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Impact on Clinical Guidelines for Medical and
Surgical Management

Morris L. Gavant, MD

Modern civilian trauma centers and their ad- tected by complicated, invasive, or expensive
vanced ambulance and communication networks procedures, such as aortography, selective angi-
were developed after the success of the US mili- ography, diagnostic peritoneal lavage, or explor-
tary experience with airborne evacuation of atory l a p a r ~ t o m y . ~Medical
~, treatment of other
wounded soldiers during the Korean and Vietnam injuries was hampered or delayed while these
Wars. These regional acute care systems allow crit- time-consuming studies were performed to ex-
ically injured patients suffering blunt trauma to clude an injury capable of causing fatal internal
receive early medical attention resulting in greater hemorrhage.
likelihood of successful resuscitation and sur- The development of rapid abdominal CT and
vival.Z,3,54,58 nonionic water-soluble contrast media were ad-
Upon arrival at the trauma center, patient triage vancements that improved the ability to exclude
requires rapid hemodynamic stabilization and si- or detect noninvasively, safely, and rapidly internal
multaneous detection and treatment of life-threat- injuries to the abdomen and The chest
ening injuries.52Musculoskeletal injuries are usu- and especially the thoracic aorta, however, re-
ally apparent.l0, 36 Sensory or motor deficits mained difficult areas to evaluate. Cardiovascular
indicate a central nervous system injury. Identifi- and respiratory motion and insufficient resolution
cation of the location and severity of internal injur- of small aortic injuries limited the utility of con-
ies to the chest, abdomen, or pelvic soft tissues, ventional CT. Because the risk of fatal exsanguina-
however, is challenging.30,35 The medical history tion was high, patients underwent thoracic aortog-
and a description of the forces causing the injury raphy regardless of chest CT findings to exclude
may be i n ~ o m p l e t ePhysical
.~~ findings may be even a small aortic injuryz0,31,56
masked by intoxication or neurologic insult^.^ Lab- Volumetric helical or spiral CT slip-ring technol-
oratory findings, although crucial in the resuscita- ogy with continuous data acquisition was intro-
tion of the patient, are nonspecific. Conventional duced in the early 1990s. Improvements in reduc-
radiographs of the torso may be falsely normal, ing motion and volume averaging artifacts
underestimate injury, or technically inadequate.'O, allowed reliable demonstration of the aortic wall
39, 61 Other imaging methods that rely on conven- and lumen so that helical scanning of the chest
tional radiography and fluoroscopy, such as urog- was sufficient for directly excluding or detecting
raphy, cystography, and barium studies, are time aortic injuries.23Today, critical internal injuries of
consuming and evaluate only one organ system the entire torso including the thoracic aorta can be
at risk. detected quickly, even while the patient is being
Until the late 1970s, visceral injuries were de- resuscitated and assessed?, 13, 25* 42, 43, 44,59, *

From the Department of Radiology, University of Tennessee; and Regional Medical Center at Memphis, Elvis Presley
Memorial Trauma Center, Memphis, Tennessee

~~ ~ ~ ~ ~


VOLUME 37 NUMBER 3 MAY 1999 553

The goals of this article are to (1) describe the Patient Assessment: Mechanism of
triage and imaging protocols for screening patients Injury, Physical Findings, and Chest
with helical CT of the chest to detect aortic injur- Radiography
i e ~ , 2(2)
~ review the range of aortic injuries that
may be identified and to propose a grading system The classic triad of mechanism of injury, physi-
to judge the severity of aortic injury detected by cal examination findings, and findings on chest
helical CT?19 and (3) discuss the clinical manage- radiography previously used to screen patients at
ment decisions that should be considered when risk for thoracic aortic injury should not be relied
helical CT detects various types of aortic injury. on for the triage of patients to helical CT. A di-
This review is based on the cIinicaI experience rected medical history and physical examination
gained at a level one trauma center serving the of hemodynamically labile patients must be brief
mid-south region of the United States. Since the and may be incomplete. The easily obtained, inex-
autumn of 1993, over 90 vascular injuries of the pensive, noninvasive, portable chest radiograph is
aorta and great vessels have been detection in over important to detect critical lung, pleural, or bony
10,000 patients who have been screened with heli- injuries. It is frequently suboptimal, for evaluating
cal CT of the chest.12,13, 24, 25 the mediastinum and aorta.
An aortic injury is unlikely in a hemodynami-
cally stable, nonintubated, nonintoxicated patient
with a normal, properly positioned and exposed,
72-in tube-to-film distance, upright chest radio-
GUIDELINES FOR HELICAL CT FOR graph.4l The performance of a technically adequate
EVALUATION OF BLUNT TRAUMA examination, can be quite challenging. A more ac-
curate helical CT study can be completed during
The clinical indication for CT evaluation of pa- the time used to repeat a meticulously performed
tients with blunt injury is not complex. After as- examination. In addition, the chest radiograph can
sessment and hemodynamic stabilization, regard- only detect the secondary findings of aortic injury
less of chest radiographic findings, mechanism of caused by changes in the normal mediastinal mor-
injury, or physical findings, patients with nontriv- phology by hematoma. Many of these secondary
ial blunt trauma should undergo helical CT of findings are subtle or inconsistent and may be
the chest in conjunction with screening CT of the unrelated to an aortic abnormality.10,23, 39, 41 Helical
abdomen, pelvis, brain, or spine to detect the loca- CT directly evaluates the aorta regardless of the
tion and severity of suspected and unsuspected mediastinal findings.12,25, 43 In addition, it detects
internal injuries.12,23, 25 minimal aortic injuries that otherwise go unde-
tected because they have little or no associated
mediastinal hematoma (Figs. 1 and 2).17,3, 4, 38

