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Background of the Study

Development is inevitable, that is the reason why Department of Education (DepEd)

implemented Senior High School last 2012. Additional Two years in High School was

implemented in order to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop

lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education. Senior High School also aims to

develop more matured student in order for them to be more prepared in going to college.

Typically, majority of the Senior High School students are ranging from sixteen to

eighteen years old. At this stage of adolescence, men and women’s body begins to advance and

change. On their process of maturity they start to be aware of themselves. Predominantly, girls

have lots of amends to be engaged from. Like changes of body shape, increase in hair growth,

menstrual periods and more. But aside from all these, they are starting to develop the habit of

using other beauty product and the desire for beauty is constantly evolving as one of their basic


Beauty products nowadays has taken up the lifestyle of teenagers so much that most of

them are more concerned about their looks. Teenagers of the present time have involved

themselves in making their looks better because they believe in the saying “a makeover is the

rebranding of a human being” (Mokhonoana, 2019).

According to the study of Freedman (2008), an attractive appearance is so essential to the

feminine gender role, the search for beauty causes special adjustment problems for adolescent

girls. Moreover, makeup covers facial flaws and enhance one’s self-confidence and interpersonal

relations. Not only does it serve as clothing for the face, cosmetic has become a medium that

connects human emotion (Lee & Oh, 2018). It is also applied to the human body for beautifying,

preserving, or altering the appearance or for cleansing, coloring, conditioning, or protecting the

skin, hair, nails, lips, eyes, or teeth. In this era, cosmetics are considered a necessity rather than

something that people want for materialistic ends, especially for women (Britannica, 2011).

With the increasing market size and the increasing consumer demand, cosmetics firms

have to search for new methods and learn to understand the consumer’s need in order to increase

their levels of product satisfaction. Consumer behavior encompasses a vast area including

consumption pattern, consumer preferences, consumer motivation, and consumer buying process

and shopping behavior. The purchase decision is influenced by various factors such as social,

cultural, demographic, personal, economic etc. So for effective marketing, the marketer must

know the basis of decisions taken by customers.

Student’s cosmetic consumption depends on attribute like quality, brand, price, location

and promotion. Quality is the degree of excellence as measured against other things of a similar

kind. Brand refers to the identifying mark of a certain product under a particular company. Price

is the expected amount in paying something. Location is the place where to purchase the product

or to try a service. While promotion tends to inform or persuade target audiences by using

different elements like word of mouth, publicity, personal selling and advertisements.

In previous studies, most students first started real makeup when they were ‘high school

students’ (Park & Park, 2018). And being clever customers, as students of Senior High School,

they are already starting to consider many factors in buying cosmetics.

The premises presented justify the need to conduct this study in order to know which

attributes really affect the purchasing decision of Senior High School students in buying

cosmetics. Given these points, the researcher aims to determine the factors affecting in

purchasing Cosmetics of Selected Talavera Senior High School students.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the factors affecting spending behavior of Talavera Senior

High School students.

Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions:

1. How may the profile of the respondents be described in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 strand;

1.3 family status; and

1.4 daily allowance?

2. What are the cosmetic products often purchased by the respondents?

3. How may the respondents describe the influence of the factors affecting their purchase of

difference cosmetics in terms of:

3.1 price;

3.2 product;

3.3 place;

3.4 promotion;

3.5 packaging

3.6 positioning; and

3.7 people

4. Is there any significant relationship between the profile and the influence of the factors

affecting the respondents' purchase of cosmetics?

5. What is the most influential factors affecting the respondents purchase of cosmetics.

Significance of the Study

This study deals with the factors affecting in purchasing cosmetics of selected Talavera

Senior High School students. The researchers believed in the importance of this study especially

to the following:

1. Future Business owner of cosmetic - this study will serve as a basis for future

business owners in able for them to improve their business. Additionally, it will

serve as their guide to determine which factor affects most the purchase of high

school students to different types of cosmetics.

2. Business owner of cosmetics - they would be able to determine and understand

what are the factors influencing the high school students in purchasing


3. Students - this study could give them more idea of what factor is the best to

consider when choosing a specific types of cosmetic.

4. Future Researchers - they can use this as basis for their study and will serve as

their reference to help them improve their research connected to this study.

