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ENGLISH EXAM – Professional English- December 2019 KEY

Surnames: Name:

I. Multiple choice. Choose the correct answer. Only ONE answer is correct. Indicate your
choice (A, B, C or D) in the answer box below. Every four wrong answers deduct one mark
(15 marks)

1. Explainable AI’s artificial intelligence that is programmed to describe its purpose, rationale
and decision-making process in a way that can be understood by the average person.
The ‘s in the context of this sentence means:
A has B is C of D Plural

2. XAI’s often discussed in relation to deep learning and plays an important role in the FAT
ML model (fairness, accountability and transparency in machine learning).
The ‘s in the context of this sentence means:
A is B has C of D Plural

3. XAI provides general information about how an AI program makes a decision by disclosing
the program’s strengths and weaknesses and the level of trust that’s appropriate for
various types of decisions.
The ‘s in the context of this sentence means:
A of/has B is/of C of/of D of/is

4. A brand ambassador’s an advocate of a particular company’s products and services and

the purpose of hiring a brand ambassador’s to grow brand relevance.
The ‘s in the context of this sentence means:
A is/of/has B is/has/is C of/has/is D is/of/is

5. The pronunciation of the –ed simple past and past participle of the verb “PLAY” is …

A /d/ B /t/ C /id/ D /ed/

6. In disaster recovery, a warm site is a secondary data center that an organization can use to
support business tasks that are non-essential if the primary data center becomes unavailable.
The reduction of the relative clauses is:
A In disaster recovery, a warm site is a secondary data center an organization can use
to support business tasks being non-essential if the primary data center becomes

B In disaster recovery, a warm site is a secondary data center that an organization

can use to support non-essential business tasks if the primary data center becomes

C In disaster recovery, a warm site is a secondary data center that an organization can
use to support business tasks non-essential if the primary data center becomes

D No reduction is possible

7. While the mechanism is very effective, its limitations can cause errors that can be exploited.

The reduction of the relative clause is:

A While the mechanism is very effective, its limitations can cause errors being
B While the mechanism is very effective, its limitations can cause errors exploited
C While the mechanism is very effective, its limitations can cause exploited errors
D No reduction is possible

“A continually evolving list of cognitive biases has been identified over the last six decades of
research on human judgement and decision-making in cognitive science, social psychology and
behavioural economics..”

8. In the passage above, the bold-typed participles are:

A adjective/noun
B noun/gerund
C infinitive/noun
D shortening of relative clause/noun

“Assuming the worst of a situation that turns out not to be dangerous is much safer than not
expecting danger that turns out to be present.”

9. In the passage above the bold-typed participles are:

A gerunds B infinitives
C Shortening of Relative Clauses D adjectives

“On the provider side, it's critical that businesses balance usage-based pricing balance with
sustainable, recurring revenue.”

10. In the passage above the bold-typed participles are:

A Infinitive/infinitive B gerund/gerund
C adjective/noun D noun/adjective

11. The interpretation of a noun compound with the following structure is:

“N1+-ed Adjective1+ N2+Verb+Adjective2+N3+N4+N5+N6”

A N6+Prep.+N5+Prep.+N4+Prep.+N3+Rel. Clause+Adj.2+Verb+N2+Rel. Cl.+-ed Adj.1 +

Prep. N1

B N2+Rel. Cl.+-ed Adj.1+Prep.+N1+Verb+N6+Prep.+N5+Prep.+N4+Prep.+N3+Rel.


C N2+Rel.Cl.+-ed Adj.1+Prep.+N1+Verb+N6+Prep.+N5+Prep.+N4+Prep.+N3+Prep.+

D N6+Prep.+N5+Prep.+N4+Prep.+N3+Prep.+Adj.2+Verb+N2+Rel. Cl.+-ed Adj.1 + Prep. +


“Client-to-server implementations depend on a peer-to-peer relationship between the

12. In the passage above, the bold-typed hyphenated noun phrase means:
A implementations from the client to the server
B implementations from the server to the client
C implementations based on the client and on the server
D Neither A nor B nor C

“Enhancing air-gapped security measures avoids infamous worm attack to air-gapped

industrial control systems.”

12. In the passage above, the bold-typed hyphenated noun phrase means:
A Enhancing measures of security that are gapped by air
B Enhancing measures of security of gapped air
C Measures of security that are gapped by air and that are enhancing
D Measures of security of gapped air that are enhancing

13. “Unlike on-premises systems, cloud ERP increases accessibility via the Internet.” is the
same as:
A Unlike systems with the premises on, cloud ERP increases accessibility via the
B Systems that are on the premises of Unlike, cloud ERP increases accessibility via the
C Unlike systems of premises that are connected, cloud ERP increases accessibility via
the Internet
D Unlike systems that are on the premises, cloud ERP increases accessibility via the

14. “Pay-as-you-grow data storage system” is the same as:

