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Republic of the Philippines


Compostela, Davao de Oro


NAME: Amarille, Jay Mark D

MODULE NO: 3 Assessment

IP’s/ Lumad location: Andap, New Bataan

No. of household:

Physical Description of the IP’s/Lumad in the area

As I interview my classmate in high school she is a member of indigenous people she
said that the way they dress is the same with ordinary people since their family are not really
practicing the culture of Mandaya but she knows how to speak Mandaya language.

How long have you been in the area?

She was born in their community but that was just half a year since their family move to
Bohol and transfer here in Compostela up to now. They just went there for a visit.

Lifestyle and traits of the IP’s/Lumad

Most of their tribe works as farmers the female is weaving traditional clothe and also they
make traditional accessories of Mandaya like there bracelet. Drinking coffee is also part of their
daily life. Most of the Mandaya are hospitable, smiley and also they worship God.
Issues and concerns they encountered
Discrimination is one of the major issues of Mandaya tribes like for instance if somebody
who had no slipper in the market people might say they are Mandaya. Before the most concerns
of Mandaya is about war between NPA and the government soldiers since they between the two
it is really hard for them.

Government’s Program in addressing the problem encountered by the IPs/lumad people

This time were some of the Mandaya are expose to education children are being educated
and it gives hope and power to the community of Mandaya to bring formal education. With the
help of National Commission of Indigenous People those deserving students can have
scholarship to study in the lowlands.
Your own suggestions in solving their issues and concern
Well the government must focus on educating the youth since they are the future of
Mandaya tribe. Building their own government must be a good idea to fully established their
tribe and they can easily raise their problem.

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