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En base a lo conversado hoy en clase, estaremos ejercitando la traducción [propia] del texto

realizado en el TP anterior. Ante todo, quisiera destacar la importancia de poner el foco en la

idea esencial que desarrollaron; piensen en lo que realmente quieren que le quede impreso
(metafóricamente hablando) a la persona que lo leerá en LE. Como vimos hoy en clase, en este
contexto, la idea de traducir es la de ‘guiar de un lado para otro’. Desde las expresiones, las
formas y el vocabulario que eligen, ustedes son los/las guías interpretativos, los y las que llevan
de un lado para el otro, el trabajo que hicieron. También sugerí que le dieran un título al trabajo
(para los y las que no lo hicieron aún). El título no solo ayuda a encuadrar una idea, sino que
también le da una presentación adecuada al escrito.

Recuerden que trabajamos sobre el eje de la traducción más bien libre (o literaria, como quieran
llamarla), no la literal:

LIBRE _________________________________________________ LITERAL (pxp)

In my family, Argentine culture is important and that is why it is very present. On Sundays I
go to my grandmother's house and we eat empanadas, we listen to national rock, we drink
mate with croissants with dulce de leche in the afternoon. In my family there is also, on my
mother and father's side, Spanish and Italian influences and customs. For example, a Spanish
custom is to take a nap in the afternoon, that calms us down and renews us to continue the
day and an Italian custom is to make homemade pizza with all my family every Sunday. Also
my mother lived in England so my brother and I acquired certain English customs such as
having tea. My mom and I always talk about what the culture is like there and she speaks to
me in English using English slang for me to learn.
All these customs bring us closer as a family, they allow us to have things to talk about and
have a good time together. I am a very shy person and I find it difficult to talk to other people
but the customs in my house give me space to feel more comfortable and have topics of
conversation. For example, talk about music and football.
Everyone in my family has different tastes in music but, when we get together, we listen to a
lot of Charly Garcia`s music, among other artists. Argentines are very passionate and many
are proud of our culture, our athletes and artists. When there are concerts, people sing with all
their energy and they know the lyrics. Many artists gave interviews saying that they had not
performed in front of such a passionate audience. Music, even in different musical genres and
different artists, can bring many people together.
In my house we are all from different football teams and every time there is a game we are all
together watching them, making comments and laughing at the one who loses. There are
people in my family who don't like it and may feel left out. I am not a fan of football but I
think it is a time to enjoy with other people such as friends, family and even with people you
don't know, as in the World Cup that although many do not like it, they would get together
with other people to watch the party and supporting Argentina, and that gives you a feeling of
being part of the collective identity.

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