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William Shakespeare “Macbeth”

"Macbeth" is a famous tragedy by William Shakespeare, based on historical events

from books. It is a sad story about one man, destroyed by ambition and fear. In my
opinion, this tragedy shows how some conditions may cause evil within us and how it is
difficult to cope with that. Macbeth and his wife are good literary examples of how sin
influences people.
In the beginning, we can see three witches and a military camp. The Scottish King
Duncan hears good news about his generals Macbeth and Banquo and how they defeated
two armies. It seems that the main character is a brave and excellent soldier. However,
witches and their predictions impact him a lot. After hearing the prophecy, Macbeth starts
to think about the status of the king and power, but he has doubts and fears.
In my view, Lady Macbeth pushes her husband into murder. Macbeth hesitates to
kill Scottish King Duncan, but under her influence, he does it. After that, we can see how
Macbeth will fall further in an immoral way, for example, kill two guards without
hesitating. Very soon, he hires a group of murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance.
Moreover, the main character becomes a villain and tyrant, in other words, a cruel man
without empathy for pain.
I completely agree with opinions about how Macbeth is changing his nature. As
far as I can remember, Lady Macbeth shows fear because she knows that the nature of her
husband tends to be good. So, she helps him in the first murder, but later she doesn't
participate in the murders. Macbeth can't stop him from doing evil to others. In addition,
he kills more and more because of his ambition, but there is also fear not to lose the title
of king. Unlike him, the feeling of guilt destroys Lady Macbeth. She sleepwalks and
washes her hands because she believes there are bloodstains.
There is one more witches' prophecy. For example, Macbeth is incapable of being
killed by any man born of a woman. Also, he will be safe until Birnam Wood comes to
Dunsinane Castle. It seems to me that he imagines how he is invincible. However,
Macduff and Scottish prince Malcolm come to free the Scottish people from Macbeth's
tyranny. The main character has become so ruthless that he doesn't react after hearing bad
news about Lady Macbeth's death. She can't resist the feeling of guilt and commits
suicide. In the end, Macduff, who wants to revenge the death of his wife and children,
kills Macbeth.
The story's ending shows how there are consequences to our actions. I think
Macbeth and his wife get what they deserve because they have fallen under the influence
of evil within their nature. We can consider the prophecy of the three witches as an
external factor that awakes their dormant desires. This tragedy proves how ambition, lust
for power, and position could make us less human. To conclude, there are good and evil
in human nature, and we choose what we will do to accomplish the goals.

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