Hemodynamic Stabilization Nontrivial Blunt Trauma

Typically, patients at risk for suffering aortic in-
Imaging of the thoracic aorta cannot begin until juries are injured in automobile crashes, especially
the patient is hemodynamically stable enough to if they are unrestrained, survive ejection from the
move to the CT or angiographic suite. Portable vehicle, or have other internal injuries. Uncon-
transthoracic ultrasonography performed by emer- scious or intoxicated patients who cannot provide
gency medical technicians in the field or trans- a medical or accident history or reliable physical
esophageal studies by physicians and ultrasonog- examination must be assumed to have nontrivial
raphers in the trauma resuscitation rooms may trauma. Patients injured during uncontrolled falls
allow early noninvasive detection of pleural and or by severe crushing injuries to the chest also
pericardial hemorrhage and even thoracic aortic should be considered at risk for thoracic aortic
injuries. Ultrasonography, however, requires expe- injury.7,8, 1 3 , X
rience and good technical skills to maintain exami- Patients who have suffered criminal assaults,
nation quality and reproducibility. In addition, it falls from a standing position, or are injured in
is further limited because it cannot evaluate all the minor car accidents and have normal physical and
organs susceptible to major injury.5,27, 40 Advances neurologic physical examinations and a normal
in portable CT technology may allow imaging of chest radiograph have suffered trivial trauma and
the chest to begin in the emergency department are not usually suspected of having an aortic in-
even as the resuscitation team makes their initial jury. Traumatic aortic ruptures can be missed, if
approach to the patient. the severity of injury is underestimated in this
If the patient survives to undergo a CT examina- group of patients (Fig. 3).
tion, it is unlikely that he will die from a delayed
rupture of an aortic injury.1z*25,47Given the critical Associated Injuries
nature of the injuries, the occasional death before
or during CT examination or before surgery is not CT of the head and spine should be used to
unexpected. detect or exclude suspected central nervous system

Figure 1. Unsuspected minimal aortic injury. A 32-year-old woman injured in an automobile crash.
A, Small aortic pseudoaneurysm (arrowheads) at the level of the main left pulmonary artery (LPA),
with minimal para-aortic posterior mediastinal hematoma. Also note the wall motion artifact that
surrounds the ascending aorta (A). Normal fat-filled anterior mediastinum bulging the lateral
mediastinal borders. S = Superior vena cava. This was an unsuspected injury that was initially
overlooked. 6, Gated-MR imaging study using open, low-field scanner confirmed the injury
(arrows) and convinced the patient to undergo aortography. C, Digital aortography revealed subtle
injury (curved arrow) best seen on nonsubtracted images in lateral position. Overlying ribs make
the injury difficult to see. The patient underwent successful surgical repair the next day.

Figure 2. Minimal aortic injury (pseudoaneurysm) and bony pelvic injury. An 18-year-old woman
injured in an automobile crash. A, Surgically proven small (less than 1 cm) pseudoaneurysm (arrow-
head). S = SVC; A = ascending aorta; P = main pulmonary artery. Paucity of mediastinalfat makes
detection of hematoma difficult. B,The only other internal injury was a sagittal pelvic fracture through
the right sacrum (arrows).

Figure 3. Unexpected confined aortic injury. A 46-year-old woman injured in an automobile crash.
Transferred for evaluation of hematuria and low back pain. A, Confined aortic injury with pseudoaneu-
rysm and large intimal flap (arrowheads). Small left hemothorax abuts aorta and small left para-
aortic mediastinal hematoma. 6,Three-dimensional maximal intensity projection (MIP) reconstruction
demonstrates relationship of injury (curved arrow) to great vessels. Surgical repair performed without
conventional aortography.

injury (Figs. 2, 4 and 5). Brain injuries are present also have a pelvic fracture (Fig. 7).12,45Thus, CT
in nearly 40% of patients with aortic injuries. Spine examination of the abdomen and pelvis should be
injuries, present in up to 15%, may cause the most routinely performed immediately after the chest
severe long-term morbidity.Iz Also, it is important study.
to know if central nervous system injuries are con-
tributing to any hemodynamic deterioration while HELICAL CT PROTOCOL FOR
the patient undergoes CT examination. EVALUATION OF THE THORACIC AORTA
The same limitations of the medical history and
Preliminary Preparations and Technical
physical examination affect the detection of ab-
dominal or pelvic injurie~.~ Almost a third of pa-
tients with aortic injuries have an abdominal vis- Head, cervical spine, and face CT examinations
ceral injury (Figs. 5 and 6). A third of patients are performed first. The arms are then repositioned

Figure 4. Minimal aortic injury (intimal injury) and fatal head injury, A 40-year-old woman injured in
an automobile crash. A, Small triangular shaped intimal flap or thrombus (arrowhead). No mediasti-
nal hematoma. B, Severe anoxic brain injury with resultant cerebral infarction (arrows) delayed
surgical repair. C,Aortic injury healed by repeat CT 1 week later. Patient died 2 days later from
brain injury.

