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Mental Health in Brazilian Amazonian States

Michele KADRI, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation--National School of Public Health, Brazil

Abstract Text:

Background: In Brazil, there is no open access information system with mental health indicators, which
hinders epidemiological studies and scientific production to support mental health policy decisions. The
situation greatly impacts places already suffering from under-assistance in health, such as the Amazon
region. This study aimed to survey the scientific production on mental health of the Brazilian Amazonian

Methods: We use data from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD - 2017) on health problems that
indicate mental disorder: anxiety, depression, alcohol and drug use. We compared national data with the
nine states that is part of the Brazilian Amazon. We also made a survey of the scientific evidences in the
Amazon region and offering postgraduate programs in universities and local research centers.

Results: GBD data show that the indicators of illness and risk of death due to mental illness are higher
in the average of the Amazon states than the national average. The Pubmed and Virtual National Health
Library (BVS) systematic review survey identified only six papers. About the production of knowledge,
only two research groups dedicated to mental health in the region is registered in CNpQ database.
There are only seven mental health postgraduate programs in five states of the region.

Conclusion: There is an open field for advancing scientific research in mental health in Brazil. The lack
of an information system with mental health indicators makes epidemiological surveys difficult across
the country. Information is even more precarious in areas where Unified Health System has been
historically underdeveloped, such as the Amazon. Allied to this, the small number of studies and
research groups dedicated to the theme, further aggravates the invisibility of the mental health issue in
the Amazonian populations.

Group: RC49 Mental Health and Illness

Session Selection: Economic Inequality,Intersectionality,Mental Distress and Related Health Outcomes

Among Women in Developing and Industrialized Areas

Title: Mental Health in Brazilian Amazonian States

Submitter's E-mail Address:

Keywords: Amazonia, Brazilian Unified Health System and Mental Health

First Author
Primary Author
Michele KADRI
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation--National School of Public Health, Brazil
E-mail Address:

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