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The numbers in the Index are Unit numbers, not page numbers.
4x4 ​/fɔbafɔ/ ​27 aforementioned ​ /əfɔmentʃənd/ ​101 anaesthetist ​/ənisθətst/ ​51
abhor ​/əbhɔ/ ​14 age-conscious ​87 analogue ​/nəlɒ/ ​56
abhorrence ​/əbhɒrəns/ ​14 age-related ​87 analogy ​/ənlədi/ ​68
abhorrent ​/əbhɒrənt/ ​14 aggregate (n.) ​/rət/ ​71 ancestor ​/nsestə/ ​28
abject poverty ​45 aggregate (v.)  /ret/ 71 angle bracket ​/ŋəl brkt/ ​81
-able ​/əbəl/ ​87 agony aunt ​/əni ɑnt/ ​47 Anglo-Saxon ​/ŋləυsksən/ ​89
absolute poverty ​40 agony column ​/əni kɒləm/ ​47 animal (rescue) shelter ​32
absolutely ​ /bsəlutli/ ​78 agree to differ ​78 animal rights activist ​32
abstruse ​/bstrus/ ​69 ahead of its time ​22 animal welfare ​23
academic journal ​1 AI ​/ea/ ​56 annual bonus  6
accede ​ /əksid/ ​72 AIDS ​/edz/ ​85 annul ​/ənl/ ​43
accelerate ​ /əkseləret/ ​66 ailing ​/elŋ/ ​45, 53 annulment ​/ənlmənt/ ​43
access (v.) ​/kses/ ​48 air views ​50 -ant ​/ənt/ ​87
access online ​1 airline ​/eəlan/ ​26 anthology ​/nθɒlədi/ ​22
accessory ​/əksesəri/ ​17 airtime ​/eətam/ ​50 anticipate ​/ntspet/ ​76
Accidents will happen!  70 akin ​/əkn/ ​68 anti-corruption squad ​35
acclaimed ​ /əklemd/ ​22 alarm ​ /əlɑm/ ​14 antipathy ​/ntpəθi/ ​14
accommodating ​/əkɒmədetŋ/ ​34 alarmed ​/əlɑmd/ ​14 anti-social ​/ntisəυʃəl/ ​5
accord ​/əkɔd/ ​74 alarming ​/əlɑmŋ/ ​14 anti-virus software ​48
account for ​80 alcoholic ​/lkəhɒlk/ ​16 anxious ​/ŋkʃəs/ ​70
ache ​/ek/ ​52 alibi ​/lba/ ​74 apology ​/əpɒlədi/ ​74
aches and pains ​52 all the ingredients of ​23 appalling ​/əpɔlŋ/ ​92
achieve economic growth ​45 all the rage ​17 apparent ​/əprənt/ ​70
acknowledge ​/əknɒld/ ​1, 101 all your born days ​60 appeal ​/əpil/ ​43
acquaintance ​/əkwentəns/ ​12 allegation ​/leʃən/ ​41, 43 appease ​/əpiz/ ​13
acquiesce ​/kwies/ ​72 allege  /əled/ 43 append ​/əpend/ ​79
acquit ​/əkwt/ ​74 allergic ​/əldk/ ​23, 53 applause ​/əplɔz/ ​20, 29
acquittal ​/əkwtl/ ​74 allergy ​/lədi/ ​23 appliance ​/əplaəns/ ​58
acronym  /krənm/ 85 alleviate debt ​45 applicant ​/plkənt/ ​87
acupuncturist ​/kjυpŋktʃərst/ ​51 all-inclusive holiday  26 approachable ​/əprəυtʃəbəl/ ​10
acute ​/əkjut/ ​51 allocate funds ​45 approval ​/əpruvəl/ ​78
AD ​/edi/ ​85 all-out ​/ɔlaυt/ ​44 approve of ​78
addictive ​/ədktv/ ​48 allowance ​/əlaυəns/ ​35 approximately ​ /əprɒksmətli/ ​83
additive ​/dətv/ ​23 allude ​/əlud/ ​80 APR ​/epiɑ/ ​46
additive-free ​87 ally ​/la/ ​12 arbitrary ​/ɑbtrəri/ ​79
address ​/ədres/ ​80 aloof ​ /əluf/ ​10 arch rival ​12
adhere ​/ədhə/ ​36 alternative medicine ​/ɔltnətv medsən/ ​ archaeologist ​/ɑkiɒlədst/ ​39
adherence ​/ədhərəns/ ​36 51 archive ​ /ɑkav/ ​50
adherent ​ /ədhərənt/ ​36 altruistic ​/ltrustk/ ​8 arduous ​/ɑduəs/ ​69
adjoining ​/ədɔnŋ/ ​101 amateur ​ /mətə/ ​16 arid ​/rd/ ​28
administration ​ /ədmnstreʃən/ ​7 amber ​ /mbə/ ​65, 89 armistice ​/ɑmsts/ ​74
admit ​/ədmt/ ​70 ambiguous ​ /mbjuəs/ ​79 armour ​/ɑmə/ ​39
adoption leave ​6 ambition ​ /mbʃən/ ​70 aromatherapist ​/ərəυməθerəpst/ ​51
adoration ​/dəreʃən/ ​11 amble ​/mbəl/ ​61 article ​/ɑtkl/ ​1
adoring ​/ədɔrŋ/ ​11 ambush (n. and v.) ​/mbυʃ/ ​44 articulate (adj.)  /ɑtkjələt/ 38
adverse ​/dvs/ ​53 amend ​/əmend/ ​43 artificial ​/ɑtfʃəl/ ​99
advocate ​ /dvəket/ ​79 amendment ​/əmendmənt/ ​43 artificial intelligence ​/ɑtfʃəl
affection ​/əfekʃən/ ​11 amiability ​/emiəbləti/ ​11 nteldəns/ ​56
affectionate ​/əfekʃənət/ ​11 amiable ​/emiəbəl/ ​11 as quiet as a mouse ​63
affinity ​
/əfnəti/ ​7, 68 ample ​/mpl/ ​59 as thick as thieves ​11
affluence ​/fluəns/ ​40 an item ​19 as things are ​82
affluent ​/fluənt/ ​40 anaesthesia ​ /nəsθiziə/ ​51 ASAP ​/eesepi/ ​85

English Vocabulary in Use Advanced 277

ashes ​/ʃz/ ​15 banned goods ​35 bet your life ​76
aspiration ​/spəreʃən/ ​70 bar ​/bɑ/ ​72 better off ​2
assemble ​ /əsembəl/ ​55 bargains galore ​/bɑgnz gəlɔ/ ​49 beyond the scope of ​80
assent ​/əsent/ ​72 based on ​67 bi-centenary ​/basentinəri/ ​37
assert ​/əst/ ​80 basis ​ /bess/ ​67 bicker ​/bkə/ ​84
assess ​/əses/ ​1 battery farming ​23 bid ​/bd/ ​7
assessment of risk ​7 battle ​ /btl/ ​44 bidder ​/bdə/ ​7
assignment ​/əsanmənt/ ​1 BC ​/bisi/ ​85 bill ​
/bl/ ​41
association ​/əsəυʃieʃən/ ​96 BCE ​ /bisii/ ​85 billboard ​/blbɔd/ ​49
asterisk ​/stərsk/ ​81 be a law unto oneself ​43 bio- ​/baəυ/ ​88
asthma ​/sθmə/ ​53 be at death’s door ​15 biodata ​/baəυdetə/ ​85
astute ​/əstjut/ ​8 be down in the dumps ​94 biodiversity ​/baəυdavsəti/ ​33
asylum ​/əsaləm/ ​35, 97 be down in the mouth ​94 biomass ​/baəυms/ ​58
asylum-seeker 35 be fed up with ​73 biopic ​ /baəυpk/ ​85
at a rate of knots ​60 be forced to conclude ​80 biotechnology ​/baəυteknɒlədi/ ​56
at short notice ​60 be in accord with ​78 bird sanctuary ​32
at stake ​76 be in your element ​94 a bit (of a) 83
at your earliest convenience ​101 be into ​16 a bit of ​82
ATM ​ /etiem/ ​46 be looking up ​94 bite your nails ​9
atmospheric ​/tməsferk/ ​37 be made for ​94 bitter rival ​12
attachment ​/əttʃmənt/ ​48 be most unsatisfactory ​73 black ​/blk/ ​65
attain ​/əten/ ​101 be not at all satisfied about something ​73 black as thunder ​65
attempt ​/ətempt/ ​97 be on bad terms ​12 black cat ​96
attire ​/ətaə/ ​17 be on cloud nine ​94 black future ​65
attribute (to) ​/ətrbjut/ ​36 be on the ball ​93 black mark ​/blk mɑk/ ​65
auburn ​/ɔbən/ ​65 be on top of the world ​94 black market ​/blk mɑkt/ ​65
auction ​ /ɔkʃən/ ​7 be on your last legs ​15 black sheep of the family ​65
audition ​ /ɔdʃən/ ​20 be over the moon ​94 black-tie ​/blk ta/ ​19
authorise ​/ɔθəraz/ ​72 be proactive  19 black-and-white ​21
authoritative ​/ɔθɒrtətv/ ​79 be sick of ​73 blip ​/blp/ ​71
auto- ​/ɔtəυ/ ​88 be somebody’s guest ​24 bliss ​/bls/ ​13
availability ​ /əveləbləti/ ​34 be the toast of ​75 blissful ​/blsfəl/ ​13
averse ​/əvs/ ​14 be up and running ​94 blissfully ​/blsfəli/ ​13
aversion ​ /əvʃən/ ​14 beam ​ /bim/ ​62 blissfully happy ​13
avoid ​/əvɔd/ ​90 bedridden ​/bedrdən/ ​87 blissfully ignorant ​13
avoidable ​ /əvɔdəbəl/ ​87 bedsit ​/bedst/ ​85 blissfully unaware ​13
award ​/əwɔd/ ​20 bedtime reading ​22 block capitals ​/blɒk kptlz/ ​81
award custody to ​43 beep your horn ​25 bloke ​/bləυk/ ​97
awe-inspiring ​ /ɔnspaərŋ/ ​27 behind closed doors ​30 blood sport ​/bld spɔt/ ​32
back copy ​/bk kɒpi/ ​50 behind someone’s back ​12 blow hot and cold ​93
back door ​30 beige ​/be/ ​65 blowy ​/bləυi/ ​29
back on your feet ​52 bend the law ​43 blue ​/blu/ ​65
back up ​98 bend the rules ​43 blue-collar worker ​65
back-handed ​ /bkhndd/ ​75 benefit ​/benft/ ​6 Bluetooth™ 56
backlog ​/bklɒ/ ​34 benefits package  3 bluey green ​65
backward steps ​61 bequeath ​ /bkwið/ ​15 blurb ​/blb/ ​22
bad language ​/bd lŋwd/ ​76 bequest ​/bkwest/ ​15 BMI 54
baggy ​/bi/ ​17 bereaved ​/brivd/ ​15 boast ​/bəυst/ ​27
bags of ​82 berth ​ /bθ/ ​26 body language  4
bald ​/bɔld/ ​25 besiege ​/bsid/ ​44, 100 boiling ​/bɔlŋ/ ​29
ballpark figure ​71 besotted (with) ​/bsɒtd/ ​11 bold ​/bəυld/ ​81
ban ​/bn/ ​25 bestow ​ /bstəυ/ ​101 bolt (v.) ​/bəυlt/ ​66
banned ​/bnd/ ​35 bet ​/bet/ ​76 bomb ​/bɒm/ ​20

278 English Vocabulary in Use Advanced

bond ​/bɒnd/ ​11 brusque ​ /brusk/ ​8, 24 carry the scars of ​53
bonus ​ /bəυnəs/ ​6, 46 brutal suppression ​44 cart ​/kɑt/ ​98
boo ​/bu/ ​20 bud ​/bd/ ​31 carte blanche ​/kɑ(r)t blantʃ/ ​72
booklet ​/bυklət/ ​47 budding ​ /bdŋ/ ​31 cast light on ​93
bookmark ​/bυkmɑk/ ​48 budget airline  26 cast-iron ​/kɑst aən/ ​74
boost the economy ​45 build (something/someone) up ​30 casual acquaintance ​12
boost your confidence  4 bulk up  9 catch on ​17, 95
borrow ​ /bɒrəυ/ ​46 bullet point ​/bυlt pɔnt/ ​81 categorise ​/ktəəraz/ ​80
borrowing ​ /bɒrəυŋ/ ​89 bullying ​/bυliŋ/ ​2 cause ​/kɔz/ ​67
bosom buddies ​11 bump into  70 cavalry ​/kvəlri/ ​39
bosom friends ​11 bumpy relationship ​12 CCTV ​/sisitivi/ ​35
bosom pals ​11 bunged up ​52 CE ​/sii/ ​85
bounce ​/baυns/ ​46, 48 burdensome ​/bdənsəm/ ​64 cease ​/sis/ ​101
bound to ​70 bureaucratic ​ /bjυərəυkrtk/ ​101 ceasefire ​/sisfaə/ ​44, 74
boundary ​/baυndəri/ ​59 burial ​ /beriəl/ ​15 ceiling ​ /silŋ/ ​30
bowel ​ /baυəl/ ​53 burn calories ​54 celebrate ​/seləbret/ ​37
the box ​/bɒks/ ​97 bursary ​/bsəri/ ​2 celebration ​ /seləbreʃən/ ​37
bracket ​/brkt/ ​81 bury yourself in your books ​1 celebratory ​/seləbretəri/ ​37
branch ​/brɑntʃ/ ​31 the bush ​/bυʃ/ ​27 cement ​ /sment/ ​30
branch of a shop ​31 business class ​/bzns klɑs/ ​26 centenary ​/sentinəri/ ​37
branch out ​31 business partner ​12 cereal ​ /səriəl/ ​28
branch out into new directions ​31 bustling ​ /bslŋ/ ​59 ceremonial ​ /serməυniəl/ ​37
brand loyalty ​/brnd lɔəlti/ ​7 butter up ​84 ceremony ​ /serməni/ ​37
breadline ​ /bredlan/ ​40 by a factor of ​71 cessation ​/seseʃən/ ​101
break ​/brek/ ​50 by the back door ​30 cf. ​
/sief/ ​85
break a pledge ​76 cabin ​/kbn/ ​26 chain brackets ​81
break a promise ​76 caesarean (section) ​/szeəriən/ ​15 chalet ​ /ʃle/ ​26
break a resolution ​76 calcium-rich ​87 challenge ​/tʃlnd/ ​92
break a vow ​76 call off ​95 challenging ​/tʃlndŋ/ ​3, 5, 21
break down ​12 calming ​/kɑmŋ/ ​16 the chances are ​70
break out ​90 calorie-conscious ​24 change trains ​26
breakout ​/brekaυt/ ​90 campaign ​ /kmpen/ ​36, 44, 93 chapter heading ​81
breathalyser ​ /breθəlazə/ ​25, 88 camping ​/kmpŋ/ ​26 character ​/krəktə/ ​38, 81
breathe new life into ​18 can’t hear yourself think ​63 charge to (a credit card)  46
breathtaking ​/breθtekŋ/ ​22 can’t put (book) down ​22 chariot ​/tʃriət/ ​39
breezy ​ /brizi/ ​29 cancel debt ​45 charter flight ​26
bribery ​/brabəri/ ​35 cancellation fee ​26 chase ​/tʃes/ ​61
briefing ​/brifŋ/ ​41 capital (adj.) ​/kptl/ ​91 chat (away) ​/tʃt/ ​84
bright ​/brat/ ​93 capital (n.) ​/kptl/ ​91 chat room ​/tʃt rum/ ​48
bring ​/brŋ/ ​80 capital asset ​7 chatty ​/tʃti/ ​8, 81
bring a bottle ​24 capitals ​/kptlz/ ​81 chauvinistic ​/ʃəυvnstk/ ​8
bring about ​67 carbon (dioxide) emissions ​33 check out a website ​92
brisk ​/brsk/ ​54 carbon footprint ​/kɑbən fυtprnt/ ​58 chestnut ​/tʃesnt/ ​65
broad summary ​92 cardiologist ​/kɑdiɒlədst/ ​51 chic ​/ʃik/ ​17
broadcast journalism ​50 cardiovascular ​/kɑdiəυvskjələ/ ​54 child labour ​55
brochure ​/brəυʃə/ ​47 career (n.) ​/kərə/ ​6 chilling ​ /tʃlŋ/ ​22
broke ​/brəυk/ ​46 career (v.) ​/kərə/ ​66 chilly ​/tʃli/ ​29
broken home ​12 career-minded ​87 chiropractor ​ /kaərəυprktə/ ​51
Bronze Age ​/brɒnz ed/ ​39 career prospects  3 chocaholic ​ /tʃɒkəhɒlk/ ​16
browse ​ /braυz/ ​34, 48 carnivore ​/kɑnvɔ/ ​32 cholesterol ​/kəlestərɒl/ ​54
bruise ​/bruz/ ​52 carriage ​ /krd/ ​26 cholesterol-rich ​54
brunch ​ /brntʃ/ ​88 carry out ​3 chore ​ /tʃɔ/ ​16, 69
brush up on ​95 carry out research ​1 chronic ​ /krɒnk/ ​51