Figure 5. See legend on opposite page


Figure 6. Fatal traumatic aortic disruption with associated liver injury. A 48-year-old woman injured
in an automobile crash. A, Complete aortic disruption, with an irregular and large pseudoaneurysm
(curved arrows) that displaces the left mainstem bronchus anteriorly. The para-aortic hematoma
displaces the nasogastric tube to the right. 6,Severe injury to the liver (lac). Despite pharmacologic
management of blood pressure and pulse to control aortic wall stresses, the patient died while being
prepared for emergency surgery. Multiple potentially fatal injuries can be identified in the same
patient, obviously complicating surgical triage decisions.

above the head while the x-ray tube cools. Naso- the CT study. Nonionic contrast agents also de-
gastric tubes are not withdrawn because of the crease the risk of idiosyncratic reactions in patients
technical difficulty, inconvenience, and additional who cannot provide a medical history. Finally,
delays when replacing them. The “twinkling” these contrast agents are used to decrease the risk
streak artifacts from these tubes in the esophagus of renal injury from concomitant use of other
become easily recognizable and are rarely a diag- nephrotoxic drugs and antibiotics, renal underper-
nostic problem (See Fig. 5)?3*25, fusion due to hypotension, or myoglobin overload
Respiration is voluntarily suspended. If the pa- from muscle injuries.
tient is intubated, the ventilator is paused. Little After a delay of 25 seconds, a continuous scan
time, however, is invested in these maneuvers. The from the lung apices through the aortic hiatus of
mediastinum is a fixed structure. The thoracic the diaphragm is performed (table speed 7 mm/s,
aorta is more affected by cardiovascular pulsation slice thickness 5 to 7 mm, pitch 1 to 1.4, image
artifacts then those caused by respiratory motion reconstruction every 3.5 mm with a 50% overlap
(see Fig. 1). Except for the juxtadiaphragmatic ar- of images). This results in 50 to 60 images for film
eas, respiratory motion does not limit the ability or monitor review. Rapid playback of the images
to detect lung injuries, pleural fluid collections, on a computer workstation assists in the identifi-
pneumothoraces, or chest and endotracheal tube cation of small aortic injuries and clarification of
p0sitions.5~ artifacts caused by cardiovascular or respiratory
Nonionic contrast media (300 mg I/mL, 2 mL/ motion and streak artifacts from nasogastric or
sec IV) is preferred to reduce somatic side effects endotracheal tubes. Two-dimensional multiplanar
and discomfort, especially nausea and vomiting. and three-dimensional volume reconstructions are
This may decrease the risk of aspiration during esthetically pleasing and help demonstrate ana-

Figure 5. Confined aortic injury with associated head, spine, and body injuries. A 16-year-old boy in
an automobile crash. A, Large, well-defined, confined aortic injury (curved arrows). Artifact from left
mainstem bronchus causes hypodensity across anterior aspect of injury. “Twinkling” artifact from
nasogastric tube does not interfere with detecting injury. Pleural effusions and lung collapse obscure
any para-aortic mediastinal hematoma. B, Repair of aortic injury was delayed 3 days because
left parietal lobe contusion (arrow) increased risk of intracranial hemorrhage from intraoperative
anticoagulation.Additional injuries complicating the thoracic surgery included severe liver hematoma
and laceration (arrows) (C) and lumbar spine fracture (arrowheads and curved arrow) (0)€, . Three-
dimensional shaded surface display (SSD) reconstruction demonstrated the injury (arrowheads) on
the medial side of the proximal descending aorta distal to the great vessel origins obviating conven-
tional aortography.

Figure 7. Confined aortic injury with associated chest and pelvic injuries. A 38-year-old woman
injured in an automobile crash. A, Large, confined pseudoaneurysm (curved arrow) delimited by
retracted intimal flaps (arrowheads). 6,Wider window setting demonstrates right mainstem bronchus
intubation (arrowhead) and left lung contusion and collapse and pneumoihorax [arrows). C, Extraperi-
toneal bladder rupture (curved arrow) from pubic symphysis fracture (not shown) detected on screen-
ing CT cystography performed at time of chest CT. B = Bladder.

tomic and surgical landmarks (Figs. 5, 8, and 9). demonstrate a variety of anatomic variations and
They rarely provide additional diagnostic informa- injuries that affect the aorta.l7,23, 24, 42, 44,
tion, however, from an educated review of the In general, the normal aorta demonstrates ho-
source transverse images. mogeneous enhancement of the aortic lumen with-
The helical CT examination of the chest is com- out filling defects, wall thickening, or extravasa-
pleted during the time delay required to reach the tion. The injured aorta demonstrates intimal flaps
equilibrium phase of contrast media distribution or mural thrombi attached to the inner aortic wall
for imaging the liver and spleen. Thus, scanning or pseudo or true aneurysms that involve the outer
can continue immediately into the abdomen to aortic wall.
detect other internal injuries. The technique chosen An indeterminate finding confined to a single
to examine the abdomen or pelvis depends on the image is usually artifactual with the aorta invari-
heat loading and cooling characteristics of the CT ably normal on conventional transcatheter aortog-
x-ray tube, the speed of image reconstruction by raphy. False-positive helical CT studies occur
the technical computer workstation, and the dis- when a questionable finding is present on two or
play capabilities of the physician workstation. three images. In these instances, the presence of a
mediastinal hematoma can guide the recommen-
dation for aortography and influence the eventual
decision to submit the patient to exploratory
AORTIC INJURIES ON HELICAL CT A CT grading system (Table 1) can be proposed
that estimates the severity of aortic injury. In con-
Approximately 1% of patients presenting with junction with the treatment necessary for other
blunt trauma have a thoracic aortic injury detected injuries, the CT estimation of severity of aortic
by helical CT of the chest.12,13, 25, 43 Helical CT can injury may be used to guide the early clinical

