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Renaissance Literature Timeline

13-14TH 1282
1360 1454-1455 1564 1570
In the year 1282 a period of Boccaccio wrote his
The ideas characterizing
new literature began.With
Gutenberg Bible William Shakespeare The Catholic Church
imaginative literature
the Renaissance had
the school of Lapo Gianni, mostly in the Italian hits the (first) and Christopher excommunicates
their origin in late 13th
century Florence, in Guido Cavalcanti, Cino da vernacular, as well as presses Marlowe are born Queen Elizabeth I.
particular in the writings Pistoia, and Dante Alighieri, other works in Latin, and
of Dante Alighieri lyric poetry became is particularly noted for
(1265–1321) and exclusively Tuscan. his realistic dialogue
Petrarch (1304–1374).

1576 1599 1642

1585 1588
The first 1616 The English Civil War
Shakespeare The English fleet commences, and the
successful Globe Theatre is Shakespeare
begins acting in defeats the Puritan parliament bans
permanent built dies
and writing plays Spanish Armada the theatre and closes the
theatre is built. playhouses.
Sources of information:

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