English Vocabulary in Use Advanced 279

chronicle ​ /krɒnkl/ ​22 cold ​/kəυld/ ​29 computer jargon  38
chuck it down ​29 cold-blooded ​/kəυldbldd/ ​32 con- ​/kɒn/ ​86
circulation ​/skjəleʃən/ ​47 cold calling ​/kəυldkɔlŋ/ ​7 conceited ​ /kənsitd/ ​10
cite ​/sat/ ​80 cold-hearted ​/kəυldhɑtd/ ​93 conceive ​/kənsiv/ ​15, 79
citizen journalism ​50 collaboration ​/kəlbəreʃən/ ​5 concept ​ /kɒnsept/ ​89
civil disobedience  36 colleague ​/kɒli/ ​12 conception ​ /kənsepʃən/ ​15
civil war ​/svəl wɔ/ ​44 college ​/kɒld/ ​98 concession ​/kənseʃən/ ​78
civilian casualties ​44 collocation ​ /kɒləυkeʃən/ ​92 conciliate ​/kənsliet/ ​13
claim asylum ​35 colourful ​ /kləfəl/ ​21 concur ​/kənk/ ​78
claimant ​/klemənt/ ​87 column inches ​50 condition ​ /kəndʃən/ ​51, 53
clammy ​ /klmi/ ​29 com- ​/kɒm/ ​86 condolence ​/kəndəυləns/ ​15, ​86
clamp ​/klmp/ ​25 come across ​95 condone ​/kəndəυn/ ​72
clamp down ​72 come and go as you please ​26 conduct (n.) ​/kɒndkt/ ​41
clarifiable ​ /klrfaəbəl/ ​101 come down with ​52 confess ​/kənfes/ ​70
clarification ​/klrfkeʃən/ ​101 come off ​95 conflict resolution ​44
clarify ​/klrfa/ ​101 come out of recession ​45 conform ​ /kənfɔm/ ​78
clash (n.) ​/klʃ/ ​44 come over ​95 congeal ​/kəndil/ ​86
class ​/klɑs/ ​40 come under ​95 congealed ​/kəndild/ ​64
class-conscious ​/klɑskɒntʃəs/ ​87 come under the hammer ​7 congested ​/kəndestd/ ​59
classical origin ​89 come up ​95 congestion 25
classified ad ​/klsfad d/ ​47 come up against ​95 congestion charge  25
classifieds ​ /klsfadz/ ​47 come up against a brick wall ​30 coniferous ​/kəυnfərəs/ ​28
cleaner ​ /klinə/ ​99 commemorate ​ /kəmeməret/ ​37 connotation ​/kɒnəυteʃən/ ​96
clear customs ​35 commence ​/kəmens/ ​101 conquer ​/kɒŋkə/ ​42
cleavage ​ /klivd/ ​17 commencement ​/kəmensmənt/ ​101 conquest ​/kɒŋkwest/ ​39
clench your fist ​9 commiserate ​/kəmzəret/ ​86 conscience ​/kɒnʃəns/ ​77
click on a website ​92 commit perjury ​43 conscientious ​/kɒnʃienʃəs/ ​10
climate ​ /klamət/ ​29 committee ​/kəmti/ ​41 -conscious ​/kɒnʃəs/ ​87
climate change sceptic ​33 committee stage ​41 consequence ​/kɒnskwəns/ ​89
climate of change  29 communication skills  3 conservative ​/kənsvətv/ ​71
climate of distrust  29 community-led ​87 considerate ​/kənsdərət/ ​11
climatic change ​33 compact ​ /kəmpkt/ ​59 consideration ​/kənsdəreʃən/ ​11
clingy ​ /klŋi/ ​17 comparable ​/kɒmpərəbəl/ ​68 consist ​/kənsst/ ​80
clinic ​/klnk/ ​51 comparative ​/kəmprətv/ ​68 constituency ​/kənsttʃuənsi/ ​41
clique ​ /klik/ ​19 compelling ​ /kəmpelŋ/ ​22 constituent ​/kənsttʃuənt/ ​41
cliquey ​/kliki/ ​19 competitive salary  3 constitute ​/kɒnsttʃut/ ​42
clog ​/klɒ/ ​54 complain ​/kəmplen/ ​73 constitution ​/kɒnsttʃuʃən/ ​41
cloning ​ /kləυnŋ/ ​57 complaint ​/kəmplent/ ​73 consume ​/kənsjum/ ​58
close ​/kləυs/ ​29 complement ​/kɒmplment/ ​79, 90 consumption ​/kənsmpʃən/ ​58, 97
close doors ​30 complementary medicine  contact details ​48
close the door on ​30 ​/kɒmplmentəri medsən/ ​51 contactless 46
closed-circuit television ​/kləυzdskt complete loyalty ​12 contaminate ​/kəntmnet/ ​33, 86
telvən/ ​35 complete wind-up ​84 contestant ​/kəntestənt/ ​87
clothing ​ /kləυðŋ/ ​97 complex ​/kɒmpleks/ ​69 context ​/kɒntekst/ ​38, 40
cloud ​ /klaυd/ ​100 compliment ​/kɒmplment/ ​75, 90 continually ​/kəntnjuəli/ ​90
cloud your judgement ​29 component ​ /kəmpəυnənt/ ​55 continuing education ​2
clumsy ​ /klmzi/ ​21 composition ​/kɒmpəzʃən/ ​1 continuously ​/kəntnjuəsli/ ​90
coal mine ​/kəυl man/ ​58 comprehensive ​/kɒmprhensv/ ​2, 79 contradict ​ /kɒntrədkt/ ​79
coal-fired ​/kəυl faəd/ ​58 comprise ​/kəmpraz/ ​80 contravene ​/kɒntrəvin/ ​43
coffin ​/kɒfn/ ​15 compromise ​/kɒmprəmaz/ ​78 contravention ​/kɒntrəventʃən/ ​43
coherent ​/kəυhərənt/ ​79 compulsive reading ​22 controversy ​/kɒntrəvsi/ ​78
coin (v.) ​/kɔn/ ​38, 87 compulsory ​/kəmplsəri/ ​70 convenience food ​/kənviniəns fud/ ​23
coincide ​ /kəυnsad/ ​78 compulsory redundancy ​6 conventional ​/kənventʃənəl/ ​55

280 English Vocabulary in Use Advanced

converse ​ /kɒnvs/ ​79, 86, 97 crime-ridden ​87 debt ​/det/ ​45
conversion ​ /kənvʃən/ ​36 crimson ​ /krmzən/ ​65 debt burden ​45
convert (to) (n.) ​/kɒnvt/ ​36 criteria  /kratəriə/ 4 debt relief ​45
convert (v.) ​/kənvt/ ​36 critical ​/krtkl/ ​12 debtor country ​45
conviction ​/kənvkʃən/ ​43 cross ​/krɒs/ ​41 debtor nation ​45
convoluted ​ /kɒnvəlutd/ ​69 cross departmental boundary ​41 deceased ​/dsist/ ​15, 101
cook up a story ​23 cross your legs ​9 deciduous ​/dsdjuəs/ ​28
cooker ​/kυkə/ ​98 crossing ​ /krɒsŋ/ ​26 decisive steps ​61
cookie ​ /kυki/ ​48 crosswalk ​/krɒswɔk/ ​98 deduce ​/ddus/ ​79
copy ​/kɒpi/ ​50 crowd ​ /kraυd/ ​19 deem  /dim/ 21
copy and paste ​81 crucial ​/kruʃəl/ ​79 deep poverty ​45
copy out ​81 cruise ​/kruz/ ​26 deeply critical ​12
coral ​/kɒrəl/ ​65 crush ​ /krʃ/ ​100 deeply rooted ​31
coronation ​ /kɒrəneʃən/ ​39 Cubist ​ /kjubst/ ​21 defamation of character ​50
correlation ​/kɒrəleʃən/ ​71 cufflink ​/kflŋk/ ​17 deforestation ​/difɒrsteʃən/ ​33
correspond ​/kɒrspɒnd/ ​68 cultural ​/kltʃərəl/ ​29 defuse ​/difjuz/ ​13
corruption ​/kərpʃən/ ​35 culture vulture ​/kltʃə vltʃə/ ​16 dejected ​ /ddektd/ ​14
cost-cutting exercise ​55 cumbersome ​/kmbəsəm/ ​64 delegate ​/delet/ ​42
costly ​ /kɒstli/ ​87 cunning ​ /knŋ/ ​8 delicate ​ /delkət/ ​42
cot ​
/kɒt/ ​89 curly brackets ​81 delighted ​/dlatd/ ​70
couch potato ​/kaυtʃ pətetəυ/ ​16 current ​/krənt/ ​29 deliver ​/dlvə/ ​15
could hear a pin drop ​63 curriculum ​ /kərkjələm/ ​2 delivery ​/dlvəri/ ​15
council estate ​/kaυnsəl stet/ ​18 curriculum reform ​2 deluge ​/deljud/ ​29
council housing ​/kaυnsəl haυzŋ/ ​18 custody ​ /kstədi/ ​43 deluxe ​/dlks/ ​26
count the calories ​24 customary ​ /kstəməri/ ​42 dementia  /dmenʃə/ 15
countenance ​/kaυntənəns/ ​72 customer-facing 3 demographic projections ​33
counterpart ​/kaυntəpɑt/ ​5 customs declaration form ​35 demolish ​/dmɒlʃ/ ​101
course ​ /kɔs/ ​98 cut and paste ​/kt ənd pest/ ​81 demonstrate ​/demənstret/ ​79
courteous ​/ktiəs/ ​24, 62 cuts and bruises ​52 demotivated  /diməυtvetd/ 6
courtesy ​/ktəsi/ ​62 cutting-edge ​/ktŋ ed/ ​55 denial ​/dnaəl/ ​40
cover (n.) ​/kvə/ ​20 cyber- ​/sabə/ ​88 denote ​/dnəυt/ ​79
cover (v.) ​/kvə/ ​46, 47 cybercrime ​/sabəkram/ ​35 depict ​/dpkt/ ​21
cover/covering letter  3 cyberterrorism ​/sabəterərzəm/ ​35 deplete ​ /dplit/ ​33
coverage ​ /kvərd/ ​47, 50 cyberwarfare ​/sabəwɔfeə/ ​35 depleting resources ​33
covet ​ /kvt/ ​13 dabbler ​/dblə/ ​16 deposit ​ /dpɒzt/ ​58
cowboy ​ /kaυbɔ/ ​96 damage ​ /dmd/ ​33 depress ​/dpres/ ​2
cowboy builder ​96 damn someone with faint praise ​75 depressed ​/dprest/ ​92
crackdown ​/krkdaυn/ ​100 damp ​/dmp/ ​90 deprivation ​/deprveʃən/ ​40
cram ​ /krm/ ​1, 59 danger ​ /dendə/ ​100 deprived ​/dpravd/ ​40
cramped ​ /krmpt/ ​59 dart (v.) ​/dɑt/ ​66 derive (from) ​/drav/ ​36
crash ​ /krʃ/ ​63 dash (n.) ​/dʃ/ ​83 dermatologist ​/dmətɒlədst/ ​51
crave ​ /krev/ ​13 dash (v.) ​/dʃ/ ​66 descend (from) ​/dsend/ ​28
crawl ​ /krɔl/ ​66, 75 dauber ​ /dɔbə/ ​21 descendant ​/dsendənt/ ​28
crawler ​ /krɔlə/ ​75 dawdle ​/dɔdəl/ ​66 designer (label) clothes ​17
crazed ​ /krezd/ ​100 dawn ​ /dɔn/ ​39 designer baby ​57
creak ​/krik/ ​63 day shift ​5 desire ​/dzaə/ ​70
credible ​ /kredəbəl/ ​36 dazzling ​ /dzlŋ/ ​21 desktop ​/desktɒp/ ​56
credit card fraud ​46 de- ​/di/ ​88 destiny ​/destni/ ​57
creek ​/krik/ ​98 dead-end ​/dedend/ ​5 destitute ​/desttʃut/ ​40
creep ​ /krip/ ​66 deadline ​/dedlan/ ​1, 5, 50 destitution ​/desttʃuʃən/ ​40
cremation ​/krmeʃən/ ​15 deafening ​/defnŋ/ ​63 detect ​/dtekt/ ​35
crematorium ​ /kremətɔriəm/ ​15 deal with ​80 detector dogs ​35
crime-related ​87 debit card ​/debt kɑd/ ​46 determined ​ /dtmnd/ ​70