Figure 8. Ductus diverticulum remnant mimicking aortic injury. An 83-year-old man injured in an
automobile crash, with sacral and liver injury. A, Well-defined, slightly irregular diverticulum extends
from anterior aortic lumen toward left pulmonary artery (arrow). No intimal irregularity or mediastinal
hematoma. 19,Two-dimensionalplanar sagittal oblique reconstruction demonstrates close relationship
of diverticulum to left pulmonary artery and aorta. D = Diverticulum of the ductus arteriosus remnant
with small degenerative or atherosclerotic mural calcification; Arch = aortic arch; PA = left main
pulmonary artery.

Figure 9. Confined aortic injury with renal embolization. A 30-year-old woman with isolated blunt
injury to chest. A, Moderate-size, confined aortic injury with large intimal flap (arrow). 6, Three-
dimensional SSD reconstruction demonstrates injury (arrowheads) distal to left subclavian artery. C,
Asymptomatic wedge-shaped infarct (arrowhead) from small embolus to right kidney also detected.
Grade CT findings TriagdClinical Management
Grade I Normal aorta
Grade Ia 1. Normal thoracic aorta on CT 1. No aortic injury
2. No mediastinal hematoma 2. Proceed with treatment of other injuries
Grade lb 1. Normal thoracic aorta on CT 1. No aortic injury
2. Mediastinal hematoma (para-aortic) 2. Exclude thoracic spine or sternal injury
present 3. Proceed with treatment of other injuries
Grade I1 Minimal aortic injury
Grade IIa 1. Small (<l cm) pseudoaneurysm 1. Institute ICU medical management
2. Indeterminate CT suggests <I cm isolated 2. IVUS and aortography if no other major
intimal flap or thrombus injuries or serious risk factors
3. No mediastinal hematoma If IVUS and aortography normal
1. No aortic injury
2. Discontinue ICU medical therapy
If NUS or aortography abnormal
1. Continue ICU medical therapy
2. Exploratory thoracotomy if no other
major injuries or serious risk factors
Grade 1% 1. Small (usually <1 cm) pseudoaneurysm 1. Institute ICU medical management
2. Indeterminate CT suggests (1 cm isolated 2. I W S and aortography if no other major
intimal flap or thrombus injuries or serious risk factors
3. Mediastinal hematoma (para-aortic) If I W S and aortography normal
present 1. No aortic injury
2. Discontinue ICU medical therapy
If NUS or aortogram abnormal
1. Continue ICU medical therapy
2. Exploratory thoracotomy if no other
major injuries or serious risk factors
3. Consider aortotomy if no external
injury visible at thoractomy
4. If no surgery:
a. Repeat CT at 3-7 days
No change discontinue ICU
b. Repeat CT at 30 days:
i. If unchanged, no aortic injury:
d u c t u s remnant
-false-positive CT
ii. Discontinue medical therapy
Grade 111 Confined thoracic aortic injury
Grade IIIa 1. >I cm easily identified regular, well- 1. Institute ICU medical management
defined pseudoaneurysm with intimal flap If no other major injuries or serious risk
or thrombus factors:
2. No ascending aorta, arch, or great vessel 2. Emergent (within 12 hours) CTA or
involvement MRA if surgical repair planned, or,
3. Mediastinal hematoma present 3. Emergent IVUS and DSA if
endovascular repair planned
If major injuries or serious risk factors
preclude early repair:
4. Maintain ICU medical management
5. Repeat CT at 3,7,14, and 30 days
Grade IIlb 1. >1 cm easily identified regular, well- 1. Institute ICU medical management
defined pseudoaneurysm with intimal flap 2. Emergent I W S and DSA prior to
or thrombus surgical repair
2. Ascending aorta, arch, or great vessel
involvement present
3. Mediastinal hematoma present
Grade IV Total aortic disruption
1. Easily identified, irregular, poorly defined 1. Institute ICU medical management
pseudoaneurysm with intimal flap or 2. Disregard other non-life-threatening
thrombus injuries
2. Mediastinal hematoma present 3. Immediate (<2 hours) surgical or
endovascular repair, whichever can be
performed first
4. Consider blind or IVUSdirected intra-
aortic balloon occlusion of aortic lumen
if exsanguinating

TVUS = intravascular ultrasound; CTA = CT aortography; MRA = M R aortography; DSA = distal aortography; ICU = intensive
care unit.

management of the patient, and may help in pre- of low pressure veinsz3Rarely, blunt injury to in-
dicting the clinical outcome of patients treated sur- ternal mammary arteries may be the cause of the
gically or medically?*l9 anterior mediastinal hematoma (See Fig. 11).

