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Statement of the Problem (General and Specific)

1.How effective will the antibacterial soap made from Aloe Vera Extract be?
2. Are there known allergies against Aloe Vera Extract?
3. Who will be the target audience for the report?
4. What are the benefits of this antibacterial soap in the target audience?
5. What is the difference between using Aloe Vera antibacterial soap and regular soap?

Working Research Title

"The Effectiveness of Aloe Vera Extract as an Antibacterial Soap for Barangay Areas"

Significance of the Study

Students. They will be directly benefited from this research as its findings may encourage them
to consider proper sanitation.
Business owners. This study will benefit many people with a lack of antibacterial soaps in their
public businesses. 
Clinical Instructors. The results of the study will help the clinical instructors to have more
sanitation while doing their job.

Scope and Limitations/Delimitations

The soap is will only be used for hands it is not a substitute for body soap The soap can heal
wounds, soothe burns, as well as treat a variety of skin conditions. In fact, in many Filipino
households, the use of aloe vera is considered a “beauty secret” The soap adds moisture to the
skin, making it a great remedy against dryness, flaking, and even itching. Its light composition
makes it easily absorbed, gently smoothening, and softening the complexion without any
greasiness. And because it’s all-natural, it’s great for sensitive skin types.

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