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TABLE OF FIGURES.............................................................................................................................iv
CHAPTER I...............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Research Question...........................................................................................................................3
1.3 Research Limitation........................................................................................................................3
1.4 Research Purpose............................................................................................................................3
1.5 Research Benefits.............................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II.............................................................................................................................................5
THEORITICAL REVIEW.......................................................................................................................5
2.1 Theoretical Basis..............................................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Definition of Interest.................................................................................................................5
2.1.2 Characteristics of Interest........................................................................................................5
2.1.3 Factor that Influence Interest..................................................................................................6
2.1.4 Kind of Interest.........................................................................................................................6
2.1.5 Interest Indicator......................................................................................................................7
2.1.6 Customer Interest.....................................................................................................................7
2.1.7 Interest in Using........................................................................................................................7
2.1.8 Percieved Ease of Use...............................................................................................................7
2.1.9 Perceived Usefulness.................................................................................................................8
2.1.10 Perceived Security...................................................................................................................8
2.1.11 Perceived Risk.........................................................................................................................8
2.2 Previous Research............................................................................................................................8
2.3 Framework of Thinking................................................................................................................10
2.4 Hypothesis......................................................................................................................................11
CHAPTER III..........................................................................................................................................12
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................................................12
3.1 Research Object.............................................................................................................................12
3.2 Types of Research..........................................................................................................................12
3.3 Population......................................................................................................................................12

3.4 Sample............................................................................................................................................12
3.5 Data Source....................................................................................................................................13
3.6 Data Collection Technique............................................................................................................13
3.7 Research Variables and Operational Definitions........................................................................13
3.8 Data Analysis Technique...............................................................................................................13


1 Picture 1 : Framework of Thinking..........................................................................................................10



1.1 Background

The rapid development of technology today has brought great changes to the
business sector, not least in the banking industry sector in Indonesia. This is characterized
by a higher level of business competition from various sectors of the economy and
industry. Competition requires every company to work more effectively and efficiently in
order to maintain the continuity of the company's operations. The more banks that
operate in Indonesia, the tighter the competition in the banking industry so that the
banking industry is encouraged to be able to adjust to the development and pattern of
people's behavior.

Banking is one of the service industries that can encourage economic growth in
Indonesia. Currently many banks that have operated in Indonesia both conventional
banks and Islamic banks. Each bank has its own strategy in competing with each other.
Banks must be able to meet market demand to provide satisfaction and trust to customers,
because if the bank is not able to meet the demand then the bank will lose the opportunity
to seize to dominate the market. The bank's ability to attract the attention of prospective
customers will be a benchmark for the emergence of customer interest..

Customer interest is the tendency of individuals to act before making a decision to

become a customer at a bank. A person who has an interest in an object, both goods and
services, tends to give greater attention or pleasure to the object, therefore each bank will
implement a strategy to increase customer interest for the sustainability and progress of
the company. According to Tampubolon, interest is a combination of desire and will that
can develop if there is motivation, while customers according to Tampubolon are
consumers who buy or use products sold or offered by banks. Therefore, every bank will
continue to innovate banking services to maintain credibility to its customers.
(Definitions of Bank Customers, 1991, p. 41).

Credibility is a form of trust from customers to the bank. Someone who has good
credibility towards a bank, tends to have a high sense of loyalty to a bank. According to
Prof. Dr. H. Hafied Canggara, M.Sc credibility in banking is to provide the best service
so as to make consumers believe in the results they receive. For example, a bank provides
good service and performance to customers in various banking products, it makes the
bank gain credibility in the eyes of the wider community.

Customers who have high credibility is an important asset for banking companies
because it will be the main weapon for the continuity of a bank's business. Customer
credibility is not easy because many customers who seem to be credibility are not really
wired. They may be faithful for many years in using the services of a bank but at the

same time they also become customers and users of banking services from other banks.
Banks are required to build credibility through communication among customers.

