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ENGELSK 7.-10.


Resistance to Apartheid - the Story of

Nelson Mandela

Catherine Watson, 0,8 ns

Over the decades that Apartheid lasted, there were many protests against the system,
both within1 South Africa and from the international community.

5 For example, in 1960 in the township2 of Sharpeville in South Africa, a crowd gathered3 at
the police station to protest against the Pass Laws, which required4 Black people to carry
passes to show who they were and where they were allowed to go. The demonstration was
big and noisy, and the police lost their nerve5 and fired randomly into the crowd. Almost
70 people died (including 10 children), and 180 were injured. The massacre at Sharpeville
10 made people outside South Africa see what Apartheid was really like. It was the start of
international protest against Apartheid. It was also the start of violent protest in South
Africa itself.

Without doubt the most powerful symbol of the struggle6 to end Apartheid was Nelson
Mandela. He was the leader of the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC),
15 an organisation and later political party that worked for the rights of Black people in
South Africa. In 1962, he was arrested and sentenced to life in prison. He was released in
1990, and in 1994, he became the first democratically elected7 President of South Africa.

Fra Southern Africa af Catherine Watson, ENGELSK 7-10 | GYLDENDALS FAGPORTALER, Gyldendal

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Tekst & Node.

Denne pdf er udskrevet af Pernille Kragelund Poulsen, Rygaards Skole, 25-01-2024.


1 within: inside

2 township: suburb or city chosen for a certain racial

group to live in

3 gathered: got together

4 required: made necessary

5 nerve: courage

struggle: fight

elected: chosen

Fra Southern Africa af Catherine Watson, ENGELSK 7-10 | GYLDENDALS FAGPORTALER, Gyldendal

Print og kopiering af dette materiale er tilladt, forudsat at det sker i overensstemmelse med skolens aftale med Copydan
Tekst & Node.

Denne pdf er udskrevet af Pernille Kragelund Poulsen, Rygaards Skole, 25-01-2024.

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