English Vocabulary in Use Advanced 281

determined effort ​45 disrespect ​/dsrspekt/ ​12 down to ​41
devaluation ​/divljueʃən/ ​45 disrespectful ​/dsrspektfəl/ ​12 download ​/daυnləυd/ ​48
devalue ​ /divlju/ ​45 disruption ​/dsrpʃən/ ​25 downpour ​ /daυnpɔ/ ​29
devastated ​/devəstetd/ ​14 dissent ​/dsent/ ​78 downside ​/daυnsad/ ​69
develop  /dveləp/ 12 dissertation ​/dsəteʃən/ ​1 down-to-earth ​/daυntuθ/ ​8
developed 28 dissimilar ​/dssmlə/ ​68 dozens of ​82
developing 28 distant ​ /dstənt/ ​12, 87 draft (n. and v.) ​/drɑft/ ​81
development grant ​45 distasteful ​ /dstestfəl/ ​92 drastic ​/drstk/ ​71
deviate from the norm ​71, 79 distinct ​/dstŋkt/ ​68 drastic measures ​57
diabetes ​ /daəbitiz/ ​54 distinctive ​/dstŋktv/ ​68 draw a veil over ​17
diabetic ​/daəbetk/ ​54 distinguish ​ /dstŋwʃ/ ​68 dreary ​/drəri/ ​21
diagnose ​ /daənəυz/ ​53 distort ​ /dstɔt/ ​79 dress code ​/dres kəυd/ ​17
diamond ​/daəmənd/ ​96 distraction ​ /dstrkʃən/ ​2 dress-down day ​17
diamond brackets ​81 distraught ​ /dstrɔt/ ​14 dressed up ​17
dietary requirements ​24 distress ​/dstres/ ​14 drill (n.) ​/drl/ ​91
differentiate ​/dfərentʃiet/ ​68 distressed ​/dstrest/ ​14 drink-driving ​/drŋkdravŋ/ ​25
difficulty ​/dfkəlti/ ​69 distressing ​/dstresŋ/ ​14 drop out ​1
diffident ​ /dfdənt/ ​10 distrustful ​ /dstrstfəl/ ​8 drought ​/draυt/ ​28
dig up ​31 diverge ​/davd/ ​68 drug-driving 25
digital ​/ddtl/ ​56 divergent ​/davdənt/ ​68 drug squad ​35
digital technology ​56 diverse ​/davs/ ​68 drum your fingers ​9
dignity ​/dnəti/ ​40 diversify ​/davsfa/ ​68 dull ache ​52
dilemma ​ /dlemə/ ​69 divert ​/davt/ ​25 dumpster ​/dmpstə/ ​98
diligent ​/dldənt/ ​8 division ​/dvən/ ​78 duration ​/dυəreʃən/ ​53, 60
dilute ​/dalut/ ​64 dizzy ​/dzi/ ​52 dwell on ​95
dim ​ /dm/ ​93 do honours ​98 dynamic ​/danmk/ ​6
dinner party ​/dnə pɑti/ ​24 do lunch ​19 dynasty ​/dnəsti/ ​39
diphthong ​/dfθɒŋ/ ​38 do out ​90 e- ​/i/ ​86
diplomacy ​/dpləυməsi/ ​44 do research ​1 e.g. ​/idi/ ​85
direct debit ​/drekt debt/ ​46 do some revision ​1 eager ​/iə/ ​70
direct train ​26 do something about something ​73 earnest ​/nst/ ​21
discerning ​/dsnŋ/ ​27 do your homework  4 earth ​/θ/ ​98
discord ​/dskɔd/ ​12, 78 docile ​/dəυsal/ ​32 ease debt ​45
discount ​/dskaυnt/ ​49 docudrama ​ /dɒkjudrɑmə/ ​88 e-book ​/ibυk/ ​48
discourteous ​/dsktiəs/ ​62 doddery ​/dɒdəri/ ​15 e-cigarette 86
discrepancy ​/dskrepənsi/ ​71 dodo ​ /dəυdəυ/ ​32 eco-  /ikəυ/ 86
discrete ​ /dskrit/ ​68 dog’s life ​18, 96 eco-city 86
discretion ​/dskreʃən/ ​78 dogged ​ /dɒd/ ​8 eco-friendly 86
discriminate ​/dskrmnet/ ​43 dogmatic ​ /dɒmtk/ ​8 ecological balance ​33
discrimination ​/dskrmneʃən/ ​43 dolled up  17 e-commerce ​/ikɒms/ ​48, 86
disdainful ​ /dsdenfəl/ ​10 dollop ​/dɒləp/ ​83 economic ​ /ikənɒmk/ ​29
disease-resistant ​56 domesticated ​/dəmestketd/ ​32 economic growth ​45
disgusting ​ /dsstŋ/ ​92 don’t bet on it ​76 economy class ​/ikɒnəmi klɑs/ ​26
dishonest ​/dsɒnst/ ​12 the done thing ​62 ecotourism ​/ikəυtυərzəm/ ​27
disjointed ​/dsdɔntd/ ​20 done up to the nines ​17 eco-warrior 86
disloyal ​ /dslɔəl/ ​12 doodle ​/dudəl/ ​81 ecstatic ​/ksttk/ ​13
disloyalty ​ /dslɔəlti/ ​12 doomsday scenario ​57 ed./eds. 85
dismal ​/dzməl/ ​92 door ​ /dɔ/ ​30 editorial ​ /edtɔriəl/ ​47
disorder ​/dsɔdə/ ​53 double ​/dbəl/ ​81 eerie ​ /əri/ ​63
disorientation ​/dsɔriənteʃən/ ​53 double-dip ​/dbəldp/ ​45 effusive ​/fjusv/ ​10
disparate ​ /dspərət/ ​68 double-edged ​/dbəledd/ ​75 eject ​ /idekt/ ​86
dispatch ​/dsptʃ/ ​34 dove  /dv/ ​96 e-learning ​/i lnŋ/ ​48
disposable ​ /dspəυzəbəl/ ​87 down ​/daυn/ ​14, 48 electric ​ /ilektrk/ ​65

282 English Vocabulary in Use Advanced

electronic transfer ​46 ethnic ​/eθnk/ ​44 faithful ​/feθfəl/ ​11
elementary ​/elmentəri/ ​98 ethnic cleansing ​/eθnk klenzŋ/ ​44 faithfulness ​/feθfəlnəs/ ​11
elitism ​/ilitzəm/ ​2 etiquette ​/etket/ ​62 fall ​/fɔl/ ​37
eloquent  /eləkwənt/ 38 EU ​/iju/ ​85 fall head over heels in love ​11
embargo ​/mbɑəυ/ ​45 evacuate ​/vkjuet/ ​101 fall into place ​94
embezzle ​ /mbezəl/ ​43 evade ​/ved/ ​90 false ​/fɔls/ ​92
embezzlement ​ /mbezəlmənt/ ​43 evergreen ​/evərin/ ​28 false friend ​/fɔls frend/ ​89
embezzler ​ /mbezlə/ ​43 evocative ​/vɒkətv/ ​21, 22 family doctor ​/fməli dɒktə/ ​51
embrace ​/mbres/ ​80 exaggerate ​ /zdəret/ ​84 family feud ​12
embryo ​/embriəυ/ ​15 exaggeration ​/zdəreʃən/ ​84 family ties ​11
emerald ​/emərəld/ ​65 exceed ​/ksid/ ​35, 53 fanatic ​/fəntk/ ​36
emerge from recession ​45 exceed the speed limit ​35 fanatical ​/fəntkl/ ​36
emigrant ​/emrənt/ ​28 excel ​/ksel/ ​2 fanaticism ​/fəntszəm/ ​36
emit ​/imt/ ​86 exchange ​/kstʃend/ ​19 fancy dress ​/fnsi dres/ ​19
empire ​ /empaə/ ​39 exchange vows ​76 FAQ ​ /efekju/ ​34, 85
empirical ​/mprkl/ ​79 excitable ​/ksatəbəl/ ​10 far-fetched ​ /fɑfetʃt/ ​20
employ ​ /mplɔ/ ​97 exclusive ​/ksklusv/ ​50 fast ​ /fɑst/ ​92
-en  /ən/ ​87 excrement ​/ekskrəmənt/ ​53 fast-moving ​6
encore ​/ɒŋkɔ/ ​20 excuse ​/kskjus/ ​74 fast-paced 3
encouraging sign ​45 exercise discretion ​78 fatality ​/fətləti/ ​15
encyclopedia ​/nsakləpidiə/ ​22 exert pressure on ​33 fatuous ​/ftjuəs/ ​92
end up ​90 exhaust emissions ​25 faucet ​/fɔst/ ​98
endangered species ​33 exhausted ​/zɔstd/ ​92 fault-finding ​73
endeavour ​/ndevə/ ​97, 101 exonerate ​ /zɒnəret/ ​74 feast ​/fist/ ​37
endorse ​ /ndɔs/ ​72 exotic ​/zɒtk/ ​26 feasting ​/fistŋ/ ​37
endowment ​ /ndaυmənt/ ​2 expecting ​/kspektŋ/ ​15 feature ​/fitʃə/ ​47
energy ​/enədi/ ​58 expenditure ​/kspendtʃə/ ​71 features ​/fitʃəz/ ​37
energy-efficient ​58 expertise ​/eksptiz/ ​41 feedback ​/fidbk/ ​1
enforce ​/nfɔs/ ​35 expire ​/kspaə/ ​46 feel blue ​65
engaging ​/nedŋ/ ​22 expiry date ​46 feel on top of the world ​13
enigmatic ​/enmtk/ ​22 explanation ​/ekspləneʃən/ ​74 feel strongly ​92
enough is enough ​73 explorer ​/ksplɔrə/ ​39 female ​ /fimel/ ​99
enrich ​/nrtʃ/ ​89 expound ​/kspaυnd/ ​80 feminine ​ /femnn/ ​99
entry regulations ​35 exquisite ​/kskwzt/ ​21 ferry ​ /feri/ ​26
environmental audit ​41 extensive ​/kstensv/ ​59 fertilisation ​/ftlazeʃən/ ​15
envisage ​ /nvzd/ ​57 extinct ​/kstŋkt/ ​32 fertilise ​ /ftlaz/ ​15
epitomise ​ /ptəmaz/ ​80 extol the benefits of something ​75 fertility drugs ​15
eponymous ​/pɒnməs/ ​22 extol the virtues of something ​75 festival ​/festvəl/ ​37
equality of opportunity ​2 extras ​/ekstrəz/ ​26 festive ​ /festv/ ​37
equate ​/kwet/ ​68 extraterrestrial being ​57 festivity ​ /festvəti/ ​37
eradicate ​/rdket/ ​36 extravagant ​ /kstrvəənt/ ​8 feud ​/fjud/ ​12
eradicate poverty ​45 extreme poverty ​40 fever ​ /fivə/ ​53
e-reader ​/i ridə/ ​56, 86 extrovert ​/ekstrəvt/ ​10 fever pitch ​/fivə ptʃ/ ​53
ergonomically designed ​49, 56 exultant ​/zltənt/ ​13 feverish ​ /fivərʃ/ ​52
ergonomics ​ /ənɒmks/ ​56 eyeglasses ​/alɑsz/ ​97 fibre ​ /fabə/ ​54
err on the side of caution ​71 fabric ​ /fbrk/ ​17 fibre-rich ​87
erratic ​/rtk/ ​71 facial recognition technology ​35 fickle ​ /fkl/ ​14
escalate ​ /eskəlet/ ​44 facilitate ​/fəsltet/ ​101 field  /fild/ 3
escape the crowds ​27 facilitating ​ /fəsltetŋ/ ​101 fierce ​/fəs/ ​32
essay ​/ese/ ​1 facilitation ​/fəslteʃən/ ​101 fig. ​/fg/ ​85
essential ​/sentʃəl/ ​70 fade ​ /fed/ ​31 fight off ​52
establish ​ /stblʃ/ ​42 fair (adj. and n.) ​/feə/ ​91 fight on your hands ​44
et al.  85 fair trade ​/feə tred/ ​23 file-sharing 48

English Vocabulary in Use Advanced 283

fill the post  4 for another thing ​82 gather ​/ðə/ ​82
filter out ​48 for donkey’s years ​60 GDP ​/didipi/ ​71
finals ​ /fanəlz/ ​1 for good ​60 gear ​ /ə/ ​97
financial ​ /fanntʃəl/ ​29 for keeps ​60 gene therapy ​/din θerəpi/ ​57
financial reward ​6 for one thing ​82 general practitioner ​/denərəl
find fault ​73 for sure ​70 prktʃənə/ ​51
find yourself in accord with ​78 forefront ​ /fɔfrnt/ ​28 generalisation ​/denərəlazeʃən/ ​84
finite ​/fanat/ ​58 foresee ​/fɔsi/ ​57 generalise ​/denərəlaz/ ​84
finite resources ​33 forgive and forget ​74 generate ​/denəret/ ​28, 67
firefighter ​/faəfatə/ ​99 forlorn ​ /fəlɔn/ ​14 generous ​/denərəs/ ​8
firm handshake  4 format ​ /fɔmt/ ​81 genetic engineering ​/dənetk
firmly rooted ​31 formidable ​/fɔmdəbəl/ ​92 endnərŋ/ ​57
first class ​/fst klɑs/ ​26 fossil fuel ​/fɒsəl fjuəl/ ​33, 58 genetic modification ​/dənetk
first draft ​1 foundation ​ /faυndeʃən/ ​42 mɒdfkeʃən/ ​57
first impression  4 -free ​/fri/ ​87 genetically modified food/crops ​57
first year (student) 98 free trade agreement ​45 genius ​/diniəs/ ​1
fish for compliments ​75 freelance ​/frilɑns/ ​5 the genuine article ​92
flamboyant ​ /flmbɔənt/ ​37 free-range ​/frirend/ ​23 genuine misunderstanding ​12
flat (adj.) ​/flt/ ​91 freezing ​/frizŋ/ ​29 geothermal ​/diəυθməl/ ​58
flat (n.) ​/flt/ ​91 fresher ​/freʃə/ ​98 germinate ​/dmnet/ ​31
flat-screen TV  56 freshman ​ /freʃmən/ ​98 get (money) out ​46
flatter ​/fltə/ ​75 frightened ​ /fratənd/ ​70 get (the bill) 24
flatterer ​/fltərə/ ​75 frock ​ /frɒk/ ​97 get ​/et/ ​82
flattery will get you nowhere! ​75 frosty ​ /frɒsti/ ​29 get a new lease of life ​18
flawed ​ /flɔd/ ​71 frugal ​ /fruəl/ ​8 get around ​26
fleet ​/flit/ ​44 fruitful ​ /frutfəl/ ​16 get away from it all ​26
fleeting ​/flitŋ/ ​60 frumpy ​/frmpi/ ​17 get back to ​34
flight attendant ​/flat ətendənt/ ​99 frying pan ​/fraŋ pn/ ​98 get back to nature ​27
flight only ​26 full board ​/fυl bɔd/ ​26 get carried away ​8
flimsy ​/flmzi/ ​74 full diary ​16 get into ​22
flinch ​/flntʃ/ ​62 full of the joys of spring ​13 get it together ​82
float on air ​13 full training  3 get off the beaten track ​27
flog yourself to death ​69 fundamentally ​/fndəmentəli/ ​40 get on like a house on fire ​11, 18
flood ​/fld/ ​61, 93 fur trade ​32 get over ​52
floor gave way ​30 furnished ​/fnʃt/ ​18 get somebody to yourself ​82
flop ​/flɒp/ ​20 further clarification ​101 get things sorted (out) 82
flora and fauna ​/flɔrə ənd fɔnə/ ​27 fussy eater ​24 get up to ​16
flourish ​/flrʃ/ ​31 gaga ​ /ɑɑ/ ​15 get your wires crossed ​94
flow ​/fləυ/ ​61 galleon ​ /liən/ ​39 get-together ​/et təeðə/ ​24
fluctuate ​ /flktʃuet/ ​71 gamble ​ /mbəl/ ​76 gift ​/ft/ ​89
fluorescent ​/flɔresənt/ ​65 game ​ /em/ ​32 gimmick ​ /mk/ ​89
flutter ​/fltə/ ​76 game park ​32 ginger ​/dndə/ ​65
fly (v.)  66 game reserve ​32 girls’ night out ​19
flyer ​/flaə/ ​47, 49 games console ​56 give ​/v/ ​67
foetus ​/fitəs/ ​15 gaming ​ /emŋ/ ​48 give birth ​15
fold your arms ​9 gangling ​ /ŋlŋ/ ​9 give carte blanche ​72
follow policies ​45 gangly ​ /ŋli/ ​9 give or take ​83
fond ​/fɒnd/ ​11 garment ​ /ɑmənt/ ​97 give praise to ​75
fondness ​ /fɒndnəs/ ​11 garrulous ​ /rələs/ ​8 give someone a pat on the back ​75
font ​/fɒnt/ ​81 gas station ​/s steʃən/ ​98 give someone the benefit of the doubt ​36
font size ​81 gas-guzzler ​ /szlə/ ​58 give the go-ahead for ​72
food miles ​/fud malz/ ​58 gastrointestinal disease ​53 give the green light to ​72
footstep ​/fυtstep/ ​61 gateway ​ /etwe/ ​30 give way ​25

