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Religious Involvement January 24 (Sunday)

or a Major Worship day of the Week

1. a. Type and medium of the Religious activity
 Church's preaching
b. Date and time of the activity
 January 24, 2021 3:30-5:30 PM
c. How did you participate?
 Actual participation in the Church
d. What spiritual nourishment did you get from this religious activity? Write
a reflection about it.
 When listening about the Church's preaching. It discuss about how
powerful prayer is. Prayer is communication with God. It isn’t
necessarily a request or expression of thanks. It says in 1
Thessalonians 5:17 to “pray without ceasing.” If prayer were getting
in a certain posture to beseech God, how could we work and live
our lives? Instead, prayer is to maintain an open line of
communication and connection to God. It’s an attitude of heart.
Or another way to think of it is maintaining awareness that God is
actually always with you and you aren’t ignoring him, even when
you aren’t speaking to him. Prayer is also a weapon against our
spiritual enemies and against temptation. Jesus teaches that we
are to be persistent in prayer. Luke 1:18 says, “And he told them a
parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose
heart.” This tells us prayers aren’t always answered immediately. In
Daniel 10, we find that a prayer had been hindered for 21 days by a
battle in the heavens. It was necessary to persevere in prayer, to
receive God’s answer.

2. Our work can be our prayer if we dedicate it to God. Did you help in the
household chores in the past week? What were the chores you regularly did for
your family? How did you feel about you doing the work? Where in your daily
routine can you become more aware of God’s glory? (5 points)

 Yes, household chores can be tiresome and exasperating, but just

like prayer, doing those takes me right out of myself. When I finish
folding all that laundry, ironing that shirt, washing that window,
scrubbing the toilet, vacuuming the rug, filling up the drying rack,
my own problems shrink into more manageable size. I feel a part of
humanity, all those people throughout the world attacking dust
kitties, smudges, grease, wrinkles, brown stains that come out of
nowhere, and they and I are all at one in the first-person plural
universe that we inhabit in the Lord’s Prayer, looking for our daily
bread, asking forgiveness for ourselves and others, leading us not
into temptation.
And then when you finish, you get that real sense of
accomplishment. Wow, that shirt is ironed, that sink is empty, those
clean sheets on the bed smell divine, and that view out that
window, did it ever look this good? The window all clean, I got out
my phone and took a snapshot of a beautiful autumn day outside.
Refreshed, renewed, a little knackered, I’m ready to put my feet up
and meet the challenges of the week ahead. Knowing the process
will all be reversed, giving me the chance to clean up my act,
inside and out, next weekend and the weeks ahead. Amen, I say,
Good Lord thanks for dirt.

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