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PART 1-1 Maintenance and Supplies

( Chief Officer is checking fire-fighting equipment with Third Officer )

( 大副和三副正在檢查消防設備 )
C/O Good morning, Third Officer.
大副 早安!三副。
3/O Good morning, Chief Officer.
三副 早安!大副。
C/O Let’ s do some maintenance work today.
大副 我們今天來做一些保養工作吧!
3/O OK.
三副 好啊。
C/O All the CO2 cylinders should be weighed and the empty bottles pressure tested. If some
cylinders are lighter than normal, you should replace them at once.
大副 所有的二氧化碳鋼瓶都應該要秤重並測量空瓶壓力,如果鋼瓶的重量比標準還輕,你就得
3/O I will weigh and replace any necessary cylinders right away.
三副 我會馬上秤重並換掉必要的鋼瓶。

C/O By the way, check all fire alarms on board and make sure that everything is in order. I
found that the portable extinguishers in the No.2 hold are not accessible and the
extinguisher in my cabin is missing.
大副 對了,順便檢查一下船上的消防警報器並確保狀況一切良好,我發現第二艙的可攜式滅火

3/O Yes sir. I will replace the extinguisher in your cabin when we arrive at the next port.
We currently do not have any extra extinguishers on board.
三副 是,因為目前船上沒有多的滅火器,所以等到船抵達下一個港口時,我們才會替換您房
C/O Good. Please check the rest of fire alarms and extinguishers. Give me a report as soon
as possible.
大副 很好。請檢查其他的警報器及滅火器,並盡速提供一份報告給我。
3/O Yes, sir. Oh, Chief Officer, please replenish some fire-fighting materials at next port.
三副 是的,長官。喔,對了大副,請您在下個港口補充一些滅火器材。

C/O OK. No problem.

大副 好的,沒問題。

( There is something wrong with the gyrocompass. An engineer from company is repairing it. )

( 磁羅經有點問題,來自公司的工程師正在維修 )
Engineer Good morning. I am Tyler Wu, the engineer assigned by the company.
工程師 早安!我是武泰勒,公司派來的工程師。
2/O Good morning, sir. I am the Second Officer. We have been waiting for you. Welcome to
our ship.
二副 早安,長官。我是二副,我們已經在等你了,歡迎到我們的船來。
Engineer What is the problem with the gyrocompasses?
工程師 你們的磁羅經有什麼問題?
2/O Well, there are two main gyrocompasses on board. One is out of order and the other
usually works well, but sometimes it makes errors, especially when the ship is pitching
and rolling in heavy weather.
二副 船上有兩台磁羅經,一台已經故障了,而另一台平時運作還算正常,但偶爾還是會出差
Engineer Sure, let me take a look. Please turn on your gyrocompass.
工程師 好的,讓我看看。請先啟動磁羅經。
2/O Both of them were turned on 5 hours ago.
二副 這兩台在五個小時之前就都已經啟動了。
Engineer Good. Let’ s take a look. Second Officer, you see, the indicating lamps of No.1
gyrocompass are still very bright. That means the gyro sphere can not move. It can not
reach the required rotating speed. It needs to be replaced.
工程師 很好,讓我看看。二副,你看,

2/O Yes, you are right.

二副 對,你說的沒錯。
Engineer Now, let me check No.2. I will overhaul it and refill the gyro sphere supporting liquid.
The electrode contacts should be cleaned. Please turn off the gyrocompass and bring
a bucket for me to drain the used supporting liquid.
工程師 現在來檢查二號磁羅經,我會把它拆開檢修並重注入新的羅經球的支承液體。電極
2/O OK. I will go and fetch a bucket. Please wait for a minute… Mr. Tyler, here is bucket.
二副 好,等我一下,我去拿桶子…泰勒先生,桶子在這裡。
Engineer Thank you, Second Officer. Please help me take out the gyro sphere. Be careful, please
keep this side up.
工程師 謝謝你,二副。請幫我取出這個羅經球,小心,請將這面朝上。
2/O Yes sir.
二副 是的。