284 English Vocabulary in Use Advanced

give-way sign ​25 -gress- 88 hatred ​/hetrd/ ​13, 44
glamorous ​/lmərəs/ ​5 grey ​/re/ ​65 haughty ​/hɔti/ ​10
glass ceiling ​/lɑs silŋ/ ​30 grey area ​/re eəriə/ ​65 have a bash at something ​97
glitch ​/ltʃ/ ​69 grey cells ​65 have a crack at something ​97
global village ​/ləυbəl vld/ ​57 grey matter ​/re mtə/ ​65 have a craving for ​13
global warming ​/ləυbəl wɔmŋ/ ​33 gridlock ​ /rdlɒk/ ​57 have a go at something ​97
globalisation ​ /ləυbəlazeʃən/ ​57 grill (v.) ​/rl/ ​23 have a shot at something ​97
glossy 49 grimace ​/rməs/ ​9 have a stab at something ​97
glowing review ​20 grin ​ /rn/ ​9 have a sweet tooth ​24
glucose ​/lukəυs/ ​54 grind ​ /rand/ ​69 have a thing about ​82
gluten-free ​/glutənfri/ ​23 gripe ​/rap/ ​73 have a thirst for ​13
GM ​/diem/ ​57 gripping ​ /rpŋ/ ​20, 22 have a yearning for ​13
go back on your word ​76 ground ​ /raυnd/ ​98 have all your wits about you ​15
go back to your roots ​31 grounds for ​67 have an eye for ​93
go down with ​52 grouse ​ /raυs/ ​73 have an impact on ​89
go green ​65 grow exponentially ​33 have its ups and downs ​12
go hand in hand with ​93 gruelling ​/rυəlŋ/ ​69 have some great times ​77
go in with ​5 grumble ​ /rmbəl/ ​73 have something up your sleeve ​17
go into labour ​15 guaranteed to turn heads ​49 have the right of way ​25
go into recession ​45 guesstimate ​/estmet/ ​88 have the time of your life ​18
go like clockwork ​94 guest house ​/esthaυs/ ​26 have your finger on the pulse ​53
go off ​16 guideline ​/adlan/ ​2 hawk ​/hɔk/ ​96
go on ​95 guilt ​/lt/ ​77 hazy memory ​29
go on a cruise ​26 guilt-ridden ​/ltrdən/ ​87 head ​/hed/ ​93
go out (of) the window ​30 gulf ​ /lf/ ​57 headline ​/hedlan/ ​100
go out of your way ​24 gullible ​/lbəl/ ​10, 36 head-on collision ​25
go private ​51 gunman ​ /nmən/ ​100 health insurance ​6
go through the roof ​30 gutter press ​/tə pres/ ​50 healthcare ​/helθkeə/ ​51
go to a website ​92 guy ​/a/ ​97 healthcare plan  3
go to press ​50 gynaecologist ​/anəkɒlədst/ ​51 health-conscious ​87
go under the hammer ​7 habitat ​ /hbtt/ ​32 heap praise on ​75
golden ​/əυldən/ ​87 hack ​ /hk/ ​48 hear of ​77
golden handshake ​/əυldən hndʃek/ ​ hackneyed ​/hknid/ ​20 heart ​/hɑt/ ​93
46 haggard ​ /həd/ ​9 heartfelt ​ /hɑtfelt/ ​74
goods ​ /υdz/ ​35 hail of abuse ​29 heartland ​/hɑtlnd/ ​27
gossip ​/ɒsp/ ​84 hail of bullets ​29 heavy ​/hevi/ ​29, 64
GP ​/dipi/ ​51 half board ​/hɑf bɔd/ ​26 heavy going ​22
GPS ​/dipies/ ​56 half-baked ​ /hɑfbekt/ ​23 heavy industry ​/hevi ndəstri/ ​55
grab a bite to eat ​24 hammer (v.) ​/hmə/ ​63 hedge (your bets) ​/hed/ ​76
graft ​/rɑft/ ​69 hammer out a deal ​7 height of fashion ​17
granny flat ​/rni flt/ ​18 hammock ​ /hmək/ ​89 heir ​/eə/ ​39
grant custody to ​43 hand in glove with ​17 heliport ​ /helpɔt/ ​88
-graph- ​ /rɑf/ ​88 hands-free ​/hndz fri/ ​56 helpline ​ /helplan/ ​34
graphic image ​48 hands-on 3 hemmed in ​59
grassroots supporters ​31 hang out with ​19 hen night ​/hen nat/ ​19
grating ​ /retŋ/ ​63 Hansard ​ /hnsɑd/ ​41 herbivore ​/hbvɔ/ ​32
green ​ /rin/ ​65 harass ​ /hrəs/ ​43 heroic ​/hrəυk/ ​50
green credentials ​33 harassment ​/hrəsmənt/ ​43 hierarchical ​/haərɑkkl/ ​5
Green Party ​65 hard sell ​/hɑd sel/ ​7 high school ​/ha skul/ ​98
green shoots  31 harrowing ​ /hrəυŋ/ ​20 highbrow ​/habraυ/ ​21
green tourism ​65 harsh colours ​65 high-fibre ​54
green with envy ​65 has-been ​ /hzbin/ ​60 highly ​/hali/ ​75
greenhouse effect ​/rinhaυs fekt/ ​33 hassle ​/hsəl/ ​69 high-minded ​/hamandd/ ​87

English Vocabulary in Use Advanced 285

high-pitched ​/haptʃt/ ​63 i.e. ​/ai/ ​85 in excess of ​83
high-rise (flat) ​/haraz/ ​18 (an) ideal fit for  4 in great detail ​92
high-tech ​/hatek/ ​55 I’m not with you ​94 in-house 4
high-technology ​55 I’ve just about had enough of ​73 in less than no time ​60
hike ​ /hak/ ​27 -ible ​/əbəl/ ​87 in respect of ​101
hilarious ​ /hleəriəs/ ​20 -ics  /ks/ 88 in safe hands ​93
history ​ /hstəri/ ​53 ID ​/adi/ ​85 in sequence ​79
hit home ​18 idealistic ​/adəlstk/ ​8 in sum ​97
hit it off ​11 ideogram ​ /diəυrm/ ​38 in support of  3
hit the headlines ​50, 100 idiot-proof ​/diətpruf/ ​87 in the clear ​69
hit the roof ​30 if I recall ​77 in the event of ​101
hit-and-run ​ /htənrn/ ​25 if you don’t mind me/my saying so ​82 in the lap of luxury ​49
hitch ​/htʃ/ ​69 il-  /l/ 86 in the mists of history ​29
hobnob ​ /hɒbnɒb/ ​19 illiteracy ​/ltərəsi/ ​42 in the nick of time ​60
hold in high regard ​11 illiterate ​/ltərət/ ​40 in the running ​54
hold the key to ​30 illuminate ​/lumnet/ ​21 in the shade of ​90
hold up ​90 illustrate ​/ləstret/ ​21 in the shadow of ​90
holiday entitlement ​6 im- ​/m/ ​86 in vitro fertilisation ​/n vitrəυ
holiday of a lifetime ​26 image ​/md/ ​21 ftlazeʃən/ ​15
holiday property ​7 immaculate ​ /mkjələt/ ​9 inability ​/nəbləti/ ​86
home page ​/həυm ped/ ​34 immediate ​/midiət/ ​34 inaccuracy ​/nkjərəsi/ ​86
home truth ​/həυm truθ/ ​18 immediate dispatch ​34 inappropriate ​/nəprəυpriət/ ​86
home visit ​51 immigrant ​ /mrənt/ ​28 inarticulate  /nɑtkjələt/ 38
homeopathic doctor ​51 immoderate ​/mɒdərət/ ​8 inaudible ​/nɔdəbəl/ ​63
homograph ​ /hɒmərɑf/ ​91 impact ​/mpkt/ ​89 incapable ​/nkepəbəl/ ​86
honest ​ /ɒnst/ ​12 impeach ​/mpitʃ/ ​43 incidence ​/nsdəns/ ​79
honours (degree) ​/ɒnəz/ ​98 impeachment ​/mpitʃmənt/ ​43 incidentally ​/nsdentəli/ ​82
hooked (on) ​/hυkt/ ​16 impeccable ​/mpekəbəl/ ​24, 34 incipient ​ /nspiənt/ ​60
hoot ​/hut/ ​63 impede ​/mpid/ ​54 inclusive ​/nklusv/ ​26
hop ​/hɒp/ ​61 impediment ​/mpedmənt/ ​69 income bracket ​40
hordes ​ /hɔdz/ ​27 impenetrable ​/mpentrəbəl/ ​21, 64 income equality ​40
horn ​/hɔn/ ​32 imperfect ​/mpfkt/ ​86 incompetent ​ /nkɒmptənt/ ​34
hostilities ​ /hɒstlətiz/ ​44 impersonal ​/mpsənəl/ ​34 inconsistent ​/nkənsstənt/ ​71
hot ​/hɒt/ ​29 impervious ​/mpviəs/ ​64 incredible ​ /nkredəbəl/ ​36
hot and cold ​52 impetuous ​/mpetʃuəs/ ​10 incredulous ​/nkredələs/ ​36
hot-desking 5 implacable ​/mplkəbəl/ ​13 increment ​ /ŋkrəmənt/ ​6
hotheaded ​/hɒthedd/ ​93 implant ​/mplɑnt/ ​15 incur debt ​45
household word/name ​18 implausible ​/mplɔzəbəl/ ​36 indent ​/ndent/ ​81
housewarming ​/haυswɔmŋ/ ​19 implication ​/mplkeʃən/ ​67 indicate ​/ndket/ ​79
hovel ​ /hɒvəl/ ​18 impose ​/mpəυz/ ​45 indigenous ​/nddnəs/ ​28
human being ​/hjumən biŋ/ ​99 impossible ​/mpɒsəbəl/ ​92 indistinguishable ​/ndstŋwʃəbəl/ ​68
human genome ​57 impoverished ​/mpɒvərʃt/ ​40 induce ​/ndus/ ​15
human poverty ​40 Impressionism ​/mpreʃənzəm/ ​21 induction ​/ndkʃən/ ​15
the human race ​/hjumən res/ ​99 improve access to ​45 indulge (yourself) ​/ndld/ ​49
humanity ​ /hjumnəti/ ​42 impulsive ​/mplsv/ ​10 industrious ​/ndstriəs/ ​8
humid ​ /hjumd/ ​29 in- ​/n/ ​86, 90 inexorable ​/neksərəbəl/ ​60
hunt ​/hnt/ ​50 in a fix ​69 infantry ​/nfəntri/ ​39
hurt (n. and v.) ​/ht/ ​52 in a flash ​60 infatuated (with) ​/nftjuetd/ ​10
hydroelectric ​/hadrəυlektrk/ ​58 in a hole ​69 infect ​ /nfekt/ ​53
I could have sworn ​76 in a spot ​69 infer ​/nf/ ​79
I couldn’t swear to ​76 in all probability ​70 inflexible ​ /nfleksəbəl/ ​8
I should be so lucky! 70 in ascending order ​80 info ​/nfəυ/ ​85
I wish you would/wouldn’t ​73 in descending order ​80 informal get-together ​24

286 English Vocabulary in Use Advanced

informant ​/nfɔmənt/ ​87 inward investment ​55 kindred spirit ​/kndrəd sprt/ ​11
informative ​/nfɔmətv/ ​22 IQ ​ /akju/ ​85 kingdom ​/kŋdəm/ ​39
infrastructure ​/nfrəstrktʃə/ ​42 ir-  /r/ 86 kitty-corner ​/kti kɔnə/ ​98
infringe ​/nfrnd/ ​43 irregular ​/rejələ/ ​5 knock around with ​19
infringement ​/nfrndmənt/ ​43 irritate ​ /rtet/ ​14 knock off ​5
inherent (in) ​/nherənt/ ​2 irritated ​ /rtetd/ ​14 know a subject inside out ​1
inherit ​/nhert/ ​15 irritating ​ /rtetŋ/ ​14 labourer ​/lebərə/ ​39
inheritance ​/nhertəns/ ​15 irritation ​ /rteʃən/ ​14 labyrinth ​/lbərnθ/ ​59
injustice ​/ndsts/ ​42 -ish ​/ʃ/ ​65 lame ​/lem/ ​74
inn ​/n/ ​26 ISP ​/aespi/ ​48 lament ​/ləment/ ​77
innovative ​ /nəvətv/ ​49 issue a press release ​50 landing card ​35
insecure ​/nskjυə/ ​8 issue a press statement ​50 lanky ​/lŋki/ ​9
inseparable ​ /nsepərəbəl/ ​11 It just won’t do! 73 laptop (computer) ​/lptɒp/ ​56
insider dealer ​43 It’s a mystery to me ​94 last resort ​44
insider dealing ​43 It’s a real nightmare ​94 late ​ /let/ ​15
insider trader ​43 it’s all coming back to me now ​77 latest fashion ​17
insider trading ​43 It’s my worst nightmare ​94 laud ​/lɔd/ ​20, 75
insight ​/nsat/ ​22 italicise ​/tlsaz/ ​81 laudable ​/lɔdəbəl/ ​75
insolent ​/nsələnt/ ​62 italics ​/tlks/ ​81 laudatory ​/lɔdətəri/ ​75
instance ​/nstəns/ ​79 IVF ​ /avief/ ​15 launch a campaign ​93
instant messaging ​/nstənt mesdŋ/ ​48 ivory tower ​30 launch party ​19
in-store ​/nstɔ/ ​34 ivory trade ​32 launder money ​43
instruct ​/nstrkt/ ​101 jade ​/ded/ ​65 law unto himself/herself ​43
instruction ​/nstrkʃən/ ​101 jargon ​ /dɑən/ ​38 law-abiding ​/lɔəbadŋ/ ​43
instructive ​/nstrktv/ ​101 jaundiced ​/dɔndst/ ​53 law-breaker ​/lɔbrekə/ ​43
insufferable ​ /nsfərəbəl/ ​69 jet black ​/det blk/ ​65 lawn ​/lɔn/ ​16
insulin ​/nsjəln/ ​54 (in a) jiffy ​/dfi/ ​60 lay down the law ​43
insurance scheme ​51 job ad ​3 lay off ​95
integration ​/ntreʃən/ ​42 job satisfaction ​6 lead a sheltered life ​18
intelligentsia ​/nteldentsiə/ ​89 job-share ​/dɒbʃeə/ ​5 lead a team  3
intensively ​ /ntensvli/ ​1 job stability  6 leader ​/lidə/ ​47
intent (on) ​/ntent/ ​54 join ​/dɔn/ ​24 leadership qualities  3
interactive ​/ntərktv/ ​56 jot down ​81 leaflet ​ /liflət/ ​47
interchangeable ​/ntətʃendəbəl/ ​68 journal ​ /dnəl/ ​22, 47 league table ​2
interfere ​/ntəfə/ ​90 jubilant ​/dublənt/ ​13 lean ​/lin/ ​9
inter-library loan ​1 juicy ​/dusi/ ​23 learn by heart ​1
international observer ​44 jump a red light ​25 leave other things standing ​49
interplanetary travel ​57 jungle ​/dŋəl/ ​93 leave somebody/something in the shade ​49
interpretation ​/ntprteʃən/ ​20 junior ​ /duniə/ ​98 leaving do ​19
intersection ​/ntəsekʃən/ ​98 junk mail ​/dŋk mel/ ​48 lecturer ​/lektʃərə/ ​98
Interstate ​/ntəstet/ ​98 justify ​/dstfa/ ​36, 42 -led  /led/ 87
intervene ​/ntəvin/ ​90 karaoke ​ /kriəυki/ ​89 leer ​ /lə/ ​9
intervention ​ /ntəventʃən/ ​42, 44 keen ​/kin/ ​16, 70 legislation ​/ledsleʃən/ ​41
interview panel ​6 keep a (close) eye on ​93 leisurely ​/leəli/ ​87
intestate ​/ntestet/ ​15 keep a pledge ​76 lengthy ​/leŋkθi/ ​60
intriguing ​/ntriŋ/ ​21 keep a promise ​76 lentil ​ /lentəl/ ​54
introvert ​ /ntrəυvt/ ​10 keep a resolution ​76 letting agency ​7
intuitive ​/ntʃutv/ ​8 keep a vow ​76 level playing field ​54
inured (to) ​/njυəd/ ​21 keep in stock ​7 lexicon ​ /lekskən/ ​38, 89
invaluable ​ /nvljuəbəl/ ​17 keep on a tight rein ​93 libel ​ /labəl/ ​50
inverted commas ​/nvtd kɒməz/ ​81 key ​ /ki/ ​30 liberation ​/lbəreʃən/ ​42
invest ​/nvest/ ​93 key to success ​30 lick someone’s boots ​75
invest in ​7 keyhole surgery ​/kihəυl sdəri/ ​57 life in the fast line ​18