In realizing the various banking desires above, Bank Syariah Indonesia gave birth
to BSI Mobile, which is one of the service innovations of banking by utilizing the
development of information and communication technology tailored to the needs of
customers to facilitate customer transactions. BSI Mobile is a service that allows bank
customers to make banking transactions through smartphones. BSI Mobile services can
be used through applications that can be downloaded by bank customers. BSI Mobike
provides good benefits for the ease of customers in making transactions and helps bank
operations become more effective and efficient. The advantages in using BSI Mobile are
that customers can make transactions anywhere and anytime without time restrictions,
easily accessible anytime and anywhere, the range of connections is wider because of
internet support, and equipped with features that are safe, simple and easy to understand
by customers. In addition, many other benefits will be obtained by customers with
guaranteed security because every use of features on BSI Mobile there are verification
codes, PINs and security systems that have been standardized by the bank.

Based on the results of the description of the researcher above it can be concluded
that the researcher conducted research on the analysis of customer interest in the use of
BSI mobile applications in an effort to increase customer credibility in BSI bank KCP
Probolinggo aimed at measuring how much influence the perception of ease of use (X1),
perception of benefits (X2), perception of security (X3) and risk perception (X4) to
interest in using (Y) . BSI KCP Probolinggo is the object of our research because Bank
BSI is still new to the community because it is a merger of Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM),
Bank BRI Syariah (BRIS), and Bank BNI Syariah (BNIS). Therefore, there are still many
BSI customers who have not used BSI Mobile, this may be due to customer limitations in
operating applications or technology consisting of limited capabilities, knowledge,
residential areas not fully supported by the internet network, and the culture of customers
who are still traditional by coming to the bank and queuing to make transactions. Based
on the above description, researchers are interested in proving various problems and
discussing further about the topic of our problems so that we can find efficient, effective
and economical solutions to realize Bank Syariah Indonesia programs.

1.2 Research Question

Based on the description that has been described in the background of the study, the
formulation of the problems that can be taken in this study is as follows :
1. Does Perceived Ease of Use (X1) affect Interest In Using (Y) on the use of BSI Mobile
applications in an effort to increase customer credibility at BSI Bank KCP Probolinggo ?
2. Does Perceived Usefulness (X2) affect Interest In Using (Y) on the use of BSI Mobile
applications in an effort to increase customer credibility at BSI Bank KCP Probolinggo ?
3. Does Perceived Security (X3) affect Interest In Using (Y) on the use of BSI Mobile
applications in an effort to increase customer credibility at BSI Bank KCP Probolinggo ?
4. Does Perceived Risk (X4) affect Interest In Using (Y) on the use of BSI Mobile
applications in an effort to increase customer credibility at BSI Bank KCP Probolinggo ?

1.3 Research Limitation

In order for the purpose of this research to be achieved properly and not stray too far,
then the problem is limited to :
1. Case Studies are only conducted on customers of Bank Syariah Indonesia at Probolinggo
2. Seeing the influence of Perceived Ease of Use (X1), Perceived Usefulness (X2),
Perceived Security (X3) and Perceived Risk (X4) to Interest in Using (Y) in an effort to
measure customer interest levels on BSI Mobile.
3. Looking at customer interest levels on BSI mobile as measured by Interest in Using
through primary data in the form of questionnaires to 100 respondents.
1.4 Research Purpose

The goals to be achieved in this study are as follows :

1. To analyze the influence of Perceived Ease of Use (X1) on Interest in Using (Y) in
the use of BSI Mobile applications in an effort to increase customer credibility at BSI
Bank KCP Probolinggo ?
2. To analyze the influence of Perceived Usefulness (X2) on Interest in Using (Y) in
the use of BSI Mobile applications in an effort to increase customer credibility at BSI
Bank KCP Probolinggo ?
3. To analyze the influence of Perceived Security (X3) on Interest in Using (Y) in the
use of BSI Mobile applications in an effort to increase customer credibility at BSI
Bank KCP Probolinggo ?
4. To analyze the influence of Perceived Risk (X4) on Interest in Using (Y) in the use
of BSI Mobile applications in an effort to increase customer credibility at BSI Bank
KCP Probolinggo ?

