ability to defy the e

Not only do meditators often look decades younger than their actual
age, but they also live much longer lives. Here, we take a look at
the most fascinating age defying studies making news headlines,
and how meditation freezes father time.

healthy-body/) (/meditation/how-to-harness-your-subconscious-mind-
Why are meditators so often slim & trim? It’s because the weight
loss benefits of meditation are nothing short of incredible. Here,
from a variety of angles, we discuss how meditation can propel
anyone to their ideal body.

Your subconscious & unconscious mind are incredibly powerful.

Here we show you the vast benefits waiting under the surface, and
how meditation is the best way to dive in, explore, and harness
your deep mind. See detailed chart.
(/meditation/whole_brain_synchronization/) (/meditation/the-
happy/) (/meditation/meditation-is-the-secret-to-success/)
(/meditation/boosting-willpower-self-discipline/) (/meditation/benefits-of-
meditation-for-creativity/) (/meditation/the-ultimate-guide-to-focus-
motivation/) (/meditation/develop-your-intuition-through-meditation/)
With monumental health implications, meditation has been proven
to naturally boost many of your body’s chemicals: GABA,
Endorphins, Serotonin, & more, while lowering the stress hormone
Cortisol. The benefits are staggering.

When it comes to what the human body can & can’t do, a revolution
is underway. From extending life, to conquering unconquerable
diseases, to rewriting genetic code, meditation’s latest scientific
findings are incredible.
stress/) (/meditation/the-cell-membrane-how-meditative-thoughts-heal-
Why is meditation such a powerful anxiety reliever? From building
neurotransmitters, to quieting mind chatter, to cooling the
amygdala, this in-depth article discusses why anxiety is no match
against meditation.

Why don’t meditators have addictions? From urge surfing, to

mastering stress, to uprooting deep seated emotions, to making us
naturally high, to unplugging healthfully, here we discuss why
meditation eradicates addiction.
Scientists love studying meditators’ magnificent, "depression-free"
brains. From transforming psychology, to rewiring thought, to
massively upgrading physiology, here we discuss why meditation
dominates depression.

Other than hibernating bears, meditators are the world's best

sleepers. Here's how meditation conquers sleep problems,
dominates sleep disorders, while helping people with even the
worst cases of insomnia sleep like a log.
Meditation balances your left & right brain hemispheres, resulting in
what's called "whole brain synchronization." This opens the door to
many amazing benefits: faster & easier learning, excellent mental
health, super creativity, & more.

Through a process called "Neurogenesis," doctors have discovered

that our brain's "neuron count" is not set for life. Meditation’s well-
proven ability to generate a "neuron fortune" has massive
implications & big benefits.
Did you know that your brain power, intelligence, & memory can be
dramatically upgraded? Here, we discuss why scientists keep
studying the marvelous meditating brain, and how you too can tap
these awesome benefits.

If a "world’s happiest people" competition were held, meditators

would walk away with the trophy. From tapping into an everyday
state of "flow" to harnessing the power of "now," here we discuss
why meditation & happiness are one.
Powerful CEOs, famous Hollywood actors, bestselling authors,
well-known media personalities, top military rank, high level
creatives, professional athletes, and even billionaires say
meditation is the secret to their success.

Without the willpower to put in the hard yards today, the dream of a
better tomorrow will always be just that. A dream. Luckily, willpower
is never set in stone. All the great ones had it, you can too. Become
"willpowerful" with meditation.
The world needs creativity. Books don't author themselves.
Inventions don't invent themselves. Technology doesn't innovate
itself. Luckily, we are creative by nature. It's in our genes. It's in our
brains. Awaken yours with meditation.

History is full of people who, in the face of failure, diversion, &

distraction, stayed the course anyway, achieving their dreams
regardless of what's in their path. Here's how meditation can make
us highly focused & motivated.
Intuition. Bill Gates trusts it. Steve Jobs said it's "more powerful
than intellect." It powers every market decision Warren Buffett
makes. Albert Einstein called it the "only real valuable thing." Here's
how meditation magnifies intuition.

Dominating headlines with her viral 14+ million view TED Talk and
bestselling book, a world famous psychologist makes the
compelling case for "mental toughness" as successful people's real
superpower. Get "Gritty" with meditation.
Whether dropped on a deserted island or elevated to the helm of a
startup, with their uncanny ability to navigate uncertainty — people
with high fluid intelligence always find a way to thrive. Become
"fluidly intelligent" with meditation.

Doctors now say that our deeply intertwined "first" real brain &
"second" gut brain are actually one system, not two. Here's how
meditation's incredible brain benefits can transform your
microbiome — and ultimately, your health.
Your body is a "community" of 50 trillion living cells. When your
cells are in harmony, you're healthy. In disharmony, disease can
manifest. Here's how meditation heals at the molecular level, while
helping to create a "cellular utopia."

EquiSync®: Access The Limitless Benefits Of

Meditation Quickly, Safely, & Easily
Learn how your brainwaves affect your mental health, emotional
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Learn more about EquiSync’s brainwave powered meditation

system through our users most frequently asked questions (FAQ).
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have posted a small sample here. Just the tip of the iceberg!

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