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Symphony Inter-College Quiz: Preliminary Round

1. What Hindi name is used to describe the herb and spice "fenugreek"?

2. The name of which capital city literally means "village of boiled beans"?

3. In Indian atomic science, what are - Cirus, Zerlina, Purnima and Apsara kinds of?

4. In which classical dance form does a performer wear the headgear called "kiritams"?

5. Which Indian state has been under prohibition since it was founded in on May 1, 1960?

6. In March 1924, T.K Madhavan led a Satyagraha demanding temple entry in Kerala for non-
caste Hindus. How do we know this Satyagraha?

7. Chak, bedh, chanpuli, dili and laddu-jalebi are designs in which Indian handicraft?

8. What is the name of the sacred thread worn by Parsi children for the first time at the
initiation ceremony of Navjot?

9. Who took oath as Prime Minister of India six times?

10. Who has been India's youngest cricket captain?


11. Which Arthur Conan Doyle novel inspired the 1960s film "Bees Saal Baad"?

12. How do we presently know the building known as "Viceregal Lodge" in Pre-Independence

13. According to Hindu Mythology, when Vishnu was Parashuram, in what form did Lakshmi

14. Who, in the 15th c., wrote the bhajan Vaishnava Janato?

15. In classical drama, who introduces the play by divulging main clues to the plot?

16. What are step-wells, found in North India called?

17. The sequel to whose autobiography was called Thy Hand, Great Anarch?

18. Who is the only British Viceroy to have been assassinated?

19. Who was the second non-Congress Prime Minister of India?

20. Who is the first Secretary-General of the UN?

21. Name the first Bengali woman to have published her autobiography.

22. In which European country did women first win the right to vote?

23. Who is the author of the novel "White Teeth"?

24. Name the Turkish author of the controversial novel "My Name is Red" who has recently
come under fire from the Turkish government for writing about his

country's involvement in the 1915 Armenian genocides.

25. Which series of books for children was the brainchild of Anant Pai?


1. Maithi

2. Bangalore

3. Nuclear Reactors

4. Kathakali

5. Gujarat

6. Viakom Satyagraha

7. Bandhni (Fine art of Tye-and-Dye)

8. Pushti

9. Jawaharlal Nehru

10. Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi

11. Hound of Baskervilles

12. Rashtrapati Bhavan

13. The Earth (Jan-ni)

14. Narsi Mehta

15. -

16. Boalis

17. Nirad C Chaudhuri

18. Lord Mayo

19. Charan Singh

20. Trygve Lie

21. -

22. Finland

23. Zadie Smith

24. Orhan Pamuk

25. Amar Chitra Katha

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