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w HEX the Davis cup tennis teams

Isles mat. i
ana the British
of Australasia thAip
wnsLtpim nn
forces, where he participated in
many tournaments and spent consid-
erable time in South Africa and Aus-
Br Associatiso
TOBK. July SO. Miss
Parss to Gazktth TrMBs )
- T-vi- w.' .
iri 4. vtvr ITII a wealth ot tennis events
that exceeds anything prev-
Seiichiro Kashio, who is the third
member of the team, also is expected f
- '
the courts of the Allegheny Country
Uluo. ewickly, this week, tne con-
3- - Brian Gilbert. 34 years old. the
NEW K. Brown of Los An- -
won the women's New
J iously offered the American to compete. Nothing definite Is
test will bring to coin petition a only in the squad and a public scheduled this season the at- knew regarding the plans of Jacob, -
left-hand- er
0 York . tennis championship by de- -
team of veterans against a quartet
newcomer tn Davis cup competition, tention being paid the Davis Cup Sleerat Deane and Pyzee, wbo re pre- -,
f youngsters. The average age of is a member of the Royal Hampton feating Miss Marie Wagner of New 4 matches has served - to' increase
sent India. Th fact that they
the British Isles players is 33 years, Club of London, where most of the York in the challenge round at
While the average age of the Aus- English tennis matches are held. It Brooklyn today. rather than to lessen the interest in feated Franc tn the Davis Cup con-te-st
tralasians runs close to 24 years. is his first appearance in tournament
6-- 3,
stamps them all player of abil- -
6-- 3.

The point score follows: '

the approaching national champion-
The English team is composed of the play on this side of the Atlantic. He
Pts. Cms. ship. Thle climax of the tennis sea- ity an js Hoped that they will re- -
veterans of many contests, thor- has filled the place left vacant by the First est ' i
oughly grounded in the English game
in which the careful placing of shots
English Champion Kingscote,
wag unable to make the trip to who the
Mia Browne.,., .... 0401444 532
Miss WAgneB.. 46442212 -28 3 3-
son in te
Unjted States comes the
week of September 9 when the his-
main in the United States for the
ehampionahip. The Australiaaiaa -

Second set Pts. Oms.

is one of the first principles. Matched
against this game of caution will be
United States. If he is anyways near
as good in the coming cup games as Miss Browne ... C0T62244 434 toric tournament begins for the first team ot youngster, inolading Ntr- - , j

the smashing bold playing of the he was in the workouts yesterday Miss Wagner........ 44334420 13 3
111 time en the courts of the German-tow- n man Peach. B. O. Anderson, J. B.
youthful Australasians. These boys afternoon at the country elub, or
displays the same kind of form,
Mr. Zumiy Doublet Winner. ; Cricket ClriJ at Philadelphia. Hawkes and Clarenee V. Todd, will
Play what is known as the American Mrs. May Sutton Bundv' and TJra It is easy to understand the eager,
; probably stay for the champion ship
style of tennis. This is the more Kingscote will be forgotten for the
. Cart .V. Hitcnens of Mexico City wen ness with which this tournament is and ft is likely also that Ssgnor
spectacular, g game. The
time being. -
the women's doubles title, defeating ' i .
matches at Sewickley this week will Peach and Todd . represented Aus- Miss Wagner and Miss Clare Cassel .4 anticipated when it is realised that Kenricksert and I&reraleir. who com
demonstrate whether age and ex- tralasia in their natch with New New. York, defending champions. V -
va i,Vi the championship will doabtlese from Ttetymafk, will remain for th J
perience can triumph over youthful ye roost representa-
6-- 8,
Zealand last winter when the Davis 6-- 4. - - v bring; tog-eth-
tournament at Philadelphia. -
strength and dash. cup team of the United States was - Miss Browne easily mastered Miss
Anderson is the only one of th
. there for the challenge round. Of all Wagner is the singles. The challenger tive entry that has ever been as- "
Against this foreign invasion the j
Australasians who has had previous the players. Hawkes looks the strong- outplayed her Eastern rival chiefly by sembled on . Amrican courts. Not United States will muster its strong- - ;
experience in Davis cup tournaments est to many who have watched htm her ability to move up to the net in r ..." t'? only William T. Tilden II. present est ptajrers. A notable CaUfornia I
This youngster was matched against in practice at Sewickley during the the rallies to earn the points. Her total , 4 '
champion,- and William H. Johnston, entry is assured this year by the fact
stlngscote. the English star of the last few days,, although Anderson, the Pl placements for the two sets was 25

Davis cup competition, of 119. On giant of the squad.- - plays a smashing against 17 for Miss Wagner. The de- H former title holder, who at present that in addition to William M. Johtu I

the other hand both l4vt and Turn-bu- ll game. fending champion was weak on her share the honor of being the great- ston, the Pactfic Coast wilt be repr- - i
of the British Isles team have Uawkmm Brooke" Conqueror. : back hand under the bombardment of est team in the world, will be in "sentedv by Willis E. Davis, Robert
previously played on Davis cup teams. the California girl's fastest shots and
Lowe was on the English Davis cup over Hawkes has to his taredit a victory at no time did she threaten the former action at Philadelphia, but there will and Howaf d Kinsey. If the Call- - f
team as far back as 111 and reap- doubles. Brookes in both singles find ' stlsd be seen the most famotur play-
peared as one of the British Davis of 14. won In fact since he. at the age holder of the n&tional honors.
"fWt i
fornia collegians, Bates and Levey
cap stars the school boy's cham- Mrs. Bundy dominated the rallies of I
r' ers ill the United States and many of the IThtversity of California and
in IS1. Turnbuli was on pionship of Victoria career on the the doubles match. Miss Cassel was the
the same team la doubles with II. lawn tennis court his been a run of weaker player on the defending side W t;- Yis others from leading tennis nations ot Neer and Davie of Leland Stanford,
Boper Barrett. has of the net.. She repeatedlv missed low the world- can, remain in the East long enough
almost unbroken success. He is a -

British Cmptaim Young.

player with a splendid left-hand- ground strokes and her short lobs af- The British Isles team, which in- they also will try tpr tie title. In
game. - Largely he pre- forded the California-Mexica- n pair
' ii- Ma-w- ell
Woosnam, captain the fers the back
cludes Maxwell Woosnarri, O. G. ?f. addition to tli foregoing it is eer-ts-
British Isles team. Is also oftheir chances for kills. dn
: court game in singles, Turnbuli, J.' B. Gilbert std F. O. that sveh player as R. N, Wil-
' ' youngest member of the squad, be-- j- but he is a splendid vol layer as he This is the Australian Darts cap aggregation which playi the British Isle team In the second Lowe, are expected to enter. LoWe liams' II, Wallace F. Johnson, Wat-so- ft
tag 28 years of age. The kid of the has shown in doubles. He is said to Bel! Telephone.
-- ' Australasian team is J. B. Rawfces, .be able to hit the ball cleanly from round of the elimination series at the AUegtonv Oonntrj Club, Sewickley, next Thursday. IiYiday and is a veteran of previous international Washburn, Charles' 8. Garland,
o only 20 years of age. Hawkes any position in 'the court and his Saturday. Reading from left to right in the front row are Anderson Hawfces. Cat, PeacTi and TodtJ matches. Woosnam was a star at Vincent Richards, B. Howard Vosh- -t
i a protege of Norman Brontes service
and, of any player has more ""break" than that the Olympic games 06,
,fT-- according to those who have watched in the game at present. STAKDmO OF THB TEAMS.
Turn-- elt Walter M. Hall, Detifi atathey --
r im at Sewickley in practice this It is said that William M. Johnston,
week, he has all of the famous the American Davis cup player, had

Motor Veh...H 1 .417 riant Eng.... 3

11 1 .917 McKeesport .. S S .465
.272 'lllliniimHHMWIIMIIHNIRIIH Wiilitlirtu
bull has won many doubles events
in England and Gilbert won the nd
and others of like; ability will be in i
the tournament. OTIiciais for th
- strokes. His resemblance 'when difficulty in handling Hawkes service
,.f- tBrookes; Cedar 7 2 .777 Hiland S 10 .lfiR
Plate at Wimbledon this championship; wilt be furnished by

i " - abo
, '
in action
Woosnam is considered one of the
niade mosje
they met last year. ' Hawkes
by the . fact that he Is mashing is severe . and be seldom
E, O,. Anderson Is the only mem-
Grant ..,..,, 3 2 .727! Montrose ..... 2 10
Plant Engineers a game
I .SOMiCommerclal
hard-foug- ht
..1 3 .111
WAJ LEAGUE AVERAGES year. Representing Japan are like-
ly to- - be Zehzo Shimidzu and Ichiya
Kumagae, their Davis Cup team.
the Tennis Umpires Association, un-
der- the direction of R. - Clifford
Black. ' '

ber of the Australasian team who to McKeesport yesterday 3 to 7. McKeesport .
' Mest
athietes in England. O00H3 OOtfttfta
(0vt0M0M(f It H 0133 tt0MlMM vte l II .

