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Задание 11. Глаголы и его формы.


Perfect Continuous
Indefinite / Simple Continuous / Progressive Perfect продолжается
обычное действие в определенный момент завершено к определенному моменту до определенного
Active Passive Active Passive Active Passive Active
само подлежащее над подлежащим само подлежащее над подлежащим само подлежащее над подлежащим само подлежащее
be being + V3ф have been + V3ф have been
V be+V3ф (Ved) be+Ving have + V3ф (Ved)
(Ved) (Ved) +Ving
Ns(=they) V am Ved am am has Ved has been Ved has been Ving
I, we, you, is is Ving is being Ved have have have
Ns (=he, Vs are are are

she, it)
now, just, already, yet, ever, never, recently, for 2 years
usually, often, always, sometimes,
at the present moment, lately, today, this year (week…), since, since morning
every day…
still for ages, for a long time
Прав. гл. – Ved was Ved was Ving was being Ved had Ved had been Ved had been Ving
Неправ. гл. – V2ф were were were

Предпрошедшее время

yesterday, in 1990, at 7 o’clock yesterday, from … till

last year (day, week…) at the moment, at that time yesterday, by 2000 for 2 years when… Ved
some days (years…) ago when I asked, (V2ф) before, after … Ved since May when… Ved
when? while I was speaking
I, we will (shall) V shall be shall be shall have shall have been shall have been
will be Ved will be Ving will have Ved will have been Ved will have been Ving
N(s),you,they will V

tomorrow, in 2035, soon at 10 o’clock tomorrow, from… till by 2035 for 2 years when… V(s)
next year (day, week…) at this time tomorrow before, after … V(s) since May when… V(s)
in some days (years…) when I ask после
while I am speaking

Ved – правильные глаголы = 2-я, 3-я форма неправильных глаголов

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