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Ocean Eleetrical
(€letulcol €nglneerlng FuromoUon)
f, {...t!}..1 Ltri. r *totkte md kdrtrHE#rM e&rt, ffiionikr4cg r Akrr &,vtoniio,rkrgr&/SetrrO6fign ondfffiion
r filoin S,l,ilchb@d & Dirkhrfut krd Detpn t Fob.kofur r *qrr l.bvigo*sn Eqripm€ntkrslddlion & Ssvhe

Certifi cate of Conforrnance


Project name: Matarbari Ultra Super Crttical Coal-Fired Power Proiect

PO: 2020850382

Description of Equipment: HVAC system

Ref No.: SC22-0005845

This is to certiff that we have manufacturedfimported and inspected the below mentioned
equipment and that its quality has been proved to be good, correct and its quality is also
correctly in conformance witlr the specifications and stipulations of the contractin all aspects.

sI. NO. Manuftcturer/Brand

L Cable eland brass M75 Lapp
2 Cable eland PVC M25 Lapp
J Terminal block 2.5rm OEL
4 Stopper fTerminal blockJ 2.5rm OEL
5 C channel for IB OEI,
6 Core ferrule number fvellowl 0-9 Partex marking system
7 Core ferrule number fvellawl h-z Partex marking system
I Core ferrule strip fBlackl 4 inch Partex marking system
I PVC cable tie Sx3OSmm Kitty industries ltd.
10 PVC cable tie 3x3S0mm Kitty ndustries ltd.
IL PYC cable tie 3x200mm Kirty ndustries ltd.
L2 PVC cable tie 3x100rnm Kitty ndustries ltd.
13 Heat shrinkable overall sleeve 2Smm Tongl
L4 Cable lus fRinp tuuel 2.5rm fHole 4rm] Lann
15 Cable us fBootless trr'De) 2"5rm Lapp
16 Cable us fPin typel 2.Srm Lapp
17 Cable up lU tvue) 2.1rm Lapp
18 Cable ue fBootless tsue) 0.7Srm Lapp
t9 Flexible conduit 2Bmm BDDE
?0 Flexible conduit ZZmm BDDE
21 Flexible conduit 16mm BDDE
22 Flexible connector 28mm BDDE
?3 Flexible connector 22mm BDDE
24 Flexible connector L6mm BDDE

Depug Manager {project}

Oilcr SSodchop: Crl*+tE-OI71l-2,8i,,{.,

Ctlcrptxrginto, Azinrpss, tsnaphult Fmoft lnf&rytehcf
Cttitlagaftg-ffi,gg.gffir, w!,vrt.acocr6l6ctrkohd.conr

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