GRADING SYSTEM OF AORTIC INJURIES Grade 2: Minimal Aortic Injury Versus

Ductus Arteriosus Remnant or
Grade 0: Normal Mediastinum and Atherosclerosis
Normal Aorta
CT of the minimally injured aorta demonstrates
Most patients have a normal CT examination of a small, subtle abnormality that is present on only
the mediastinurn with no abnormal collections of two or three contiguous images. Because the heli-
blood, fluid, or air. The normal aortic lumen (Figs. cal data are reconstructed every 3.5 mm, the injury
8,9, and 10) brightly enhances, typically 250 to 300 may be only 1 cm in length (Figs. 1, 2, and 12).
H, without any low-density filling defects (intimal Ductus diverticular remnants (Figs. 8, 13, and
flaps or adherent thrombus) or any high-density 14) and atherosclerotic plaques (Fig. 15) can appear
accumulations beyond the expected aortic wall identical to small aortic injuries. A small injury
(pseudoaneurysm or traumatic aneurysm). Motion must be excluded if para-aortic mediastinal hema-
and beam-hardening artifacts that cross the lumen toma is present. Transesophageal or intravascular
are present on only a single image (Figs. 3, 5, ultrasonography may complement the CT study
and 11). (Fig. 16).', 40, 4q Nevertheless, aortography should
be performed to determine if an aortic injury is
present. The absence of mediastinal hematoma
Grade 1: Abnormal Mediastinum and may someday be sufficient to exclude a small aor-
Normal Aorta tic injury and obviate the need for aortography.
Angiography must be of consistent high quality.
Five percent to 10% of patients screened for Otherwise, small aortic injuries are missed and
blunt trauma have an isolated mediastinal hema- aortographic and accompanying CT studies are
toma and a normal thoracic aorta. In the past, misinterpreted (see Figs. 1, 12, 14, and 16).15,16,18
any mediastinal hematoma was an indication for Angiography must be properly performed so that
a~rtography.'~, 31, 39 This is no longer the case when projections of the aortic wall are perpendicular to
the aorta can be directly evaluated by helical CT.lZ, the CT abnormality. The aortic lumen must be
25,44,60 A normal thoracic aorta on helical CT of the completely opacified by an adequate amount of
chest means that no aortic injury is present. contrast media. Radiologic technique must pene-
When posterior mediastinal hematoma is pres- trate the thoracic spine. If digital subtraction angi-
ent around a normal aorta, a thoracic spine injury ographic acquisition is used, images must also be
should be considered.'", 36 A sternal fracture or an- reviewed without subtraction. Otherwise, isolated
terior chondral rib separation should be consid- intimal injuries and flaps are mistaken for subtrac-
ered when anterior mediastinal hematoma is iden- tion and motion Intravascular or trans-
tified. If no bony injury is identified, mediastinal esophageal ultrasound might clarify discrepant CT
blood may be assumed to have arisen from injury and aortographic studies.

Figure 10. Extrathoracic vascular injury. A 61-year-old woman

with blunt injury to chest. Left axillary hematoma (arrows) from
injury to brachial artery. The aortic arch is normal, with the higher
density SVC to its right and the top of the main pulmonary artety
to its left.

Figure 11. Traumatic injury to internal mammary artery. A 25-year-old woman with blunt injury to
chest. A, Small, well-defined area of extravasation (straight arrow), with large surrounding hematoma
in the anterior mediastinum. The aortic arch is normal. Streak artifacts from high density SVC and
nasogastric tube do not compromise evaluation of aortic lumen. Note internal mammary artery and
vein (curved arrow). 6, Selective left subclavian artery injection demonstrates a 1-cm pseudoaneu-
rysm (arrow) of the proximal left internal mammary artery (i). This was successfully occluded with
transcatheter coil embolization. S = subclavian artery.

Figure 12. Minimal aortic injury with severe aortic lumen compromise. An 18-year-
old woman injured in an automobile crash. A, Large, filling defect (arrow) caused by
heaped up intima and adjacent thrombus in surgically proven injury fills over half of
the aortic lumen at the level of the ligamentum arteriosum. No pseudoaneurysm.
Anterior and para-aortic mediastinal hematoma is present. B, Lateral subtracted
digital aortogram demonstrates shallow defect in aortic lumen (arrow). Overlying
bones and respiration subtraction artifact obscure fine detail.

Figure 13. Ductus diverticulum as cause of indeterminate, false-positive CT for minimal

aortic injury. A 41-year-old man injured in a motor vehicle accident. A, Possible small
pseudoaneurysm (curved arrow) typical of minimal aortic injury. No mediastinal hematoma.
B, Injury (curved arrows) appeared to be enlarging on follow-up aortography 1 month later.
Surgical exploration revealed a ductus diverticulum remnant and no aortic injury.

Figure 14. Ductus diverticulum and atherosclerosis as cause of indeterminate,false-positive CT for

minimal aortic injury. A 51-year-old man with blunt injury. A, Possible small pseudoaneurysm
(curved arrow) adjacent to calcified atherosclerotic plaque (straight arrow) in region of ligamentum
arteriosum. Small amount of para-aortic mediastinal hematoma is present. B, Possible small injury
detected on digital subtraction aortogram. Examinationis compromisedby inadequatex-ray penetra-
tion over the spine and respiratory motion causing bone and diaphragm subtraction artifact. Surgical
exploration revealed no aortic injury.