A System of storage of data that grows as you pay
B System of storage of data that is to be paid as you grow (in data storage)
C Pay the system of storage of data as you grow
D Pay-as-you-grow system of storage data

15. Choose the most suitable translation of the following sentence:

“El sistema de precios basado en el uso genera un modelo de precios basado en el consumo”

A The consumption-based pricing model generates a usage-based pricing system

B The system of prices based in the use generates a model of prices based in the
C The usage-based pricing system generate a model of pricing based on consumption
D The usage-based pricing system generates a consumption-based pricing model

Vocabulary: rationale: razón; fairness: legitimidad; brand: marca; bias: sesgo; revenue: ingresos; peer:
par, igual; gap: hueco, separación, separar, aislar

Answer Box:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15




II. Explain the following noun compounds. (10 marks)

1. Many software-as-a-service and infrastructure-as-a-service cloud providers

Many providers of cloud of software as a service and of infrastructure as a service

2. From a subscription-based cloud service to a very granular function-as-a-service pricing


From a service of cloud that is based on subscription to a model of pricing of functions as a

service which is very granular

3. A network interface card is a computer-installed hardware component

A card of interface of network is a component of hardware that is installed in a computer

4. Some cloud-based enterprise resource planning vendor options

Some options for the vendor of planning of resources of the enterprise. These options are
based on the cloud

5. Other proof-of-concept attacks for air-gapped systems

Other attacks at proof of concept for systems that are gapped by air

Vocabulary: gap: ajustar, separar

III. Rewrite the following phrases using suitable noun compounds. (8 marks)

1. The deployment from the client to the gateway is usually based on the analysis of the
needs for the balancing of loads.
The client-to-gateway deployment is usually based on the load-balancing needs analysis

2. The perimeter that is defined by software is a framework of security that is based on

The software-defined perimeter is a policy-based security framework

3. Echo is the device that speaks and that is smart and which is enabled by Alexa. The device
belongs to Amazon.
Echo is Amazon’s Alexa-enabled smart speaker

4. Other systems for the identification that is biometric include recognition of the voice,
recognition of the iris, recognition of the texture of the skin, scanning of the fingerprints
and identification of the veins of the fingers.
Other biometric identification systems include voice recognition, iris recognition, skin
texture recognition, fingerprint scanning and finger vein identification

Vocabulary: deployment: despliegue; gateway: portal; balancing: equilibrio; vein: vena

IV. Translate the following technical expressions into English using suitable noun compounds
(8 marks)

1. La infraestructura en la nube del proveedor de servicios en la nube.

Cloud service provider’s cloud infrastructure

2. Activación de la unidad de gestión de memoria de entrada y salida.

Input/output memory management unit activation

3. El equipo de respuesta a los incidentes de seguridad informática de una organización.

An organization’s computer security incident response team

4. Un fallo en las aplicaciones que son críticas para una misión perjudica la reputación de una
A mission-critical app’s failure damages a business’ reputation

V. Turn the following sentences into Technical Style (8 marks):

1. The people who administer often tier their plans for recovery of disasters to prioritize the
restoration of applications that are critical to a mission and sometimes choose not to update
applications that are critical to a mission as frequently as applications of priority that is lower
in order to reduce changes that cause problems.

The administrators often tier their disaster recovery plans to prioritize the
restoration of mission-critical applications and sometimes choose not to update
mission-critical applications as frequently as lower-priority applications in order to
reduce problem-causing changes.

2. The program for purchasing that is based on value of the hospital rewards hospitals of care
that is acute with payments of incentives for the quality of care they provide to patients of
Medicare. This program is designed to improve the experience of the patient during stays in
the hospital.
The hospital value-based purchasing program rewards acute-care hospitals with
incentive payments for the care quality they provide to Medicare patients. This
program is designed to improve the patient experience during hospital stays.

Vocabulary: tier: desarrollar; reward: recompensar; acute: intensivo

VI. Read carefully the following passage from Word of the Day (

A whaling attack, also known as whaling phishing or a whaling phishing attack, is a specific type of
phishing attack that targets high-profile employees, such as the CEO or CFO, in order to steal sensitive
information from a company, as those that hold higher positions within the company typically have
complete access to sensitive data. In many whaling phishing attacks, the attacker's goal is to manipulate
the victim into authorizing high-value wire transfers to the attacker. The term whaling stems from the
size of the attacks, and the whales are thought to be picked based on their authority within the
company. Due to their highly targeted nature, whaling attacks are often more difficult to detect than
standard phishing attacks. In the enterprise, security administrators can help reduce the effectiveness of
whaling attacks by encouraging the corporate management staff to undergo information security
awareness training.

How whaling attacks work

The goal of a whaling attack is to trick an individual into disclosing personal or corporate information
through social engineering, email spoofing and content spoofing efforts. For example, the attackers may
send the victim an email that appears to be from a trusted source; some whaling campaigns include a
customized malicious website that has been created especially for the attack.

