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Student Name: Ross Duigan

ID: G00369996

Subject: Wood Technology Topic(s): Disease and defects

Pupil Year Group: 2nd Year No. of Pupils: 16
Lesson Number: 17 Length of lesson: 40 minutes
Date: 13/1/22 Time of Lesson: 14.55


 Students have a basic understanding of how to explain the difference between

dry rot and wet rot from the teacher’s demonstration
 Students have a basic understanding from observing the recap how certain defects
occur in timber to a very high standard
 Students have a better understanding of how different defects occur in timber from
looking at the real life examples
 Keep reinforcing and repeating to the students to read the question a number of
times before starting the question
 From independently teaching the class, I notice that some students struggled
with understanding how resin pocket occurred in timber


Brief outline of WHY this content is the basis of the lesson KEY*

Continue introducing students to the disease and defects topic. Explaining using PowerPoint RL
presentation so that the students understand how to name and explain how these defects NL
occur in timber

Recap from the last lesson, by using a YouTube video to show the students how resin
pockets occur in timber. This will show the students the negative and positive of how to use
resin correctly (coffee table etc).

Students answers to the questions being asked using hand up. I will then use the fist of five
method to see how well the students understand how to answer the questions

Demonstrated to the class how to sketch the worked examples from the book on defects in
timber and then allowing the students to sketch after observing the demonstration in their
own workbook. This will give me a sense of where students need work in at sketching

Recap from the lesson by answering the question within the PowerPoint. This will give me a
better sense of where all the students are at in this topic and what need to be explained
again in the next lessons

*KEY: RL=Reinforced Learning, NL=New Learning



*KEY: C=Cognitive, PM=Psychomotor, A=Affective

1.1 explore key elements required for the completion of tasks

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will Students can explain how Students have a basic
be enabled to: resin happens in timber understanding of how to
Describe how resin occurs in timber resin pocket occur in

1.2 justify the selection of plans, processes and materials for the completion of tasks

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will Students can name and Students can improve
be enabled to: explain how the defects their sketch ability and
Improve with sketching different types occur in a piece of timber explain how this defect
of defects. Ability to name and explain
how this defect occurred

1.12 appreciate sustainable practice throughout their learning

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will Students will understand Students will have a
be enabled to: how to answer all the greater understanding of
Examine the knowledge by recapping questions correctly what the answer is to
over the topic of wood defects each question and have
the ability to explain how
they occur


0-2 min The teacher meets and greats Students walking into the
the students when coming into the classroom in an orderly fashion

2-10 min The teacher recap for the last Students observe the brief YouTube N
lesson by showing the class a video on how resin pockets occur in
YouTube video how resin pockets timber
occur in timber

Asking the students questions

Students answering to the
questioning being asked


10-12 min Teacher explains the learning goal Students observe the PowerPoint
for today class and the teacher and each student answers to the
questioning the students questions being asked
throughout before starting the

12-20 min Teacher continues using Students taking notes where G

PowerPoint explaining the cycle of necessary
insects in timber O

Throughout the prestation the

Students carry out the task with the
teacher would ask the students to
teacher helping where necessary
take notes where necessary

20-30 Teacher explains to the class using Students observe the

real life explains how different demonstration taking notes where
types of shake defects occur necessary


30-38 min Teacher recap by using PowerPoint Students taking notes and G
to reinforce the learning on the answering to the question being O
student. asked N
38-40 min Teachers giving out homework and Students writing down their
waits for all the students to leave homework and leaving the class
the room

1. PowerPoint,
2. Computer,
3. Worksheet,
4. Workbook,
5. YouTube Video,

*KEY: L=Literacy, N=Numeracy, O=Oracy, G=Graphicacy, SEN=Special Educational Needs, MA=Mixed Ability,
CL= Cooperative Learning, GI=Gender Inclusion & MI=Multicultural Inclusion.


STRENGTHS: What went well in this lesson, and why?

What I feel went well is that the students had a better understanding from looking at the
PowerPoint the different between wet rot and dry rot and how it occurs in timber

What I feel went well when doing the recap was that most of the students were able to explain
how resin can be used to achieve for high quality finish with coffee tables

When independently teaching the class, what I feel went well in the lesson was that I presented a
real-life examples of the life cycle of insect, and I feel that most students had a good understanding
of how the life cycle occur correctly

WEAKNESSES: What did not work so well and why?

What I feel did not go well is that the students struggled to understand how fungi attack occurs in
timber. This will need to be explain in more depth next class

Another part of the lesson that I felt did not go well is that the students struggled to understand
from the demonstrates how to achieve high quality sketches of the defects timber from the teacher
explaining it and the students observing the examples in the workbook


Need to work on sketching for the next class to improve the overall grade when in an exam
situation. This will allow me when correcting test to understand what the sketches the students are

Repeating the process, several times to the class will help the students remember the information
better and reinforce the learning. Use real life examples and help the students to remember for the
future and for the up and coming classes
Use more YouTube videos as the students get a variety of example so that the students get a better
understanding of how the disease and defects occur

MEMOS: Brief planning notes for future planning

KL was not in today

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