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Blue Bells Public School

Session 2021-22
Winter Break Homework
Class VII

Dear Students
Winter holidays are here again!!
The cool winter brings with it celebrations, decorations and a whole lot of holiday fun. The
New Year also rings in.
As the winter gets more severe some of you may be more inclined to avoid any physical activity
and stay glued to your electronics but that’s not good for your health.
It’s important to keep yourself physically active, emotionally engaged and intellectually
stimulated. So, why not try a few fun activities like- learning craft work, read story books, play
board games, helping parents in household work and explore new hobbies.
Wishing you all a safe, healthy and fun-packed winter break.
Wish you all a very Happy New Year!!


Theme: Fabrics of Telangana

• Research the different kinds of dresses worn in the state of Telangana. Find about the
fabric used in making these dresses.
• Create an E- Brochure OR Video Presentation on the above-mentioned topic.
• E - Brochure- Create an E-Brochure depicted the variety and discounts available on
“Special Saree Sale from Telangana”
• Video Presentation- (2-3 mins) Talk about the discount and offers for the
customer on buying fabrics from the famous store of Telangana.
• Add your name, class and section at the end.


एक वर्ग फिट कपड़े पर तेलर्

ं ाना की जनजाततयों दस
ू री ओर हररयाणा के पारं पररक पोशाकों के
चित्र बनाएँ और एक मिनट की वीडियो िें उसका पररिय कराएँ।

मूल्यांकन बिन्द-ु

विष् िस्त-ु 3


प्रस्ततु त-2



हरियाणा औि तेलंगाना के प्रसिद्ध परिधान का सित्रात्मक प्रस्तुसतकिण।

सिद्यार्थी तेलंगाना औि हरियाणा में िे सकिी एक परिधान का सित्र बनाएँ गे औि उिे धागे के माध्यम िे
िज्जा प्रदान किें गे। एक उदाहिण नीिे सदया गया है ।
A pictorial presentation of famous costumes of Haryana and Telangana.
(Une présentation picturale des costumes célèbres de l'Haryana et du Telangana.)

The students will draw a picture of a garment from Telangana and Haryana and decorate it
with the help of thread. (Les étudiants dessineront un vêtement du Telangana et de l'Haryana
et le décoreront à l'aide de fil.)
Activity: Creating a new pattern using pochampally and phulkari
1. Explore about different pochampally designs and phulkari designs.
2. Draw one pochampally design and phulkari design on an A4 size sheet.
3. Now find out patterns and symmetries in them.
4. Now create a new pattern with combination of Pochampally and Phulkari design.
5. Present all your work in a presentation with voice over.
Assessment Rubrics:
Content 5
Creativity 2.5
Originality and Presentation 2.5
Science & Computer Science
Activity: Poster Making
1. Research on the types of silk made in Telangana.
2. Find the steps involved in making of pochampally silk saree starting from cocoon to silk
3. Present the steps of silk making through sketching, drawings or pictures in an attractive
4. Don’t forget to make beautiful border around the work, using the motifs or art form of
5. Present the prepared poster through a PPT using video or voice recording to explain
your work, for which 2 slides to be prepared, one with the Time lapse of the video and
the other slide presenting your beautiful art work.
Assessment Rubrics:
Content 5
Creativity 2.5
Presentation 2.5

Social Science

• To know and learn more about the diverse culture, costumes and tradition of our nation
let us step into the state of Telangana and Haryana to know more about its great culture
and clothing, the students are supposed to design a doll with variation in clothes and
culture for both states.
• To explore the way, just do a project on Textiles and for the same paste pictures
depicting different costumes, clothes, and culture of the states of Telangana and
Haryana on an A4 size sheet.

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