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It’s time to keep garment in the “donate” bag my mind

suddenly comes up with ten different

my promise
situations where I could wear it again.
However, what I’ve come to realize after
my many failed attempts of throwing out
old clothes is that the chance of those ten
For years I’ve been making promises to my
occasions ever occurring is about as low as
clothes. ‘Someday I will set you free. I will
the chance of seeing the pope twerk on live
pack you up in a bag and drop you off at
television. If I’m to keep my promise and
the nearest second-hand store so you may
finally let my imprisoned clothes walk
seek your fortune in the big wide world’.
free, I must first dissuade the illusion that I
Sadly, I have not fulfilled my promise.
will ever need or want them again.
Like a jailor, I have cruelly bound to me in
chains clothes who might have otherwise The final and most important thing I’ll
lived happily ever after with somebody have to do if my promise is going to be
who cherishes them. Alone on their anything more than empty words is to stop
hangers in the deepest and darkest parts of buying garments I don’t 100% love. That
my closet, they have slowly started to fade I’ve previously bought clothes solely
away, soon to become prey to the foul and because they were trendy or because they
ravenous moths who live there. were on sale is the root of my problem and
the reason why my closet is full of unused
But no more! I have made my wardrobe
garments to begin with. From here on, I
resolutions just one too many times and
won’t buy any garment that doesn’t scream
this year is the year that they will finally
me and if I don’t want to wear it
come to pass. I speak of many things. Of
immediately, it’s not allowed into my
venturing into the musty depths where the
closet. Actually, it wouldn’t even fit. There
hideous mistakes lurk, plucking them
is already a forest of abandoned clothes
bravely from their perches and owning up.
inside desperately struggling to see the
‘Yes, yes, I bought that leather jacket with
light of day.
a sewn-in sweater, and yes it makes me
look like a stuffed monkey, BUT IT WAS
Far worse, I speak of admitting to the very
expensive mistakes, clothes I’ve bought
which I wear exactly once a year, and
which make me feel about as alluring as a
back pimple. Those mistakes don’t come
cheap and might ultimately even cost me
my sanity. Staring at the blue fishing hat
with hotdog prints on it which I bought for
60$ last year certainly makes me feel like
I’ve got bats in the belfry. Olivia Bank
Unfortunately, the hardest thing about
purging one’s closet isn’t admitting to your
past shopping mistakes but letting go of
them. Whenever I try to put down a

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