5. Researchers - aside from filling their curiosity, they will gain knowledge they

can use for future purposes like making a study connected to this one. This

study will also help them improve their writing skills by having an experience

in writing a research paper. As ABM students, the researchers can also use the

result that will be acquired in this study for their future cosmetic business


Conceptual Framework

In today's world, the customer's demand and the power of the retailers is tremendously

growing due to competitive environment and changing business. It is vital to have a sustainable

relationship with customers for the survival and success of producers. Nowadays in the market a

tremendous growth is experienced by the beauty products and has become one of the leading

industries in the world. (Ligo Koshy & John Manohar, 2017). The study focuses on identifying

the important factors considered by the customers while purchasing face care products.

According to Khraim (2011), there are seven factors that affects consumers’ purchasing

decision towards certain brands of cosmetics. The factors are price, product, place, promotion,

packaging, positioning, and people.

The brand awareness, brand loyalty and brand visibility are some factors which are proven

to be important in the purchase of cosmetics (Priyaga et al., 2016) because brands have a wide

range of uses for businesses, products and individuals in today’s dynamic marketing landscape

where publishing and message distribution are no longer limited to media entities (Heidi Cohen,


Today, customers become more self-conscious about their appearance and the quality of the

products they use (Anjana, 2018). They ensure the efficacy and safety of products and its raw

materials through checking its quality that surely affects the buying decision of consumers.

(Galraw et al., 2012).

Moreover, one important factor that has been considered in many exchange relationships is

price, which is the financial value that is given out in exchange for a product. Price satisfaction

has a direct impact on consumer behavior and customer loyalty (Alhedhaif, 2016) because it

represents marketers' assessment of the value customers see in the product or service.

In terms of store's accessibility, if consumers find it highly accessible during their shopping

trip and are satisfied with the store’s assortment and services, they may become loyal customers

afterwards (Lovelock, 2010) and that's the reason why store environment or location has been

one of the factors affecting in purchasing cosmetics.

Moreover, when talking about communication with consumers, promotion is one of the best

option a businessman can use, a marketing mix component which includes the use of advertising,

sales promotions, personal selling and publicity (Hamza Salim Khraim, 2011).

On the other hand, advertising is a non-personal presentation of information in mass media

about a product, brand, company or store. It greatly affects consumers’ images, beliefs and

attitudes towards products and brands, and in turn, influences their purchase behaviors

(Lovelock, 2010).

Lastly, according to Clow (2010), promotion is an important element of a firm’s marketing

strategy. Promotion is used to communicate with customers with respect to product offerings,

and it is a way to encourage purchase or sales of a product or service. Sales promotion tools are

used by most organizations in support of advertising and public relations activities, and they are

targeted toward consumers as final users.

Figure 1 shows the conceptual paradigm of the study. As shown on the figure the researchers

used input process output model. The input phase was divided into two parts: the profile of the

respondents including the age, strand, family status, daily allowance; and the influence of the

factors in purchasing cosmetics. The phase process includes gathering data through surveys and

analyze it through statistical analysis. Lastly, the output phase includes determining the factors in

purchasing cosmetics of selected Talavera Senior High School student.

ABM 12-C
Process Process

 Profile of the


 Age
 Determine the
 Strand  Gather data
factors affecting
 Family Status through surveys
in purchasing
 Factors Affecting in  Analyze the data
cosmetics of
Purchasing through statistical
selected Talavera
Cosmetics of analysis
Senior High
Talavera Senior
School Students
High School

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

Scope and Delimitation

The general intent of this study is to know the factors affecting in purchasing cosmetics

of Talavera Senior High School students. It aims to further understand the influence of the said

factors to know how huge the impact of it on consumers’ buying decision. The study will be

utilizing Grade 11 and Grade 12 female students. However, with the help of stratified random

sampling and with the use of slovin’s formula, only 129 respondents coming from Grade 11

students and another 129 from Grade 12 with a total of 258 respondents will be surveyed. This

study will be conducted at Talavera Senior High School at Talavera Nueva Ecija, during the first

semester of school year 2019- 2020 using surveys as instrument for gathering data.

Operational Definition of Terms

The important terms in this research paper are defined below in order to understand the

terms used in this study thoroughly.

Age – the length of time that a person has live or a thing has existed.

Appearance - the way that someone or something looks.

Brand - a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or

service as distinct from those of other sellers.

Consumer behavior - is the study of how individual customers, groups or organizations select,

buy, use, dispose ideas, goods, and service to satisfy their needs and wants.

