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Perancangan Produk Kimia

(Chemical Product Design)

Kuliah 3 – Needs
Semester Genap 2021/2022 (Kelas C)
Prodi Sarjana Teknik Kimia Universitas Riau
• Chemical product design begin by identifiying
customer need
• The custumer include both those who will buy the
product and those who will use the product
• To make these needs more definite, we seek
particular specification that our product meet
• The specification will require continuing revision dan
Customer needs
• Customer needs describe by three steps, interviewing
costumers, interpreting their expressed need, and
translation these need into product spesification
• Primary source in identifiying customer needs should
be the final user of the product.
• One group of customers are special and merit extra
attention, called “lead user”
Customer needs
• Lead user are especially important in identifying
needs for two reason, both of which reflect thier
deeper experience
• First, they often invent minor product improvement
• Second, they can usually clearly express what is
wrong with existing products.
Interviewing Customers
• Face to face interviews are the best way to discus
• The normal target should be about fifteen
• Two alternatives to individual customer interviews
are focus group and trained test panel
• Focus group normally have a leader and perhaps eigth
panel members. Frequently show a smaller
variances opinions than a set of interview individuals
Interviewing Customers
• Trained test panels are most common in evaluating
small differences in consumer goods.
• The panel may be encourage to use word with very
spesific definition, for example papery, rubbery are
used to desribe coffe flavor.
• These panels can guide cunsomer product
improvements, but they less useful for chemical
product, where the promary customer is less often the
Interviewing Customers
• Before interview, we need to decide what we want to
• The team write out the project scope, products target
market and the key business goals.
• The project scope should be one simple sentence
• The target market should include both the primary
and secondary customers
• The business goals should include both timing of the
new product and organzation’s advantages
Interviewing Customers
• Effective questioning can start with a list:
What do you do now?
How do you see the existing product?
What features work?
What does not work?
How do you buy the product?
Interviewing Customers
• The list questioning be simple and generic, without
refrences to spesific product ideas.
• The interviews value depends on the interviews skill
in eliciting useful responses.
• All team members should participate in at least one
Interviewing Customers
• In every intervew, we will want to observe the
following guidelines:
1) Encourage tangents. These will foce your
thingking beyond the confines of your perceptions
2) Stimulate wit alternatives. Interviews often start
fast and then stall. Have some alternatives,
illustrated if possible, ready to re-start discussion.
Interviewing Customers
• In every intervew, we will want to observe the
following guidelines:
3) Remove assumptions, Often existing product use will be
constrained, for example by cost or by a particular
temperatur range. Ask for responses where these
constrains are removed
4) Be alert for surprises. Customer will often describe their
dreams only after they urge extending existing products.
Theses dream offer chances of real innovations.

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