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DKG Xi Chapter Florida March 14, 2022

DKG Xi Chapter | Spring 2022 | Vol. VI

Xi Business President’s Message

Save the Dates:

Xi Birthday Meeting

Celebrating 76 Years!
March 22, 2022
4:30-6:00 p.m. via Zoom
Renée Schwartz will send
the Zoom Details prior to
the meeting date.

DKG International
Convention 2022
New Orleans, La.

July 12-16 , 2022

Pam and Paula at the President’s roll call

Founder’ Day Meeting at the District V meeting.

May TBA 2022 We will have our next meeting on Tuesday,

March 22 at an earlier time 4:30 pm, so our
families can eat earlier or enjoy the extended
light of daylight savings time if they choose. A
few members had conflicts with 3/22 or 3/29, but
fewer had a problem with 3/22.The 22nd of
March is the official 76th Birthday of Xi Chapter!

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DKG Xi Chapter Florida March 14, 2022

President’s Message continued

Over a third of our members have belonged to Xi over 25 years. Many have
held chapter and state positions. Some others in Xi have held state positions,
as well as, various chapter positions. Bea Wilbur has belonged to DKG for 51
years, most of those years were in California where she was active at the state
and chapter levels. Later she moved to Broward, where she joined Xi and held
chapter and state positions including chapter president. She has also attended
several DKG International and Florida State Conventions. DKG is a great
organization. As you can see, it is possible to become as active as you choose.
Over time, we hope that some of our members will choose to serve our
Chapter, our Florida State or the International Organization in leadership roles.
If you go to a state meeting, you will meet dynamic women of EVERY age and
educational level. This year the International Convention is in New Orleans,
LA. from July 12-16. Perhaps some of you may want to experience it. If
interested, see the Florida Rays issue that you should have received by e-mail
from Bonnie S. Kelley last Monday for information. If you did not receive it,
contact us and we can forward it to you. It is also linked on the front left side of
this newsletter.

Paula would like people to think about committee assignments for the next
biennium. We need everyone to serve on a committee, but hopefully we can
accommodate you on a committee that can benefit from your presence and
expertise. We will try to set up the committees during the May meeting so they
can meet by Zoom at least once over the summer. See her Notes article in this

Happy St Patrick’s Day this week whether you are Irish or not! See you on
Zoom on Tuesday March 22 at 4:30 PM.

Pam and Paula

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DKG Xi Chapter Florida March 14, 2022

District V Meeting Highlights

Xi Chapter well represented. From L to R

Front row: Jane Claud, Risa Katz, Katrina Fosella, Heidi
Miller, Barbara Sabin and Carol Lansdale.
Back Row: Paula Miller, Pat Houchens, Jessica Schneider,
Neena Grosvenor and Pam Delucia
The program from Xi Chapter

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DKG Xi Chapter Florida March 14, 2022

District V Meeting Highlights continued

Seated L to R: Jessica S., Katrina F. , Barbara S. and Pat H.

Seated L to R: Risa K. and Heidi M. Seated L to R: Paula M. , Pat H (standing) , Jane C. & Carol L.
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DKG Xi Chapter Florida March 14, 2022

District V Mee+ng Highlights con+nued

On Saturday half of our Chapter who live locally a6ended

the District V mee;ng at First Bap;st Church in
downtown Fort Lauderdale. Besides the chapters in
Dade, Broward and Palm Beach County, we had a group
of State officers and State Commi6ee Leaders in
a6endance. It was a nice day, star;ng with a con;nental
breakfast, an opening ceremony,
two breakout sessions, lunch,
energe;c entertainment by the
South Florida

Cloggers, the basket auc;on and a

few remarks by the director of
District V and a couple of State
Officers. All in all, a very nice day in
a lovely venue.

For me it was especially fun to see

members of Xi Chapter, in person,
and those people from the State
and local Chapters we may have
The Davie Cloggers
met at another ;me. Mee;ng with
the other chapter presidents, the

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DKG Xi Chapter Florida March 14, 2022

State President, and the State Execu;ve Director was also


Some of our members offered their feelings below

about workshops they a>ended:

Risa Katz-- It was so enriching to be a part of the District

V mee;ng. Kudos to all of the those who spent endless
hours geNng this together including our own Xi
members. I chose to par;cipate in two very refreshing
workshops that were geared to being stress relievers. I
think that we are living in a ;me where everyone can use
these trainings. The trainer used crystal bowls of
different sizes. She tapped a rubber mallet against each
of them. With our eyes closed we took a deep breath
and released the air. The vibra;on from the sound
created a very calming effect. She explained how she
uses it in her music class.