English Vocabulary in Use Advanced 287

life savings ​46 loyal ​/lɔəl/ ​11, 12 mean (adj.) ​/min/ ​91
lifelong education ​2 loyalty ​/lɔəlti/ ​11, 12 mean (v.) ​/min/ ​91
lift ​/lft/ ​45 lucrative ​/lukrətv/ ​7, 16 mean something in the nicest
light ​/lat/ ​21 ludicrous ​/ludkrəs/ ​92   possible way ​82
light industry ​/lat ndəstri/ ​55 lugubrious ​ /luubriəs/ ​22 meander ​/mində/ ​61
light up your life ​93 lumbering ​ /lmbərŋ/ ​64 mechanical ​/mknkl/ ​5
lightweight ​/latwet/ ​22 lump sum ​/lmp sm/ ​46 media ​/midiə/ ​50
likelihood ​ /laklihυd/ ​70 lumpy ​/lmpi/ ​64 media attention ​50
like-minded ​ /lakmandd/ ​87 lurch ​/ltʃ/ ​61 media coverage ​50
lime ​/lam/ ​65 -ly ​/li/ ​87 media hype ​50
limp ​/lmp/ ​61 macabre ​/məkɑbrə/ ​22 media interest ​50
line manager  4 made-to-measure ​/medtəmeə/ ​17 media reports ​50
lingering ​/lŋərŋ/ ​60 magnetic personality ​8 medieval ​/mediivəl/ ​39
linguistic ​/lŋwstk/ ​89 major ​ /medə/ ​98 meet a deadline ​5
lisp ​/lsp/ ​84 make (a cheque) out to ​46 meet with someone’s approval ​78
literacy ​/ltərəsi/ ​2, 40 make (a cheque) payable to ​46 mega-city ​ /megə sti/ ​57
literal ​/ltərəl/ ​38 make a big thing of ​82 memoir ​ /memwɑ/ ​22
live from hand to mouth ​40 make a note of ​81 memorable ​ /memərəbəl/ ​20
lively ​/lavli/ ​87 make a pledge ​76 memorise ​ /meməraz/ ​1
a load of ​82 make a promise ​76 merchandise ​/mtʃəndaz/ ​7
loads of ​82 make a resolution ​76 merchant ​/mtʃənt/ ​39
loanword ​/ləυnwd/ ​89 make a vow ​76 merger ​ /mdə/ ​7
loathe ​/ləυð/ ​14 make ends meet ​40, 46 metabolism 54
loathing ​/ləυðŋ/ ​14 make eye contact  4 metaphor ​ /metəfə/ ​93
loathsome ​/ləυðsəm/ ​14 make up ​80 metaphorical ​/metəfɒrkl/ ​38
lobby ​ /lɒbi/ ​41 make up to ​75 methodical ​/məθɒdkl/ ​8
lock yourself away ​16 make yourself at home ​18 midriff ​
/mdrf/ ​17
locum ​ /ləυkəm/ ​51 male ​/mel/ ​99 midwife ​/mdwaf/ ​15
lodge ​ /lɒd/ ​43 malnourished ​ /mlnrʃt/ ​40 migrant ​/marənt/ ​28
logbook ​/lɒbυk/ ​22 malnourishment ​/mlnrʃmənt/ ​40 migrate ​/maret/ ​32
logo ​ /ləυəυ/ ​49 malnutrition ​ /mlnjutrʃən/ ​40 migration ​/mareʃən/ ​32, 39
long (v.) ​/lɒŋ/ ​70 mammal ​ /mməl/ ​32 military jargon  38
long-term ​/lɒŋtm/ ​6 man after your own heart ​11 mind map ​1
look back ​7, 77 manageable ​ /mndəbəl/ ​87 mind you ​97
look green ​65 managerial experience  3 -minded ​/mandd/ ​87
look out ​90 manner ​ /mnə/ ​62 mind-numbing ​/mandnmŋ/ ​5
look through rose-tinted/-coloured manners ​ /mnəz/ ​62 minority ​ /manɒrəti/ ​42
spectacles ​77 manual ​ /mnjuəl/ ​22, 47 mis- ​/mis/ ​86
look to work in ​6 manufacturing ​/mnjəfktʃərŋ/ ​28 misbehave ​/msbhev/ ​86
lookout ​/lυkaυt/ ​90 manufacturing industry ​55 miscast ​/mskɑst/ ​20
loss ​/lɒs/ ​15 manuscript ​/mnjəskrpt/ ​39, 81 miserable ​/mzərəbəl/ ​14
loss leader ​/lɒs lidə/ ​7 march ​/mɑtʃ/ ​42 miserly ​/mazəli/ ​87
lost ​/lɒst/ ​92 marketing strategy ​93 mistrust ​/mstrst/ ​44
lost for words  38 marsupial ​ /mɑsupiəl/ ​32 misuse ​/msjuz/ ​86
lout ​/laυt/ ​100 masculine ​/mskjəln/ ​99 mnemonic ​ /nmɒnk/ ​1
love at first sight ​11 a mass of ​82 (in a) mo ​/məυ/ ​60
lowbrow ​ /ləυbraυ/ ​21 massacre (n.) ​/msəkə/ ​44 modal (verb) ​/məυdəl/ ​38
low-cost airline ​26 masses of ​82 modality ​/məυdləti/ ​38
low-dose ​53 masterpiece ​/mɑstəpis/ ​20 modest ​/mɒdst/ ​10
lower case ​/ləυə kes/ ​81 maternity leave ​/mətnəti liv/ ​6 module ​/mɒdjul/ ​98
lower taxes ​45 matter of life and death ​18 moist ​/mɔst/ ​90
low-tech ​/ləυ tek/ ​55 mature student ​/mətʃυə stjudənt/ ​2 moisten ​/mɔsən/ ​87
low-technology ​55 mauve ​/məυv/ ​65 monarch ​/mɒnək/ ​39

288 English Vocabulary in Use Advanced

monarchy ​/mɒnəki/ ​39 NATO ​ /netəυ/ ​85 oatmeal ​/əυtmil/ ​54
monetary union ​45 natural habitat ​32 obese ​/əυbis/ ​9
money launderer ​43 nature reserve ​/netʃə rzv/ ​27 obituary ​/əυbtʃυəri/ ​47
money laundering ​43 nausea ​ /nɔsiə/ ​53 object ​ /əbdekt/ ​73
money-minded ​87 nauseous  /nɔziəs/ 52 objection ​ /əbdekʃən/ ​73
monitor ​/mɒntə/ ​50, 58 navy ​/nevi/ ​65 objective ​ /əbdektv/ ​36
mono-  /mɒnəυ/ ​88 NB ​/enbi/ ​85 obligation ​/ɒbleʃən/ ​70
monochrome ​/mɒnəkrəυm/ ​65 neck and neck ​54 obligatory ​/əblətəri/ ​70
monotonous ​ /mənɒtənəs/ ​5 negate ​ /net/ ​79 obliging ​/əbladŋ/ ​8, 34
moral ​/mɒrəl/ ​29 negotiation ​ /nəυʃieʃən/ ​42 obnoxious ​/əbnɒkʃəs/ ​14
morale ​/mərɑl/ ​6 nervous ​/nvəs/ ​70 obsequious ​/əbsikwiəs/ ​75
more or less ​83 netiquette ​/netket/ ​62 observation ​/ɒbzəveʃən/ ​41
morose ​/mərəυs/ ​8 networking ​ /netwkŋ/ ​19 obsolete ​ /ɒbsəlit/ ​38
morpheme ​/mɔfim/ ​38 never a hair out of place ​9 obstacle ​/ɒbstəkl/ ​69
morphology ​/mɔfɒlədi/ ​38 new recruit  4 obstetrician  /ɒbstətrʃən/ ​51
mot juste  /məυ ust/ 38 New Year’s resolution ​/nju jəz obstinate ​/ɒbstnət/ ​8, 10
motel ​ /məυtel/ ​88 rezəluʃən/ ​76 obstructive ​/əbstrktv/ ​69
motif ​/məυtif/ ​21 newsgroup ​/njuzrup/ ​48 occupant ​/ɒkjəpənt/ ​87
mould ​/məυld/ ​21 newsletter ​/njuzletə/ ​47 occurrence ​/əkrəns/ ​50
mourn ​/mɔn/ ​77 newsworthy ​/njuzwði/ ​87 odds ​/ɒdz/ ​76
mourning ​/mɔnŋ/ ​15 next of kin ​/nekst ɒv kn/ ​101 the odds are (against) ​70, 76
mousy ​ /maυsi/ ​65 nibbles ​/nbəlz/ ​24 off the cuff ​/ɒf ðə kf/ ​17
mouth ​/maυθ/ ​93 niche market ​/niʃ mɑkt/ ​7 off the hook ​69
move the goalposts ​54 night shift ​/nat ʃft/ ​5 off the peg ​/ɒf ðə pe/ ​17
movement ​ /muvmənt/ ​42 nip ​/np/ ​66 off the rack ​/ɒf ðə rk/ ​17
moving ​ /muvŋ/ ​20 nip in the bud ​31 off-colour ​/ɒfklə/ ​52
MP3 player ​/empiθri pleə/ ​56 nippy ​/npi/ ​29 offensive material ​48
muck-raking ​/mkrekŋ/ ​50 nit-picking ​/ntpkŋ/ ​14 offer someone the position  4
muggy ​/mi/ ​29 no offence intended ​82 offhand ​/ɒfhnd/ ​14, 62
multinational ​ /mltinʃənəl/ ​55 nobility ​/nəυbləti/ ​39 officious ​/əfʃəs/ ​14
multiple ​ /mltpl/ ​71 no frills ​/nəυ frlz/ ​17 off-putting ​/ɒfpυtŋ/ ​24
mumble ​ /mmbəl/ ​84 noiseless ​/nɔzləs/ ​63 offshore ​/ɒfʃɔ/ ​58
mumps ​ /mmps/ ​89 noiselessly ​/nɔzləsli/ ​63 oil well ​/ɔl wel/ ​58
mundane ​ /mnden/ ​5 non-refundable ​ /nɒnrfndəbəl/ ​26 -ology ​/ɒlədi/ ​88
murmur ​/mmə/ ​84 Norman ​ /nɔmən/ ​89 on a shoestring ​17
must-have item ​17 nostalgia ​ /nɒstldə/ ​77 on me ​24
mutter ​/mtə/ ​84 not enough room to swing a cat ​59 on the High Street ​17
mutual ​/mjutʃuəl/ ​11 not the most ​82 on the house ​18
mutual acquaintance ​11 notebook ​ /nəυtbυk/ ​56 on the mend ​52
my cup of tea ​23 nothing to write home about ​18 on trend ​17
myself included ​82 notice period  4 once in a blue moon ​60
nag ​/n/ ​84 notifiable ​ /nəυtfaəbəl/ ​101 one-to-one ​/wntəwn/ ​2
nagging ache ​52 notification ​/nəυtfkeʃən/ ​101 online ​/ɒnlan/ ​1
naive ​/naiv/ ​8, 10, 92 notify ​ /nəυtfa/ ​101 online application  3
nanotechnology ​/nnəυteknɒlədi/ ​57 notwithstanding ​/nɒtwθstndŋ/ ​79 online journalism ​50
national carrier ​26 now then ​97 only have eyes for ​11
National Health Service ​/nʃənəl helθ nuclear ​ /njukliə/ ​58 onshore ​/ɒnʃɔ/ ​58
svs/ ​51 nuclear family ​/njukliə fməli/ ​57 on-the-spot ​25
national insurance ​/nʃənəl nʃυərəns/ ​ numeracy ​/njumərəsi/ ​2 Op-art ​/ɒpɑt/ ​21
51 nutrition ​ /njutrʃən/ ​40, 54 open doors ​30
national park ​/nʃənəl pɑk/ ​27 nutrition label ​23 open educational resources ​1
nationalisation ​/nʃənəlazeʃən/ ​55 nutritious ​ /njutrʃəs/ ​54 open-minded ​ /əυpənmandd/ ​8
nationwide ​/neʃənwad/ ​34 oath ​ /əυθ/ ​76 opening  /əυpnŋ/ 3

