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1 a.

) Code a C Program to implement the following various operations for Stack ADT using array
implementation. i.) Push ii.) Pop iii.) Display. (40)

b.) Code a C Program to check whether the given number is in the list using linear search. (40)

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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

2 a.) Code a C Program to implement the following various operations for Queue ADT using
array implementation. i.) Insert ii.) Delete iii.) Display. (40)

b.) Code a C Program to check whether the given number is in the list using binary search. (40)

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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

3 a.) Write a C Program to implement the following various operations for List ADT using array
. implementation. i.) Create ii.) Insert iii.) Erase iv.) Traverse (40)
b.) Write a C Program to sort the following numbers using Insertion sort:
67, 53, 82, 7,11,3, 101 (40)
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

4 a.) Write a C Program to implement the following various operations for List ADT using array
implementation. i.) Create ii.) Traverse iii.) Search. (40)

b.) Write a C Program to sort the following numbers using Bubble sort:

57, 83, 62, 5,17,9, 111 (40)

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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

5. a)Code a C program to implement Stack ADT by using linked list for the following operations i.)
Push b.) Pop c.) Display. (40)

b.) Write a C Program to sort the following numbers using Selection sort: 241,37,78, 16, 15,7

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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

6. a.) Code a C program to implement Queue ADT by using linked list for the following operations

i.) Enqueue ii.) Dequeue iii.) Display (40)

b.)Write a c program to sort the n elements using insertion sort. (40)

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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

7. a.) Using C program to implement List ADT by using linked list for the following operations
i.) Create ii.) Insert iii.) Traverse iv.) Search. (40)
b.) Write a C Program to sort the elements using Bubble sort. (40)
Aim Program Output Viva- Record Total Mark
& in
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

8. a.) Code a C program to implement List ADT by using linked list for the following operations
i.) Create ii.) Traverse iii.) Find. iv.) Delete (40)
b.) Code a C Program to check whether the given number is in the list using linear search.(40)
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Internal Examiner External Examiner

9. a.) Write a C program to convert an infix expression to postfix expression using Stack ADT.(40)
b.) Write a C program to implement the binary traversal method. (40)
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

10. a.) Write a C program to implement the addition of two polynomials using linked list. (40)

b.) Code a C Program to check whether the given number is in the list using linear search. (40)
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

11. a.) Write a C program to construct a binary tree and display the nodes using inorder, preorder and
postorder traversals. (40)
b.) Code a C Program to check whether the given number is in the list using binary search. (40)
Aim Program Output Viva- Record Total Mark
& in
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Results Words

35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

12. a.) Create a node for BinaryTree and implement the following operations in the tree Create, Search
and Preorder traversal and Postorder traversal using C program. (40)
b.) Write a C Program to sort the following numbers using Insertion sort:
16, 43, 92, 9, 71, 88, 7,3 (40)
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

13. a.) Write a C Program for BinarySearchTree with the following operations Create, Insert, Delete
and View. (40)
b.) Write a C Program to sort the following numbers using Bubble sort: 117, 83, 4, 3,17,9, 29

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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

14. a.) Write a C Program for BinaryTree with the following operations Create, Insert (40)
b.) Write a C Program to sort the following numbers using Selection sort: 24,17,48, 6, 19,8 (40)
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

15. a.) Write a C program to implement queue ADT using linked list implementation (40)
b.) Write a simple C program to narrate the execution of sorting using insertion sort (or)
selection sort (or) bubble sort.The elements are 96,56,15,22,18,5,2.
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

16. a.) Execute the push and pop operations performed on a stack of size 5 using C program(40) b.)
Write a C Program to sort the following numbers using insertion sort: 6, 23, 18, 11, 69, 15 (40)
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

17. a.) Write a C program to implement FIFO structure using array. (40)
b.) Write a C Program to convert the infix expression a+ (b*c-d)/e into postfix expression (40)

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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

18. a.) Write a C program to implement the operations of List ADT using linked list and perform the
following (40)
i. Create a Linked list with the elements 11,22,44,55 ii)Insert 33 after 22
iii Delete the element 22 from the list. iv)Display the elements.
b.) Code a C Program to check whether the given number is in the list using linear search. (40)
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35 25 10 10 100
a.) Write a C Program to implement LIFO structure. Use Linked List implementation.(40)

b.) Write a C Program to implement to find the element in a list in a sequential order. (40)
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