Figure 15. Atherosclerosis as cause of indeterminate false-positive CT and aortogram for aortic
injury. A 78-year-old woman with blunt chest injury. A, Irregular filling defect along the posterior-
superior aspect of the aortic arch lumen (arrow) suggests intimal injury. Calcified atherosclerotic
plaque is in the area. Possible small mediastinal hematoma along right paratracheal region. B,
Digital subtraction aortogram reveals marked intimal irregularity (arrowheads) from atherosclerotic

Grade 3: Confined Aortic Injury left vertebral artery arising as the next-to-last or
last branch of the aortic arch should not be over-
Confined aortic injuries are easily identified (> 1 looked or misidentified as an injury to the origin of
cm) injuries with regular, well-defined outer walls the left subclavian or left common carotid arteries.
formed by restraining adventitia (pseudoaneu- Identification of these anatomic variations is im-
rysm). Usually, intimal flaps or adherent thrombus portant in the presurgical planning for adequate
are readily apparent. This is the most common intraoperative preservation of cerebral blood flow.
type of thoracic aortic injury and is typically lo- Most injuries detected by helical CT occur at the
cated in the proximal descending aorta just distal ventral aspect of the aorta at the junction of the
to the left subclavian artery origin (see Figs. 3, 5, arch and proximal descending thoracic The
7, and 9). An injury is diagnosed regardless of transverse component of the injury may be local-
the size of the para-aortic mediastinal hema- ized to the area of the ligamentum arteriosum or
toma.24,25.51.60 extend medially or laterally. The injury may be
Aortography is generally not required unless the circumferential or involve only a portion of the
relationship to the left subclavian artery origin is wall. The cranial or caudal extent of an injury
unclear or if the injury involves the ascending might be underestimated if the injured intima re-
aorta, aortic arch, or great vessels. Two- and three- tracts or intussuscepts superiorly or inferiorly.
dimensional computer models can demonstrate Complicated confined injuries involve the as-
the injury similar to conventional a0rtography.2~~ 51 cending aorta, aorta arch, great vessel origins, or
With experience, these reconstructions are not nec- distal aorta near the diaphragmatic hiatus (Figs. 16
essary because they do not add information be- and 17). Aortography may be required to demon-
yond the source axial images. strate the vascular anatomy, although two- and
The distance from the left Subclavian artery ori- three-dimensional computer reconstructions may
gin to the injury is readily determined by calculat- be acceptable.
ing the difference in slice position between the last
image with the proximal left subclavian artery and
the first image with any aortic abnormality. Involve-
ment near the subclavian artery requires cross- Grade 4: Traumatic Aortic Disruption
clamping of the aorta between the subclavian and
left common carotid arteries during surgical repair.
Variations in aortic arch anatomy, such as the Total aortic disruption is an easily identified,
aberrant right subclavian artery, must be detected irregular, poorly defined traumatic aneurysm with
while determining the relationship of the aortic obvious extravasation of contrast into the medias-
injury to the great vessels.z9The aneurysmal origin tinum (Figs. 6 and 18). A large mediastinal hema-
of an aberrant subclavian artery should not be toma is always present. There is no time for diag-
confused with an injury. In addition, the occasional nostic aortography.

Figure 16. Emerging role of intravascular ultrasound in evaluating aortic injury. A 54-year-old man
with severe closed head and blunt chest injury. A, Small aortic wall defect (curved arrow), with
adjacent wall thickening in the left posterior-lateral wall of the distal descending thoracic aorta well
above the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm. Atelectatic medial basal segment of left lung (asterisk)
abuts the aorta. No mediastinal hematoma. B, lntravascular ultrasound demonstrates similar findings.
The probe (curved arrow) is adjacent to a hyperechoic intirnal flap superficial to the pseudoaneurysrn
and thickened media (large arrow). The remaining intirna and aortic wall (arrowheads) opposite the
injury are normal. C,Digital subtraction aortogram demonstrated a more extensive pseudoaneurysrn
(curve arrows). An isolated, penetrating, aortic ulcer might cause similar findings, although no
atherosclerotic disease was present elsewhere.

Figure 17. Confined aortic injury with traumatic dissection. A 38-year-old normotensive man injured
in an automobile crash. No history of cardiovascular disease. A, Large intimal irregularity and
thrombus with small pseudoaneurysm involves anterior third of aortic lumen (arrowhead). P = main
pulmonary artery. 6, Two-dimensional sagittal planar reconstruction demonstrates the intimal flap
(curved arrow) as the leading edge of a long dissection (arrowheads)that extends into the abdominal
aorta. C, Unsubtracted digital aortogram demonstrates compression of true lumen by dissection

Figure 18. Traumatic aortic disruption with immediate paraplegia. A 13-year-old boy
injured in a motor vehicle accident. He was paraplegic on arrival. A, A circumferential
injury (curved arrows) is present at the level of the left pulmonary artery (P). Only a
small mediastinal hematoma is present at this site. A = ascending aorta; S = superior
vena cava. B, Aortography demonstrates identical findings (curved arrows). Paraplegia
presumably was caused by traumatic occlusion of anterior spinal artery.