Engineer Now, the gyro sphere is alright. Let’ s refill the liquid. The supporting liquid should be
refilled annually.
工程師 現在這羅經球已經沒問題了,讓我來注入新的支承液體。支承液體應該得每年更換。
2/O Yes, your are right.
二副 是,您說的對。
Engineer OK. Second Officer, the gyro sphere can still be used and the liquid has been
replenished. I am going to reassemble the gyrocompass.
工程師 好,二副,羅經球已經可以用了,
2/O Let me help you.
二副 讓我來幫你
Engineer Thank you.
工程師 謝謝你

( After a little while…)

Engineer OK.I have completed assembling the No.2 gyrocompass. It is in working order.
工程師 好了,我已完成二號磁羅機的組裝,可以正常運作了。

2/O You have been very helpful, Mr. Wu. Would you like to have a cup of coffee?
二副 多虧了你的幫忙,武先生,要不要來杯咖啡?

Vocabulary 字彙
cylinder 汽缸;鋼瓶 overhaul 拆開檢修;大修
weigh 秤...的重量 gyro-sphere 陀螺球
in order 適當的 renew 換新;修補
portable 手提式的;輕便的 supporting liquid 支承液
extinguisher 滅火器 electrode contact 電極
accessible 可使用的 drain out 流掉
available 可用的;在手邊的 fetch (去)拿來;去拿...給
replenish 把...裝滿;補充 bucket 水桶;提桶
gyrocompass 磁羅經 reassemble 重新組裝
pitching 前後顛簸 working order 正常運作

PART 1-2 Gratitude and Appreciation

( A cadet lost his way in a foreign port while sightseeing, and he looks worried. )
( 實習生在國外港口觀光時迷路,看起來十分焦慮 )
Passer-by Young man, you look worried. Are you okay? Is there anything I can do to help?
路人甲 年輕人,你看起來很焦慮,你還好嗎?有什麼是我可以幫的上忙嗎?
Cadet I’m not from here and have lost my way.

實習生 我不是本地人,而且我迷路了。
Passer-by Which hotel are you staying at?
路人甲 你住哪一家旅館?
Cadet Oh, I am not a tourist. I am a seaman, and I need to find my way back to my vessel.
實習生 我不是觀光客,我是船員,我想知道回到船上的路。
Passer-by What kind of vessel do you work on?
路人甲 你的船是哪一種?
Cadet A containership.
實習生 貨櫃船(集裝箱船)
Passer-by Is your vessel currently at the port?
路人甲 你的船現在靠在碼頭裡嗎?
Cadet Yes, it is. Could you please tell me how to get to the port?
實習生 是的,你可以告訴我怎麼到港邊嗎?
Passer-by Sure, what time will your ship depart?
路人甲 好,你的船何時要離開?
Cadet In two and a half-hours.
實習生 兩個半小時內。
Passer-by You have a long way to go. Go straight until you reach a crossroad, then turn right and
walk until you see a post office. Then turn left, walk until you will come a river. Continue
along the river until you reach a bridge, there you will see the sign for the container
terminal. You can’t miss it.
路人甲 你有一大段路要走。直走到交叉路口,然後右轉直走,直到你看到郵局,然後左轉直走,
Cadet You are very kind. Thank you very much.
實習生 您人真好,非常感謝您。
Passer-by You are welcome. Good –bye.
路人甲 別客氣,再見。
Passer-by Good –bye.
路人甲 再見。

(In the chief officer’ s cabin.) (在大副的房間裡)

Cadet Good morning, Chief.
實習生 早安,大副。
C/O Good morning, Lin. Please, Have a seat. I have just finished correcting your practice

大副 早安,林。請坐。我才剛改完你的練習紀錄。
Cadet Thanks, Chief. What do you think?
實習生 謝謝,大副,您覺得如何?
C/O Generally speaking, it is very good. But there is still some room for improvement.
Here are some of my suggestions…
大副 一般而言,做得非常好,但還有一些進步的空間。以下是我的建議…

