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Самостійна робота
на тему: «Функціонування національних міфологем у літературі та
культурі США»
Мета роботи: на основі ознайомлення з ключовими національними
міфологемами США проаналізувати їхнє функціонування у конкретних
творах літератури і мистецтва США

Студента(ки) ІІІ курсу групи Мла 0117

відділення англійської мови факультет
германської філології
дисципліна “Література країни, мова
якої вивчається ” (VІ семестр)
Зінкевич Катерина Костянтинівна
Викладач – проф. Висоцька Н.О
Національна шкала________________
Кількість балів_____Оцінка ЄКТС___

м. Київ – 2020 рік
National mythology is an autobiography of the nation; it is something sacred
and unique. At the very heart of national mythology lies the so-called mythologems,
which depict national symbols, the social consciousness of the nation, heroes and
famous personalities, momentous historical events and the identity of a nation.
First and foremost, any national ideology is based on the canonized and sacred
national culture, including its system of values and beliefs, traditional myths and
heroes. National mythologems are characterized by stability, emotional coloring and
the transmission of a generalized image of an ethnic group.
Due to several landmark events in the history of the United States, the
collective identity of a young American nation became multicultural. As a result,
there was a need for national mythology. These myths could form the foundation that
supports the spiritual unity of the nation. For Americans, it is also important to have a
common national hero. These heroes have evolved and changed according to the
period: from frontiersmen Devi Crocket and Daniel Boone, cowboy Pekos Bill,
Presidents Jefferson and Franklin to the famous national symbol of whole America
— Uncle Sam.
In the US there is hardly a person who does not know who Uncle Sam is. For
Americans and their culture, Uncle Sam has become a symbol of patriotism; he is
identified with the US government. It was a man, or rather, the image of a man, who
inspired and agitated people to join the ranks of the Soldiers and thereby serve the
homeland. “The Uncle Sam” poster is a prime example of the use of national
mythology for propaganda purposes.
It is noteworthy that the first American fictional character who became the
embodiment of the United States of America after the end of the War of
Independence (1776-1783) was Brother Jonathan. Later on Brother Jonathan was
substituted with the world-famous figure of Uncle Sam.
Uncle Sam had an original man — Sam Wilson, who produced canned meat
and supplied the army with food during the war. Wilson signed his canned food with
the letters U.S., meaning the United States, and the soldiers in jest said that the meat
came from Uncle Sam. Since Wilson was known as a hardworking man and a patriot,
the image of “Uncle Sam” very quickly established itself as a symbol for these traits.
This allowed the possible double reading of the abbreviation to be both “Uncle Sam”
and “The United States”, making the two synonymous. In political vocabulary, it has
become perceived as a symbol of the United States.
On March 13, 1852, the first image of Uncle Sam was published in a New
York newspaper. Artist Thomas Nast portrayed him in a series of political cartoons.
He used several details from the image of Brother Jonathan (another folkloric hero
associated with New England during the Revolutionary War), as well as portraits of
the first and only Confederate president, Jefferson Davis. Uncle Sam turned out to be
a tall old man with delicate features and chin tuft. He was pictured in a blue tailcoat,
striped trousers, and a top hat. This image has become classic and no matter how he
is portrayed after, the top hat remained unchanged.
By the end of the British-American War of 1812, “Uncle Sam” began to
symbolize the character of the whole nation, the American state and government.
The revival of the image of Uncle Sam and the consolidation of its national-
cultural status was facilitated by the creation during the First World War of a
recruitment poster. In 1917, artist James Montgomery Flagg drew a propaganda
poster urging volunteers to join the American army. From the poster, Uncle Sam
gazed steadily at the viewer, pointing his finger at him, and strictly exclaimed, "I
WANT YOU for the US Army." This propaganda poster was also popular during
World War II.
With the advent of peace, a lot of cartoons and parodies of the drawing
appeared. Since then, when America or its government needs something, they say,
"Uncle Sam wants this", and if they promise something, "Uncle Sam will take care of
you". When in everyday life somebody says, "Uncle Sam needs ..." or "Uncle Sam
wants ...” he often strives to create an ironic or comic image of the American
government, which like a human being has several needs and desires. However, the
image of Uncle is sometimes used to illustrate the "conscience of the nation".
In conclusion, I want to say that the people of the United States of America are
still proud of their national heroes, both fictional and real, who, during the formation
of the nation, provided future generations with a place to live and inspired them. The
image of Uncle Sam is part of American national mythologems, which unite a whole
nation. He is a cult image and a symbol of America itself. Uncle Sam is a composite
character, which includes the images of Brother Jonathan, Presidents Jefferson and
Franklin, a simple trouper Sam Wilson, every citizen of America, and of course, the
very spirit of the United States. Uncle Sam connected and united not only the
American people, but also became a kind of bridge between the past and the future of
the United States of America.

1. Висоцька Н.О. National Mythology in American Literature and Culture.
Навчальний посібник з курсу «Література країни, мова якої вивчається».
– К., Видавничий центр КНЛУ, 2015.
2. Е.С. Коршунова Роль первых национальных героев в американской
культуре / Вестник Челябинского государственного университета. 2017.
№ 1 (397).Философские науки. Вып. 43. С. 58—62.
3. А. П. Миньяр-Белоручева, М. Е. Покровская ЭТНИЧЕСКИЕ
2013. № 1
us-army#.XqqcCUBuKsc (Appendix)

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