Cosmetics - substances or products used to enhance or alter the appearance of the face

or fragrance and texture of the body. 

Daily Allowance – the amount of money that an employee is entitled to on a daily basis.

Factor - a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or outcome.

Location - or place is used to identify a point or an area on the Earth's surface or elsewhere. 

Makeup - cosmetics such as lipstick or powder applied to the face, used to enhance or alter the


Marketers - a person or company that advertises or promotes something.

Personal selling - Personal selling is where businesses use people to sell the product after

meeting face-to-face with the customer.

Price - the quantity of payment or compensation given by one party to another in return for one

unit of goods or services.

Product satisfaction - It is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company

or surpass customer expectation.

Promotion - a way to make the public aware of your product, to influence them to purchase it,

and to establish a long-term relationship that will make them repeat customers.

Strand – refers to different areas of expertise under the program.

Quality - the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the

degree of excellence of something.


Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the related literature, articles and past studies related to this study

that will act as a basis for trusting the results that will be gathered through data.

Consumer's purchasing decision means study of habits which are related to choices,

buying, consumption, or withdrawing in terms of fulfilling needs and motives (Solmon, 2013),

the consumer's purchasing decision including interaction between thoughts, feelings and

behavior of human and environment. Hence, marketers, need to know what the brands mean for

the consumers, how they buy and what factors are effective or intervening on the buying and

using the products. The consumer's purchasing decision also includes exchange products and

services between humans which means giving a valuable thing to other and taking another thing

in return. This is the first type of exchange which has been complicated over time (Mooven et al.,

2014). Effect of psycho-personal factors on purchasing psychology helps marketers to

understand quality and quantity of consumers.

Apperception is a process which through it a person makes a significant image of the

world via selection, organizing, and interpretation of information. Consumers select some

information among advertisements, products and messages which are congruent with their needs,

intentions and attitudes (Ebrahimi, 2010).

According to the study of Hanzaee and Andervazh (2012) entitled The Influence of

Brand Loyalty on Cosmetics purchase Intention of Iranian Female Consumers, they found out

that a relationship exists between the variables. The results of the study have important

implications for both marketers and managers, since evidence shows factors of brand loyalty

among consumers affects their purchase intention . Brand loyalty is important for an organization

to ensure that its product is kept in the minds of consumers and prevent them from switching to

other brands. From the analysis of this study, it was shown that there are seven factors of brand

loyalty that were appropriate in Iran which are, the brand name, product quality, price,

promotion, service quality and store environment.

Moreover, Wang et. al, (2012) reported significant relationship between purchase

intention and situational factors which are in line with the current study. In the same line, Tan

(2016) reported the effect of personal and emotional factors on interaction to purchase. The most

negotiable finding in this study was lack of significant relationship between gender and purchase

intention. While, common sense and findings support of the relationship, in the study the effect

was not found.

For example, Hartman and Aplaz- Ibanez reported a significant relationship in this

regard, a finding which is confirmed by Stokburger and Teichman (2013). As most of the people

in the study were dependent in terms of income having a competitive market can be attractive for

the consumers. As the mixed factors of marketing play critical role in purchase intention, it is

suggested that the companies produce goods which are adapted with the country’s whether. An

important factor to absorb the trust of consumers is being honest in advertisement. In other word,

they should withdraw of pretend to high quality and the best efficacy when no sign of the fact

can be seen. Another important factor in terms of advertisement is being purposeful in this

regard. Pricing is another important factor in a competitive and growing market. Situotioanl

factors as it was found in the study and some others (Coombs, 2015) also play important role.

For instance, the place of shop, decoration, air-conditioning situation, and seasonal

factors in this regard, can be effective on the consumers' intention. Socio-cultural factors and pay

attention to subculture are very important to guarantee a company’s success. The other factors in

terms of purchasing intention are variables like personality and psychological characteristics

which have been confirmed are determining for a phenomenon which is called impulsive

shopping (Weichenmeier & Raab, 2015).

Likewise, Putri and Wandebori (2016), stated that the factor that influences purchase

intention on cosmetics is the quality of argument on the review, followed by source credibility,

perceived usefulness of the products, quantity of review available on the internet and the last

factor is review valence. First factor that greatly affects the consumer attitude is argument

quality. It was supported by hypothesis that argument quality has positive influence on consumer

attitude. Argument quality has strong influences to persuade people through the message content.