nridee .University, where heAtwas a has previously

Cam-- ;i
represented Austral- got the jump on the Engineers In the first Ponder. Pgh.-Chl..- .. 4 f .057'"..1 i , .. W. Collins. Hi T.15 26 0 0 0 '
wauueni. w oosnam won his letter In asia, NATIONAL LEAGUE.
which he did in the 1919 matches 5 .192
Inning, scoring six runs on two hits and four Schupp, St. 4.3 .067 .. .. Myatt, Phil ..20 3
tut four sports. He was also captain of against England. He made a fine 1 0 0 .138

errors. After that the Engineers settled down Oeschger, Boston 18 7 .50 , 1 2 Erteksbn. Wash. ..20
the Manchester City football team showing against Kingscote. He beat
H. Lowe in singles after a strenu- and allowed enly six bits and two runs. BATTING. Fillkigim, Boston 10 . .023 3 2 Schacht. Wash. ..20 17
.176 j j
and one of the most popular men that A. Yeilowborse, Pgh .. .. Hofmann. X. Y...18 160
6 3 .626 ' 1 48 6 8 .174
ous contest hard driving. He U Buildings continued Its 'Winning streak by or more games.) Barnes. N. Y... ......
ever British said to be of iiodle. X. T
Ma represented 8 3 4 .1 4 0
Isles on the grass courts,the
.6715 : 1 31 87 15 .172
much better in singles easily beating Hill 0 to 5 at McKmley Park. G. AB.R. H. HB.SB. PC, Douglas. N. Y.. ...... T Lee, St. L
News and Nates of Biff and Uttte Teams
Player. Club. .. I ..63 15 .10 0
b -

winning way with his men exercises

mM a
a than Jn doubles but is a classy player Werling allowed only four hits, two of which Hornsby, St. L......90 ST,J 76 147 12 Doak. Si. L.... ,
8 S
6 4
.603 .. I 1 HarrU. Phii. ',..,..24
59 1
10 0
0 .m j
. :T: ; great moral influence, together with in both. He has a fore-ha- which nd
were of the scratch variety, and he struck
out 3f men. while the team behind him went
Chrlstenbury. Bos.. ..24 34 12 14 1. 1 .412
Twombly, Chi 0 .400
Morrison, Pgh.,
Mitchell, Bkln..
3 2 .600 ... 2
.. Leonard, Det
Faber. Chi
4. 3 0 0 167

aKBres'veoes ,sd at" times

spirit that will Johnston, the American. comparable to that of Bill on a batting spree, gathering 20 hits off
50 5 15 :r8
Toney, X. y
." 4 3 .671 I 1 2S 73 9 13 0 0 .167
,r Pfove a big factor in Being six Lewis and Grady.
SCOtt, BOS. 48 T 19 0 .396 9 7 .564 .. 4 .. Walters. Bos. 22 72 5 11 0 .153 at the same Tat ct C. J. Hunter. 24 Sedgwick Street
clashes with the Ansacs the
a-r- v
coming feet in height he makes '.his strokes Motor Vehicles also continued to win, thus
Riviere. St. L. ..1 3 3 8 .373 McQulllen. Bos 10 .556 .. 1 2 Mogrldge. Wash... 23 0 4 9 0 3 .1 TKAVELINa characterized their Millvale. Pa.
from Aus- - with very little effort. , His back- Jones. Chi 8 0 3 0 .375 .. MoCIl!an, Cbl. ..39
': tralia.
' Woosnam. with Randolph Lycett, hand is sound. He has a long list
keeping a tie for first place with Buildings.
They defeated Montrose 15 to 1 at Garfield
Nicholson. Bos
Young. X. V
63 10S 26
SO 2tg 55 i
2 3
Kallee, N. Y
Cheeves. Chi..;
Freeman. Chi
5 4
( 5
t, Kolp.
.. St. L........M
.. Mlddleton, Det ..24
' S3
playing the first part of the
season, when they won 14 consecu-
'The Brush ton Westlings and' th
ArdmoTe Clab will get together thi
- , Who could not make the journey of victories to his credit including a Park. McHenry. 8L L S3 838 00 13) 11 7 .SSJ Ryan, X. T...,.' 7 0 .538
1 .. Wilkinson, Chi. ..18 36 0 4 0 6 .111 tive victories, the Homestead Of tirays afternoon at the Ardtnore grounds at
here, is the present world's doubles defeat he administered to Norman Cedar sprung a surprise by defeating the Cruise, Bos. 53 11 25 67 $ 5 .354 Haines. St. L 0 8 .529 .. 2 1 Mails. Cleve. ,.84 46 3 5 0 0 .109 continue to take rank as one tne 5:15 and a good game Is in pros-
cftampions. having won that title last Brookes in Melbourne in 1919. Grant team 13 to i at GraVbers Field. Mc- Meusel. Phil,. N. Y.OS S46 &9 122 12 8 .358 Rixey, an .. 3 Naylor. Phil, .w.,.18 2 0 3 0 0 .10f foremost independent clubs in West- pect which will make "the second
v i" sewson. Kay, pitching his first game for Cedar, Klllefer. Chi S f 4 28 0 3 .&) Walker. 8t. L.
11 10 .624 3
Russell, Bos. ......24 41 4 0 0 .097 ern Pennsylvania, and are in greater game of the Series, the Westlings
firoofces Pmmmhts Toacher. 8 8 .500 3 ' 1
." f He and his partner, O G. N. Turn-- f

Norman Peach is the captain and

struck out 10 Men and showed 12 hits. The
Cutuhaw. Pitta.
Williams. Phil.
73 ?7 33 96 0
88 340 40 117 10
4 !343 Pertlca, St.
Zlnn. Pgh....,,
7 ' 7
4 4
t. .500
.. .. Acosts, Wash. ....18
t 1 Keefe. Phil. ; gj 23 30 30
2 2 .091
0 .064
. 0
1 demand than ever.
Two auditions last week Were
having won the first game by close
score. Either Guth. Krick or Sellers
n' won tn Olympic doubles cham- - also manager the team. His rise Martin. Chi 23 41 1 14 0 1 .341
rT. plonship at Antwerp back in 1919. in the game hasof been M'K'ap't R.H.P.A.E.JP. Bng. R.H.P.A.E. Foumier. St. L 90 S 1 114 10 10 .340 Mamatxx. Bkln 3 3 .500 ..
0 .000 0 Spencer, an outBelder. and Wade will pitch, with Snyder or Lou
toying this yew tn the singles at hand drive is one otslow. His fore-
great severity Ed'dson r 0 0 1 0 ojRlch a .340 Carlson, Pgh
Eller. Cln
3 8
I 3
.5110 1 .. t.iuo.
I .. flerelami G. AB. R. H. rB.3B.HR.SB.PC-- . Johnson, who played with the ys
Toungk receiving. Next Thursday
Wimbledon he reached the third it is is quite Sherman 0 11 0 1 llSrhwartS 3 3
Orimes. Chi. 00 3SI 63 113 3 0 .333 Marquard. Cln...
.500 .
.. 1 Detroit ...93 3265 S85 1064 226 53 26 31 .320 of Youngstown. O., last year. evening the Westlings wiii play their
round, being Snatlv defeated by the and said his 9 10 .474
'ii.r -- Hon.
as strong. Tennis experts say tbat
s 1 0 2 1 Pay If 3 Roush. On t W4 35 M 2 3 .333
Watson, Bos
.. 95 33X So! 1U75 l7 ct ru H Johnson is an player. The all-rou-
first game Irt the elimination series
Cecil Campbell, son of the Irish it has required Carrol 2.. 2 1 3 1 2! West e.... 1 Mann. St. L.. ...... ..60 171 S9 ZT 6 3 .333 T
PfefTer. Bkln. -- St. L.. 5 .6
$ .467 1
.. .. St. Louis 33 3.13 47 0X7 155 64 43 52 .31 tirays are scheduled at Bovard in with the McKees Rocks Osceola Club
several years of Clager 1.. 1 2 C 0 S'lles Maisel. Chi M7' 34 7 0 8 .333
Hamilton. Pgh
.455 .2.. ' New York. ...90 3116 513 31 183 47 77 49 .296 Westmoreland county Monday eve- at the latter place
chancellor. He and .. Chicago
wH team together In the Turnbuli training under Norman Brookes to
rV;;v'-.-Jr- 8 10 .444 1
Henry lr. 2 1 1 0 eiCrmly 1... 0 Gaston. N. T 15 15 1 5 0 0 .333 93 325 401 9W 147 64 18 54 .182 ning. The Bovard elub will nave a The strong Grapeville iSine and
.. Allegheny Steel flub will meet the
doubles develop a variety of strokes for Causey. Phil -- N. Y.. "J 4 .42 "

