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MAYAPYAP Project MELC (Managing and Enhancing Learning through Contextualization)

Second Semester, Quarter III, Week 5

Lesson 5: Handling Guest with Special Needs


TLE_HEFBS9-12SG-IIId-5: LO2. Assist the Diners

2.1 Attend to anticipated additional request or needs of the guest
2.2 Offer and serve additional food and beverage at the appropriate time
2.3 Provide necessary condiments and appropriate tableware based on the
food order
2.4 Recognize and follow up delays or deficiencies in service promptly
based on enterprise policy
2.5 Conduct “3-minute check” for guest’s satisfaction
2.6 Treat children and guest with special needs with extra attention and care

In this set of activities, you should:

1. Recall the guidelines on how to attend guest with special needs; and
2. Interpret the situation in attending the customers query.


Hello, Maylinian! We are in the fifth week of our

discussion. I hope you still have enough energy to do all your tasks.
Last session we discussed about serving foods. Can you still recall
the different food service style? Let’s figure it out! Before we start,
let us recall our previous lesson by answering this question: Give
some 5 services guidelines? Write your answer on your answer

It is imperative that food service establishments strive to make all guests feel welcome and comfortable. Serving
guests with special needs such as children and persons with disabilities is just as important.


 Aged or elderly guests.
 Infant and young children
 Disabled guest or handicapped guest (ex: blind, deaf or in wheelchair)
 Non-native guest, or foreign language speaking guest.
 Single or solitary guests.
 Guest who have health issues such as heart ailments, allergic to some foods, special dietary need.

With the increased mobility of persons with disabilities, more restaurants are providing access for wheelchairs users
and other disabled guest. This situation requires the restaurant staff that come into contact with guests with special needs
to be aware of, prepared for, and be sensitive to, their unique requirements and expectations.


Servers should treat guest with special needs as they would any other customer addressing disabled guest
directly, without assuming that they want or need help. Keep the following guidelines in mind when serving guest with
special needs:

 Remember it is primarily through hearing and touch that blind people maintain awareness of what is happening
around them. Seat guest with sight impairment in a relatively quiet place within the restaurants so that they can
find it easier to concentrate on conversation with their companions.
 Never overfill glasses, cups, or soup bowls
 Communication may be difficult when a guest is hearing impaired. In these cases,

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 Stand in such a position that the customer is able to see your face clearly and speak directly to the
 Speak slowly and distinctly.
 Describe food and drink items in simple, precise, and plain language.
 Seat hearing impaired customers away from excessive noise, as this is very uncomfortable for customers
wearing hearing aids.
 Read back the food and beverage order to confirm all requests.

● Guest with limited mobility should be given the following considerations.

 Place wheelchairs users at tables where there is adequate space for maneuverability.
 Position the guest off the main corridors of customers or staff movement.
 Position him or her within easy access of washroom, exits and fire exits.
 Crutches or walking sticks should be placed where they are easily accessible but do not present a risk of
injury to other customers.

 Children also require special considerations in order to ensure their comfort and safety. The following guidelines
apply to children up to age eight:
 Ask whether a booster seat or high chair is needed.
 Ensure that the seats are clean and that the trays on high chairs are clean and sanitized.
 Remove any sharp objects from the table.
 Remove glassware from the covers of small children. Lidded plastic containers for children’s beverages
are generally appreciated by parents.
 Talk to the children as you serve them.
 If your establishment offers children’s activities such as paper placemats and crayons, bring these to the
 If the parents approve, help children select an appropriate menu item.
 Serve children as quickly as possible, and serve them first.
 After the guest depart, make sure that the area beneath the table is thoroughly swept.

Anticipating a customer’s needs starts before they are even seated. First, change the view in your head of the customer to
an honored guest. Once you see a customer as a welcomed and important guest you will remember to greet them properly,
smile, make them feel welcome and be in a mindset to anticipate their needs.

Some Basic Principles of Food and Beverage Service. When food is pre-plated, the service to the guest is done from the
right. All beverages are served from the right. Soups are served from the right unless poured from a soup tureen in which
case it is done from the left. Ladies are always served first.


When a meal has been served to the customer, it is important for service staff to revisit the table a few minute later to
check that the meals are to the customer’s satisfaction.

This is commonly known as the “Three-minute check”.

It involves approaching the table approximately 3 minutes after the last meal was placed on the table and making an
inquiry along the lines of “Is everything to your satisfaction?” or “How are your meals?” Individual venues may have
standard statements for you to use when making this 3-minute check so check with your supervisor and adhere to specific
enterprise requirements. It is assumed that after three minutes, a customer will know if they are satisfied
with their food.

The 3 minute check gives customers an opportunity to tell you if: there is something wrong with the menu ex: their steak
is not cooked as they ordered, or the food or coffee is cold. They would like to order something extra e.g. a salad or
another drink.