1.5 Research Benefits

The results of this study are expected to provide benefits for interested parties, namely :
1. This research is expected to provide new insights into the application of perceived
ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived security and perceived risk to interest in
2. Practically, this research can be an input to Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Probolinggo
to always improve BSI Mobile services so that customer credibility is increasing..
3. For the Accounting Department at State Polytechnic of Malang, this research is
expected to be a reference for students of the State Polytechnic of Malang in
Accounting Department who will conduct further research on similar topics.



2.1 Theoretical Basis

2.1.1 Definition of Interest

Interest is one of the psychic aspects of humans that can encourage to achieve goals, and
interest is also one of the reasons why a human being chooses something. Slameto (2010:180)
says that interest is a sense of liking and attachment to a thing or activity, without anyone telling.
According to the Shah (2010:133) that interest means a high tendency and excitement or a great
desire for something. Azhar and Sikumbang (2018), Interest is a mental state that produces a
directed response to a certain situation or object that is pleasant and gives satisfaction to him.
Another opinion is expressed by Widyastuti et al (Kusumo Y, 2019) who says that
interest is a desire driven by a desire after seeing, observing and comparing and considering the
needs it wants. It can be concluded that interest is a source of motivation that encourages people
to do something they want when they are free to choose. Interest is also a mental device
consisting of a mixture of feelings, hopes, stances, prejudices and fears because interest is a
mental state that produces a response that is attracted to a situation or object..

2.1.2 Characteristics of Interest

Based on several definitions of interest, it is known that interest has certain characteristics
and characteristics that will distinguish with other understandings such as motivation, and other
emotional impulses. According to Crow & Crow (Hurlock, 2004: 215) the characteristics of
interest include:
1. Attention to objects of interest consciously and spontaneously, naturally without
compulsion. This factor is indicated by unsteady behavior by others during the search for
favored items. This means that it is not easy to be persuaded to move to something else.
2. Feeling good about objects that attract attention. This factor is indicated by feeling
satisfied after getting the desired item.
3. Consistency to the object of interest as long as the object is effective for itself.
4. Search for objects of interest, this factor is indicated by the behavior of not desperate to
follow the desired model.
5. Experience gained during individual development and is innate, which can be the cause
or effect of past experiences, the individual is interested in something that is desired
because the experience feels beneficial to him.

2.1.3 Factor that Influence Interest

Many things can affect interests, both from individuals and the community environment.
According to Smadi (2012), factors that cause interest can be classified as follows :

1. The need factor from within

This need can be a need related to the body and psyche.
2. Social motives
Interest in a person can be driven by social motives, namely the need to get recognition,
appreciation from the environment in which he is located..
3. Emotional factors
This factor is a measure of a person's intensity in paying attention to a particular activity
or object.

2.1.4 Kind of Interest

According to Lefrancois (Syarifudin et al, 2020) is divided into two types in general,
namely :
1. Instrinsic Interest
Interests that come from within the individual and are fundamental to make
encouragement in behaving with activities that are in demand, free and have a tendency
to like without any coercion or intervention.
2. Extrinsic interest
Interests are built on the principle of reward and punishment, so that an
individual's encouragement to interest him by putting forward goals in the form of
rewards or making the tendency of individuals to be interested through the pressure of
intervention in the form of punishment. Although it tends to be mechanistic in practice
and pays little attention to humanitarian principles, in general extrinsic interests are used
to help strengthen the impetus for instrinsic interest.

2.1.5 Interest Indicator

Some indicators of interest according to Ferista W. (Nanda, 2020) are as follows::

1. Transactional interests, which are a person's tendency to buy or use products of interest.
2. Refractive interest is a person's tendency to refer products to others.
3. Preferential interests are those that describe the behavior of a person who has a primary
preference for the product. This preference can only be replaced if something happens to
the product of his preference.
4. Exploratory interests are those that describe the behavior of a person who is always
looking for information about the product he is interested in and looking for information
to support the positive properties of the product.