: this week, aeainst the Aussie and Peach. Ha tries for service aees
"nope to continue their record of hav-.-
. Englert c. 1 1 13 2 4 DJones m. 0
Kaafft aa 0 0 0.Ra4er 1 .. 1
Bigbee. Pitts
Johnston, Bkln
M s?2 4 16
S3 130
73 130
1 12 .331
.Xtl Ruethar, Bkln,
Luare. Cln.
; T 3
10 14
.. .. Washington
.99 3428 470 358
68 23 77 .279
3097 384 843 152 42 10 47 .272 ll former big league Hurler- - to send
against them, and the other positions the former grounds Tuesday eve-
.. and his second service is
said to be Ayent p... 9 3 0 2 SiSmith r.. Bancroft. N. T 91361 7119 3 W .3.1
Smith. Bklii s 0 .400 .. ' 3 ..3 I h(UideIpbla..S3 3237 387 883 150 43 50 53 .203 on the Bovard clUb will be filled by ning. These' two clubs were sched-
1K never been defeated in tourna-- weak. Peach beat Norman Brookes Oroh. Cln.
Snyder, X.
..37 1JS
....62 177
23 42 0 5
22 iS 7 1
.323 North, St. L- - J 3 .40 3 .. the best men obtainable. Keliabie uled a few weeks ago, but rain pre-
TSCTt play. last Kovember in the Victorian cham- Totals... 3 27 3 7! "Totals.... 7 7 24"0 7 Ring, phil i .. .. P1TCHIXO RECORDS.
Turnbuli. 33 years of a: e, ' who pionship and took a set from Bill Kelly, N. i ....8 Sf7 113 17 2 326 T 11 .2W
Ijtst Shut clubs desiring to book the tJraye vented the meeting.
-- ,

will team with Capt. Woosnam in Tilden the' world's champion.

Plant Engineers
1022020007 UrlffUh. Bkln. . ....S3 K5
Carey. Pitts. ... ....89 335
M Ml
64 149
6 24
Cadore Bkln
Martin. Chi
6 10
11 .Sfm
.. Pitcher. Club.
.. Oder.wald, ....
W. L. Pet. W. L.Out
3 .. ..
write C. W. Junior. 324 Thirteenth,
avenue. Homestead.
The Luta A Schramm team of the
North Side will meet the strong ML
'y.jti the
'. doubles, reached the third round hits Henry, Clager. Stolen bases .. ' 4 Cleve, 2 l.OuO
Todd, the last member of York. Chi
last fall at Wimbledon, but went theClarence Washington Presbyterian
Schmandt. Bkln. 42 1S4 22 50 2 .325 4 3 .338 1
.. Ferguson. X. Y. ....... 3 1 .750 S .. ..
, 1
Davis cup team made West . Fay. Schwarts. Comty. Jones z, Cla- Baumgartner, Phil... 3 .333 .. The Pittsburgh Electric and Manu- Church
to defeat before the Japanese the Australian
I? Smith. St. L 61 217 4 70 3 6 .328 3
team at Oiympia Park on Tuesday
z'J dwn team on the form he displayed ger. First baae en balls Oil Avers S. First -
Barber. ChL ....77 271 39 S7 1 1 .321 OoodwlB. St. L...... 1 3 .333 .. 3 .. Morton, Cleve. 3 1 .750
.. 1
1 I facturing Company's team hrfs the night. .
star. Turnbuli is also manager of during the last three months. His base on errors McKeesport 7. Plant Engi- Alexander. Chi. 1 f3 5 17 1 .321 Meadows. Pbll....i 4 3 .3M .. S . Faber. Chi.
Schacht. Wash
20 7 .741
.. 1
.. following open dates in August: Au- The Pittsburgh Travelers will meet

. Vfij;tbe English team, and the biggest service is said to- - be one of the best neers Left on bases McKeesport 4, plant
Engineers 10. Struck out By Avers 12. by
Wheat, Bkln. ... .93 r LS 113 10 32, Hubbell, Phil
Sherdel, 8t. L
. 4 11 .237 i
1 1
.. Coveteskle. Cleve.
10 7
.690 1 .. 1 gust 13, 17; 20 and 31. Also baa open
the Consumers at Harmarville - Tues

standing over the six foot in and he wins' many Flack. CM. ...75 328 41 105 4 13 .329 2 6 .250 1
Mays. N. .. 2 dates in September for good semi-pr- o
.rk and tipping the beam around acesAustralasia
Y 15 7 .6i2 1 day.
i outright With his first delivery. Ilea A - Umpire White. Friach. N. T.... ...91 3fc. 77 11 6 18 .315 Coumbe. Cleve.. i 4 .209 .. 1. .. Shawkey. X. Y 10 5 .867 4 .. teams. Write M. P. McClure. care .

tw l pounds. Dunnsr the World's War He follows his service to the net. J. Miller. Phil... ...53 a5 27 CS 0 3 .317 Belts, Phil 1 4 .200 .. 2 Shaw. Wash. .... 1 .. .. Pittsburgh Electric and Manufactur-
Margrave. Cla. . ...57 15 19 49 .314 Smith. Phil.;.... ...... 3 14 .13 1.. .. .. 1 1 .067
he served as a captain in the Eng- where he volleys with great severity. Buildings R.H.P.A-E.iKI- ll R.H.P.AB.
Sullivan. Chi. ... ...52 172 17 54 .314 Bailey, St.' L. 0 4 .000 .. 4
Collins. X. ... S 3 .023 4 .. .. ing Company, 7301 i'enn avenue, Brookwill Wins Shutout.
lish A. 8. G. Bayne. 8u L. 3 .625 2 .. .. Pittsburgh.
. .. His placement bach-ban- of strokes on both Curry 1..3 1 C!Late!i s... 10 0 4 2 Bressler. Cm. .. ...56 U2 20 57 .313
Jones. Boa.
14 9 .& 1 .. 3 W alter Pickette .of the" Grapevine
BROOTCVILLE, PA.. Jaly 30. (Spec la!)
r .Lotoe Experimnild. . fore-han- d and d is severe1 Giles 2.... 12 0 1 S Oadd 3 2 1120 1 bailee. K. Y
Bruggy. Phil ...
...22 16 1 5
...71 2 23 65
.311 AMERICAN LEAGUE. Caldwell, Cleve. S 3 .000 1 .. .. baseball club will haveJ a ral chance
Only seven hits were made 4?y both teams
and accurate. Todd is said to be CW rl'i ffKlaget m. 0 0 In tooay's victory of the locals over
3 0 3 1 0 Shocker. St. L........ 0 S ..
t. ; Gordon Lowe, 37 years of ase. the the best net player on the team both Barrett 3. 3 4 0 1

OlEeert lr... 1 2 0 0 0 Deal. Chi. ...62 228 W 71 .311 '

Mails, Cleve
10 7
.. 2
t prove his 'ability as a baseball
. by the score at 3 to 0. A lucky

v veteran
Smith, X. T ...56 Mil 24 46 .5SS 2
member of the squad, an-
other star athlete at Cambridge Unt- - in Tickets sintrles and" doubles. B'kb rn If 4 2 0 1
Onireen c...rl0
ftiru'di'r 0 0 0 0
Larbare, Bos. ... ...85 373 43 115 0 II
31J , LVDIYIDUAL BATTINB. .. Moore. PhlL ......... 7 S .683 1 .. riteher Tuesday evening when the break in the fourth, when Swansea and rt De-ea-