( After listening to the chief officer’ s suggestions. )

( 在聽完大副的建議後 )
Cadet Thanks very much for your help, Chief.
實習生 非常感謝您的協助,大副。
C/O I am glad to have been of help to you. How are things with you on board?
大副 我很高興可以幫的上忙,你現在在船上一切都還好吧?
Cadet Fine, thanks. Everything is OK.
實習生 還好,一切安好。

C/O How are you getting along with the other crewmembers?
大副 你和船上其他同仁相處的如何?

Cadet Very well. They are all very kind, generous, and helpful.
實習生 非常好,他們都非常親切,大方且熱心助人。
C/O What do you think of life at sea?
大副 你覺得海上生活如何?
Cadet I find sea life is exciting, and I like it a lot.
實習生 我發現海上生活很刺激,我喜歡。

C/O I am glad you like it. Young man, I hope you will be promoted in the near future.
大副 我很高興你喜歡它,年輕人。我希望你將來有好的晉升發展。
Cadet I hope so too. I will be going now. I don’ t want to take up too much of your time.
實習生 我也希望如此,我得先離開了,我不想占用您太多時間。
C/O That’ s all right. Lin, don’ t hesitate to come to me any time when you need help.
大副 沒關係,林,當你需要協助時後,不要猶豫,隨時都可以過來找我。
Cadet Sure thing. Thank you Chief. See you soon.
實習生 一定的,謝謝,再見。

Vocabulary 字彙
sightseeing 觀光;遊覽 post office 郵局
tourist 旅遊者;觀光者 get along with 與...和睦相處
crossroad 十字路口 generous 慷慨的;大方的
take up 佔用 hesitate 躊躇;猶豫

PART 1-3 Damage Survey
Surveyor I am the surveyor from the China Corporation Register of Shipping. I am here at the
request of your agent.
驗船師 我是中國驗船中心的驗船師,我收到你們代理請託來到這裡。
C/E Welcome. Please have a seat.
輪機長 歡迎你,請坐。
Surveyor Thank you, Chief Engineer. I was told that you intend to have a damage survey.
驗船師 謝謝你,輪機長。聽說你們想做一次機損檢驗。
C/E Yes. Here is the application.
輪機長 是的,這是申請書。
Surveyor Would you please describe what the problem is?
驗船師 可以請你描述一下是什麼問題嗎?
C/E Certainly. Last voyage, we found the rudder moves slowly when the port pump unit is
輪機長 沒問題,在上一個航次時,當用左舷油泵機組工作時,舵轉動特別慢。
Surveyor Have you disassembled the pump?
驗船師 你們拆過泵嗎?

C/E No, we were waiting for your arrival.

輪機長 沒有,我們正等你來。
Surveyor So let’ s go and have a look at the pump.
驗船師 那我們就去看看那個泵吧。

C/E I think there is too much leakage inside the pump.

輪機長 我想是泵的內漏過於嚴重。
Surveyor Yes, I agree.
驗船師 是的,我同意。
C/E I hope you can ascertain and verify the extent of the damage.
輪機長 我希望你能確定並證實損壞的程度
Surveyor Of course I can.
驗船師 當然,我會的。

Surveyor Will you describe the circumstances when the pump was damaged?
驗船師 請您描述一下當泵損壞時的狀況嗎?
C/E Sure, while we were sailing we found the temperature of the main bearing for No. 3
cylinder was running a bit high.
輪機長 好的,就當我們在航行時,我們發現三號主軸承溫度有點偏高。

