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On tour.
Gilles Taschet scénographe.

SET :The main structure of the set is a border built with scaffolding pipes according
to our drawing. Pipes could be used and rosted as much as possible.The border will
be closed with tulle (work net) and translucid plastic sheets( tarpolin) that we’ll hang
on the pipe’s structure.

We need 2,5 m X 25m tulle (work net) grey or white and 2,5 m X 20 m plastic tarpolin
On the floor
We need 5 plywood sheets ( 2mm X 2m X1,5m) to build a little floor on the left side
of the set.
We also need cardboard sheets( from cardbord boxes) as large as possible, to put
them on the floor (on the half part of the area)

25 cinderblocks

3 metal oil drums ( 1m height X 60cm diameter) opened.

2 small oil drums (50 cm height and 75cm height)
2 blue plastic water buckets.
3 grey or black plastic water buckets.

Rosted objects and old wood .

We need to make FIRE on the floor, so we need a métal sheet (1mX1m) to isolate
the floor from the fire. We need a cut drum to make the fire inside and a grid to put
it above.
We also need small dry wood for the fire.

PAINTING :In order to paint and soil the set ( cardboard on the floor, tarpolin…) we
need different kind of brushes and painting.

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