V versity. will probably represent Eng

for the Davis eup matehes. T'plet'a 2
M l oan tn 3 l o o
110 notion z. ..
111 0 0
v z a i Boo ... 349 '57 lug .1 6 14
13 or more games.! S .. Mlddleton. Det,-;- ..
.. mous Allegheny Steel club at Grape-
7 .583 .. 2 Grapevine team clashes with the fa- were walked .and Summers Mt a liner
along the leftfleld foul line, scoring two runs.
land in the singles.' He Is the most which besin Thursday with two Kleplck r. 1 2 1 0 1 Munch L.. 0 0 0 i Southworth. Bos. :59 54 no .303 4 16Player. Clab. (1. AB. B. H. IIR.SB.PC. 11 8 .57 Hoyt, X. T .. 1
Both slabmaa were steady, with Artman
in singles, are on sale at .. vine. .. 1
experienced of the Davis cup repre- matches RW'rl g c 2 2 21 0 0 Lewis ... 0 0 0 0 0 Whined. Pitts. . 72 20 45 85
'21 Pellmann. Det . I'hle. Cleve It .57
Spalding. 60S Wood street, and at K. Miller, Phil .57 zof 30 62
.31 367 75 153 1J 2 .431 Mogrldge. Wash.' ....
It S .67 2 The Hazelwood Pirates will play 1 .. having tin edge on Honor. Wise's er three-bagg-

sentative?, having been 3 Shaw, Wash. . .15 12 I t 0 0 .4 .. with the Paulson Tigers tomorrow at 1 .. In the first was the furthest ad-
a member of the Allegheny Country Club, Sewick- totals. .. 20 i 27 8 4 Tola's. 4 24 11 i Kueilr. Bkla 24 .'4 7 1C
f!f I Burns, Cleve. . .40 it 55 3
Bagbyi Cleve 10 8 .556
l.tne- -
victorious Davis cup team that ley. Pa. Reservations for single
brought the cup from Australia day Buildings 2702121S 20
Stock. St. L 85 S 56 104
j. rohh ........ 3 288 72 113
1 1,- -t .
.404 Kolp,
10 .339 Eschary,
St. L
Wash. ....
S 4 .556
1 ..
2:30 p. m. , 1 .. vance mads by the visitors. . FieMing fea-
tures were made by Fagan. DeHart and
s back tickets may be marie at Spaldings. Duncan. Cin 90 317 33 34 12 10" .545 1
The Polish Falcons are having
V in 1911. after defeating the two well-i- V Additional stands have been erected
known tennis stars. Norman Brookes and there will be plenty of seats to
Two-bas-Nilts Oadd. Green.
e Barrett 2. 4000000 15 Tlerney, Pitts.
Rawlings, Phll.-- Y.85
74 2iS 33 84
342 36 101 295
Tobln, St. I. 1

k.v1m "c t' .83 253 32 S3 1 ' ' 90 399

71 123
33 151
3 3 .3S1 Oldham,
7 2 .378
.365J Pennock.St.Bos.
Det 7 6
0 ,
.529 ..
1 ..
trouble booking games ."abroad witn Wise, the latter turning his knee on bis
piay aim naving to retire. The I
Blackburn, Kleplck. Three-bas- e hit Barrett. Powell. Bos.

L., ........ 0 t .32 1 ., ..

semi-pr- o and first-cla- ss teams. Owing
A and Wilding. Lowe had also spent accommodate all who want to see the Home runs Blackburn. Templeion. Stolen demons, t. L
83 37J 66 1W
6? 2l 15 60
i Wand Clevt, M 14 34 i .34 Harris.
Phil .500 .. tc Improvements of their home Phlllps'g. R.HJ.A.E.Brookville. R.H.P.A.E.
me lime m jnaia witn the British matches. bases Curry 2. C. Werling 3, Blackburn.
! Wfllinm --
I tin 73 121 16 1 .36
J grounds they must book games

Mcintosh. Klepiek, Egert 2. Gadd 2. Double

Burns, .N Y
Le Bourveau.
91 871 66 1V9
PhU..X( 99 15 29 I Ve.u
cb. Det.
90 JIT 191 113 I
91 368 81 120 14 10
HI .356 Bush. Boa.
.356 Sothoron.
7 7 .5i 1 .,
St , Bos., CI. 5 S .500 .. 1 ,1 abroad In order to keep busy. Call L--
Robln'n If 0 1 3 0 WSwansf i . 1
Londen 2. 0 0 1 llWarren s.. 0 0 14
1 if
play C. Werling. Carry and K. Werling. 4 m 17 6S .. between 6 and 7 P. tn.
First base on balls Off Lewis 3. off Egert 1.
SchulUk St. L
Wrightatoue, phil. ..77 2S8 43 64
Staler.. St. L 822 1 113 .35! Acosta. Wash. 4 4 .500 .. 1 Schenlcy 9237
Juniors would like to
trago J..i 0 2 6 3..
0 1 3 l.DeHart m. 1 0 1 0

PAIRINGS ANNOUNCED . Sacrifice bunt C. Werling. Struck out By

Werling SO. by Lewis , by Egert L Umpire
Williams. .
Peters, Phil
Terry. Chi
Bohne. Cln
34 93
&3 331
90 3r4 47 13
42 OS,

E. Collins. Chi. ...81 3i
.290 WoodRll. Det.
C1eve.43 1.6 ii
.23 j. seweli. ciere..3 srj 63 122
Is 20
46 112
Piercy. X T...
.343 Kerr. Chi
.346 Johnson. Wash.
Chi. .
5 3 .600 .. - 2 1
S3 4S5
11 13
.. 1
2 2 teams.
l1 .. ..
The HSil-F- u
arrange games with id to
Write Patrick Fallon, 270S
South, Side.
rilery 1... 0
Fagan s.. 0 6 3
ktordas m. 0 0 1
Tho psbn 10 011 0
OSommers 10
O Beck
0 13 0
OiHart c.,.. 0 0 0 1 K.. 112
Walker. N. f Phil. .65 19S 30 56
. -- .287 Hodge, Chi. 9 .346 Myers; Bos ... j .1 3 .47 .. 2 .. Cebden street. Bedink r.. 0 1 :Bodd'r r... 0 0 1
18 24 3
Crant R.K.P.AE-jCeiU- r K.H.P.A.H. Parkinson, Phil. .,..52 IM 19 62 .186 Evans. Cleve 39 109 30 SI .340 Qulnn, N. Y 7 .462 1 .. .. jfanv baseball fans from the Herron Cooler c.. 0 1 3 Artman p. e p J
Schmidt, pitta. ....W SiH 24 7 .m Stephenson. Cleve. 57 IS", 4t 06 .338 palmero. St. L.... ....... 4 S .444 1 .. ..- Hill district as. well as member of the Hortorp.i 0 1 0
Hadly c.. 2 i ? riCxreoa 2... 1 t 1 Brown, N. Y. ....54 112 14 32 .208 ohnatoa. Cleve. ..75 252 85 .337 Van Qllder, SU L. ...... 4 5 .444 .. 1 .. W. L- - Reinecker club will travel to
Smith tn.. O 0 SIGarfc e.... 2 3 It Nehf. JC. T.. ....! 49 1 14 .2X6 (inarrlty.. Wash.. .82 265 50 80 .336 HoUing. Det. ............ 3 f .429 .. 3 on Friday night to witness Totals... 9 4 A 11 "Totals..;. 2 3.27.10 i
Walter 1., 1 3 0 liFem s 2 I Belt. Phil. . ...19 7 420SS .286 Flaantead. Itet .S33 phmke. Det. .: 3 11 .421 1 .. .. Harmarville
the contest between the Hanaarvllle
Bvmes 3.. 0 JtKmpeck 3 4 0 Grimm, Fitts. ....02 8M .24 Johnson. Phil; ,.;15 23 3 11
46 123 23 41
.333 Rommel, Phil. .......... 13 ' .409 .. 3 ..

Wilkihsburg Mur-
Philllpsburg .
urookviiie ........... t t 9 3,8 0 0 0 00 00000000
B; Jie.
AgsoPioted Press tn The tldisett Barrett 0 4 2- OMack m.. 4 2 Gowdy, Bos. ,...34 10 23
-t .2S4 Gardner. Ceve. ..93 363 3 123 .S31 Leonard. Det. 6 9 .400 1 .. 1 Consumers and the
TK T EWPORT, R. L. Juir 80--- T part In the doubles. The pairings po'ning r 1
2 Parke 1.. 0 10 1 Luque, Cln. . ....17 67 3 19 .2S4 O XHM.. Cleve. ....49 154 13' 51 0 .331 Dauxs, Det, .... ..... 7 11 .3S9 1 .. dochs, btrvs'the winner of which the Rein-eck- er .Two-bas- e bit Summers.- Three-bas- e -
hit-W- ise.;

