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Office of Field Placement and Partnership Outreach

Pre-Practicum Lesson Template

Name: ____Suha Lim__________________ Date: ___2/27/22_______

School: ___St. Columbkille_____________ Grade: ___2____________

Starting and Ending Time: ____ to ____


MA Curriculum Frameworks incorporating the Common Core Standards: With regard to
how this lesson fits into the “big picture” of the students’ long-term learning, which MA
framework does the lesson most clearly address? Select 2 to 3 focal standards that will be key to
your instruction and assessment.

W2.3 Write narratives in prose or poem form that recount a well-elaborated event
or experience, or a set of events or experiences; include details and dialogue to
show actions, thoughts, and feelings; use temporal words to signal order where
appropriate; and provide a sense of closure.

Instructional Objective: By the end of the lesson, (1) what concept, information, skill, or
strategy will the student(s) learn and (2) how will they demonstrate that knowledge?

STWAB describe and articulate the purpose of a personal recount narrative.

Assessment: What specific, tangible evidence will show that each student has met this

Student will write down their own definition of the purpose of a personal recount narrative in
their own words.

Academic Language Objective: By the end of the lesson, (1) what language, relating to the
lesson and lesson content, will the student(s) know or learn, and (2) how will they demonstrate
that knowledge? Refer to WIDA and Three Tiers of Vocabulary Beck, Kucan, and McKeown
(2002) as cited by Thaashida L. Hutton in Three Tiers of Vocabulary and Education.

Purpose, personal recount, story, entertaining

Assessment: What specific, tangible evidence will show that each student has met this

Turn and talk discussions and whole group discussions.

Content: What are the specific details of the lesson’s content knowledge?
Students will learn that a personal recount narrative is a documentation of a sequence of events
in an entertaining way. They will learn that the purpose is to describe these events in serial order,
and to evaluate their significance.


In this section, provide specific directions, explanations, rationales, questions, potential
vignettes/scenarios, strategies/methods, as well as step-by-step details that could allow someone
else to effectively teach the lesson and meet the lesson objectives.

Opening (_5_ minutes): How will you introduce the instructional objective to the students,
“activate” learners, pre-teach/ preview vocabulary, and prepare them to engage with the lesson

Hello students!

Today we will be learning about Personal Recount writing! Let’s take a guess– what do you guys
think that is?
Ask what they think Personal Recount is and get responses.
Everyone guessed so well! A Personal Recount is basically a story about yourself!

The purpose of a personal recount story is to tell a … you guessed it! A story! It talks about a
series of events that happens in order and in an entertaining way so that we can find more
meaning! Now, entertaining doesn’t just mean fun. It means that the reader will enjoy reading
your story!

During Lesson (15-20 minutes): How will you direct, guide, and/or facilitate the learning
process to support the students in working toward meeting the instructional objectives?

In order to learn more about the purpose of recount stories, we are going to read a book together!
This book is called “Jabari Jumps” by Gaia Cornwall.

Read book out loud and ask questions along the way.
After page 7-8: “Why do we think Jabari is telling all the kids to go before him?”
After page 15-16: “Can we think of a moment when we were also scared? Let’s turn and talk to
the person next to us for 30 seconds.”

That was such an amazing story! Everyone give me a thumbs up to show me how much you
liked the story.

So, remember, that personal recount stories are stories about the narrator and they should be
Now, let’s think. Ask a series of questions and allow students 30 seconds to turn and talk first
and call on student volunteers to share responses.
What did the story tell us?
How did the story make you feel?
What did we learn about the character?
What was the conclusion at the end of the story?

Now we can see that this was a story that kept us interested. Let’s put that to some good use right

Closing (5 minutes): How will you bring closure to the lesson and, by doing so, review and
determine what students have learned?

For the next few minutes, we are going to use everything we learned to come up with our own
definition of what the purpose of a personal recount story is. Can everyone take out a piece of
paper and write their own thoughts? I’ll give you 5 minutes!

Walk around and observe students as they write their responses and then collect them.

I’m so excited to read what you guys learned!! Great job everyone, and next time we will learn
about the beginnings!
As you think about supporting all learners, think about the Principles of Universal Design for
Learning (UDL) and utilize resources at the following links:
UDL at a glance: udl#video0
Lesson Plan examples

Learner Factors: What will you do to ensure success from all students? Especially consider the
needs of students on Individual Education Plans (IEP), English language learners (at a variety of
English language levels), and students who may need an extended challenge. Highlight all that

Grouping Factors Content Materials Student Response

Adjust grouping format Give additional Write homework list Alternate response
examples format (verbal/written)
Seat students Graphic organizers
strategically near one Provide alternate Give daily progress
another, you or the reading or the same Use Braille or large report
focus of instruction text at varying reading print
levels Extend time
Pair students Use manipulatives
Provide on-level Use assistive devices
Give verbal cues to Use interpreter
emphasize main ideas Give students copy of
directions Give more breaks
Increase number of
review activities Allow use of computer
Hand out copies of

Re-read directions

Use page markers

Specific Examples: Choose 3 examples of support from the list above and explain in detail the
differentiation. P1s choose 1 level of support to explain, P2s choose 2 levels of support to
explain and P3s and Grad P1s choose 3 levels of support to explain.

Support #1: Provide on-level reading

This book is at a level that most 3rd graders should feel comfortable with. It is not supposed to
be significantly above level, for we are going to deconstruct the text.

Support #2: Alternate response format (verbal/written)

I will be assessing the students by listening to their turn and talks and asking for their input
during the whole class discussion. I will also be asking them to write a response at the end of the
lesson as a written assessment.

Support #3:
Classroom Management: If teaching a small group or whole class, how will you use classroom
routines, reinforce appropriate behavior, and/or handle behavioral issues? Give one example.

I will allot them time to talk to one another so they’re not too restless. I will also reinforce that
they should be listening the entire time, keeping their eyes on the book, and not getting too

Technology: How did you incorporate technology into the lesson?

There will be no technology.

Materials: What are the materials that you will need to organize, prepare, and/or try-out before
teaching the lesson?

Have the book and make sure students have a piece of paper they can use.

Follow-up: How will you and/or your Supervising Practitioner reinforce the learning at a later
time so that the students continue to work toward the lesson’s overarching goal (i.e., the MA
Curriculum Framework incorporating the Common Core State Standards)?

We will talk about the lesson afterwards, and we will all have a 3-way conference.

Updated: ZH (2020)
Cass/Malley/Hagen (2015)

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