Marketer of beauty products should focus in improving persuasion on message content through

online reviewer, for instances are video bloggers and beauty enthusiasts. Improving message

content could be done by building relationship with those online reviewers and always

emphasize the products advantages in timely- accurately- relevant manner in communicating

with those online reviewers to affirm the dimension of the quality of the argument. It should be

cited that in cosmetics and health care market and especially in advertising part, no products in

this field can be advertised and women cannot show the using and effect of the products on

beauty of the users. In fact, the only part which can be advertised in the country is health and

prevention of medical problems.

Latha (2017), also found out that consumers purchase decision as much as other regular

commodities, has a high impact on the cosmetics too. It has become a part of life of every

individual to purchase it on a regular interval. When compare to gender the female use cosmetics

more and therefore the decision on product purchase lies on them. The consumer’s

decisionmaking lies on various factors like price, quality, ingredients, storage, advertisement and

promotional activities of the organization. The major factor supporting the following is the brand

of the commodity. Subsequently, even though the product price is very important factor, the

respondents prefer to purchase the high cost product too to make them comfortable in the long

run among the young adults.

This is the same with the study conducted by Alhedhaif and Kaifi (2016) that was able to

provide a significant insight into the buying behavior of female consumers for cosmetic products

and toiletries categorized as skin care products, hair care products, make up products, perfumes

and body care products, nail paints and other similar products. It is observed that the consumers

have demonstrated a fairly high level of brand loyalty towards the cosmetic products and

toiletries that they use. Approximately 12% to 20% of 38 the respondents showed “brand

neutrality”, whereas the remaining respondents showed brand preference one or more products

of their use. The study has also shown that factors such as product quality, design or features,

brand name, store environment, advertising & promotion, and price have a significant impact on

buying behavior of consumers. The study has also been able to identify the current “most

popular” brands in different categories.

Moreover, Evans and Berman (2009), demographic, social and psychological factors

affect the way final consumers make choices and can help a firm understand how people use the

decision process. An affluent consumer would move through the process more quickly than a

middle-income one due to less financial risk. An insecure consumer would spend more time

making decisions than a secure one.

Rajan Saxena (2010) calls consumer mind as the „black box‟ which is influenced by

company controlled stimulus like product, price, advertising, sales promotion, display and

distribution, besides social stimulus as word of mouth and reference group. He calls it an enigma

or black box which responds to the various stimuli resulting in either buying or no-buying


A research conducted by Duff (2011) investigated the niche market in women’s

cosmetics, and the results showed that cosmetics buyers were becoming more fashion conscious

and were demanding products with more attractive design; furthermore, consumers have a

tendency to use different makeup designs for different occasions.

Ben Amour (2009) research was to determine the effectiveness of product sampling in

terms of usage in the cosmetics industry and to draw a consumer profile who is reactive to free

samples and to determine product characteristics that would lead to free samples usage. To

accomplish those objectives, samples were given away to 500 women. Results of this research

shows that launching product sampling campaigns is quite effective as free samples usage

appears to be high (72 per cent). Companies should give away samples of new products

Another study by Guthrie et al. (2012) examined women's perceptions of brand

personality in relation to women's facial image and cosmetic usage. The study seeks to develop a

better understanding of how various factors influence perceptions of cosmetic brands in the

USA. The survey included items measuring facial image, cosmetic usage, brand personality, and

brand attitude. It is estimated that Emirate women alone spend close to AED 1 billion (US $272

million) per year on beauty products and treatments (Mena, 2009)

Product Quality encompasses the features and characteristics of a product or service that

bears on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. In other words, product quality is defined as

“fitness for use” or ‘conformance to requirement” (Russell & Taylor, 2013).

In addition, Aquino 92006) investigated that cosmetic product are perceived as daily use

type of product to lather than a luxury item. Firms study the different customer behavior. Which

may affect in purchasing the product. Moreover, this companies consider the purchase decision

thinking of customers between alternative product. How the environment affect their purchasing

power, the behavior of customer while shopping. The effect of consumer motivation and the

environment of current marketing strategies of company.

Research conducted by Lin and Chang (2011) showed that the channel convenience of

the brands had significant influence on buying behavior. This means that the accessibility to this

product/brand in the store is important when purchasing low involvement products. Consumers

will not go to another store just to find the brand. Instead, they will stay put and choose another

brand. Antoinette (2009), found out that individuals in the working environment believe that in

order to succeed in their professional life, they should take care of their hygiene and appearance

as a person’s looks affects their promotion.

