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For a long time, black people have been historically oppressed in America.

Millions of black
people were enslaved and provided manual labor during the 1600s and the 1860s. During the
early 1900, black people experienced racial segregation in learning institutions. During this
period, black people were not allowed to attend schools dominated by white students. During the
American revolutionary war in 1775, the Americans used the black soldiers to fight the British
army, who were also using black soldiers. Besides fighting in the war, black people provided
labor in the cash crop plantations, which the people owned. Since the historical period, the black
man has been mistreated and exploited by the white man. Moreover, little has been done to
change this up to the present century.

Racism has dominated American institutions. Black people have lately been more susceptible to
brutal treatment by the police. When found in mistakes, the punishments inflicted on blacks are
relatively harsher than those imposed on whites committing similar crimes. George Floyd is a
recent example of how the American police cruelly treat black people. White police used his
knee to press down George for more than minutes incurring injures that led to his subsequent
death. Black people are experiencing unfair and cruel treatment by the military and security
institutions in America, thus need to advocate the critical race theory.

The critical race theory is rooted in social justice and therefore aims at promoting racial equality
in the United States. The theory seeks to dismantle the systemic racism that has clouded the
education system in providing equal opportunities to all races. The theory emphasizes the ant-
race ideals and is thus essential in medical research and practice. The theory ensures that black
people's rights are well defined and respected to limit their exploitation or unfair treatment. After
the Tuskegee study, this pated a discriminative picture to the black syphilis patients. Therefore,
the critical race theory is an essential tool in ensuring the equality of all regardless of their ethnic
or racial backgrounds.

The factor of race has influenced the process of educational hiring and allocation of educational
funds. Schools dominated by white students receive more government funding compared to
schools dominated by black students. The white-dominated schools also receive qualified
instructional services, while the black schools in rural regions are provided with less competent
educational services. Herbert Lehman high school, dominated by black students, has poorly
furnished classrooms and uses broken and poorly conditioned laptops for their learning. Minority
schools receive $23 billion in funding less than white-dominated schools every year. Racial
segregation, therefore, still dominates the American institutions leading to unfair allocations of
learning resources in American schools.

Despite advocating for the equal treatment of all regardless of race, critical race theory has faced
strong opposition. Most Americans believe that the theory paints all Americans as oppressors
while black people are viewed as victims. According to most Americans, this is unfair to anti-
racist white people. In 2020, President Trump advocated banning teaching theory learning
institutions. According to the president, the theory made most Americans feel guilty, while the
blacks played the victim every time to gain more favors. Despite the theory attempting to protect
the rights of the highly marginalized people in the society, it is likely to promote laziness among
the minority groups who will tend to expect favorable treatment every time because of their non-
white race. However, the theory has proved critical in ensuring racial equality in American

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