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Racial segregation, Capital being colour based,

Struggle being a process for certain human kind, the life of a poor being a price for
the riches, the kindness of the heart being the source of its dissolution,
Rhetoric of information, knowledge and ideology being the reason we are blind to the
current system of apartheid, Following orders non related to the history of our roots
being the reason for our distraction, we even luck confidence in making our nation
confident because we are not confident ourself, sad to promulgate it but it’s a broken
nation for this generation, is it a life to see?
Born innocent and free but have to suffer from what the blood of our forefathers
failed to achieve, the trauma left with our parents after being given a chance to feel
mentally free is the virus easier to pass from one generation to the other,
The system of democracy have taught us a concept of mental freedom because
physically we are fading away so fast, I cannot call it being free rather than a nation
in a process of extinction, institutions of higher education are full of us because it
was part of the plan to the way of distraction, I see it and wonder if was it a life to

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