The second training involved Zumba. The music that was

being used allowed for so many different discussions.
One of the musical pieces that was used revolved around
Flamenco dancing. A cape was used in a way that
represented a bull fight. At the end of the dance, the
instructor explained how she would talk more in depth
about the bull fight, where Flamenco dancing started and

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DKG Xi Chapter Florida March 14, 2022

District V Mee+ng Highlights con+nued

what it represented and other cultural informa;on about

Spain. She stressed that this could be done at any ;me.
during the school day and it did not have to be a long
lesson. It was just a great learning experience.

Barbara Sabin—Many thanks to all who made it happen.

It was really special!

Jane Claud-- During the first session I was with Neena for
her presenta;on about membership. We were very
impressed with how engaged our audience was. They
were all happy to listen, learn, but especially to share.
They were able to make sugges;ons, discuss what they
had done successfully and talk about the problems that
they see in increasing membership.

During the second session I a6ended the legisla;ve

informa;on. Several others from our chapter were there
as well. Personally, I was very disappointed as I had
hoped that she would be discussing the legisla;ve
plaYorm points that DKG is backing. She had briefly
men;oned them during her two-minute legisla;ve report
to the general group. Instead, she gave us essen;ally a
ci;zenship lecture on the importance of vo;ng and

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DKG Xi Chapter Florida March 14, 2022

District V Mee+ng Highlights con+nued

problems with the legislature trying to take away the

vote from some people. She did give us a handout that
included valuable informa;on on speaking with and
wri;ng to legislators. For those who have never done
that I am sure that was a very good guideline for them.

Carol -Ann Lansdale— I learned the difference between a

grant-in-aid and a scholarship and did you know that the website has been updated to include, not only
informa;on about our organiza;on, but also a showcase
of what members are doing in the Arts?
Go to “Art Gallery” and you will see photography,
pain;ng, drawing, cra_s, mixed media, sculpture, and
wri;ngs produced by members. You may also add your
arts. Very inspiring!

Notes from Paula

Commi>ees 2020-2022

Thank you to our Commi6ee Chairs and their members

for your contribu;ons during the 2020-2022 biennium.
The Report of Chapter Officers is due May 15, 2022.
Please schedule a mee;ng of your commi6ee prior to

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DKG Xi Chapter Florida March 14, 2022

Notes from Paula con+nued

this date and send the report to Pam and I. Prior to our
May mee;ng, please submit a short ar;cle for the
newsle6er, and prepare a short presenta;on for our final

Commi>ees 2022-2024

According to our Chapter Rules, some Commi6ee Chairs

will be changing for the 2022-2024 biennium. We are
looking forward to each member ac;vely par;cipa;ng in
a commi6ee.
The Interna;onal, Florida and Xi websites contain
updated informa;on about each commi6ee.

Mee+ng Ideas:

We would like sugges;ons for guest speakers at some of

our mee;ngs during 2022-2024.

On 2/9/22, I par;cipated in a League of Women Voters

Zoom presenta;on by Melissa Miller, State Regional
Literacy Director. She spoke about the Science of
Reading, Just Read, Florida ( and the Florida
Center for Reading Research (

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DKG Xi Chapter Florida March 14, 2022

Ideas from District V Mee+ng

Sponsor/mentor new members for 5 years

Recruit at area colleges, district job fair, table at
conferences, new teacher training workshops
Distribute your business card
Use the Go To Guide under publica;ons (
Birthday Card Commi6ee
Events to raise money for scholarships (ex.Pain;ng with a
Stay in contact with members
Create/update profile on

Stay informed:
Florida Rays Spring 2022 issue
DKG News March/April 2022 issue - Includes 120
proposed amendments (

Interna;onal Conven;on:
New Orleans, LA July 12-16, 2022

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DKG Xi Chapter Florida March 14, 2022

Women in Distress

A_er our last newsle6er, Barbara Sabin received three

thank you notes from Women in Distress--two from Linda
Parker, President and CEO of Women in
Distress thanking us for our monetary
dona;ons by gi_ cards and the other for
gi_ bags, jewelry, throws, journals, mugs
and toiletries. She noted the assistance
that our and other dona;ons contributed
to the work of the program throughout
the year and to families who want peace and security for
their children especially during the holidays. The other
thanking us for our generosity.

This is a part of our yearly challenge to give support to

people in our area and in this case, specifically to women
and children. Thank you all for sharing with our
neighbors in our community!

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DKG Xi Chapter Florida March 14, 2022

News from the DKG Educational Foundation

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DKG Xi Chapter Florida March 14, 2022

Upcoming Birthdays

20 Renee S
22 Xi Chapter

11 Be6y L
17 Elaine A
20 Jane C

Dates to Remember

March 22 Xi Chapter mee;ng at 4:30 PM (change of


May TBD Last mee;ng of Xi during this


New Address
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society Interna;onal and the
DKG Interna;onal Educators Founda;on headquarters
has relocated. The new address is:
12710 Research Blvd. Ste. 230
Aus;n, Texas 78759-4395

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DKG Xi Chapter Florida March 14, 2022

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