Gogoi (2013) stated that the buying process of consumer are influenced by external as

well as internal motivation. Kotler and Arsmtrong (2010) and Kawa et. Al, (2013) discussed the

six stages which are: knowledge, awareness, preference, interest, persuasion, and purchase.

Gogoi (2013) stated customers have an intuition that products are little known, low cost, and

simple packaging have a high chance of rick because the quality and value of these products is

not trustable.

Also, Deshmukh and Khandagale (2015) studied consumer buying behavior towards

cosmetic products. The main aim of study was to study demographic profile of consumers and to

find factors affecting consumer purchase decision. and should be used by consumers. Matic M.,

Barbara P. (2015) studied consumers’ purchase intensions towards Natural cosmetics. The main

aim of study was to identify the determinants that influence intensions of consumers towards

purchasing natural cosmetics. Loyal customers always remain faithful or loyal to a brand, they

repurchase it and through word of mouth they recommend it to others (Eric,2012). Irshad (2012),

shows that among customers there is a significant relationship for purchase intention and brand

equity. Azizi&Ajini (2012) found a direct positive relationship between brand equity and thereby

recommending it to others. Zeeshan (20130 in his study found that among men also brand image

plays an important role and it affect their purchase decision. Debiprasd Mukherjee (2012), states

that brand loyalty have a connection with the celebrities on the brand. Consumer show high

brand loyalty for brands with images of celebrity that they aspire to be like.

Desai (2014), stated that [purchasing cosmetic products consumers are found to be more

quality conscious because they patiently wait for the brand during non-availability. While

Krishnaveni (2016) stated that, when a woman consumer turns brand loyal it is due to the quality

of beauty care product. High quality cosmetics help to build and maintain the confidence of

targeted customers and convince them to purchase it. Customers are concerns about the quality

of cosmetic products before deciding to purchase them. To remain competitive among the

competitor’s cosmetic firms should increase and concentrate more on improving the quality of


According to Beyond (2019), factors affecting women major life transitions such as

pregnancy, motherhood and menopause can create physical and emotional stresses for women.

Negative life experiences – infertility and perinatal loss, poverty, discrimination, violence,

unemployment and isolation – also impact on women's mental health and wellbeing. Unequal

economic and social conditions also contribute to women's higher risk of depression.

Richard (2017) stated that, consumer preferences describe the reasons for the choices

people make when selecting products and services. Analyzing the factors that determine

consumer preferences helps businesses target their products towards specific consumer groups,

develop new products and identify why some products are more successful than others.

In addition, Yang (2011) reported that, Marketing products, vendors tend to incite

consumers’ intention to buy impulsively through various methods of stimulation. This fact has

led to the increasing complexity of the factors which determine impulsive buying. This research

analyzed the factors which determine impulsive buying, and used questionnaires and a focus

group survey in order to study the factors that determine female consumers’ impulsive purchases

of cosmetics.

According to Khraim (2011), the worldwide annual expenditures for cosmetics is estimated at

US $18 billion, and many players in the field are competing aggressively to capture more and

more markets. The purpose of this article is to investigate the influence of brand loyalty on

cosmetics buying behavior of female consumers in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi in the UAE. The

seven factors of brand loyalty are brand name, product quality, price, design, promotion, service

quality and store environment. Questionnaires were distributed and self-administered to 382

respondents. Descriptive analysis, one-way ANOVA and Pearson Correlation were used in this

study. The findings of this study indicated that brand name has shown strong correlation with

brand loyalty. The research results showed that there is positive and significant relationship

between factors of brand loyalty (brand name, product quality, price, design, promotion, service

quality and store environment) with cosmetics brand loyalty.

Also, a study of Latif (2011) stated that, through advertising manufacturers create an

emotional link with customers and it will long last in the mind of the consumers. If advertising is

attractive, then customers pays more focus on that and thereby creates a feeling towards the

product and that leads to the way of brand promotion.

Those who have loyal feeling show a positive attitude towards a brand. Tang et al (2007),

in his study found that positive response to certain advertising or brand increases the positive

evaluation. Bostan and Nabsyeh (2012) in their study on consumers, observed that advertising is

a strong powerful tool which plays an important part to affect and inform consumer behavior.