MANAGEMENT ISSUES WHEN USING Utility of Helical CT in Detecting

HELICAL CT TO DETECT AORTIC Nonvascular Abnormalities
Indeed, helical CT of the chest can be quite
Patients with aortic injuries detected by screen- beneficial in detecting unsuspected nonvascular in-
ing helical CT of the chest have a wide variety of juries and confounding incidental anatomic anom-
clinical presentations.21Some patients with mini- alies (see Figs. 5, 7, 11, and 16). In addition, axial
mal aortic injuries might be best treated nonsurgi- CT scans frequently display injuries of nonmedias-
cally if other critical injuries or medical diseases tinal structures better than chest radiography.
are present.16 Other aortic injuries require urgent Traumatic and iatrogenic injuries, such as pneumo-
repair regardless of other injuries to prevent fatal thorax, hemothorax, pneumomediastinum, lung
exsanguination.8 Pharmacologic control of blood lacerations, shoulder girdle injuries, displaced rib
pressure and systolic blood pressure should be fractures, diaphragmatic injuries, and malposi-
instituted whenever an aortic injury is s~spected.~, tioned or intraparenchymal chest tubes, may only
12, 34, 47, ss The patient must be admitted to an be demonstrated on helical CT of the chest. These
intensive care unit until an injury is repaired or nonvascular injuries may complicate medical and
excluded. surgical treatment if left undiscovered. Thus, the
pneumothorax that goes undetected on a portable
supine admission chest radiograph may compli-
Grade 0 and 1: Triage Decisions With a cate positive-pressure artificial respiration. Lung
Normal CT of the Thoracic Aorta lacerations might indicate a more complicated or
prolonged intensive care admissi0n.2~, 59
Patients with a normal thoracic aorta on helical
CT of the chest do not have a vascular injury even
if a mediastinal hematoma is suspected on chest Grade 2: The Minimal Aortic Injury
radiograph or is detected on CT.I2,24, 25, 43 The need Versus the False-Positive CT
for conventional aortography falls over 50%, Examination
whereas the percent of positive aortographic stud-
ies doubles or triplesI2,43 if CT is used to exclude The most difficult diagnostic dilemmas occur
or identify an aortic injury. This decrease in utiliza- when trying to distinguish the minimal aortic in-
tion of personnel and equipment does not occur if jury from ductus diverticulum remnants and ath-
patients with an abnormal mediastinum on CT erosclerotic,23, 38 It is in this group that
continue to undergo aortography despite a normal false-positive CT studies occur. In practice, a diag-
aorta. Helical CT of the chest could still be of nosis of minimal aortic injury or tear should be
benefit to evaluate nonvascular structures, but lib- made when the CT study is indeterminate. The
eral screening may be too expensive to use when presence of periaortic mediastinal hematoma fa-
compared with conventional chest radi~graphy.~~, s9 vors a diagnosis of minimal aortic injury. The pa-

tient should be monitored in an intensive care unit two-dimensional multiplanar reconstructions and
with blood pressure and pulse pharmacologically to a lesser extent three-dimensionalmaximal inten-
controlled. sity projection reconstructions. Two- and three-di-
Other methods have to be used to determine if mensional reconstructions can beautifully display
the CT is falsely positive. As with CT, aortographic the injury identical to its demonstration on con-
findings of small injuries overlap with congenital ventional aortography (see Figs. 3, 5, 8, 9 and 17).
and degenerative abn~rmalities.~, 15, 17,
237 32 In addi- These reconstructions may also become unneces-
tion, an injury can coincide with these other non- sary as referring physicians become familiar with
traumatic conditions further confounding CT and the cross-sectional anatomy.I2,24
aortographic interpretations. Intravascular ultraso-
nography may become the definitive examination Medical Management of Thoracic Aortic
in confirming the small injury.49 Injury
Patients from this group occasionally undergo
exploratory thoracotomy and are found to have Patients with an aortic injury detected or sus-
no injury.I5 This may be acceptable in a young, pected by CT should immediately begin pharma-
otherwise healthy patient where the risk of de- cologic intervention to limit aortic wall stress by
layed exsanguination or chronic thoracic aneurysm controlling blood pressure and heart rate. Physio-
formation from an undetected minimal aortic in- logic monitoring and medical therapy of aortic
jury outweighs the risk of surgery and general injury include:
anesthesia. The decision to operate on an indeter-
Physiologic Monitoring
minate or small injury is complicated by the pa-
Arterial and central venous pressure
tient’s age, associated injuries, and other chronic
Urinary output
medical conditions.
Chest tube output
The diagnostic studies should be repeated after
a few days if surgical exploration is delayed. If the EKG
Arterial oxygen saturation
lesion is resolving or enlarging, a diagnosis of aor-
Medical Therapy
tic injury can be made. A nontraumatic cause of
Vasodilators to decrease systolic pressure be-
the imaging findings might be assumed if the area
low 140 mm Hg
does not change. Mediastinal hemorrhage disap-
Beta-receptors antagonists to maintain heart rate
pears after a few days. Its absence on follow-up
below 90 beats per minute after blood volume
studies should not be taken as an indication that
no injury is present. is adequate
Limitations of fluids after systolic pressure
Previously, many of these small injuries might
have gone undetected.l6.l7 The long-term outcome reaches 90 mm Hg
of these injuries is unclear. Do they heal spontane- The goal is to decrease the upstroke of the left
ously? Will they enlarge into chronic traumatic or ventricular ejection curve, thereby decreasing the
atherosclerotic aneurysms that threaten the patient aortic wall stress changes, which could cause the
at an older more clinically fragile time? The short- partial aortic tear or confined pseudoaneurysm to
term outcome is also unclear. Thrombi developing rupture completely.12,47 Nonhypotensive patients
from the exposed intimal injury can embolize dis- should be placed on intravenous beta-blockers (es-
tal organs (Figs. 9 and 19). Until further clinical molol HC1 or labetalol HC1) to maintain systolic
experience with nonsurgical management is forth- blood pressure between 120 and 140 mm Hg with
coming, these injuries should be repaired when a pulse less than 90 bpm. Nitroprusside should be
the patient is clinically stable.’**22, 34, 47, 55 added if the blood pressure cannot be controlled
with beta-blockade. This pharmacologic protocol is
similar to the medical management used to control
Grade 3: Triage Decisions When CT acute dissections of the aorta. By altering the force
Reveals a Confined Thoracic Aortic of ventricular ejection, the shear pressures experi-
Injury enced by the aortic wall can be reduced. This re-
duces the risk of structural failure of the remaining
The classic aortic injury is the pseudoaneurysm intact aortic wall with resultant rupture and fatal
that is confined by the integrity of the overlying exsanguination into the chest.
adventitia and mediastinal tissues. There should Over the past few decades, several medical tech-
be no clinical doubt about the presence of an injury nologic and logistic improvements have been
when the helical CT study detects this type of made that decrease early mortality in patients with
abnormality. Aortography may be used to clarify life-threatening aortic injuries. For instance, the de-
the relationship of the injury to the great vessels velopment of advanced air and ground ambulance
and diaphragm. The usefulness and frequency of transportation systems delivers the patient to the
aortography decrease, as the referring thoracic sur- hospital before rupture occurs. Routine screening
geon becomes familiar with the technology and helical CT examination of the chest eliminates a
cross-sectional anatomy. missed diagnosis because of clinical underestima-
Intimal abnormalities can be demonstrated by tion of injury. Logistical and time delays while