Whaling attack emails and websites are highly customized and personalized, and they often incorporate
the target's name, job title or other relevant information gleaned from a variety of sources. This level of
personalization makes it difficult to detect a whaling attack.

Whaling attacks often depend on social engineering techniques, as attackers will send hyperlinks or
attachments to infect their victims with malware or to solicit sensitive information. By targeting high-
value victims, especially CEOs and other corporate officers, attackers may also induce them to approve
fraudulent wire transfers using business email compromise techniques. In some cases, the attacker
impersonates the CEO or other corporate officers to convince employees to carry out financial transfers.

These attacks can fool victims because attackers are willing to spend more time and effort constructing
them due to their potentially high returns. Attackers will often use social media, such as Facebook,
Twitter and LinkedIn, to gather personal information about their victim to make the whaling
phishing attack more plausible. (…)

Vocabulary: phishing: fraude electrónico; spoof: estafa, fraude, estafar, defraudar; stem from: venir
de; wire transfer: transferencia bancaria; glean: recopilar; fool: engañar

A. Translate into Catalan or Spanish the first paragraph, from “A whaling attack, ….” to
“… awareness training.” (8 marks):

Un ataque whaling (ballena), también conocido como fraude electrónico whaling

(ballena) o ataque de fraude electrónico whaling (ballena) es un tipo específico de
ataque de fraude electrónico que tiene como objetivo los empleados de alto perfil,
tales como el CEO o el CFO, con el fin de robar información sensible de una empresa
ya que aquellos que ostentan posiciones de más alto nivel en la empresa
normalmente tienen acceso total a información sensible. En muchos ataques de
fraude electrónico whaling (ballena) el objetivo del que ataca es manipular a la
víctima para que autorice transferencias bancarias de alto valor con destino el
atacante. El término whaling viene del tamaño de los ataques, y las ballenas se
escogen en base a su autoridad dentro de la empresa. Debido a su naturaleza de
gran especialización, los ataques whaling son a menudo más difíciles de detectar que
los ataques de fraude electrónico comunes. En la empresa, los administradores de
seguridad pueden ayudar a reducir la eficacia de los ataques whaling animando al
personal de gestión de la empresa a formarse en temas relacionados con la
seguridad de la información.

B. Answer the following questions about the passage (8 marks):

1. What is the main objective of whaling phishing?

It is to steal sensitive information from a company through high-profile employees

2. Why is whaling phishing addressed to CEOs or CFOs?

Because they hold higher positions in companies and they typically have complete
access to sensitive data

3. Why is the word “whaling” used for this type of attacks?

It is used because the size of the attacks addressed to high-profile employees, such
as CEO and CFO, who have significant authority within the company

4. How can whaling attacks be diminished in a company?

They can be diminished by encouraging corporate management staff to undergo
information security awareness training

5. Why is a whaling attack often hard to discover?

It is hard to discover because of the high level of customization and personalization
with the target’s name, job title and other relevant information

6. What does the bold underlined “them” refers to? It refers to “high-value victims”
(CEOs and other corporate officers)

7. What does the bold underlined “their” refers to? It refers to “these attacks”

8. How do whaling attackers operate to appear more believable?

They use social media (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) to gather personal
information about their victim

VII. List the stories that were told in class by the teacher and comment on the morals that
they convey as it refers to business and commercial strategies as well as others (10 marks):

Story 1: The husband, the wife and the neighbour, who borrowed money from him and had to give it

Moral: The importance of sharing information, all the information with your partner (also at work)

Story 2: The nun and the priest, and the psalm 129.

Moral: The importance of having all the information related to your business or work.

Story 3: The raffle of the donkey, with an old man from a village and a young man from the city.

Moral: How to react when things come the wrong way. Turn a negative fact into positive winning

Story 4: The convicted prisoner, the man and the woman who were in a country house.

Moral: Do not make preconceived assumptions until having the right information

Story 5: Scrum meeting and the anecdote with the pig and the chicken.

Moral: Employers want to have committed staff, like the pig, and not only involved staff, like the

Story 6: The teacher and the student, the pig and the bird.

Moral: about the importance of quick and wise reply. Be critical, question people and things, even
though they are your teachers

Story 7: The engineer and the blonde girl travelling from Los Angeles to New York.

Moral: Do not look down a blond girl because you are an engineer. About breaking stereotypes.

Story 8: The economic crisis: Money circulates in the tourist village when the Russian tycoon arrives.

Moral: if money circulates, crisis can be overcome and people become happier.

Story 9: The genius dog, its boss and the butcher.

Moral: You’ll always be demanded more and more and your work may not be appreciated enough by
your unfair boss.

Story 10: The man who applied for the position of sweeper at Microsoft and he didn’t have an email

Moral: Internet does not solve all your problems. If you work hard you can achieve your goals and
build an empire.

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