Latif (2011) in their study paper found that there is an impact of advertising on consumer buying


A study conducted by Siddharth et. al, (2010) investigated and evaluated the product

attribute variables' which affects consumer buying behaviour of male cosmetics products in Pune

city. The study was conducted during January 2010 to July 2012 in Pune city. A questionnaire

was developed and distributed to Pune male consumers aged 20 to 50 years by using

convenience sampling technique. The total sample consists of 156 respondents. Data was

analyzed by using factor analysis in SPSS version 17.0. The study provides evidence and an

insight on various variables used for analysis and reveals that texture of product, promised

effects, previous usage experience and suitability to skin types have given more significance by

Pune men for purchasing male cosmetics products.

Moreover, a study conducted by Vahidreza et. al, (2015) investigated the factors affecting

on the purchase intention of Bono brand tile customers. In this study, a researcher-made

questionnaire with 25 questions was used. The statistical population included the customers of

Bono brand tile, through which 384 people were selected random sampling to respond research

questionnaire. To assess questionnaire validity, content validity and construct validity were used

and its reliability was measured through Cronbach's alpha as 0.936. Data resulted from research

questionnaire, were analyzed by the use of confirmatory factor analysis and multiple regression

analysis. Therefore, based on the results of this study, the variables of product quality, and brand

advertising and name had the highest impact on customers' purchase intention, but the two

variables of packaging and price didn't have a significant impact on customers' purchase




This chapter presents the research method, research instruments, population and

sampling, validation of the instruments, analysis of data, respondents/ participants of the study,

data gathering procedure, and statistical tools which were employed in the treatment.

Research Design

The researchers will use descriptive and correlational research design to determine

whether the factors affecting in purchasing cosmetics have a significant influence in selected

Talavera Senior High School Students in terms of their buying decision. According to Adi Bat

(2019), descriptive research is a research method that involves observing behavior to describe

attributes, objectively and systematically that answers what, when, where and how, but not why

questions. While correlational research is a method that describes and predicts how variables are

naturally related in the real world, without any attempt by the researcher to alter them or assign

causation between them. In simple terms, it seeks to figure out if two or more variables are

related and, if so, in what way.

Respondents of the Study and the Sample Size

This study will be conducted at Talavera Senior High School which will be using female

students of Grade 11 and Grade 12 with a total population of 773. However, since researchers

will use stratified random sampling, the researchers used Slovin’s Formula in order to know the

sample size that will be used to this study. As defined by Purita (2019), stratified random

sampling is a method of sampling that involves the division of a population into smaller sub-

groups known as strata. With stratified random sampling, the sample size computed through the

use of Slovin’s formula which is 257 will be divided to 5 strands in order to get equal

representation of respondents for each strand.

Research Local

This study will be conducted in Talavera Senior High School located at Pag-asa Talavera

Nueva Ecija where the respondents of this study are studying. Below is the picture of Talavera

Senior High School.

Figure 2. Picture of Talavera Senior High School


The Talavera Senior High School was conducted at the year of 2017 with the help of

Department of Education (DepEd) in pursuant to Republic Act 10533, The Enhanced Basic

Education Act of 2013, more commonly known as the K-12 program.

Talavera Senior High School was a part of Talavera National High School which was

headed by the Junior High School Principal, Ma’am Cecilia M. Inducil back in 2016 before it

became a standalone school last June year 2017 headed by its formal principal, Donato B. Chico,

and the assistant principal, Virginia D. Fernandez. Today, the school is being headed by its new

principal, Sir Pepito Marzan and assistant principal, Sir Ericson Nepomuceno along with 45

competitive teaching staff and has a grand total of 1,514 eager enrollees.


To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to wuality, equitable, culture-based,

and complete basic education where:

Students learn in a child friendly way, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment.

Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.

Administrators and staffs, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and supportive

environment for effective learning to happen.

Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility for

developing life-long learners.


We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose values and

competencies enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building

the nation. As a leaner-centered public institution, the Department of Education continuously

improves itself to better serve its stakeholders.

Statistical Analysis

Through survey questionnaires with the respondent’s profile and several questions that is

analytically arranged and organized, researchers are able to collect data that will be gathered

from the respondents answering the problem of this study entitled Factors Affecting in

Purchasing Cosmetics of Selected Talavera Senior High School Students. In order to facilitate

the accuracy and reliability of the data gathered, researchers will use the following procedures

and statistical tools.

