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LIFE, WORKS, AND WRITINGS OF RIZAL PI 11 MIDTERM LESSON 2 RIZAL’S EXILE, TRIAL, EXECUTION, AND MARTYRDOM 4 RIZAL’S RETURN TO THE PHILIPPINES AND THE LA LIGA FILIPINA Upon Rizal's arrival in the Philippines in June of 1892, he spent his days visiting friends and setting schedules for meeting with Spanish Governor General Eulogio Despujol to present his Borneo proposals and to request for pardon for his father and other family members in exile. His arrival also enlivened the creation of La Liga Filipina on July 3, 1892. It was an organization that promotes good socio-economic life of the Filipinos. Its constitution was originally drafted by his friend in Hong Kong, Jose Ma. Basa. Rizal founded the organization with other Filipinos like Doroteo Ongjuco, Deodato Arellano, Apolinario Mabini, Andres Bonifacio, and many others as members and officers. However, the organization was short lived due to Rizal's arbitrary arrest because of his allegedly written “Pobres Frailles’ under the pen name “P. Jacinto”. RIZAL’S DEPORTATION AND EXILE On July 7, 1892, Despujol released his Gubernatorial decree ordering the deportation of Jose Rizal in Dapitan. Rizal was detained in Fort Santiago for nine (9) days before he was deported on July 15, 1892, to Dapitan where he would be spending the next four (4) years of his life. With his deportation, the La Liga Filipina died its natural death. + Rizal was handed over to Captain Ricardo Carcinero, the political military governor of Dapitan, an isolated Spanish outpost in northern Mindanao. + He won in a lottery with Captain Carcinero and Francisco Equilor. He bought land in Talisay. He had a house, a clinic, and a school constructed on his land. RIZAL’S DEPORTATION AND EXILE + In appreciation of Carcinero’s kindness and generosity, Rizal composed a poem entitled “A Don Ricardo Carcinero” + After a few weeks of familiarizing himself with his new environment, Rizal found himself busy with a round of activities for Dapitan and its people. Y He opened a school for young boys in his neighborhood ¥ He practiced his medicine profession Y He completed the eye surgery for his mother v He continued to correspond and send various species of plants, animals, and insects to the European scientists. ¥ He constructed a huge relief map of Mindanao at the town plaza with the help of Fr. Sanchez. ¥ He helped in the livelihood of the people Y He studied the native medicinal plants of Dapitan so he could prescribe this to his patients. . RIZAL’S DEPORTATION AND eta + Animal species named after Rizal ¥ Rhacophorus rizali — a frog ¥ Apogonia rizali —a beetle + Poems written while he was in Dapitan ¥ El Canto del Viajero v El Ricardo Carcinero + Two important literary works of Rizal while in exile Y Himno Al Talisay v Mi Retiro > He wrote this poems in response to his mother’s request that Rizal should revive his interest in poetry writing. RIZAL’S DEPORTATION AND EXILE Though Rizal’s Dapitan exile made him busy, love life still had some place in his time and took place when a young Irish woman arrived in Dapitan. Josephine Bracken’s arrival changed Rizal’s routine. The passing days, he found himself head over heels in love with Josephine, who in turn reciprocated Rizal’s feeling for her. In less than a moth after Josephine’s arrival, Rizal asked her to become his lifetime partner. When he heard about the news that the Spanish government is in seeking for a physician to work in Cuba, Rizal immediately applied and was accepted. However, while boarding for Cuba, the Spanish government with the intervention of Manila Archbishop Bernardino Nozaleda, ordered for the immediate arrest of Jose Rizal and repatriation. TRIAL OF RIZAL + In Manila, he was imprisoned in Fort Santiago. He was tried on the charges of rebellion, sedition, and illegal association. + There were two (2) kinds of evidences presented during the preliminary investigation: ¥ Documentary evidences — culled from the following: o Letters of Antonio Luna, Marcelo H. del Pilar, Carlos Oliver, and Rizal himself. o Poems entitled “Kundiman” and “Himno Al Talisay” o The transcript of speeches of Emilio Jacinto and Jose T. Santiago Y Testimonial evidences — consisted of oral statements of people who have been associated with him like: > Jose Dizon, Deodato Arellano, Pio Valenzuela, Timoteo Paez, Pedro Laktaw. TRIAL OF RIZAL + The verdict of death sentence was read to Rizal on December 29, 1896. Y¥ With only 24 hours left, Rizal sent a note to his family as he wants to see them before his execution. + Rizal wrote his Mi Ultimo Adios in the cell. This poem was the longest, untitled poem written by Rizal on December 29, 1896. This poem was remarkable for it achieves four separate purposes: v It is a poem of farewell v It is an appeal to the Filipinos not to forget him v It is Rizal’s last will and testament v It is Rizal’s autobiography RIZAL’S EXECUTION AND MARTYRDOM + Rizal woke up early despite the physical and mental fatigue he had the previous days. After taking his breakfast at 5:30 in the morning, he took time to write two letters: ¥ Letter for his family Y Letter for Paciano + “Imitation of Christ” by Thomas Kemphis — his last gift to Josephine Bracken. + Rizal wrote a letter to his father. + He also prepared a letter for his mother, but he was not able to complete it as the trumpet sounded at 6:30 in the morning , signaling the beginning of his death march. RIZAL’S EXECUTION AND MARTYRDOM + As the commander shouted FUEGO, the guns of the firing squad rang out in a row. Shouts of “Viva Espafia” could be heard all over the place at exactly 7:03 in the morning + Rizal had died but he lives in the hearts of the people, as a martyr to Filipino freedom. He had become a hero, an icon for all to follow in his undying love for the country. REFERENCES eet Rer eRe BC Ru Ro ae oe eae ec eae Zaide; Jose Rizal: Life, Works and Writings of a Genius, Writer, Scientist and National Hero; All Nations Melee ae NCU ee Ca a ee eS

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