' I l Bcrtu n... 0 0 S't'omlng r 0 O Dauuert, Cin . 8318 35 90 .23 Ward. X. Y. ...... .90 333 33 110 .130 Erickson, Wash 4 7 .364 .. will meet in the second First base on error Brookville i.
Drawing for the singles of follow; . 1
B'meis'r P 1 3 OiArthina If 3 1 Kms. X. 16 .23 Strunk., Chi 13 2S0 4 85
.321 Courtney, Wash. 4 7 .364
1 2
.. 1 .. roendchampionships.of 'the National Baseball Federa- S1"? .bases Swanaon 3. Bases tsn balls--

the Casino invitation tennis First round L. B. R!ce Rho'des If 0 2 p.. I 4 0 I 3 Hoitoeher. Chi. ,..S18! 41 : .83 Pratt. Bos. ; 72 271 6 .3 5 Burwell, 6t. L. 3 4 2 .. .. tion
- Horror ftrr ok ah, v 4-

W. E. ban a, : 43 88 .333
night Hortor 3. Tfm 1:16. rmnir
tournament, which opens here Mon- E. T. Hercdon v W. M. Washburn: C. M ..
Fillingim. Boh. 27 63 7 15 -- S3 Rlw. V.-h- .. 91 400, 8 127 14 .318 Twombly, CM. ; 12 .S3S.... S .. At Malone Field orf Wednesday rthrr
Ball. Jr, v James Da vies; g. M. Wheeler Totfrls... 5 13 Tl S Total.-.- If! 19 Z7 0 4 O'Neill. Bos. ., & 171 IS 48 .281 Ueufet, JC; Y......R7 V,i ii; .317 McWeeney, .Chi. ........ 2 5 .iS6 .. 3 ., Pittsburgh Electric and Manufac-urin- g "
t ' ' . J
day, were announced today. ronrtnry. Wash. ..S3 f,1
OOS0OS05 0051J
s W. S. Anderson: F. t. Baggs - L. De Grant 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 ! Ford. Bes 319 !)6 i9 .279 6 1? .3 Rupsell, Bos 3 .. 1 .. team wHI be met Whne negotia-ion- s MillT4l Siop Anbridf.
JCenzcf Shimidzu, opposing G. Kel-len- Turenne: N. V. Mile vs 1. liiddle; M. H. er,
. Cedar Wingo. Cin. . ,...v54 12 15 45 .278 Hooper, Chi. ;43 41 T7 u .314 Mulrennan. CM. 2 S50 .. 3 .. are being conducted to , have one Mitl-rafs- A nwr O .a,ww .a. .
Vosheli vs J. p. Dugan; Phillip Xesr vs E. hit Hartly, Waltci, Downing 2. ,Kllth?r. Chi. 51 155 13 43 .273 Biue. Det.. 3S 61 114 13 .31 Kaylor. Phil v. 5 7 . 222 .. 4 .. 6f the best teams in the Pittsburgh bridge and handed Paddy Ct?k Amerfran

is well down in the first round Reynal: W. F. Johnson vs A. .rl. Chaptn; Two-lia-

Clarke. Fst, Hemerlick 5. Tliree-ba- e McKay hit-Ba-rnes. lvan. St. L. ....SS 331 38 91 .275 iscolwon. St. L...90 S.'9 47 1 & .312 Hfistv. Phil .. 2 8 .200 1 .. .. district play at the field on Thursday HrlilB- tPm - Kartivi-- s f , . .
list. William M. Johnston, playing r.
.275 Jones. Det. .....j.S7 5.'7
P. RMna rn b Roche; SI. Horn vs Fir base on balls Off 5. Stengel, Phti.-- Y.31 69 8 19 46 lOj 4 .312 K."efC'. Phil 2 3 .100 .. 7 ..
night. nd fielding of the Mll.'vale team was the
L. E. Wiiliaias Kllir
Olyon. Bkln. ....93 4(i3 (3 Ul Morton. Cieve. :..!S 10 0 0 0 .311 "phoimsthlen. Bos. ...... 1 5 .167 .. S ..
against J. Wheelwright, appears in H. Klnser; J. t Ztnta Shimidzu;
a C 1. Cilrfey: A., H. Chap- -
off Baumeister . Struck out By McKay
by Baumeister 3. Umpire Adams.
Kllduff, Bkln. 64 225 23 1
.271 Witt. Phil. ..,,..,.93., SS3 f.Q 119 4 12
.3 1 Wilkinson, Chi 1 10 .091 I .. Saturday afternoon J wilT mark.-- the , -- - - - -
uium The wiiii ivo noma
3 .. first contest between the W. L
rs rens was the hitting star.
the tipper half of the second round, In vs U.cranny; score:
P. Gardner. Jr.: J. D Ewing va Mokan, Pitts. 20 62 7 14 Hawks, N. Y.....M 61 14 19 2 0 .311 Utorrls. Chi.. St. L 0 2 .000 ..
and the J. F Malone club for
la the lower half of the. second aSecond rt. Klnwy vs C K. Bhaw.
half) J. W. Motor V.. R.H.P.A.B.: Montrose R.H.P.A.E.
Myers. Bkln. ....83 332 28 89
Ha rn hart, pitts. ....65 236 35 63
.208 Judge. .Wash. ,...93 V
.267 aicinnis, ms. 343
57 124
5 12 .810 Daveiirort. Chi
0 .309
0 I .000 .. 4 ..
district supremacy. This series game will be
Millvale. R.lLP.A.E.lAmbridge.
round. J. B. Ferine will meet Vin- Vs If. Iwane; Arnola Jones vs E. I.. Foster

Lvy; Bapp. S. 181 33 .264 Eilerbe. St. L54 182 22 56 ' one of five .games, the second to Daugb'y s 1 2 3 OlMollen If., i
cent Richards and K-- Norris Wil- Craig William M. Johnson vs Joslah Wheelwright; Smith 3.. 2 3 1 2 llste'llk m--c 3 0 3 0 Robertson. Chl.-pbg.- 31 13 24 1 .264 Bush, Bos. ........23 52 8 16 .305 Swissvale Lyceum Victor. be plaved on ,August 13. followed by Luta s...;, O 1 3 olpatter'a r. o
Biddle. Jr.. vs W. Rosenbamn. Young p.. 1 3 0 14 OiSt'd'rs 0 5 0 Gibson, Boa. 37 73 19 0 .264 Mars. K. T. 34 85 S 26 .305 August 20. and if the final two Tboma If. e o'j.swnic a. 1
liams II will oppose K. S. Pfaffman. (Lower half) 3. U. Werner v R K. Dana; M'Gulrk r 2 1 Ijlmhoff s... 0 2 3 Konet'y. 3 .263 Smith, Cleve. 79 260 59 7 .304 Swissvale Lyceum defeated the DcmmeU One games are necessary will be played On Fochs m.. 1
26S 36 70 0McBrlde m 0
.204 A. A. at Swiasvale. 1 It 1 Features of the Labor Day.
:- - .William T Tilden II will not ap-- J . Fenno v Vtncen Ricaarda: H. c.
rs W. 1. Bates; K S. Pfaffman va
Fawcett 2 0 0 0
Bl'kst'k 2 2 3 3
OjShoup r. 0
OjMetzgar I. 0
0 13
5 0
Nets, Bkln. 60 137 26 38 6 Wambagana,Clev.47 171 35 52 0
3 .260 Bassler. Dot. ....72 244 19 0 tame were the hitting of Webster, Jones anj
V . r Hickey I.. 1
Lautb r... 2
0;A.Swhie 2 0
pear in the singles, but will take Johnson Lee. PhU. ...i55 177 19 46 74 .3U3 0,'Shoina 3 t
R. KorrU Williams, II. Brown s- 1 11 0! Heh'an p 0 0 1 -.
Fonseca. Cln. 53 199 24 St .259 IThie, Cleve. ......32 66 14 30 1 .303 Dougherty, and the pitching of Baumgartner. The' fast XT. P. team traveled to Glen-sha- w
Dolan 1... 1 Bloom I..." 0 0 14
Gaber m.. 2 2 OlM'Cuno m. 0 0
Krueger, Bkln. .... W 87 10 2S .263 Johnson, Chi. ....88 357 1 111 '
0 .302 WhO gave seven scattered hits and fanned six Thursday evening for a twilight Met del 1 c. 0 OiWare c... 0 0
Graber 1.. 2 110 Campbell 2 1 4 4
McQuiilan. Bos. .,..23 63 7 M .254 Baker. N. y....65 252 33 s .302 men. Murphy and Han ley played well for game with the Glenshaw boys but rain Berlin' r t n O.Carr p.,.., 1 0
KeystoU ahd Chlcdco Gisiats. Futton c. 3 313 01 Kraft If... 0 0 1 Jnnvrin, 3t 79 3 20 .251 feuel, Bos. .....,,;77 2 30 75 .3.12 the visitors. -
The score: spoiled the game, the scorfi at that Lee p...... 0 Jamison p.- - 0 0 0
Ilitrcsa Indepesdects Kevstone and rrhfeank Clianim nU.i a
Wortz If.. 0 0 01
Orlraes, Bkln.
Neale. Cln.
,,., .21 67
....... 114 2 36
17 .258 Shanks. Wash.
.250 Qraney. Cleve. ..48 so 16
373 67 114 .301
Lyceum. R.H.P.A.E.jDemmeli. R.ILP.A.E. time being 2 to 1 In favor of the home
team. The V. P. boys would like to Totals... g; zt 1 li Totals.... S 18 HI 90 s

