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LÂM YẾN NGHI – 20101191

Topic: Write your analysis essay about the qualities that make a person

In our lives, admirable people who are talented, achieve success, and their
actions have an impact on young people. They can serve as good role models
for us to follow. In my opinion, optimism and humility are two important
qualities that make a person admired.
Firstly, an optimist can inspire, share with others and help them have a
better, positive mindset, so a person worthy of admiration must be an
optimist. Optimistic people endure failure or unspeakable pain while
attempting to maintain a positive outlook on life. They have learned to pass
the challenge to succeed. As a result, optimists deserve to be admired. They
always choose to try rather than give up. For example, during the covid 19
pandemic, many patients have been striving and optimistic to overcome the
epidemic. Finally, they recovered their health. Secondly, humility is an
important quality that makes an admirable person. Humble people recognize
and accept their own abilities as well as their strengths and weaknesses. They
work hard to improve their skills every day. They accept their limitations and
work hard to improve themselves. For instance, Ho Chi Minh President
always chooses a simple lifestyle. 
In conclusion, to be an admirable person, you must have the necessary
qualities. Optimism and humility will help you achieve your dream and have
success in life. 

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