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They say, ‘‘ No matter how heavy the rain or how tough it may be to pull through, there
will always be people around to guide and lead you in the right direction.’’ Little did I
know that these ‘‘people’’ would be my friends. When I was in primary school I was
always there for my friends no matter what they have done to me but when I was
struggling with coping and bullying, suddenly I became invisible to everyone.

One moment, I screamed and hugged my friends at our graduation ceremony , the
next moment I received a text from my aunt informing me to rush home. My hands started
to become clammy and my heart began to start racing. As soon as I reached home,the
atmosphere was entirely different compared to the usual happy and calming
environment. I saw all my family members along the corridor wiping their tears. I still had
no idea what was going on, all I was focused about was me graduating and moving on
to the next chapter of my life. As I stepped foot into my house, I saw my mother and
grandmother crying uncontrollably and next to them was a coffin. I assumed that it might
be one of my old relatives and as I peeped over the coffin I saw my father.‘‘Your father
had just died from a car crash, the paramedics did all they could. I’m so sorry.’’ My heart
shattered into a million pieces. I could not believe what was happening. How will I live a
life without a father? He was my best friend and now he is no longer here. I felt like I lost
a part of myself , he was everything to me. We planned so much for the future and now
he left me alone in a harsh world. The entire house was in chaos, a few people were
crying, some relatives were calling the temple to enquire about the cremation of my
father’s body. One of my aunts was calling my friends to inform them what had
happened. While all this was happening, I was in my bedroom in my own world trapped
in my mind. Before I knew it , there were people carrying the dead body out to the
cremation site.

I gazed around. I see one family, brought together to mourn for one of our own.
Countless numbers of dark figures stand on parade, speaking in unison to pay our
respects to one whom we adore. The sadness corrupts my inner soul and my heart
bleeds a river inside. Nothing could change the wretchedness I feel. We leave, what
seems to me, not a holy temple but more of a devil’s palace. But the worst is yet to come.
Still shedding tears I climbed into the hearse, my eyes fixed upon the noble man at the
back , in the vain hope that there would be life in him once again. I stare outside in the
deepest of depression, worrying about the road that lies ahead. Our car reduces speed
and our driver climbs out. I think to myself, ‘‘ This is no gate’’A gate would be an
astonishing gift to me right now. The only thing I can do now is pray and hope. To pray
that I will not have to go through this anguish, suffering and endless hell once again. In
one sudden movement, my hopes and dreams are crushed into minute pieces of terror
and misery, as the hearse driver opens the door. Resistance is pointless. We are already
here. A foot away from the gates of fire. After the cremation, all I wanted to do was go

Suddenly I received a voicemail from my friend Prakash , ‘‘ Hey Nevv, we know

you’re not okay, we are on our way to your house,’’ I was amused as I never thought that
they would come right away,leaving the graduation party all behind. The bell rang , but I
was too weak from crying, to open the door. I saw four of my friends holding food, flowers
and drinks for me. I felt relieved as I felt safe around them. They held me as I continued
crying and they allowed me to talk about my emotions freely. My friends even helped out
at my house by serving my relatives beverages and snacks. They also stayed overnight
to help out around the house, they cleaned and cooked simple dishes and tried asking
me to eat.My two friends Prakash and Xavier even went to the cremation site after
hearing that my mother and grandmother were there alone. Deepika came to me with
food in her hand knowing that I did not eat for the entire day. All four of them even stayed
to make sure my mother and I were doing fine.

These friends made me realize that I can still cope with life despite what had
happened. I knew that they were the ones who I can always count on no matter what.
They helped me during the most difficult times and celebrated with me during my
proudest achievements.

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