to draw In a gams yesterdav

hard-foug- ht TotnW.15 10 27 23 2t Totals. . .. 1 24 23 12 Rohwer, Piits. 20 28 4 7 Falk.
.!50 Foster, Cbt ...93 J74 37 112 .233 Hughes 3. 1 2 3 6 0!RBddton r 0 0 u 0 0 book Glenshaw for a return game on Millvale A,. & S. ......... 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 4
39 m
Defeat Refcectcfs, A at Central Park. The sensational fielding of Motor Vehicles
tom iwbtwl tne. score:
Montrose .....i. 0 00 1 0 0
0001 Holke. Bo .....83
Heathcote, St. L.A.. S3 133 14 34
J 41 85 .246
.546 Menosky. Jtos,
, .83 300
59 89
S7 .298
297 Daughy 2 0H 1n 31 ?s
i 0
IIMuno c 10i 6 j10 their grounds
1 v hen it is hoped , the
will permit the playing of a
, 0 D 0 i o 1 3
bits Fat hs, Carr, Dolan. Mullen 95
OSMurphy's.. 4 3 2 2 0 7 Feather
Fv-r- f

, Two-bas- e

hits Fulton, lmnott. inree-oas- e ,.,.53 191 13 47 .246 Johnson. WRjh., ,.23 64 7 19 0 0 .297 Jones 1..;
Keyst'es Ab.R.H.P.A.C. Giants AD.R.H.P.A. Two-ba-
Home runs Young, Graber,
se Crane, Cln.
.145 Roth, Jf. Y'...i.....7(8 143 27 42 2" 1 .JDS o 0 Ktrbv m... e 1 z e v ull seven or nine innings, Wednesday fiome ruiiL Lauth i. , Stolen base
Bit Brown. Marqnard. Cin. ....20 53 , 1 IS 10 .294 trin nu..-- ir a 1 evening the .11. P.'s travel to Wilson, "'"' - Woom, lugys MIOHIH, a. Swe- - waie

Natrona Independents took over the Dow'er If. 4 2 0 3 1 Hawkins IS I t Campbell. Sacrifice hits Graber. Wurtz. Nlxonv Bos. 22 4 7 U .244 Bush. Det.i Ji 360 65 106
Cuth l 0 3 6 0 Welsh.... ft J 1 J,0 t'nie and ann Shoma . and liloom i Doner- -
Fewrter.: f, Y....4 Pa,, to meet the Wilson A. C. semi-pr- o'
. W.
Remeeker in aa Interesting gsajis at
Natrona yesterday afternoon. to The t
Allen ... 2 3 1 0 Jef'rles
uopden r. 4 I 1 1 fcjen'ags
S 1 0
3 .3
Struck out By Young IL by Shoup

Hehman L First base on balls Off

6, by
Hood, Bkln.
Adams, pttts.
45 58 13 14
17 46 6 U
.ia Harris. Wanh. ....
Dugan, PhlL i..;.90
JT0 34
378 56 110
843 ' 42: 102
59 3
.193 Bck r.... t 3106 0 prcamob'lt if 0 0 1 0 0
,293 Webster eS
0 OiGorman 1. 0

1 8 1 6

teom. Friday the Monongahela
will crops bats with the U. .P.'s
t. xxn:Kev
rors MUlvale
r irst oase. on er- -
Haerfllce bunt Thomas
r- -
winners scored tn six ot the eight famines lorwn r. s c a vi is a Itn
yii ams a s jz Zi Ale'der m 4 l2 1
. Hit with" pitched 111 Brown.
s-- p Campbell.
10, Montrose
Coorabe, Cin
Cooper, Pitts
18 17 1 4
,2Si Sheely,
.234 Peekinpaugh, ......93 334
Cbl. 835 30 m 3 .293 Baum'n pi 1 0 1
OjBodnar 0
J '
2 1
J and on August 9 Rieeka will be s. Struck oat B Begimser X by Carr 4t by
Jloody m. 4 0 0i S 81 wtreen s t- e o
In which they batted. Eight hits were col- Left on bases Motor ' Vehicles 23 77 6 18 X.Y.87 73 98 .2!i3
7 11 27 13 ll Totals:... 2 7 24 10 0 Fr'da'y evenings during the
10. - ' Baumgartner, Phil. .31 3D 5 7 .233 Plpp. X;
Y...... ...90 333 58 103 5 .292
Total,-.- ..
lected by the visitors, hot Groves, i twirling Karber 1. 4 o 11 ot B'chm'n 2 4 13 Daly, Chi. 33 91 ,8 21 .231
Welch. Phil. ......S3 313 36 91 4 .292 tmmell A A 0 0 0 0 9 ft 3 0 2 latter part of Angust are open for first-cla- ss
Hoters Beat Legionarie.
for Natrona,, kept them well apart and St Hays 2.,.. J 0 t rfTfcopeon 24 0 J Yougn Valie Beats Donora. Torporcer. St. L....21 48 3 11 .223 Yarvan. Chi. . ..:.E7 89 2 .292 Swlssvsle Lyceum.. 0 0 4 0 0 3 3 7 teams only on V. P. grounds, .
Watts e.. Kay c 4 0 0 Monroe, N. 2 10 Webster. lRugh-erfy- . tiames are wanted away from home for The Summit Hose Company nine of
2 Luther p.. j 0 0 f
0 44 L27
nd time was in trouble. The score: Gilmore p 4 !22J Mdxtil, Chi. 51 16 SS 49 6 .290 hiUf Hughes, Two-ba-- i m Tar-n-tu-
0 1 1 0AWSON. PL; July 30. (Special.) Donora Smith, Bkln. ...21 44 2 10 tierber, St. L.....10 45 , IS 2 289 Stolen base Jones.- - tiase on hails Off Saturdays or twilight games from good
defeated the Tarentura Post of the
Natrona R. H. PJL E. iReineekers H.H.P.A.EL Independents were defeated here today by the Schupp, St. 22 2 S .227
l,. .289 Baumgartner 2. off llodnur 2. Hit with teams. Wr! W. J. Thompson. Farm- American Legion, 4 to j yesterday. Five
- Austin. 6 13 2

Friti 2.... 1 1 i I OiEaney X... 1 1 J f Totals...

8 12 27 7 Totals. .. At
2 i 10 0 0 0 0
12 27 U
Tough Valley Independents. to 3. In one of Miller. Bkln. ...
Cadore; Bkln. ......24 50 7 11
63 200 17 46 .325 Dykes. Phil. ......M 371 53 106 10
0 ,.210 Jamieson, Clere...3"

297 43 S5 0 3
.286 bitched
246 Da1ig,tv Parrot
ball Hughes. . Sacrifice i bunts
Jonea. Struck out By
ers Deposit
or call Grant 453. .
a'tional Bank. Pittsburgh, errors by the Legion team enabled the
to score Your tuna on four hits. Score: '
vlc-lo- rs

