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Journey to Istanbul

I t is early moming on a sunny spring clay in April. Heathrow

Airport, Lonclon, is busy, as usual. Hunclrecls of people are
arriving, leaving, or waiting for planes.
In the Departure Lounge of Terminal One, a man is sitting
reacling a newspaper. He cloes not like airports. T here are too
many people, ancl he is always nervous 1 when he flies. He looks
at his watch impatiently2 • T hen he hears the announcement over
the louclspeakers.
'British Airways announce the cleparture of Flight BE570
for lstanbul. Will passengers please proceecl to Gate 16 for
boarcling3 .'
Tom Smith picks up his suitcase ancl walks towarcls Gate 16.
Twenty minutes later, the plane is preparing to leave. lt moves
slowly across the airport to runway number two. Tom is sitting
looking out of the winclow.
u. T he plane suclclenly moves forwarcl, races clown the runway
zg 8
�.1 o ancl rises into the air. Tom looks clown at the houses ancl roacls
w far below, ancl smiles. Lonclon is behincl him. Now he is on his way
to Istanbul.

� �=t
-� . Tom relaxecl4 ancl took a letter from his pocket.
Resat Bey Apt 11�3,
¡� Kamerot Sokak,
.�li Ayazpasa, Istanbul
iiii'< -n---.<:.•
My dear Tom,
Thank you far your letter. I am so happy that you can come and
visit me far a holiday. Life here in Istanbul is very interesting. I am

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