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GE 5 (STS)

1. In a bond paper, paste any photograph that depicts an issue or

problem in science and technology. Then answer the
following questions.

a. What is the issue or problem depicted in the photograph?

- Issues is the Health Care Stresses
b. How does this particular issue or problem impact the well-being of
humans today?
- It can impact stress symptoms can affect our body, our
thoughts and feelings, and behavior. Being able to
recognize common stress symptoms can help you manage
them. Stress that’s left unchecked can contribute to many
health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart
disease, obesity and diabetes.
c. Why is it important for people to study and learn about STS as an
academic field, especially in addressing the issue or problem
depicted in the photograph?
- It is because stress can influence healthcare professionals’
physical and emotional well-being by curbing their
efficiency and having a negative impact on their overall
quality of life.
2. Listed below are the ten emerging ethical and policy issue dilemmas
compiled by the John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology and
Values of the University of Notre Dame for 2018. Choose one
emerging dilemma in science and technology and research about the
nature of dilemma and answer the questions below.
I choose Friend bot Emerging dilemma:
Friendbot – an app that stores the deceased’s digital footprint so one
can still “chat” with them.
a. What is the emerging ethical dilemma all about?
- Friendbot is the one of the science , technology and society
issue that replace or cuts the mourn of individual in our
modern world.
b. What factors or events led to this dilemma?
- It is created because when a person misses, their deceased
love one’s, they can linger their grief to friendlybot, an app
that stores the deceased’s digital footprint so one can still
“chat” with them
c. What are the societal implications of this dilemma?
- This friendlybot societal implication is neutral it can be
positive or negative. In negative side friendbot can be a
threat because someone can have a personal information
which is digital footprint. Friendbot cannot also help a
person to move on and accept that their loved one’s is no
longer alive.
d. Why is it important to question the moral and ethical issues
surrounding innovations in science and
- It is really important to question the moral and ethical
issues in science technology and society for us to know
what is right and what is wrong, and to determine it’s
proper uses and also in questioning the moral and ethical
issue helps us understand on how to sets our limit
e. In the face of this dilemma, why is it important to study STS?
- It’s important to study science technology and society, in
terms of this new innovation to know what are the
outcomes of this and if this innovation will be accepted by
the society and also, if this innovation could enhance
society’s daily life.

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