Kmsey, r. OiHiwk 1.... 1 1 1 2 0- -3

played contest of the season.' Getsle, .
AJams .. 1 3 4 1 OlSmtth s...
"KegoUy ml I d 1; Howes J... 12 0
1 4 & 6 Lllctfo mooay
jurrers i. mo-ras- e nits
'28 S0100000
the best
Allen, firstsacker of the locals, led on the offensive
Shot ton, St. L.......2S 41 7 9
Taylor. Bkln. ...15 51 3 11
.219 Shawkey, X. Y....1S 49
.216 Griffin, Phil. 24 - 49
7 34 1 0 3f Baumgartner 6. by Bodnar t. t'mpires Fjt-le- n , The Fairbanks club which has been
7 II 0 1 .:! end Carroll, traveling at a fa-- pace this season is
A. Legion R.H.P.A.E.)S. Hose, R.M.P.A.E.
ft rami s... S 1 9 4 tlBropst m.. 1 S Gooden. Hays 2, - Hawkins, Berkwith. Ray. with three safeties. The visitors collected
- Kopf. Cin. ..46 114 20 31 .215 Caldwell. Cleve 24 21
1.8 7 0 .284 t
experiencing a little difficulty in ar- Martwell s 6 t 0 ljWalten'b 2 l e
a U Aigby If... 0 Stolen bases Williams. Ray. Hawkins. only five blngles, no rla?r having more than fKschger. Bob ,.28 65 S 14 .215 Miller. Wart, ....70 267 39 73
i...- - 3 2
Kjlr If.... 1 t J 6 Shiring r.
t Double plays (Slants 1. First base on balls one blow to his credit. The score:
uutner i, cecKwltli. Hits on Oilmore 12, Yough
Zlnn. Pitts.
Carlson. Pitts
18 14
28 5 .S
1 3
Phii. .....51 13
Phil. ..M'tea 33 100 8 3
36 0 3"
"M PIRATE STAR. ranging games
teams. AU semi-pr- o
with the local semi-pr- o
teams are request-
Rlnspohr 1 0 1 4
Brown 1... 1 11
ltWeber m.. e
ljstoffel a... 1 o
Bisaham e 2 C r&eale r... 6 0
ott laither I, oft Becfcwith 4. WIM pitch a - R.H.P.A.E. B,H.P.A-E.Donor-
j. Smith, Phil..... .16 13953 5 .213

ed to communicate with John A. Yoedt, Barteil S. 0 2 l'H Esser 1.. 0 1

1 4 OiCahm e... 0 l 4 1 t
11- Milan, Wash. ....CO 192 IS M. 0 I
oiwvea p. 1 t fesser r. . . 1 OIThomas If. I o
i Johnson p. e V
90 uaxsnau pi 9 is
Beck with. Pased ball Ray. Hit with Waym'n r 2
pitched ball Moody. Struck out By Gil- l.t 2 I
0 OjMcGlhty 1. 1
1 II Grant m, 0 10
0 .0
CVFarrel, Chi. ......53
Halries. St. L.......23 63 7
13 31 .208
.208 C. Walker.. PhtL.M
46 0
30 12 2 .176
S9S2 Vinceton street. North Side.
Pittsburgh. Giants will finish the Tweed
Sch-ke- r
. 0
m 0

0 0
Evans 3... 0 t
e r...
-- -4 more i, by Beckwith . L'mptre Tocaa and
P"v'dsn it 02 2 72 0 O'MeVk'rc...3 0
1 OIDavls 1 3(tn t Hubbell, Phil. ......24 41 io .208 J. Walker. Phil.. 69 257 29 71 1 6 .274
7 17 t 1 .273 -- f?
season in the Pittsburgh district Boucb rn. .0 0 0 Kline ... a
T4ts!s. to nis U Totals..:. I 1IIS 1 emu a. ,
T Fghm f.
0jauthbt s. 0 S 3 0
13J Douglas. N. T......22 39 2 8
Mitchell. Bkln. ......27 40 6 8
.206 Jones. Boa.
Scott. Boa.
,..33 ; 63
93 346 45 06 0 3 .274
tot 7. meeting the best
this section at home and abroad.
semi-pr- o clubs in Mosley 0
3 0 iMcPh'r'n p 1
KZ. Backers
1 1 8 1 1
- St. Mart Take Lacing.
Strieker 3 0 0 1 1 'OiArloW
Laval IB. 0
Miller If. 0
l0 0' Cross T...3... 0 4 3 0
0 0 0 I! North. 8t, L......20 10 1 2
Dlllhoefer. 8u L 52 100 14 23
Letbold, Boa. ...1.63 234 33 64
.192 B rower. WaHh. ,.65. . 17a 26 43 3
5 .274
.274 Contests at home will be played on
Freder'k p 1 0 2
e hits Kinsey, Braun, Lena. Batr.
Two-bas- "ICIlio A. C. defeated St. Mary's Lyceum 0;Rrtner If. 4 10 Barnes. X. T J6 54 6 10 .185 Schang. N." T......82 261 42 72 6 .273 Monday and .Tuesday evenings at Totals... 3 34 11 3 Totals.... 4 42
yesterday at Lawrence Park, 13 to S. In a Prtch'd c...p 0 0 0 e llG'nther p. 0
Hays 0 1 10 1 1
Central Park; Monday, Giants will
1 Tiirae base bits Husk, Adams. Home runs Ring. PhlL .173 P. Collins. St; .'73 1124 .270 ' Moslev bit by batted ban
. 0 2 22 58 7 10
1 L.-3-


Lean. Adams, Bropat. Bases on balls-- OS loosely played gams. Both pitchers were hit .170 Hasty, Phft ......24 play and , Tuesday, American Legion....
-i H
Toney. K, T........24 47 4 3 4t 0 .2CT Rieck-McJunk- in

Crovea 4. ott Johnson 2, off WaranaU 1.

Strwck oat By Orovss 7, by Johnson S, by
hard and naa poor support. Tne score Totals... 0 3 27 10 2) Tntala. 3 5 24 U 1 Freeman., ChJ. ....20 30 2 6 .167 Moore.
.167 Limb,, St. L
Phi)a-.....- 1 49 7 13 0 .266 Giants combat with
urdays and Sundays abroad. Wire or
Becks Run, Sat- Rnmmll Wno - ......
bit Evans. Sacrifice kit Vf
. VA,,. X W A

liTlislisll 4. Vmpirea Begotly and Smith.

Willow R.H.P.AB. (St. Marys ft.H.P.AB. Donora i
Toogh Vslley...;...; 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 0
00301 03 Mlljus. Bkln. .......W 18 O 2
Xapier. Citu 22 12 3 .167 Piclnich, Waah....SS 7S
33 125 13 33
6 20
0 .264
0 .263 write Nate Harris, 1213 Wylie avenue,

bases Martwell. Kaser.

WeN-- e
0Rags Hamilton. Pitts. ...23 4 6 .163 Mulligan. Chi. ..93 377' S3 97 I 10 .258 ' ',."V or phone Grant 8397. tonbl play Brown and Elmrpnlie Cases
Eberharters Win Slugfest.
Gilbe't e 0 0 4 3

Hlgve ml 3 10 SIRuckley 3. 0 0 1 3 0
3..... 0 0 Two-tas- e
hits Ariow. Laval, Davis.
Base on balls Off Ban. N. Y.. 24 87 2 .163 J. Collins. Bos... .81 310 32 80 0 .25
The Universal Portland Cement on batls-- McPherson !, oil Frederick 3
.160 Bayne.' St. L......29 31. 4
CW rhartrra woa the
the .K. F. Murohys, M to 2.
slug-gin- s match from
at Moultrie
Frita Dp.. 4 2 3 1 2! Little
Moore 1.. 3 2
Prlehard 2221
4. off Gnenther 4. Struck out By
p-- s.

1 aiO'Connell 1 2 1 11 0 0 Priehard 0. by Guenther 1. Umpires Moore

2 3 4 2 llMon'han r. 0 1 0 0 0 and Shallinberger.
Cheeves. Chi
Walker. St. L
Watson, Bos.
18 31
22 3S
24 48
1 5
1 6
5 7
.158 HoUlng, Det. .....23
.146 Gleason, St. L....26

0 0 .258

Company baseball team have been
going strong durin? the past three
Strock out-- By
and tillboux.
. Hit by .pieeher-Bou- ch.
, by Frederick
CtnMres -- Black
If-- s.

U3 Young. Det. 71 266 3 68 3 .256 Weeks defeating some of the best :

vestenlav. The scorer Evert 2... 1

Mon'a'a r 1 2
OM'Sally r. 1 1 2 0 9
etKen eily K 3 3
Rixey. Cln
Pitts. ,
...23 63 4 S
21 43 2 7 .143 Ehmke. pet, ......23; 195 55 6 14 0 .25 teams in this district. Universal has
Jeannett Beats Scltzhoover.
Laiatette Defeats Victory. ?lszner,. .143 Smith. St. L.. W.62 18 4 2 .251 a hard schedule ahead durinqr the
t ff
llurphys. R.H.P.A.E.H. P. E.
O Hara 2. 0 1 3 0 0; Flaherty 2. 1
Mathews lit

1 2 l.'Royie 2.... 0
1 t
13 01
A E. Cook e... 0 0 4 1 e iAHey
M'Kay 3.. 1
Sch n lf
1 M Mx n
l 0 1 s e1
0 0