Figure 19. Spontaneous resolution of minimal aortic injury complicated by delayed splenic emboliza-
tion. A 61-year-old man injured in a motor vehicle accident. A, Screening CT demonstrated a 1-cm
intimal flap or thrombus (arrowhead) in the anterior aortic lumen at the level of the left pulmonary
artery. B, Repeat examination 1 week later revealed near complete resolution of injury. S = superior
vena cava; P = left pulmonary artery; A = ascending aorta. C,Screening CT of spleen (S) and left
upper abdomen was normal. 0,Repeat examination revealed clinically silent infarction of the upper
pole of the spleen (arrows) from embolization of thrombus or intimal debris from the site of aortic injury.

aortography is performed are also eliminated.I2, earlier intervention in otherwise surgically inap-
24,30 Now, the risk of aortic rupture after diagnosis propriate patients.", 33, 48
but before surgical repair can be reduced because Initial nonoperative management may be indi-
medical management can be started soon after ad- cated when aortic injuries involve the aortic arch,
mission. great vessel origins, or ascending aorta so that
Medical management should eliminate the risk patient preparations for full cardiopulmonary by-
of delayed rupture in patients with a minimal aor- pass can be completed. In addition, rarer injuries,
tic injury. Although experience in a wide variety such as those occurring in patients with anoma-
of clinical settings is still required, the risk of fatal lies of the great vessels origin or with distal aortic
rupture may also be nearly eliminated for patients dissection, might benefit from medical manage-
with confined aortic injuries. It is certainly re- ment and elective surgical repair (see Fig.
duced.", 34,47.55 17).28. 29, 46
Nevertheless, urgent surgical repair is still indi- Follow-up CT examinations can be used to con-
cated in the presence of a confined aortic injury. firm the stability of injuries that are followed non-
Although complacency must be avoided, medical surgically.Changes in size or shape should prompt
management converts a critical catastrophic clini- re-evaluation of the need for surgical repair.
cal setting into a more controlled, even elective
environment. The decision to proceed to explor-
atory thoracotomy can be individualized and
based on the clinical assessment that considers the Grade 4: Triage Decisions When CT
patient's hemodynamic stability, transfusion re- Reveals Traumatic Aortic Disruption
quirements, age, risk of general anesthesia, con-
comitant diseases, and severity of other injuries. Total aortic disruption is a clinical catastrophe.
Percutaneous graft techniques may someday allow If possible, medical management should be insti-

tuted while the patient is still in the CT suite. decreased rates of drunken driving, might de-
There is no time for diagnostic aortography. crease the overall number and severity of thoracic
Even with prompt initiation of medical manage- aortic injuries. Patients who survive their initial
ment, ventricular ejection fracture and blood pres- trauma long enough to be evacuated and resusci-
sure must be maintained to perfuse the brain and tated at a modem trauma center and are stable
vital organs. These may still be too great to prevent enough to undergo a screening CT examination of
failure of the totally disrupted aortic wall despite the chest should rarely die from their aortic injury.
confining mediastinal tissues. Thus, mortality even Early recognition of the injury allows rapid medi-
in the best of circumstances is high with exsangui- cal, surgical, or endovascular interventional radio-
nation occurring prior to or during surgery. logic treatment to be initiated. Repair of such injur-
Unless the patient has suffered an irreversible ies, especially small mural flaps, does not take
severe brain injury or cannot be hemodynamically priority over other life-threatening injuries. If the
stabilized, the aorta must be repaired as soon as patient does not die from other injuries, helical CT
possible. Other nonfatal injuries must be ignored. examination is an easy and reproducible method
An intravascular ultrasound (1VUS)-directed in- for following the thoracic aortic injury.
tra-aortic balloon might be inflated to occlude
temporarily the aortic lumen. This may assist in
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Address reprint requests to

Morris L. Gavant, MD
Department of Radiology
University of Tennessee, Memphis
800 Madison Avenue
Memphis, TN 38163


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