2.1.6 Customer Interest

Customer interest in this research is interpreted as the tendency of customers to act before
making decisions in using mobile banking services. Indicators of customer interest include the
tendency of customers to buy or use products, behavior in referencing or recommending products
to others, behavior in prioritizing a product, and behavior in seeking information on products of

2.1.7 Interest in Using

Interest in using is a tendency, desire, high excitement or a sense of attraction to a thing

and the existence of a will that arises from within the individual without anyone ruling on
something. The stronger the interest, the greater the interest and until finally there is a desire to
use the product (Anwar, 2018; Wahyuningsih, 2019).

2.1.8 Percieved Ease of Use

Park (2016) defines perceived ease of use as the degree to which a person believes that
using a system makes it easier for them to get pleasure both psychologically and
physiologically[11]. While according to Sugiyono perceived ease of use is the level of a person
feels confident that using a technology does not require great effort, the dimensions of the ease
of use (Sari, 2019) are: "1) Easy to learn, 2) easy to use, 3) Clear and easy to understand, 4)
become skilled".

2.1.9 Perceived Usefulness

Perceived usefulness is the degree to which users believe that using a particular system
will provide an advantage for them (Davis et al, 2015). Perceived usefulness also convinces
consumers that positive relationships affect individual performance.

2.1.10 Perceived Security

The perception of security is defined as "a person's level of confidence in the security of a
system can protect or safeguard personal data information and ensure its security when using the
system" (Ananda, 2019; Saptawati, 2018; Sari, 2019). Dimensions used by (Fahmi & Evanita,
2019) namely: "1) Security guarantee 2) Data Confidentiality", then dimensions used by (Sari,
2019) namely: "1) Not worried about providing information 2) Trust that information is
protected 3) Trust that the security of money in electronic devices is guaranteed at the time of

2.1.11 Perceived Risk

Schiffman and Kanuk in Rosalia (2016) define risk as the uncertainty faced by consumers
when they cannot foresee the impact of their purchasingdecisions.

2.2 Previous Research

Previous research can be used as a reference in conducting further research. Previous

research related to this research is as follows :

1. Maria Loki Kristianti and Rilo Pambudi (2017) in research analysis of the
influence of ease perception, perception of usefulness, perception of security
level, and service features for mobile banking use in students in DKI Jakarta. This
study uses primary data obtained from questionnaires in the form of Google form
and distributed to students in DKI Jakarta. The population in this study is all
customers who use mobile banking or who will use mobile banking. The study
also used statistical analysis, classical assumption tests, heteroskedasticity tests,
interrelationary tests, double linear analysis of t tests, and f tests. From this study
resulted in that the perception of convenience, perception of usefulness,
perception of security level, and service features affect the interest in mobile
banking use by students in DKI Jakarta.

2. Reza Ramadhan and Sri Herianingrum (2017) in research on Ease of Use
Perception, Credibility Perception and Price Perception of Customer Intentions
Using Mobile Banking Services, Case Study at Bank Syariah Mandiri Surabaya.
This study uses primary data from the dissemination of questionnaires to
respondents, the population of this study is all BSM Surabaya customers who use
mobile banking services. The results of the study showed that the perception of
ease of use, perception of credibility and price perception affect the interest of
BSM Surabaya customers using mobile banking.
3. Vina Pandu Winata, et al (2018) in research analysis of ease of use, efficiency and
security of customer interests transacting using BSM Mobile Banking at Bank
Syariah Mandiri KC Payakumbuh. The results of this study show that ease of use,
efficiency and security have a positive and significant effect on customer interest
in transacting using BSM mobile banking both partially and simultaneously and
the most dominant is the efficiency variable.
4. Ririn Nurhayati (2019) in research on the Influence of Perception of Usefulness,
Security, Trust, and Perception of Ease of Use of Online Banking in Students of
Sumbawa University of Technology. This study uses survey methods, the
population in this study is UTS students as many as 3,500 students with a sample
of 317 students. The instrument test used is a test of validity and reliability. The
data analysis used in this study to test the hypothesis is multiple regression
analysis. This study showed positive and significant results on the use of online
banking students of Sumbawa University of Technology with a value of f
calculated > f table which amounted to 36,344>2.3719.
5. Melanie and M. Taufiq (2020) in research on Factors That Influence Customer
Decisions Using Internet Banking in Surabaya. This study uses factor analysis,
the data used is primary data, a sample of 100 respondents. The number of
variables of this study as many as 18 variables, the data obtained then processed
with SPSS. The results of this study showed that there are 4 out of 18 variables
that influence customer decisions using internet banking, namely the security
factor of money transferred with eigen value 8,023, effective and efficient factor

