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11/29/21, 5:42 PM WEEKLY EXAM 01 – Megareview and Tutorial Center

D 46.04

12 Which of the following is a factor of


visibility Using Factor Theorem

report_problem (If f(x) is divided by x-r, then x-r is a factor of f(x) when f(r)=0)

From the following factors, get f(r)

Try all the choices

The factor that will give f(r) = 0 will be our answer

From x-5=0, r = 5

A x+5

B x-5

C x-3

D x-4

13 From the equation,

and product of the roots are equal.
, determine the value of k so that the sum

report_problem For a quadratic equation,

The sum of the roots can be obtained by using this formula

While the product of the roots can be obtained by using this formula 1/1

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