Your three-minute check also presents guests with an opportunity to order or re-order. This may not fit in with
the plans or the timing you have predetermined for your station, but these orders must be taken, or dealt with,
politely and promptly. You may be the food waiter, but the three-minute check may well result in a drink order being
given. It is totally unacceptable for you to say “I’m sorry, I’m the food waiter, not the drink waiter”. You should take the
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order and pass it on the appropriate person. If there is some confusion on your part about exactly what the order is, let
them know this
and they can follow it up.

Another duty of the server is changing ashtrays in the establishments smoking section. Do not wait for the
cigarette butts to accumulate before changing an ashtrays. To make sure that ashes do not fly into guest food or
beverages, invert a clean ashtray and hold it over the soiled one. Dispose the contents of the dirty ashtray safely, and then
place the clean ashtray on the table

Sometimes there are unfortunate situation such as customers getting ill while being serve in the restaurant. If this
occurs, servers and persons in authority should take immediate action. –
 As soon as it is noticed that a guests is not feeling well while in the restaurant, a person in authority either the
captain waiter or restaurant manager should immediately be informed.
 The person in authority must inquire if the guest needs assistance. At the same time, he/she must try to judge
whether the illness is of serious nature.
 If the illness appears to be of a serious nature, immediately call emergency services for an ambulance with a
doctor for primary inspection before taking the guest to the hospital.
 If the illness is not serious, and after a short period of time the guest recovers and continues with the meal, a fresh
cover should be laid and the meal should be returned from the hotplate.



Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Enrichment Activity 1: Read the statement belows. Write T if the statement is correct and write F if the statement
is incorrect. (1 point each)

____1. We have to wait for the cigarette butts to accumulate before changing ashtrays.
___ 2. It is not important for service staff to revisit the table a few minute later to check that the meals are to the
customer’s satisfaction.
___ 3. Always arrange necessary baby chairs, cutlery and service to accommodate all request whenever required.
___ 4. If there is no children or elderly the ladies are always served first.
___ 5. The three minute check gives customers an opportunity to tell you if there is something wrong with the menu.

Enrichment Activity 2: Give some guidelines on how to attend to guest with special needs. (1-5)

Remember this!
All service staff must monitor patrons during service for signs of dissatisfaction. This means keeping alert for
non-verbal cues that indicate displeasure and listening for negative comments that can be overhead. Check customer
satisfaction must apply to both food and beverages

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Assisting the diners. Perform the role of a Food and Beverage service attendant/waiter assisting the guest with
special needs according to the given situation. Create a short video of your presentation and send it to your subject
teacher. (20 points)

Your guests for today are the following:
Mr.Jonathan Roxas, a college student.
Mr. and Mrs. Veejay Lurido.
Ms. Jessica Peralta a businesswoman with his 2 business partners.
Take their orders with the following considerations:
1. Mr. Roxas is a deaf.
2. Mr. and Mrs. Veejay Lurido with a 5 year old kid.
3. Ms. Peralta in a wheelchair.

Set A. Your performance will be rated using this rubric.

5 4 3
Criteria Total
   Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory
The guest was assisted to The guest was assisted to
Provide access to the their type of need their type of need but not
guest with Special The guest was assisted.
according to their special according to their special
needs need. need.
Food was served  but not
Food was served according to the proper Food was not served
Serve the priority according to the proper etiquette. according to the right
person. etiquette. proper etiquette.

Guest was able to Guest was not able to

Proper Guest was able to communicate on the communicate on the
communication on communicate on the attendant but not on the attendant on the way they
guest with special attendant on the way they way they can understand can understand each
needs can understand each each other. other..

SET B: For those who have no gadgets and internet connection, you will also perform the task, after that narrate how you
execute the given tasks in two to three (2-3) paragraphs.

Rubric for Set B.

Your output will be rated using the rubric below:


5 4 3 TOTAL
Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory

Clarity Exceptionally clear Generally clear and easy to Lacked clarity and
and easy to understand understand difficult to understand

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Content/Presentation Presented the ideas Presented the ideas Lacked accuracy in
accurately and in a somewhat accurate and in a presenting ideas but in
logical manner logical manner a logical manner

Mechanics (spelling, Without errors in Consistent in grammar and

Few grammatical errors
punctuation, etc.) grammar, spelling, and punctuations but with
and misspelled words
punctuations minimal errors in spelling


Answer the following questions briefly but substantially. (5 points)

How would you handle a 5 guest with all special needs without a companion?

● Department of Education-Bureau of Learning Resources (n.d.) (DepEd-
BLR), Food and Beverages
● Table reservation. (n.d.). Retrieved September 11, 2021, from
This Student Learning Guide will be discussed during Online Consultation on the following schedule.
1ST Week of 3rd Quarter (2nd Semester)
Monday & Tuesday
8:00 -10:00 a.m.

Visit your Official Facebook Class Group.

Search: MNHS TVL-FNB12 Mariano, SY 2021-2022

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