English Vocabulary in Use Advanced 289

ophthalmologist ​/ɒfθlmɒlədst/ ​51 package holiday  26 pensioner ​/penʃənə/ ​15
opponent ​/əpəυnənt/ ​92 packed in like sardines ​59 penthouse ​/penthaυs/ ​18
opportunistic ​/ɒpətʃunstk/ ​8 paddy field ​/pdi fild/ ​28 penury ​/penjəri/ ​40
opposite number ​/ɒpəzt nmbə/ ​5 paediatrician ​/pidiətrʃən/ ​51 perceive ​/pəsiv/ ​2, 79
oppressive ​/əpresv/ ​29 pagan times ​37 perfectionist ​/pəfekʃənst/ ​8
option ​/ɒpʃən/ ​70 page-turner ​ /pedtnə/ ​22 performance-related 6
optional ​ /ɒpʃənəl/ ​70 paid leave  4 perish ​/perʃ/ ​15
opulent ​ /ɒpjələnt/ ​49 pain ​/pen/ ​52 perjurer ​/pdərə/ ​43
or so ​83 paint ​/pent/ ​21 perjury ​/pdəri/ ​43
or something ​83 palaver ​/pəlɑvə/ ​89 perk ​/pk/ ​6
or whatever ​83 pamper (yourself) ​/pmpə/ ​49 perpetuate ​/pəpetʃuet/ ​2
or words to that effect ​83 pamphlet ​/pmflt/ ​47 persecution ​ /pskjuʃən/ ​35
ordeal ​ /ɔdil/ ​69 pan (v.) ​/pn/ ​20 persistent ​ /pəsstənt/ ​60
organ ​ /ɔən/ ​51 panel  /pnl/ 4 perversion ​/pəvʃən/ ​43
original ​/ərdənəl/ ​21 pang ​ /pŋ/ ​77 pervert the course of justice ​43
orthography ​/ɔθɒrəfi/ ​38 paparazzi 50 pet aversion ​14
ostentatious ​/ɒstenteʃəs/ ​14 paper ​/pepə/ ​1 petition ​ /pətʃən/ ​41
out- ​/aυt/ ​86 parade (n. and v.) ​/pəred/ ​37 phishing ​/fʃŋ/ ​35
out of sorts ​52 paradise ​/prədas/ ​27 -phon- ​/fɒn/ ​88
out of the wood(s) 69 pardon ​ /pɑdən/ ​74 phoneme ​/fəυnim/ ​38
out of touch ​77 parental control ​48 phoney ​/fəυni/ ​74
outbreak ​/aυtbrek/ ​90 Paris ​/prs/ ​96 phonology ​/fəυnɒlədi/ ​38
outdo ​/aυtdu/ ​90 parking lot ​/pɑkŋ lɒt/ ​98 physician ​/fzʃən/ ​51
outfit ​/aυtft/ ​17 parking ticket ​/pɑkŋ tkt/ ​35 pictogram ​/pktəυrm/ ​38
outgoing ​ /aυtəυŋ/ ​10 parsimonious ​/pɑsməυniəs/ ​8 piecework ​/piswk/ ​55
outlaw ​/aυtlɔ/ ​72 part with your money ​7 piercing ​ /pəsŋ/ ​63
outline (v.)  /aυtlan/ 4 participant ​/pɑtspənt/ ​16 pig-headed ​/phedd/ ​10
outlook ​/aυtlυk/ ​90 particle ​/pɑtkl/ ​53 pile-up ​/palp/ ​25
outnumber ​ /aυtnmbə/ ​86 partner ​ /pɑtnə/ ​12, 97 PIN ​/pn/ ​46, 85
outrun ​ /aυtrn/ ​90 party animal ​/pɑti nməl/ ​19 pipeline ​ /paplan/ ​58
outstay your welcome ​19 pass away ​15 pitch black ​/ptʃ blk/ ​65
outweigh ​ /aυtwe/ ​86 pass on ​15 pitfall ​
/ptfɔl/ ​69
ovenproof ​/vənpruf/ ​87 pass over ​15 pithy ​/pθi/ ​8
over- ​/əυvə/ ​86, 90 passion (for)  /pʃn/ 3 placate ​/pləket/ ​13
over the hill ​60 past history ​53 placenta ​/pləsentə/ ​15
over the moon ​13 past it ​60 placid ​ /plsd/ ​8
over the worst ​52 past papers ​1 plagiarism ​/pledərzəm/ ​1
overalls ​ /əυvərɔlz/ ​17 pastel ​ /pstl/ ​65 plagiarism form ​1
overbearing ​ /əυvəbeərŋ/ ​24 pat someone on the back  75 plain-clothes police ​35
overdo it ​24 paternity leave ​/pətnəti liv/ ​6 plaque ​/plɑk/ ​54
overhang ​/əυvəhŋ/ ​86 pay dividends ​93 platonic ​/plətɒnk/ ​11
overjoyed ​ /əυvədɔd/ ​70 pay someone a compliment ​75 plaudit ​/plɔdt/ ​75
overlap ​/əυvəlp/ ​79 pay tribute to ​75 plausible ​/plɔzbəl/ ​36
overnight ​/əυvənat/ ​86 peace and quiet ​63 pledge ​/pled/ ​76
overpass ​ /əυvəpɑs/ ​98 peace treaty ​74 plug (v.) ​/pl/ ​49
overpriced ​/əυvəprast/ ​86 peacekeeping force ​44 plummet ​/plmt/ ​66
overrated ​/əυvəretd/ ​20, 86 peasant ​ /pezənt/ ​39 plunge ​/plnd/ ​66
overshadow ​/əυvəʃdəυ/ ​86 pecking order ​/pekŋ ɔdə/ ​5 poacher ​/pəυtʃə/ ​32
overstep the mark ​86 pedestrian (adj.) ​/pdestriən/ ​21 poignant ​/pɔnjənt/ ​22
overthrow ​/əυvəθrəυ/ ​44 pedestrian crossing ​/pdestriən krɒsŋ/ ​ point of view ​/pɔnt ɒv vju/ ​36
overturn ​/əυvətn/ ​43 25 pointless ​/pɔntləs/ ​92
overworked and underpaid ​6 peerless ​/pələs/ ​21 poky ​ /pəυki/ ​59
p./pp. 85 penalty points ​25 polar ice ​33

290 English Vocabulary in Use Advanced

police ​/pəlis/ ​35 prescription ​/prskrpʃən/ ​51 proposition ​ /prɒpəzʃən/ ​7
policy ​/pɒləsi/ ​41 prescription charge ​51 prospectus ​ /prəspektəs/ ​47
political ​/pəltkl/ ​29 present (v.) ​/przent/ ​41 protagonist ​/prəυtənst/ ​22
polysemous ​ /pəlsməs/ ​38 present company excepted ​82 protective clothing ​17
polysemy ​ /pəlsmi/ ​91 preservative ​/przvətv/ ​23 protest (n.) ​/prəυtest/ ​73
pompous ​/pɒmpəs/ ​14 press conference ​/pres kɒnfərəns/ ​50 protest (v.) ​/prətest/ ​73
ponderous ​/pɒndərəs/ ​64 press on ​95 protracted ​ /prəυtrktd/ ​60
poo ​/pu/ ​53 press release ​/pres rlis/ ​47, 50 proven ​ /pruvən/ ​49
the poor ​/pɔ/ ​40 pressure group ​/preʃə rup/ ​50 provide the key to ​30
poorly ​/pɔli/ ​52 presume ​/przjum/ ​36 provoke ​ /prəvəυk/ ​67
poorly done ​21 pretentious ​/prtenʃəs/ ​14 prune back ​31
pop (v.) ​/pɒp/ ​66 pretext ​/pritekst/ ​74 psychiatrist ​/sakaətrst/ ​51
population explosion ​57 prevailing ​/prvelŋ/ ​29 PTO ​ /pitiəυ/ ​85
pop-up ​/pɒpp/ ​49 previous experience  3 public-private partnership ​55
porridge ​/pɒrd/ ​54 previous role  3 puerile ​ /pjυəral/ ​14
port of entry ​35 price ​/pras/ ​7 pulse ​/pls/ ​53
portfolio ​/pɔtfəυliəυ/ ​1 priceless ​/prasləs/ ​21 purchasing power ​7
portion ​/pɔʃən/ ​24 primary ​/praməri/ ​98 pursue ​/pəsju/ ​42
portray ​/pɔtre/ ​21 primary care ​/praməri keə/ ​51 pursue policies ​45
portrayal ​/pɔtreəl/ ​20 primary colour ​/praməri klə/ ​65 pushy ​/pυʃi/ ​10
pose a danger ​54 primitive 21 put down roots ​31
posit ​/pɒzt/ ​80 principled ​/prnsəpld/ ​8 put forward ​95
position 3 print journalism ​50 put good money on ​76
post (v.) ​/pəυst/ ​48 pristine environment ​33 put on oath ​76
post (n.)  3 privacy policy ​34 put somebody/something in the shade ​49
post- ​/pəυst/ ​88 privatisation ​/pravtazeʃən/ ​55 put someone in a straitjacket ​17
post-colonial ​39 pro- ​/prəυ/ ​86 put something on (a credit card) ​46
postgraduate ​/pəυstrduət/ ​2 problematic ​/prɒbləmtk/ ​69 put together ​95
posthumous ​ /pɒstʃəməs/ ​74 proceed ​/prəυsid/ ​101 put under oath ​76
pouch ​/paυtʃ/ ​32 procrastinate ​ /prəυkrstnet/ ​86 put you on hold ​34
pound (v.) ​/paυnd/ ​63 procreate ​ /prəυkriet/ ​86 put your foot in it  38
pour ​/pɔ/ ​29, 61 produce ​/prədus/ ​67 put your own gloss on ​50
pout ​/paυt/ ​9 product of its time ​22 put your own spin on ​50
poverty ​/pɒvəti/ ​40 productive ​/prədktv/ ​87 quadruple ​/kwɒdrυpl/ ​71
poverty line ​/pɒvəti lan/ ​40 professional development  4 quash ​/kwɒʃ/ ​43
poverty-stricken ​/pɒvətistrkən/ ​40 professor ​ /prəfesə/ ​98 query ​/kwəri/ ​34
power-hungry ​58 profitably ​ /prɒftəbli/ ​93 quickly ​/kwkli/ ​92
prairie ​ /preəri/ ​28 prognosis ​ /prɒnəυss/ ​53 quiet ​ /kwaət/ ​63
praise ​ /prez/ ​75 programmer ​/prəυrmə/ ​5 quite a few ​83
praise to the skies ​75 project ​/prɒdekt/ ​1 quotation marks ​/kwəυteʃən mɑks/ ​81
praiseworthy ​/prezwði/ ​75, 87 projected figures ​71 quotes ​/kwəυts/ ​81
pre- ​/pri/ ​88 proliferate ​/prəυlfəret/ ​86 race (v.) ​/res/ ​66
precedent ​/presdənt/ ​43 prolong ​ /prəυlɒŋ/ ​60 radiant 49
precious commodity ​33 promise ​/prɒms/ ​76 radical ​ /rdkl/ ​36
precipitate ​/prsptet/ ​67 promise someone the earth ​76 radicalise ​ /rdkəlaz/ ​36
precisely ​ /prsasli/ ​78 promise someone the moon ​76 radicalism ​ /rdkəlzəm/ ​36
pre-colonial ​39 promising ​/prɒmsŋ/ ​76 rag ​/r/ ​50
predator ​/predətə/ ​32 promote ​ /prəməυt/ ​86 rainfall ​/renfɔl/ ​28
predictable ​/prdktəbəl/ ​21, 87 prompt ​ /prɒmpt/ ​34 raise a family ​92
predominant ​ /prdɒmnənt/ ​79 prone (to) ​/prəυn/ ​28 raise your eyebrows ​62
preface ​/prefs/ ​80 -proof ​/pruf/ ​87 raise your hand ​92
pregnancy ​ /prenənsi/ ​15 prophets of doom and gloom ​33 raise your voice ​84
pregnant ​ /prenənt/ ​15 proponent  /prəpəυnənt/ 36 rally ​/rli/ ​41

English Vocabulary in Use Advanced 291

ramble ​ /rmbəl/ ​27 reiterate ​/ritəret/ ​80 reveal ​ /rvil/ ​17
rambling ​ /rmblŋ/ ​59 rejoice ​/rdɔs/ ​13 revealing ​ /rvilŋ/ ​17
rapport ​/rpɔ/ ​5 -related ​/rletd/ ​87 revise ​ /rvaz/ ​1
rash ​/rʃ/ ​53 relationship ​/rleʃənʃp/ ​11 revise upwards ​71
ratio ​/reʃiəυ/ ​71 relative poverty ​40 revision ​ /rvən/ ​1
raucous ​/rɔkəs/ ​37 relaxing ​/rlksŋ/ ​16 rewarding ​/rwɔdŋ/ ​5, 16
re- ​/ri/ ​86 relevant (to) ​/reləvənt/ ​3, 87 the rich ​/rtʃ/ ​40
reach a compromise ​7, 78 relocate ​/riləυket/ ​55 -rich ​ /rtʃ/ ​87
reach a settlement ​78 remember rightly ​92 -ridden ​/rdən/ ​87
react ​ /rikt/ ​36 remind ​/rmand/ ​77 ridiculous ​ /rdkjələs/ ​92
reaction ​/rikʃən/ ​36, 53 reminisce ​/remns/ ​77 rift ​
/rft/ ​12, 78
reactionary ​/rikʃənəri/ ​36 remonstrance ​ /rmɒnstrəns/ ​73 right of way ​/rat əv we/ ​25
readership ​/ridəʃp/ ​22 remonstrate ​/remənstret/ ​73 ring out ​63
really must object to ​73 remorse ​/rmɔs/ ​74, 77 rip ​/rp/ ​100
the real thing ​92 Renaissance ​/rənesəns/ ​39 ripe old age ​15
reap the rewards ​31 renew ​/rnju/ ​37 rising sea levels ​33
reap what you sowed ​31 renewable ​/rnjuəbəl/ ​58 risqué ​/rske/ ​20
rear ​/rə/ ​59 renewable energy ​33, 58 rival ​/ravəl/ ​12, 44
rebellion ​ /rbeliən/ ​44 renewal ​/rnjuəl/ ​37 road ​/rəυd/ ​98
receipt ​/rsit/ ​101 renewed  /rnjud/ 37 road rage ​/rəυd red/ ​25
reception ​/rsepʃən/ ​19 repay debt ​45 roadworthy ​/rəυdwði/ ​25
recharge ​/ritʃɑd/ ​27 repeatedly ​/rpitdli/ ​60 roar ​/rɔ/ ​84
recipe ​/respi/ ​23 repent ​/rpent/ ​74 roasting ​/rəυstŋ/ ​29
reckless ​ /rekləs/ ​25 repentance ​/rpentəns/ ​74 rock-bottom ​/rɒkbɒtəm/ ​49
recognise ​ /rekənaz/ ​42 repetitive ​/rpetətv/ ​5 rocket (v.) ​/rɒkt/ ​66
reconsider ​ /rikənsdə/ ​86 report (to)  /rpɔt/ 3 rodent ​ /rəυdənt/ ​32
recover ​ /rkvə/ ​45 reporting structure  4 roll in it ​46
recover from ​52 reprieve ​/rpriv/ ​74 roof ​ /ruf/ ​30
recover from a long decline ​45 reptile ​/reptal/ ​32 roof fell in ​30
recruit (v.)  /rkrut/ 4 reputation ​ /repjəteʃən/ ​92 room ​ /rum/ ​59
rectifiable ​ /rektfaəbəl/ ​101 research ​/rstʃ/ ​1 roomy ​ /rumi/ ​59
rectification ​/rektfkeʃən/ ​101 reserved ​/rzvd/ ​10 root ​ /rut/ ​31
rectify ​ /rektfa/ ​101 reside  /rzad/ 79 root of a problem ​31
red ​/red/ ​65 resistance  /rzstəns/ 36 rooted ​/rutd/ ​31
red alert ​/red əlt/ ​65 reskill ​/riskl/ ​55 roots of a tradition ​31
red flag ​/red fl/ ​65 resolute ​/rezəlut/ ​8 roster ​ /rɒstə/ ​89
red tape ​/red tep/ ​7, 101 resolution ​ /rezəluʃən/ ​76 rote-learning  /rəυtlnŋ/ ​1
red-carpet treatment ​65 resolved ​/rzɒlvd/ ​70 round brackets ​/raυnd brkts/ ​81
redden ​/redən/ ​87 respect ​/rspekt/ ​12 round something down ​71
reddish brown ​65 respectful ​/rspektfəl/ ​10, 12 route ​/rut/ ​26
redevelop ​/ridveləp/ ​86 responsive ​/rspɒnsv/ ​34 router ​/rutə/ ​56
red-letter day ​/redletə de/ ​65 restless ​/restləs/ ​10 RSVP ​/ɑresvipi/ ​85
refer ​/rf/ ​51 restricted ​/rstrktd/ ​35 rub shoulders with ​19
reflect upon ​79 restricted goods ​35 ruby ​/rubi/ ​65
refugee ​ /refjυdi/ ​35 restriction ​/rstrkʃən/ ​26 rue ​/ru/ ​77
regard ​ /rɑd/ ​11 restrictive practice ​45 rule of thumb ​93
regardless ​/rɑdləs/ ​72 result in ​67 ruler ​ /rulə/ ​39
regime change ​44 resume ​/rzjum/ ​101 run a story ​50
register ​ /redstə/ ​38 rethink ​/riθŋk/ ​86 run down ​/rn daυn/ ​18
regret ​ /rret/ ​77 retrain ​/ritren/ ​55 run into six figures ​71
rehearsal ​ /rhsəl/ ​20 retro- ​/retrəυ/ ​88 run like clockwork ​94
reign ​/ren/ ​39 return ​/rtn/ ​80 run off ​81
reign of terror ​100 revaluation ​/rivljueʃən/ ​45 run-of-the-mill ​/rnəvðəml/ ​6, 21

