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Global Web Directions: Interactions among different parts of the world directly affect you in ways that you may not fully understand. This lesson will help you to understand the bigger picture of global interactions and the effects that each part of this chain has directly on you. Learning Goals: | will be able to identify the impact of globalization on myself and the rest of the world. | will then be able to analyze how a product they are interested in connects to various parts of the world through interconnected global trade. Rewritten Learning Goals: Review: e What is Imperialism? e How did this affect the development of countries around the world? ¢ Which ones benefitted and which ones were held back by it? Pros and Cons of Globalization Pros Cons 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. 6. 6. 7. 7. 8. 8. 9. 9. 10. 10. Take a look at all the positives and negatives listed above. e Can you find a current news event that relates to one of these positives or negatives? e What is your argument for why this applies to this specific pro/con? World Playlist Directions: Think about the last song you listened to. Then answer the questions below. We will use this to show the connection between various parts of the world in the music that we listen to. What is the last piece of music you listened to? Where is that artist from? What label distributed the music? Where are they based? What app/service did you get the music from? Who created it and where are they from? How many countries are involved in giving you access to that one specific song? (Add a relevant image for that song) Use the Mindmeister Web Tool to develop a Thought Web that connects a specific product and the process/connections it has to various countries around the world. Then write a short response that examines how this product goes from an idea to something you can hold in your hands. Consider how one interruption of this process affects you personally, and finally whether or not you personally believe globalization to be a positive or negative thing. Here is an example: Link to my MindMeister Playstation is made in China by a Japanese company and uses parts made in America before being sold to countries like the U.S., U.K. Germany, Canada, Mexico, etc. Students will examine why all these steps are taken for a company like Sony (profit, global economics, etc.). If any aspect of this is changed, for example if the chips needed to make this are no longer available, then it prevents me from buying one due to their being a limited amount of them. | think globalization is ultimately a good thing because it ensures that we all can be provided with the same opportunities and benefits, even if that is not how it always works out. Link to your Mindmeister: Summarize the Global Web of your product:

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