with eigen value 1,774, the magnitude of risk with eigen value 1,226 and flexible
usage factor with eigen value 1,180.
6. Rosita Yulianti (2019) in research on the Effect of Ease of Use, Benefits,
Availability of Features, Costs and Risks to The Use of Mobile banking in BNI
Syariah KC Surakarta. The sample used in this study was a number of 100
respondents who used mobile banking BNI Syariah KC Surakarta. The sample
determination method used in this study is purposive sampling and the data
analysis method uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study
showed that partially that the variables of ease of use, availability of features and
costs affect mobile banking usage decisions, benefit variables and risks do not
include the effect on mobile banking use. Simultaneously, variables in ease of
use, benefits, availability of features, costs and risks significantly affect the use of
mobile banking with a significance value of 0,000<0.05.

2.3 Framework of Thinking

The Frame of Thinking contains images or schemes that illustrate how perceived Ease of
Use(X1), Perceived Usefulness (X2), Perceived Security (X3) and Perceived Risk (X4) affects
Interest in Using (Y). Figure 1 is the conceptual framework used in this study :

1 Picture 1 : Framework of Thinking

2.4 Hypothesis

Based on the formulation of problems, theoretical foundations, previous research, and the
frame of mind that have been spelled out before, the hypotheses in this study are:
H1 : Perceived Ease of Use (X1), Perceived Usefulness (X2), Perceived Security (X3) and
Perceived Risk (X4) has a simultaneous impact on Interest in Using (Y).
H2 : Perceived Ease of Use has an impact on Interest in Using.
H3 : Perceived Usefulness has an impact on Interest in Using.
H4 : Perceived Security has an impact on Interest in Using.
H5 : Perceived Risk has an impact on Interest in Using.



3.1 Research Object

The object used in this investigation is a customer of Bank Syariah Indonesia at

Probolinggo City. The data used in this study was the result of the spread of questionnaires in
100 respondents.

3.2 Types of Research

This type of research is quantitative research with data retrieval techniques using
purposive sampling. Quantitative research is a study to test established hypotheses of a particular
population or sample by using numbers as analytical tools (Sugiyono, 2007). The dissemination
of questionnaires was conducted to 100 respondents of Bank Syariah Indonesia Kota
Probolinggo customers.

3.3 Population

Population is the number that exhibits certain characteristics that can be used by
researchers to make conclusions (Sanusi, 2014). The population in this study is the Probolinggo
City Community which is a customer of Bank Syariah Indonesia.

3.4 Sample

The sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population
(Sugiyono, 2017). Samples in this study were taken using the purposive sampling method, which
is sampling done by taking samples from populations based on a certain criteria (Sugiyono,
2017). The criteria used in sampling this study are as follows :
a. Respondents are customers of Bank Syariah Indonesia
b. Find out about BSI Mobile services

3.5 Data Source

The data source used in this study is primary data. Primary data is original data and
collected by researchers themselves as a tool to answer the formulation of research problems
(Danang Sunyoto, 2013). Data on this study can be obtained through the dissemination of
questionnaires to 100 respondents of Bank Syariah Indonesia Kota Probolinggo customers.

3.6 Data Collection Technique

The data collection technique in this study is using questionnaires. Questionnaire is a

technique of collecting data by way of researchers providing a list of questions or written
statements for respondents to answer (Sugiyono, 2011).