292 English Vocabulary in Use Advanced

run out ​6, 90 secondary school ​/sekəndəri skul/ ​98 sharp-tongued ​8
rush into ​95 seconds ​/sekəndz/ ​24 shed ​/ʃed/ ​31
safety ​/sefti/ ​90 secure site ​34 shed employees ​31
safety camera ​35 secure transactions ​34 shed inhibitions ​31
safety helmet ​17 security ​/skjυərəti/ ​90 shed jobs ​31
safety-conscious ​87 security forces ​35 shed weight ​31
sail through ​54 see eye to eye ​12 shed worries  31
salary expectations  3 see red ​65 sheer ​/ʃə/ ​13
sallow ​/sləυ/ ​9 see the light ​93 sheer bliss ​13
sanction ​/sŋkʃən/ ​44, 45 seed ​/sid/ ​31 shelter ​/ʃeltə/ ​40
sandwich board ​/snwd bɔd/ ​49 seeds of discontent ​31 sheltered accommodation ​/ʃeltəd
sanitation ​/snteʃən/ ​40 seeds of revolution ​31 əkɒmədeʃən/ ​15
sapphire ​/sfaə/ ​65 seeds of success ​31 shivery ​/ʃvəri/ ​52
satellite communications ​56 seek ​/sik/ ​6, 36 shocking pink ​/ʃɒkŋ pŋk/ ​65
satisfying ​/stsfaŋ/ ​5 seek a career in ​6 shoddy ​/ʃɒdi/ ​34
SATNAV ​ /stnv/ ​56 seek publicity ​50 shoot a goal ​100
savage ​/svd/ ​32 seek something out of the ordinary ​27 shooting star ​/ʃutŋ stɑ/ ​100
savour ​/sevə/ ​27 seesaw ​/sisɔ/ ​71 shop around ​7
savoury ​ /sevəri/ ​24 Select Committee ​/slekt kəmti/ ​41 shopaholic ​/ʃɒpəhɒlk/ ​16
say when ​24 selective ​/slektv/ ​2 short-term ​/ʃɔttm/ ​6
scamper ​/skmpə/ ​66 self-catering ​/selfketərŋ/ ​26 shortlist (v.)  /ʃɔtst/ 4
scar ​/skɑ/ ​53, 96 self-conscious ​/selfkɒnʃəs/ ​10 shout ​/ʃaυt/ ​84
scarlet ​ /skɑlət/ ​65 self-employed ​/selfmplɔd/ ​5 shower praise on ​75
scarred ​/skɑd/ ​53 self-esteem ​/selfstim/ ​10 shred ​/ʃred/ ​39
scatter ashes ​15 self-important ​10 shrewd ​/ʃrud/ ​8
scattered ​/sktəd/ ​59 sense of urgency ​34 shriek ​/ʃrik/ ​84
scavenger ​ /skvndə/ ​32 serial ​/səriəl/ ​90 shrinking habitat ​33
scenic ​ /sink/ ​27 series ​/səriz/ ​90 shrivel ​/ʃrvəl/ ​31
scheduled flight ​/ʃeduld flat/ ​26 serious ​ /səriəs/ ​8 shrug your shoulders ​9
scholarship ​/skɒləʃp/ ​2 server ​/svə/ ​48 shut doors ​30
school of art ​21 service industry ​/svs ndəstri/ ​55 shuttle bus ​26
schooling ​/skulŋ/ ​2 servile ​/sval/ ​75 side effect ​/sad fekt/ ​53
sci-fi ​/safa/ ​85 set a new trend ​17 sidle ​ /sadəl/ ​66
scoop ​/skup/ ​50 set a precedent ​43 siege ​/sid/ ​44
score an own goal ​54 set out ​41 sift ​/sft/ ​64
scorn ​/skɔn/ ​14 set up ​90 silent ​/salənt/ ​63
scornful ​ /skɔnfəl/ ​14 set up an account ​34 silent film ​/salənt flm/ ​63
scowl ​ /skaυl/ ​9 setback ​/setbk/ ​69 silent movie ​63
a scrap of ​82 settle ​/setl/ ​28 simultaneous ​/sməlteniəs/ ​60
scrawny ​ /skrɔni/ ​9 settle in ​95 since the year dot ​60
scream ​ /skrim/ ​84 settlement ​ /setlmənt/ ​78 sing someone’s/something’s praises ​75
screen out ​48 setup ​/setp/ ​90 single ​/sŋəl/ ​81
scribble ​ /skrbəl/ ​81 shaded box ​81 single currency ​45
scruff ​/skrf/ ​17 shadow (n.) ​/ʃdəυ/ ​90 Sir or Madam  3
scruffy ​ /skrfi/ ​17 shadow (v.) ​/ʃdəυ/ ​41 sitcom ​/stkɒm/ ​85
scrupulously honest ​12 shadowy ​/ʃdəυi/ ​21 site index ​34
scrutinise ​ /skrutnaz/ ​41 shambles ​ /ʃmbəlz/ ​94 sizzle ​/szəl/ ​63
scurry ​/skri/ ​66 shame ​/ʃem/ ​77 skate around ​54
scuttle ​/sktl/ ​66 shameful ​ /ʃemfəl/ ​73 skeleton staff ​/skeltən stɑf/ ​6
search warrant ​/stʃ wɒrənt/ ​35 shape ​/ʃep/ ​21 sketchy ​/sketʃi/ ​21
(in a) sec ​/sek/ ​60 share portfolio ​46 skid ​/skd/ ​25
second year (student) 98 shared cabin ​26 skilful ​/sklfəl/ ​21
secondary care ​51 shark ​ /ʃɑk/ ​96 skillet ​/sklt/ ​98

English Vocabulary in Use Advanced 293

skimpy ​ /skmpi/ ​17 something along those lines ​83 staggeringly  /stərŋli/ 61
skint ​/sknt/ ​46 something will have to be done about stake ​/stek/ ​76
skip ​/skp/ ​98 something ​73 stalking  /stɔkŋ/ 43
sky-writing ​/skaratŋ/ ​49 somewhat ​/smwɒt/ ​79 stammer ​/stmə/ ​84
slag off ​84 somewhere in the region of ​83 stamp ​/stmp/ ​61
slam ​/slm/ ​63 sophisticated  /səfstketd/ 21 stand (somebody) up ​19
slash ​/slʃ/ ​49 sophomore ​/sɒfəmɔ/ ​98 stand on ceremony ​62
slate (v.) ​/slet/ ​20 soulmate ​ /səυlmet/ ​11 stand out  3
slaughtered ​/slɔtəd/ ​15 sound your horn ​25 stand out in the crowd ​49
slave ​/slev/ ​39 soundbite ​/saυndbat/ ​50 standing ovation ​/stndŋ əυveʃən/ ​20,
slave to fashion ​17 soundless ​ /saυndləs/ ​63 75
slavery ​/slevəri/ ​39 soundlessly ​/saυndləsli/ ​63 star ​/stɑ/ ​100
sleepless ​ /slipləs/ ​52 soundproof ​/saυndpruf/ ​87 start date  4
slender ​/slendə/ ​9 source ​/sɔs/ ​89 start-up ​/stɑtp/ ​5, 7
slimy ​ /slami/ ​75 space ​/spes/ ​59 state ownership ​55
slog ​/slɒ/ ​69 space tourism ​57 state-of-the-art ​/stetəvðiɑt/ ​49
slog your guts out ​69 spacious ​ /speʃəs/ ​59 staunch ally ​12
slogan ​/sləυən/ ​42 spam ​ /spm/ ​48 stay on ​95
sloppy ​/slɒpi/ ​14 spark  /spɑk/ ​67 stem ​/stem/ ​31
sluggish ​ /slʃ/ ​24 speak up  4 stem from ​67
slump (v.) ​/slmp/ ​66 Speaker ​/spikə/ ​41 step ​/step/ ​61
slump in prices ​45 special needs education ​2 stew ​ /stju/ ​23
slur ​/sl/ ​84 specs ​/speks/ ​97 stew in your own juice ​23
sly ​/sla/ ​8 spectacle ​/spektəkl/ ​37 stick something on (a credit card) ​46
small letters ​81 spectacles ​/spektəklz/ ​97 sticky ​/stki/ ​29, 69
smarmy ​/smɑmi/ ​75 spectacular ​/spektkjələ/ ​37 stiff neck ​52
smart ​/smɑt/ ​57 speechless  /spitʃləs/ 38 stifling ​/staflŋ/ ​29
smart building ​57 speed camera ​/spid kmrə/ ​35 stimulating ​/stmjəletŋ/ ​5
smart home ​57 speed limit ​/spid lmt/ ​35 sting ​/stŋ/ ​52
smart ID card ​56 speed up ​66 stingy ​/stndi/ ​8
smart-casual ​17 spend ​/spend/ ​93 stock ​/stɒk/ ​7
smartphone ​/smɑtfəυn/ ​56 spice up ​23 stock market ​/stɒk mɑkt/ ​46
smattering ​/smtərŋ/ ​83 spill ​/spl/ ​61 stocks and shares ​46
smidgen ​/smdən/ ​83 spine ​/span/ ​51 stocky ​/stɒki/ ​9
smirk ​/smk/ ​62 split ​/splt/ ​78 stool ​/stul/ ​53
smog ​/smɒ/ ​88 split the bill ​24 stop and search ​35
snag ​/sn/ ​69 split up ​12 stopover ​/stɒpəυvə/ ​26
sniff at something ​62 spokesperson ​/spəυkspsən/ ​99 store card ​/stɔ kɑd/ ​46
sniffer dog ​/snfə dɒ/ ​35 sporty ​ /spɔti/ ​54 storm of abuse ​29
snort ​/snɔt/ ​62 spot check ​/spɒt tʃek/ ​35 story ​/stɔri/ ​50
snowed under ​29 spread out ​59 stout ​/staυt/ ​9
soar ​/sɔ/ ​66 sprout up ​31 stove ​ /stəυv/ ​98
sober ​/səυbə/ ​8 squabble ​/skwɒbəl/ ​84 straitlaced ​/stretlest/ ​62
social ​/səυʃəl/ ​29 square brackets ​/skweə brkts/ ​81 strapped for cash ​46
social context ​40 squash ​ /skwɒʃ/ ​59 strategy ​ /strtədi/ ​93
social housing ​18 squat ​ /skwɒt/ ​18 stray ​/stre/ ​32
social media ​/səυʃəl midiə/ ​50 squeak ​ /skwik/ ​63 stream ​/strim/ ​61, 93
social networking site ​48 squeeze ​/skwiz/ ​59 street ​ /strit/ ​98
socialise ​ /səυʃəlaz/ ​19 squirm ​/skwm/ ​62 stress-free ​87
solar panel ​/səυlə pnəl/ ​58 stacks ​ /stks/ ​83 stress-related ​87
solidarity ​/sɒldrəti/ ​42 staff (v.) ​/stɑf/ ​99 stride ​/strad/ ​61
solidify ​/səldfa/ ​64 stag party ​/st pɑti/ ​19 stroke ​/strəυk/ ​53, 54
sombre ​/sɒmbə/ ​37 stagger ​ /stə/ ​61 strong colours ​65

