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Revision: Gran Torino

by David, Shahd, Julian

quick summary

background knowledge: decline of Detroit


- masculinity
- racism
- violence
- religion
clash of cultures

connectable terms and sample exercises

background knowledge: Detroit
suffering under economic decline

caused by: collapse of the local car industry

→ many people moved away because of job losses

high crime rate: grand thefts, rapes, urban
separation, violence
dominated by numerous gangs


an old ex-soldier and widower is living alone next to an asian
family while his family wants him to move to a retirement home

Once in a night he rescues his neighbour Thao from getting
abused by gang members and is seen as a neighbourhood hero

Right after the asian family show up grateful he also rescues
Sue from the black gang members who sexually harassed her

summary (2)

Walt started to befriend with the neighbours because he realizes he has various
vales in common and comes closer to Thao who had to work for Walt because
of damaging his Gran Torino

After the asian gang threatens Thao again, rapes Sue and comitted a drive-by

Walt wants to revange them.

Once showing up at the gang house he gets shot by the whole gang which gets
arrested in the end
Thao heirs Walt´s Gran Torino on his will
(toxic) Masculinity

definition: toxic masculinity describes the act of agressively
asserting dominance by abusing typical masculine stereotypes

Toxic masculinity includes: insulting, drinking beer, having a nice
car, dominant appearance, straight posture, objectifying women

Toxic masculinity is omnipresent in the movie and greatly
influences Thao´s and Walt´s relationship → maning Thao up
which also includes positive aspects (e.g. finding a job)
(toxic) masculinity in comparison
Walt Sue´s friend

- menacing -Tries to befriend them/

appearance (slowly to play it cool
arrives with his “nice Usage of “bro“
- disrespecting - pretends to be
(pretending to pull a fearless
gun and pulling an
actual gun
-saving sue and Fails to rescue Sue
emasculating her → gets beaten up
friend for not being
able to save her
Racism – how does it occur?
xenophobia occurs because of Walt´s patriotism and his experience in

war (especially asians because of the Korean war →predjudices)

reasons for racism:

- inequality/injustice
- dissatisfaction
- being uninformed –> ignorance
- Prejudices
–> Occurs when two cultures with those aspects collab
How is racism expressed?
In general In the movie
- violence –> conflict between Walt and the local
- exclusion/race segregation –> principal of gangs: only Asians, blacks
- insulting –> Walt keeps insulting throughout the
whole movie
- unfairness/inequality –> blacks vs. whites
- others –> spitting and disgusting looks

BUT: Walt is losing parts of his racism during the movie:

Asian neighbours (good) vs. Asian gang (bad)

What is violence? - involving physical and mental
force intending to hurt, damage or kill

depicts personal superiority –> ability to control

Motivation of violence: personal hate, cultural
differences –> racism, envy
Violence in the movie
The ability to control somebody –> the Asian gang forcing to steal Walt´s
Physically harming –> Walt beating up “Smokey”
–> Asian gang beating up Thao on the way
Usage of weapons (guns) –> Walt threatening the black gang
–> the asian gang shooting during the
Mentally damaging –> rape of Sue: traumatized for the future
(also physical damage), insulting
Murdering –> the Asian gang shooting Walt to death
omnipresent/overarching theme

Possible reason for conflicts


- funeral(start/end)
- Walt´s sins
- Walt´s house(multiple religious symbols due to his wife’s beliefs)
- the priest,
- Walt´s sacrifice (symbol of cross)
 change of Walt´s attitude towards religion
clash of culture
including all the explained leitmotifs:

-racism –> expression, and motifs for clash of culture

–> because of cultural differences those various groups
keep fighting → nobody is ready to accept or adapt the
other cultural, but what is the actual message of the movie?
The message of Gran Torino
Walt is a man of guilt and remorse who is loyal to traditions

but during the movie he accepts the Hmong culture and befriends to
them –> even sacrificing his life for them + manning up Thao

the movie criticises the ignorance of others culture and the occurring

Walt is an example that you are able to balance between tradition and
the acceptance of others cultures and their traditions
–> Equality can happen, you just need to learn to accept others
Connectable terms and sample exercises

Comparison between the depiction of racism in Gran
Torino and in the short story “She shall not be moves”

Compare the behaviour of Walt and the monster in
terms of social acceptance and motivation of action

Work out how Walt and the Monster of Mary Shelly´s
Frankenstein leave the world behind them.

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