11 0 8 lisavage e. 0 0 1 1 to IS yesterday at Stowe Field. The pitch-

Lafayette defeated the Victory Jnnlors. 14

n s ing of Muck and the hitting of Pete fea-

Sherdel, St. L
Pertlca, 8t: L...;.t.2L 42 3 S 0
Doak, 6t. L
!S- 23
23 14

.....18 39 S i I
1 4
0 .143 Vick, Bos. ........20 " 40
'.MO lterr. Chi. ..;.. ...31
.102 Pennock, Bos. ....21
43 4
1 10
9 .13
n next week,
urday.- Spang-Chaifa-
Tuesday and
playing at Export on Sat-
Cambria Steel Company
at Etna .n nt
PA.. July JC. Spcclsl.I
Jeannetto defeatyd the BelUooever InJepend-erit- s
C to S today. In a
0ho m. 1 1 4
King J...,
0 Johns
2 3 OlSmita m... 1
2 2 4
' Totals'. ..13 14 27 IS "il Totals.
Willow .00 9 7,3 0 1 0 8 213
i tureo. t ne game. . i ne score Smith. PhlL .24 47 ' 1 .043
Sargent, Det.. ....
Myers. Bos. ...,,,.30 41
L..61 203 "6
70 7
.243 at Johnstown on Saturday. August 6.
A series Is now being arranged be-
extra-bas- e
close game here. Many
hits f catered tbo contest. - Tbe ....
McQ'ian If 0 1 2 0 OlFox 1 1 2 2 1 LafayeUe R. HTpTaTeT; Victory. 5 .243 fecore;
Hash ... 0 3 0 0 0;Foley r.... I 10 0 St. Mary's 0 2 0 2 a 0 9 - i CLT'B BATTIXO. "
Henoryk. Bos. ....4 137 . 10 33 0 .241 tween the Cement company team and :

hit Moore. Three-bas- e hits Club. . AB. B. H. 2B.3B.HR.fSB.PC. Dauss. Dot.- ......14 54 4 13 1 the Consumers of Harmarville. Jean ette lLH.P.A.E-illeii- ever R.H.P.A.E.
peer r.. 0 1 CAljind If 2 0 0

LRtle. SaeHtiee hits Savaxe. Woods r.. 4 I- 0 OflVngier c. 1 4 4
3 ?t Haven If.. 0 1 0 St. Louis.,... 90 3158 483 956 166 2 51 63 .303 Burwell. 21 S

S 0

Sunday afternoon the Pittsburgh


Alpern p.. 0 8 0 Roberts e. 2 0- Z II 0 McNally. Stolen bases WUlow S. St. Mary'a Pete 3 0 Chicago ..... 90 SIM SS7 56 149 25 23 3) .300 Schalk, Chi. ......77 253 SO 00 , 0 Herlery r, 0 1 0 Brown ... J 1 3
Hub; e... e 4 Kins P 1 I I Douliit plays willow 2. .struck out By Nob'ns m 0 3 0 0'Haine 3 1 1 0 .237 Giarts will be the attraction for 3ill-va- ie Bren'n m. 1 1 1

Alpern p.. 0 0 Sweeny r.. 1 0 0 0 S.

JFor'osa 3 1 0 2 0'Carroll 1.. 1 2 13 Sew York.... 31 3103 519 S2S 143 S3 S3 34 .238 Palniero.-S- t. L...J3 34 S 8 0 .233
A. & S. at Hickey Park, end of o; Blazing 3.; 1 2 1
Scbttman i, hv Fritz i, by Little i. by Lafl p... 2' .. I 3 0 Pittsburgh ., 33 3314 469 983 14S 74 22 33 .W CTRoarke, Wash. .96 3S5 39 S3 .234 Millvale car line. Game called M'Gln'is 2 3 3 2 OiLauer rn. . I 1
Iaorsa .S 0 0 0 0 01
t. Base on bstts Off Schleman J. off Frit 2, Muck O 3 O.Peroth
hlladel'S ... 89 SilS 374 910 141 27 50 40 .294 F. Walker, Phi. ..13 66 4 IS .327 the Foster o. , 1 2 7 0:W!ock 1 1 3 10
Sununa m 0 0 0; off Laffy 4., Winning pitcher Schleman, Loa-in- Sllvst e... 1 0 O'Rosh'ru m 2 2 2
Boston ....... 89 3159 4K 121 117 56 37 64 .292 Oldham. Det. .,..23 40 3 0 .226
at 8:15 p. m. Jackson will do the Dledr'h If. 0 0 0 eiKee'e a..., 0 0 4
! Oto the Giants with Kinney
. Canter p.. 0 0 0 0t pitcher Htda. Time 25, t'ntplre 1....2 12 3 14 0 Olstenb'm 3. 2 4-- 1
2 l!plnman r. . 3 2 4 Brooklyn .... 94 3276 433 918 133 58 41 6 .280 Galloway. Phil. ..31 2S2 '23 63 .220 pitching for Klinzing 1 0 1 IS I! Ktnlein If 0 0 2
Fleming ..0 0 0 0 0 Montgomery. M F or 2 1
Cincinnati ... 0 23S0 3i2 817 133 f 16 60 .274 McCann. Phil. U..24 ' 59 7 IS .220 on the receiving end. Nary will work Rushe 3... 1 1 1 Eiler r.... 0 I
TA'Ucos .- - 0 ! Forhrell If 2 3 2 0 li Vital p.... - 2 1 3
Rommel. Phil. .,..28 51 ( U .216 "
for MUlvale. Giantsgame. will have four -
s 0 1 0 li Stoerckel e 1 S' 4
Waldron 3 0 1 0 0 It
Totals..."i tn 4 It Totals....! nasi -
lad'Aiss 'Si;n Cotiefiah. PITCHING REC0B.DS.
Baby. Cleve
Zachary. Wash. ..26 67 t 12
IS SS ( 12 .314
Cuban stars In the
Sullivan game Wednesday has been
The P. J. Pickett p. 0 1 tfBeatty p. I 104
Eberhartera ........'.... 0 S S 2
9 -- W 10tBf-- .BUSTO.v,Jojy 59. A. P.)
Kemp, former Boston College Higii
ike Totals... 14 it 27 10 5j TnfaK.;. .13 327
Victory Juniors 611

Pitcher. Club.
Glazner. . Pgh....
Last Shut Shocker. St. L....29 63
W. L. PC. W, L. Out WetJtel. St. L
9 .. . 1
49 96
13 20
It .212
.IC .
postponed. Saturdav
travel to Ellwood City to meet the
Millvale will Totals...
0 31 ?7 18
3' Totals
2 1
S 24 W 1
2 0 0 0 0 1

Tms Itoyle. Smnh t. Foa 4.
hit Aland. Home run.
School first
basemaVJ, Is to he
with the world's champion
stven a Lafsvette--
Two-bas-hits Pete. Nubbins. Waldron,
S 14
Mlljus. Bkln 4 1
.800 4 ..
McNally, JS. Y....24 53
.. Davis, St. L.....2J 52 4 11
8 11 .208
.308 Ellwood Elks. Chick Randisr,
star, receiver having his hand
's Mill-vale- Belt?.hoover
hits Brennan. McGInnis 2. Died-ric- ih, 0120200 0 s
Three-bas- Two-bar-e
Roberts. Stolen tases Murphys X Eber- team. .Manager Speaker, Carta. M. Formosa, Muck, Denelef t. Piroth. Coor-er- , Pgh........... 1710 5 . 773 2 Van Gilder, St. L.IS S 4 .207 Rushe. Brown, Foeter, LAuer. Shook,
harters t. Dotrble plays Mornhys f.
Cleveland y Three-ha- s hits Kubblns t, Pete. Plnman. Adams, pgh .769 .. 2 CoveleskJe, Cleve.. 28 36 3 14 .300 hurt at Etna will soon be back in the Blazing. Sncrlnce hit Blazing. Run on

before the teama departure for New game.


on.bslis On Alptrn First base 'en balls Off Muck 3. off Vitel 11. Nehf. N. Y IS 4 .765 '
Via. Bos. ,..i...j6 221 43 .16 balls Off Pickett 1; off Beattv l. struck out
King 3. Hit with Jrftchel ball O Hara. VorR last hisnt, notified Kemp to First hast on errors Lafayette 1. Victory L Grimes, Bkln......... 14 5 .737
I :: Qulnn. N. Y.......22 31 0 .14 Millvale bas open dat:s abroad for By Pickett 3. by Bcatty 4. Bit by pitcher
MAirJi. Strscfe out By Alpern 4. by King join the Indians upon " their return to Struck out By Muck 3, by Vitel X Umpire Scott. Boston 11 6 .688 Karr, Bos. 23 St C .14 the Pittsburgh Plate Glass. Mason minzlng. Wild pitch Beatty. Umpires'
10. Uatpires Haley and SicNichols. Cleveland. Woods. Alexander, ChL...... ID i il m 1 JJoyt, n. T .,? H ..--
ntcker WsOtCjr GIsaswt. town and teams ox this ciass. Write Dsusjhmaa and Carey.

-- - 4

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