3.7 Research Variables and Operational Definitions

This study contains two types of variables, independent variables and dependent variables.
An independent variable is a variable consisting of Perceived Ease Of Use (X1), Perceived
Usefulness (X2), Perceived Security (X3) and Perceived Risk (X4). As well as the dependent
variables in this study are Interest in Using (Y). Each of the above research variables can be
defined as follows :
1. Independent Variables
The variables used in this study are :
a. X1 : Perceived Ease Of Use
b. X2 : Perceived Usefulness
c. X3 : Perceived Security
d. X4 : Perceived Risk

2. Dependent Variables
The variable used in this study is Interest in Using (Y).

3.8 Data Analysis Technique

Data analysis techniques in this research use quantitative analysis techniques by collecting
and processing primary data. The variable test in this study is by using Statistical Product and
Service Solutions (SPSS) software. SPSS is a tool used to process, analyze and interpret data.
SPSS will show static test calculations to determine whether the research hypothesis is
acceptable or not. The tests performed on SPSS software are as follows :
1. Simultaneous Test / F Test

The F test is used to show the or absence of the effect of each independent
variable on the dependent variables together. This F test is performed using a significance
level of 5% (0.05) with the following criteria :

a. If the value F calculates the < F of the table or the significance level (Sig) > 0.05,
then H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected meaning that simultaneously the
independent variable has no effect on the dependent variable.
b. If the value F calculates the > F of the table or the significance level (Sig) < 0.05,
then H0 is rejected and Ha accepts it means that simultaneously independent
variables have an influence on dependent variables.

2. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

Regression analysis is a statistical technique that is useful for sensing and

modeling relationships between variables. Multiple regressions are often used to solve
regression analysis problems that result in relationships of two or more free variables.
The model of multiple linear regression equations is as follows :

Y’ = a + b1X1+ b2X2+…..+ bnXn

Additional Information :
Y’ = Predicted influence value
a = Constant or price number X = 0
b = Regression coefficient
X = Dependent variable value

The free variables in the study were Perceived Ease of Use (X1), Perceived
Usefulness (X2), Perceived Security (X3) and Perceived Risk (X4) while the bound
variables were interest in using (Y). This method of analysis uses the SPSS (Statistic
Product and Service Solution) program. The form of the equation is :

Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2+ b3X3 + e

Additional Information :
Y = Coefficient Interest in Using
a = Constanta
b1 = Coefficient perceived ease of use
b2 = Coefficient perceived usefulness
b3 = Coefficient perceived security
X1 = Variable perceived ease of use
X2 = Variable perceived usefulness
X3 = Variable perceived security

3. Determination Coefficient Test

The Coefficient of Determination (R-Squared) test is a test to explain the

proportion of variations of dependent variables described by independent variables
(Widarjono: 2011). In addition, the coefficient of determination test can also be used to
measure how well the regression line we have. If the coefficient of determination (R-
squared) value in an estimate is close to the number one (1), it can be said that the
dependent variable is well explained by its independent variable. Conversely, if the
coefficient of determination (R-Squared) moves away from 38 number one (1) or close to
zero (0), the less well the independent variable explains the dependent variable.

4. Partial Test / T Test

According to Ghozali (2016), partial test (t test) is used to test how far the influence
of partially independent variables is on dependent variables. The t test in this study is
used to find out how the influence of independent variables used is perceived ease of use
(X1), perceived usefulness (X2), perceived security (X3) partially on dependent
variables, namely Interest in Using (Y). The t hypothesis test uses a significant rate of
5% (α = 0.05), with the following criteria :

a. If the value t calculates > t of the table, then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted
which means the independent variable individually affects the dependent variable
b. If the value t calculates < t of the table, then H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected
which means the independent variable individually has no significant effect on the
dependent variable partially.
c. If a significant value > 0.05, then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, meaning
there is no influence between the free variable and the bound variable.
d. If a significant value < 0.05, then H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected, meaning
there is an influence between the free variable and the bound variable.


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