20. a.) Implement First In First Out order of queue ADT using arrays in C. (40)

b.) Code a C Program to check whether the given number is in the list using linear search. (40)
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

21. a.) Execute the push and pop operations performed on a stack of size 5 using C program. (40)

b.) Write a C program to sort the n elements using Selection sort. (40)
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

22. a.) Implement First In First Out order of queue ADT using arrays in C. (40)

b.) Write a C Program to convert the infix expression a+ (b*c-d)/e into postfix expression.
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35 25 10 10 100
Internal Examiner External Examiner
23. a.) Write a C program to implement queue ADT using linked list implementation (40)

b.) Write a C program to sort the elements using bubble sort (40)
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

24. a.) How will you apply stack in converting Infix to postfix using C? Write a program to implement
the same. (40)
b.) Write a C program to implement FIFO structure using array (40)
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

25. a.) Explain programmatically using C, how to perform the different traversals in a binary tree. (40)
b.) Write a C Program to convert the infix expression a+ (b*c-d)/e into postfix expression. (40)
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

26. a.) Write a C program to construct a binary tree and display the nodes using inorder, preorder and
postorder traversals. (40)
b.) Code a C Program to check whether the given number is in the list using binary search. (40)
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

27. a.) Write a C Program for BinarySearchTree with the following operations Create, Insert and
delete .(40)
b.) Write a C Program to sort the following numbers using Selection sort: 24,17,48, 6, 19,8 (40)
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

28. a.) Code a C Program to implement the following various operations for Queue ADT using
array implementation. i.) Insert ii.) Delete iii.) Display. (40)
b.) Code a C Program to check whether the given number is in the list using binary search.
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

29. a.) Write a C program to implement an application of list ADT - Polynomial subtraction. (40)
b.) How to implement the search operation on a binary search tree, after performing insertion
operation using C. (40)
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

30. a.) How to locate an element in an array using (40)

i)linear search
ii)binary search
b .) Write a C program to add the polynomial equations 2x^2+5x^1+3x^0 and
6x^2+3x^1+7x^0. For addition use List ADT. (40)
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35 25 10 10 100
Internal Examiner External Examiner
a.) Extract the coefficient of a given exponent and write a program to perform addition using lists
31. in C. (40)
b.) Write a C Program to sort the following numbers using Selection sort: 241,37,78, 16, 15,7
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

a.) Write a C program to implement stack ADT using linked list implementation (40)

b.) Explain programmatically using C, how to perform the different traversals in a binary
tree. (40)
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Program Record Total in
Procedure Voce
Results Words

35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

a.) Create a node for BinaryTree and implement the following operations in the tree Create,
Search and Preorder traversal and Postorder traversal using C program. (40)
b.) Write a C Program to sort the following numbers using Insertion sort:
16, 43, 92, 9, 71, 88, 7,3 (40)
Output Mark
Aim & Viva-
Program Record Total in
Procedure Voce
Results Words
35 25 10 10 100
Internal Examiner External Examiner
a.) Write a C Program for BinarySearchTree with the following operations Create, Insert,
Findmin and Findmax. (40)

b.) Write a C Program to sort the following numbers using Selection sort: 24,17,48, 6, 19,8
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

a. Write a C program to add the polynomial equations 2x^2+5x^1+3x^0 and 6x^2+3x^1+7x^0.
For addition use List ADT. (40)
b)Write a C program to sort the elements using bubble sort (40)
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

39. a.)Write a C Program to create a binary tree and obtain the order of the nodes by applying various
tree traversal methods. (40)

b.)How to locate an element in an array using binary search. 32,23,20,50,40,60

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Program Record Total in
Procedure Voce
Results Words
35 25 10 10 100
Internal Examiner External Examiner
a. )Write a C program to implement LIFO structure. Use array implementation. (40)
b. )Write a C Program to implement to find the element in a list in a sequential order. (40)
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35 25 10 10 100

Internal Examiner External Examiner

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