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Part 1

What kind of place is it?

It is a large village with lots of people living there. my hometown is located on the
outskirts of the city. it is a traditional village which is farmous for making knife or
scissors in traditional way.
What’s the most interesting part of your town/village?
The most interesting things in my hometown the friendly people and how they treat
each other. If one house has special day like wedding, his neighbour will help him to
prepare all the thing without complaining.
What kind of jobs do the people in your town/village do?
Most people are farmers and small buissiness owners. Just a little people who study
higher education work as doctor or engineer.
Would you say it’s a good place to live? (Why?)
Yes, it is. Because the environment is much better there. no pollution from vehicle and
vegetable and fruit are fresh. On top of that, the people in there are friendly and kind,
they willing to help you whatever you need.
Part 2

Describe an unusual/ an unforgettable meal

You should say:
When: grade 5, after I take the 2nd place in the sport competition.
Where: buffet
What happened during the meal? Talk to my teammate, eat lots of kinds of food
And explain why: first time to eat buffet , the food is really quality
Part 3
Describe what you think is a healthy diet?
I think a healthy diet is the meal that contain enough nutrients for your body to maintain your
health and provide energy. As a result, healthy diet must contain meat to provide protein and fat,
carbonhydrat from rice or potato, and lots of vegetable to provide vitamins and mineral.

Are there many vegetarians in your country? Why do you think some people choose to
be vegetarians?
Yes, there are. In my opinion, there are severals reasons why people do that. The main
reason is providing a better health. There are so many studies confirm the health
benefits when you don’t eat meat. Vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally and may
prevent certain of disease. Another reason is concerning about the animals. If you don’t
eat meat, you don’t have to kill animal and there are no large farms with lots of animals
in really terrible conditions. The animals have to live in small and damp space.
Is the food that people eat today different to the food that people used to eat in the
past? If yes, in what ways has it changed?
Yes, it is. In the past, my country was really poor and there were so many starved
people. So, they have to eat to survive, and the meal contained mostly carbonhydrat.
But at the same time, recently eating style has changed. The science develops so much
to provide the information about what is good for human body. Low-fat food and
veggies are more prefered today.
Is “fast food” popular in your country?
I think it depends on you age. As for young people aged from 11 to 16, they really love
this food. Because it is very different from the food that they eat at home, and it also is
delicious and convienent. But when they grow up, they realise their health is important.
And fast-food cause so many diseases
More and more people are becoming overweight nowadays. What do you think might
be the causes of this?
to my view, there are several reasons.Firstly, the main reason is lack of physical
activities. So many people work in office all day, so they sit at a desk most of the day.
For relaxtion, they prefer using smart phone or watching TV to taking exercise.
Secondly, people eat food that contain more energy than they need, so the extra energy
will convert to fat . Finally, drinking too many sugar drinks like coca or pepsi.
Do you or, do people in your country generally prefer to eat at home or eat out?
I prefer to eat at home. firstly, the food - homemade is made from fresh ingradients, so I
don’t have to worry about the quality of food. Secondly, eating together with my family
is a good time to strengthen the relationship between the members. Finally, eating out
is really expensive so eating at home is saving for me a grant of money.
How important do you think it is for members of a family to eat together?
I think it is very important for 2 reasons. Firstly, mealtime is a time for everyone to talk
to each other and strengthen the relationship. The family can review a day or can solve
the problem together. Secondly, during the meal, parents teach important things to
their children. Children can learn lots of things from the smallest things like how to eat,
how to listen to bigger things like respect other people.
Why do some people not always eat with their family?
I think there are 2 reasons. Firstly, the most compelling reasons is people have their own
schedule. Everyone have to work and study, so sometimes they have to do extra work
and can not be on time for the meal. Secondly, they eat out with their friends or just eat
alone to have some change in food.

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