1. Respondent's Profile- for the researchers to describe the respondent's profile, frequency

will be used to categorize the number of respondents where it fits to a certain category.

In statistics, frequency is the number of times an event occurs and is use to determine the

portion of a part to a whole such as the number given in relation of the entire population.

2. Cosmetics often purchased by respondents- for the researchers to determine the

cosmetics often purchased by respondents, the researchers will use frequency count that

will be converted into percent. In statistics, frequency count is a tabulation of how many

times a certain variable occurs within a calculation.

3. Influence of 7p's in Marketing Mix strategies in purchasing different type of

cosmetics- to determine the influence of factors affecting the Customer's purchase in

different type of cosmetics, researchers will be using mean and standard deviation. Mean

in statistics, is the measure of central tendency calculated by dividing the sum of all

values by the number of valued in the data set. While standard deviation is the measure

of dispersion of a set of data from its mean.

4. Relationship between profile and 7p's in marketing mix strategies- for the

researchers to determine the Relationship between profile and 7p's in marketing

strategies, they will be using Pearson's R. In statistics, the Pearson correlation

coefficient, also referred to as Pearson's r, is a measure of the linear correlation between

two variables X and Y.

5. Most influential factor affecting in purchasing cosmetics- in able for the researchers

to determine the most influential factor affecting in purchasing cosmetics of selected

Talavera Senior High School Students, researchers will be use frequency count to

determine the factor that got the highest vote from the respondents.

Instruments of the Study

Survey questionnaires were chosen as a data collection instrument by the researchers that

was validated by the researcher’s adviser. It was handed out to the respondents to gather needed

information. It compromises the name, age, strand, family status, and daily allowances that will

be answered by the respondents.

The instrument of the study is consisting of three (3) parts. The first part of the study is

consisting of the demographic profile of the respondents including their names (optional), age,

strand, and daily allowance. The second part aims to identify which cosmetic product the

respondents often purchased by checking the box beside the cosmetic products given. The last

part of the questionnaire main focus is to determine the influence of factors or 7p’s in marketing

mix strategies by using the scale level as 1-not influential, 2-slightly influential, 3- influential,

and 4 as highly influential.

Data Gathering Procedure

The following procedures will be used by researchers in gathering data from the

respondents in conducting the study entitled “Factors Affecting in Purchasing Cosmetics of

Selected Talavera Senior high School Students”.

By the use of appropriate instrument and sampling method, the researchers will be able to

gather data needed from the respondents. Before conducting the study, the researchers will first

ask the permission of the Principal, Sir Pepito P. Marzan, to conduct a survey to the students of

Talavera Senior High School. After securing the permit, the researchers will ask for the involved

teachers’ permission. When the teachers let them interrupt the class for a while, they will

proceed in giving instructions and directions about the proper way of answering the

questionnaires which includes some questions about the influence of 7p’s in marketing mix

strategies or the factors that affect their purchasing decision of cosmetics, the profile of the

respondents and also about the cosmetic products they often purchase. After collecting data for

the study, the researchers will analyze and interpret the data they gathered and will use the

appropriate statistical tool needed.

Research Instrument

Name (Optional: _________________________________ Age: ______ Strand: __________

Daily Allowance: __________

1. Choose the cosmetic product you often purchased by checking the box below.

 Lip Balm   Brow Enhancers  Powder  Highlighter

 Blush Mascara  False lashes  Bronzer  Lip Stain

 Lipstick  Eyeliner  Kits/Sets

 Nail Polish  Lip Liner  Conceale


 Foundation

 Lip Gloss

 Eyeshadow

2. Describe the influence of factors affecting your purchasing decision by checking the

corresponding scale of it with a level of:

Marketing Mix Strategies 3- Influential

1 2 3 4
Product (the goods and services combination the company
offers to the target market.) 4- Slightly influential
Price (amount the consumer must exchange to receive the
Place (where the product or service is actually sold.)
Promotion (includes all the activities marketers undertake
to inform consumers about their products and to encourage
potential customers to buy these products.)
Packaging (way your product or service appears from the
Positioning (identifies the target market and the functional
and emotional benefits your brand provides your
People (human actors who play a part in service delivery
and thus influence the buyers’ perceptions.)
1- Not influential

2- Slightly influential


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