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Java language Course

Mohamed Alnajar
ID 22152311

1 Introduction
Java is a high-level programming language, It is the most widely used and
common in the world developed by James Gosling of Sun MicroSystems, while
trying to develop the C++ programming language. The Java contains many
applications and codes uploaded and open source, and if you search for most
of your requirements in the Java language, you will find them uploaded on
the Internet. IEEE Spectru has ranked Java as the second best programming
language for 2016. Java is a good introduction to learning other programming
languages such as( C , C , C++ ) . Java is a solid core language For web and
non-web environments, all operating systems, all types of devices.
Why You Need to Learn Java Since it is a mature programming language,
there are many resources and codes available online that can serve as the perfect
companion in the learning process. Also a lot of job opportunities. Program-
mers with sound knowledge of Java are in great need. With a large installed
base, the widely used programming language continues to create jobs in the
tech industry. In addition, the popularity of Android apps has brought endless
opportunities for an Android developer who writes native apps in Java. Con-
sider it open source: We love free and open source software, OpenJDK is a free
and open source implementation of the Java programming language. Being an
open source programming language, it is platform independent across OS envi-
ronments. Also, you don’t need to pay a penny to write applications on Java,
it qualifies you for many open developer jobs with good payoff.

2 Characteristics and features of Java

Characteristics and features of Java: The Java language is characterized by
many features that are not distinguished by many programming languages, and
among these characteristics are: Easy and smooth: One of the most important
characteristics of Java is that it is a simple language, and the meaning here is
simple not to learn it, but it makes it easier for the programmer to do a lot of
work, for example, it contains the management of data storage automatically.
Security: Because it mainly depends on the principle of object routing, and it
also contains encryption properties, it is run on the virtual machine and thus

it lives in its environment, and it also contains security management. Strong:
Very powerful programs can be programmed, perhaps because the philosophy
of this language limits unreliable programs. Not tied to a specific platform:
Linking to a specific platform means the ability of a particular program to run on
more than one platform or operating system. The Java programming language
is one of the languages in which this feature is achieved. For example, you can
work with its programs on Linux, Windows and Mac without any problems.
Effective: Programs written in the Java programming language are processed
quickly, perhaps what helps in this is the Just-in-Time method, which translates
the code before executing it for the computer code, and does this by storing some
tasks and phrases to work with later. Dynamic: It means that Java has the
ability to adapt to multiple and changing environments as well. There are other
features that distinguish Java, but I think that these are the most important
features that distinguish it.

3 The areas of use of Java

are considered more widely used in the world of programming languages, as they
are present in almost all software applications, and are the backbone of many
programs, applications and operating systems, and it is mentioned that they
are used in building and creating graphical application interfaces, and in the
programming of mobile applications; It is the backbone of Android, the most
famous operating system around the world, and Java is also used in building
various web applications, as well as in scientific experiments and applications;
Because it provides the speed and security required in these experiments, in ad-
dition to its use in banking and various types of networks and their applications.

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