294 English Vocabulary in Use Advanced

strut ​/strt/ ​61 swarthy ​ /swɔði/ ​9 tear (v.) ​/teə/ ​66
stubborn ​ /stbən/ ​8 swear ​/sweə/ ​76 techie ​ /teki/ ​56
stuck behind a desk ​5 swear an oath ​76 technical ​ /teknkl/ ​56
stuck in a rut ​5 swear by ​76 technically ​ /teknkli/ ​56
student loan ​2 swear word ​/sweə wd/ ​76 technician ​/teknʃən/ ​5
student-led ​87 sweatshop ​ /swetʃɒp/ ​55 techno- ​/teknəυ/ ​88
stuff (v.) ​/stf/ ​59 sweeten ​/switən/ ​87 technological ​/teknəlɒdkl/ ​56
stumble ​ /stmbəl/ ​61 sweltering ​/sweltərŋ/ ​29 technologically ​/teknəlɒdkli/ ​56
stumbling block ​/stmblŋ blɒk/ ​69 swiftly ​/swftli/ ​92 tedious ​/tidiəs/ ​20
stunning ​ /stnŋ/ ​27 switch production ​55 teetotal ​/titəυtl/ ​24
stutter ​/sttə/ ​84 sworn enemy ​12 tele- ​/tel/ ​88
sub-heading ​/sbhedŋ/ ​81 syllabus ​/sləbəs/ ​2 telemarketing ​/telmɑktŋ/ ​7
subject matter ​/sbdkt mtə/ ​21 sympathetic ​/smpəθetk/ ​89 telesales ​/telselz/ ​7
subjective ​/səbdektv/ ​36 symptom ​ /smptəm/ ​53 telly ​/teli/ ​97
submit ​/səbmt/ ​1 symptomatic ​/smptəmtk/ ​53 tend ​/tend/ ​28
subscribe ​/səbskrab/ ​48 syntax ​ /sntks/ ​38 tenet  /tent/ 36
subsequently ​ /sbskwəntli/ ​97 tabby ​/tbi/ ​89 terror ​ /terə/ ​100
subsidised  /sbsdazd/ 3 tablet ​/tblət/ ​56 terse ​/ts/ ​8
subsidy ​/sbsdi/ ​55 tabloid (newspaper) ​/tblɔd/ ​100 tertiary ​/tʃəri/ ​2
substandard ​/sbstndəd/ ​34 taciturn ​ /tstn/ ​10 test tube baby ​/test tʃub bebi/ ​15
substantive ​/sbstəntv/ ​41 tactic ​/tktk/ ​93 that kind of thing ​83
subsume ​ /səbsjum/ ​80 tactless ​/tktləs/ ​8 That’s all we need! ​94
subtitle ​/sbtatl/ ​81 tailback ​ /telbk/ ​25 That’s all we needed! 94
successor ​/səksesə/ ​39 take a left ​98 That’s the last thing I wanted to hear! 94
succinct  /səksŋkt/ 38 take a step ​61 theme ​/θim/ ​90
suck up to ​75 take great exception to ​73 therapeutic ​/θerəpjutk/ ​16
sue ​/su/ ​43 take in your stride ​61 thereby ​/ðeəba/ ​79
suffer from ​52 take on  4 thesis ​/θiss/ ​1
suicide bomber ​/susad bɒmə/ ​44 take pot luck ​24 thicken ​/θkən/ ​64
suit (n. and v.) ​/sut/ ​17 take root ​31, 45 thin (v.) ​/θn/ ​64
suit of armour ​/sut ɒv ɑmə/ ​39 take something as a compliment ​75 thin out ​64
suitability (for)  /sutəbləti/ 3 take something with a pinch of salt ​36 thing ​/θŋ/ ​82
sullen ​ /slən/ ​8, 24 take the initiative ​5 things are a bit tight ​46
sultry ​/sltri/ ​29 take the law into your own hands ​43 the thing is ​82
summarise ​ /sməraz/ ​80 take you back to ​77 things like that ​83
sumptuous ​ /smptʃuəs/ ​49 take your life in your hands ​18 thingumibob ​/θŋəməbɒb/ ​82
sunny ​/sni/ ​29 takeaway ​/tekəwe/ ​24 thingumijig ​/θŋəmidg/ ​82
sunny disposition ​29 takeover ​/tekəυvə/ ​7 thingummy ​/θŋəmi/ ​82
superficial ​ /supəfʃəl/ ​8 talk behind someone’s back ​12 thingy ​/θŋi/ ​82, 97
super-rich 40 talk shop ​5 think back ​77
superscript ​/supəskrpt/ ​81 talk someone through  4 thinking back ​77
superstitious ​/supəstʃəs/ ​37 talkative ​/tɔkətv/ ​8 third year (student) 98
supervisor ​/supəvazə/ ​4, 99 tally ​/tli/ ​78 thirst ​/θst/ ​13
supplement ​ /splment/ ​47 tame ​/tem/ ​32 This is just not on! ​73
supportive ​/səpɔtv/ ​7, 12 tantalisingly ​/tntəlazŋli/ ​49 This is like a bad dream! 94
surf the web ​48 tantamount ​ /tntəmaυnt/ ​68 thought-provoking ​/θɔtprəvəυkŋ/ ​21
surgery ​ /sdəri/ ​51 tap ​/tp/ ​98 threefold ​/θrifəυld/ ​71
Surrealism ​ /sərəlzəm/ ​21 tap useful sources ​50 the three Rs ​/θri ɑz/ ​2
Surrealist ​/sərəlst/ ​21 tap your fingers ​9 thrifty ​/θrfti/ ​8
surveillance ​/sveləns/ ​35 task ​/tɑsk/ ​92 thrilled to bits ​13
suspicion ​ /səspʃən/ ​35 tax-free ​ /tksfri/ ​87 thrive (on) ​/θrav/ ​31
sustainable development ​33, 45 team player ​3 throb ​/θrɒb/ ​52
swallow up ​7 teamwork ​ /timwk/ ​6 throbbing ache ​52

English Vocabulary in Use Advanced 295

through the back door ​30 traffic-light labelling ​23 uncooperative ​/nkəυɒpərətv/ ​34
through train ​26 trail ​/trel/ ​98 undemanding ​/ndmɑndŋ/ ​21
throw somebody completely ​94 trailer ​/trelə/ ​49 undeniably ​/ndnaəbli/ ​42
throw yourself into ​95 trainee  /treni/ 4 under- ​/ndə/ ​86
thug ​/θ/ ​100 tramp ​ /trmp/ ​61 under a cloud ​29
thunder ​ /θndə/ ​29 trample ​/trmpl/ ​61 under guarantee ​34
thunderous ​/θndərəs/ ​29 transfer ​ /trnsf/ ​26 under pressure  4
thunderous applause ​29 transient ​ /trnziənt/ ​60 under the weather ​52
thundery ​/θndəri/ ​29 transparent ​ /trnsprənt/ ​21 under warranty ​34
(in a) tick ​/tk/ ​60 traumatic ​ /trɔmtk/ ​69 undercover police ​35
tidal power ​58 treaty ​ /triti/ ​74 underestimate ​/ndərestmet/ ​86
tight ​/tat/ ​40 trek ​/trek/ ​27 underfoot ​/ndəfυt/ ​86
tight schedule ​5 tremble ​/trembəl/ ​52 undergraduate ​/ndərduət/ ​2
tighten your belt ​40 trend-setter ​/trendsetə/ ​17 underhand ​/ndəhnd/ ​86
till the cows come home ​60 trespass (n. and v.) ​/trespəs/ ​43 underlying ​/ndəlaŋ/ ​86
time-conscious ​87 trespasser ​ /trespəsə/ ​43 undermine ​/ndəman/ ​86
time-consuming ​/tamkənsjumŋ/ ​16 trespassing ​ /trespəs/ ​43 underscore ​/ndəskɔ/ ​80
tinge ​/tnd/ ​65 trial run  4 undersigned ​/ndəsand/ ​101
tiptoe ​/tptəυ/ ​61 trickle ​/trkl/ ​61, 93 understaffed ​/ndəstɑft/ ​86
title ​/tatl/ ​81 tricky ​/trki/ ​69 understated ​/ndəstetd/ ​20
titter ​/ttə/ ​62 trigger ​ /trə/ ​79 undertake ​/ndətek/ ​42
to be fed up to the back teeth ​94 triumph ​ /traəmf/ ​50 unforgettable ​/nfəetəbəl/ ​20
tolerant ​/tɒlərənt/ ​8 truce ​/trus/ ​44, 74 unfurnished ​/nfnʃt/ ​18
toll ​/təυl/ ​25 trudge ​ /trd/ ​61 uniform ​/junfɔm/ ​17
tongue-in-cheek ​ /tŋntʃik/ ​21 true friend ​12 uninspiring ​/nnspaərŋ/ ​21
tongue-tied ​/tŋtad/ ​84 truthful ​ /truθfəl/ ​12 unity ​/junəti/ ​42
tonic ​/tɒnk/ ​89 tuition fees ​2 university ​/junvsəti/ ​98
tons of ​82 tumble ​/tmbəl/ ​66 university-led ​87
toot ​/tut/ ​63 tundra ​ /tndrə/ ​28 unkempt ​/nkempt/ ​9
topic ​/tɒpk/ ​90 turban ​ /tbən/ ​89 unlimited mileage ​26
torture ​/tɔtʃə/ ​69 turn green ​65 unprecedented ​/npresdəntd/ ​61
tot things up ​71 turn over a new leaf ​76 unprincipled ​/nprnsəpld/ ​8
total flop ​20 turn sour ​12, 23 unprocessed ​/nprəυsest/ ​23
totter ​ /tɒtə/ ​66 turquoise ​/tkwɑz/ ​65 unquestionably ​/nkwestʃənəbli/ ​70
touch upon ​80 TV shopping channel ​7 unrest ​/nrest/ ​44
touchscreen ​/ttʃskrin/ ​56 twist your ankle ​52 unrivalled ​/nravəld/ ​27
touch-type ​/ttʃtap/ ​81 twitch ​/twtʃ/ ​9, 62 unsavoury ​/nsevəri/ ​23
tough ​/tf/ ​69 two-faced ​/tufest/ ​12 unscrupulous ​/nskrupjələs/ ​8
tourist sector ​27 twofold ​/tufəυld/ ​71 unstimulating ​/nstmjυletŋ/ ​21
tow-away zone ​25 two-tier system ​2 unstinting ​/nstntŋ/ ​8
tower ​ /taυə/ ​30 typecast ​/tapkɑst/ ​20 unsupportive ​/nsəpɔtv/ ​12
tower above ​30 typeface ​/tapfes/ ​81 unsurpassed ​/nsəpɑst/ ​49
tower block ​/taυə blɒk/ ​18 typescript ​/tapskrpt/ ​81 unswerving loyalty ​12
tower of strength ​30 tyrannical ​/trnkl/ ​44 untruthful ​/ntruθfəl/ ​12
toxic waste ​33 tyre tread ​25 unwieldy ​/nwildi/ ​64
trace back to ​37 UFO ​/juefəυ/ ​85 unwind ​/nwand/ ​27
track ​/trk/ ​34 ultimately ​/ltmətli/ ​41 up- ​/p/ ​86
tract ​/trkt/ ​27 umpteen ​/mptin/ ​82 up against it ​69
trade down ​7 unacceptable ​/nəkseptəbəl/ ​73, 92 up to your neck ​69
trade union representation ​55 unapproachable ​ /nəprəυtʃəbəl/ ​10 up-and-coming ​/pəŋkmŋ/ ​20
trade up ​7 unbeatable ​ /nbitəbəl/ ​27 upend ​/pend/ ​90
trade war ​45 uncontrolled ​/nkəntrəυld/ ​33 upgrade ​/pred/ ​86
traffic warden ​/trfk wɔdən/ ​35 unconvincing ​/nkənvnsŋ/ ​20 uphold ​/phəυld/ ​42, 43, 90

296 English Vocabulary in Use Advanced

upload ​/pləυd/ ​48 waterfront ​ /wɔtəfrnt/ ​27 widespread ​/wadspred/ ​79
upper case ​/pə kes/ ​81 waterproof ​ /wɔtəpruf/ ​87 wi-fi ​/wafa/ ​56, 85
upper deck ​26 wave power ​58 wild ​/wald/ ​32
upset ​/pset/ ​90 wayward ​/wewəd/ ​69 will ​
/wl/ ​15, 46
up-to-the-minute ​/ptəðəmnt/ ​17 wealth of ​27 wilt ​/wlt/ ​31
upturn ​ /ptn/ ​86 weaponry ​/wepənri/ ​44 wind farm ​/wnd fɑm/ ​58
urge on ​95 webinar ​/webnɑ/ ​48, 88 wind up ​84
usage ​ /jusd/ ​38 wedding party ​19 window ​/wndəυ/ ​30
USB ​/juesbi/ ​85 weed out ​31 window of opportunity ​30
useless ​ /jusləs/ ​92 weigh ​/we/ ​64 winds of change ​29
usual aches and pains ​52 weigh in ​64 winds of democracy ​29
uterus ​/jutərəs/ ​15 weigh on ​64 winds of discontent ​29
utilise ​/jutlaz/ ​79, 97 weigh out ​64 wind-up ​/wandp/ ​84
utter ​/tə/ ​13 weigh up ​64 windy ​/wndi/ ​29
utter bliss ​13 weighed down ​64 wine and dine ​24
utterly ​/təli/ ​92 weighty ​/weti/ ​64 wireless ​/waələs/ ​97
vaccination certificate ​35 well-endowed ​/welndaυd/ ​2 wiry ​/waəri/ ​9
vague memory ​77 well-matched ​11 wish ​/wʃ/ ​70
value for money ​26 well-off ​/welɒf/ ​2 wish to complain about ​73
valueless ​ /vljuləs/ ​17 well-qualified ​1 with regard to ​101
variable ​ /veəriəbəl/ ​71 well-balanced ​/welblənst/ ​10 with the compliments of ​101
VAT ​ /vt/ /vieti/ ​85 What a drag!  69 withdraw ​/wðdrɔ/ ​46
vegan  /viən/ 23 What a pain!  69, 94 wither ​/wðə/ ​31
vegetation ​/vedteʃən/ ​28 what became of …?  77 withering ​/wðərŋ/ ​31
verbose ​ /vbəυs/ ​8 what stands/sticks out in my mind ​77 withering glance ​31
verdict ​/vdkt/ ​43 What’s bugging him?  69 withering look ​31
version ​ /vʃən/ ​20 What’s eating him?  69 withering remark ​31
veto ​ /vitəυ/ ​72 What’s got into him?  69 without a murmur ​84
viewpoint ​ /vjupɔnt/ ​36 What’s up with him?  69 without value ​17
Viking ​/vakŋ/ ​89 whatchamacallit ​ /wɒtʃəməkɔlt/ ​82 witty ​/wti/ ​8
violation ​/vaəleʃən/ ​40 whatnot ​ /wɒtnɒt/ ​82 woman after your own heart ​11
VIP ​/viapi/ ​85 whatsername ​ /wɒtsənem/ ​82, 97 womb ​/wum/ ​15
virgin ​ /vdn/ ​27 whatsisname ​/wɒtsznem/ ​82, 97 woollen ​ /wυlən/ ​87
visit a website ​92 whatsit ​/wɒtst/ ​82 word stock ​89
visually literate ​21 when! ​/wen/ ​24 work like a dream ​94
vivid ​/vvd/ ​65 whereby ​/weəba/ ​79 workaholic ​ /wkəhɒlk/ ​16
voluntary redundancy ​6 whine ​/wan/ ​84 worker-led ​87
volunteer ​ /vɒləntə/ ​5 whinge ​/wnd/ ​73, 84 working relationship ​5
vomiting ​/vɒmtŋ/ ​53 whingeing ​/wndŋ/ ​73 work–life balance  6
vow ​ /vaυ/ ​76 whirlwind ​/wlwnd/ ​29 workload ​/wkləυd/ ​5
wage war on ​44 whirlwind romance ​29 workmate ​/wkmet/ ​5
wager ​/wedə/ ​76 white ​/wat/ ​65 work-obsessed ​8
wail ​ /wel/ ​63 white as a sheet ​65 workplace ​/wkples/ ​6
wake ​/wek/ ​15 white as snow ​65 worried ​ /wrid/ ​70
walk on air ​13 white-collar worker ​65 worsen ​/wsən/ ​87
warlord ​/wɔlɔd/ ​39 white-knuckle ​ /watnkl/ ​65 worst-case scenario ​/wstkes snɑriəυ/ ​
warm-blooded ​ /wɔmbldd/ ​32 whiter than white ​65 33
war-torn ​/wɔtɔn/ ​45 whizz ​/wz/ ​66 worthless ​/wθləs/ ​21
washable ​ /wɒʃəbəl/ ​87 wholefood ​/həυlfud/ ​23 -worthy ​ /wði/ ​87
waste ​ /west/ ​93 wholesome ​ /həυlsəm/ ​23 write down ​81
waste disposal ​/west dspəυzəl/ ​33 wide open spaces ​59 write up ​1, 81
water down ​64 widely ​/wadli/ ​75 wrong ​/rɒŋ/ ​92
water security ​33 wide-ranging ​/wadrendŋ/ ​41 wrongly ​/rɒŋli/ ​50

English Vocabulary in Use Advanced 297

wry ​/ra/ ​22 You bet! ​76 Yours faithfully  3
-y ​/wa/ ​65 You must be joking! 70 zero hours contract  55
yearn ​/jn/ ​13, 70 You’ve lost me there ​94 zip (v.) ​/zp/ ​66
yell ​/jel/ ​84 your best bet ​76
yob ​/jɒb/ ​100 your other half ​97

298 English Vocabulary in Use Advanced

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