Surveyor How hot was the cylinder?
驗船師 軸承的溫度有多高?
C/E XX degrees. But not hot enough to set off the alarm.
輪機長 是 XX 度,但還沒有高到引發警報。
Surveyor Have you checked the transmitter?
驗船師 你們檢查過傳動器嗎?
C/E Yes. It is working properly.
輪機長 是的,他作動正常。
Surveyor Have you opened the bearing?
驗船師 你們打開過軸承嗎?
C/E No. But we have opened the inspection door and found some broken pieces of lead
in the oil pump.
輪機長 沒有,但是我們打開檢查門時,發現機油箱裡面有一些碎鉛。
Surveyor I see.
驗船師 我明白了。
C/E Have you found the source of the trouble?
輪機長 你找出毛病了嗎?
Surveyor I think it is caused by the white metal detachment. Have you analyzed the lube oil?
驗船師 我想是白合金脫落引起的,你們化驗過滑油嗎?

C/E Yes, and the analysis report shows no problem with the lube oil.
輪機長 是的,化驗報告顯示滑油沒有問題。
Surveyor When did you line the white metal?
驗船師 你們何時澆鑄白合金的
C/E Last voyage in YY shipyard.
輪機長 上航次在 YY 船廠。
Surveyor Would you lodge a claim for guaranteed repair?
驗船師 你們要提出保修索賠嗎?
C/E Yes. Please issue the survey report and make the necessary endorsements.
輪機長 是的,請提出檢驗報告並簽署意見。
Surveyor How many copies of the report do you need?
驗船師 你們要幾份檢驗報告?
C/E Five.
輪機長 五份

Vocabulary & Phrase 字彙與片語
surveyor 調查員;考察者 bearing 軸承
intend 想要;打算 transmitter 傳動器
rudder 舵 lead 鉛
disassemble 拆開;拆卸 detachment 分離;分開
ascertain 查明;確定;弄清 lodge 提出(申訴,抗議等)
circumstance 細節;詳情 endorsement 背書;簽署

Part 2-1 Maps and Charts

3/O Hi! What are you busy with, Second Officer?
三副 嗨!你在忙什麼,二副?
2/O Good morning, Third Officer. I am correcting some charts.
二副 早安,三副。我在修正一些海圖。
3/O We must make some important alterations in the area we are heading towards.
三副 對將航行到的區域,我們得作一些重要的修正。

2/O That’ s right. Look, ( he points at the chart ) our destination is Dover. We’ll be subject
to compulsory pilotage in London District.
二副 沒錯,你看!( 他指著船圖 )我們的目的地是多佛,我們得遵從倫敦地區的強制領港的
3/O What is the pilotage change?
三副 所以呢,領港有什麼變化嗎?
2/O Oh, some navigational aids have been removed in that area according to the latest
Admiralty Notices to Mariners. I have to correct the affected charts.
二副 喔,根據最新的船員海事通告,那個區域裡的一些航海支援已經撤掉了,我得修正受到
3/O I see. Where will we embark a pilot?
三副 我瞭解了,哪我們在哪裡上領港?
2/O Well, the pilot will be picked up off Folkstone. An important light buoy has drifted away
from its original position. We must be very careful as we approach.
二副 嗯,領港會在福克斯頓接送,但是那裡有一個重要的發光浮筒漂離原來的位置了,我們

3/O Yes, thank you. By the way, there is a navigational warning at 1450. Would you please
give it to the Captain?
三副 是,謝謝!順便一提,這裡有一個兩點五十分收到的航行警告,你可以交給船長嗎?
2/O No problem. What is the warning about?
二副 沒問題,警告內容說什麼?
3/O An Italian container ship was abandoned two hours ago and two lifeboats with 27
seamen are reported near the ship.
三副 一艘義大利的貨櫃輪在兩個小時前棄船,兩艘救生艇共 27 人在那艘船附近。
2/O Yeah, the warning states that all ships in the vicinity are requested to keep a sharp
lookout for search and rescue… OK, leave it to me. I will take it to the Captain now.
二副 是的,它說所有在附近的船得保持搜救警戒…好,留給我,我會交給船長。
3/O Thank you very much.
三副 非常感謝你。

C/O Second Officer, have you finished planning our route to Keelung?
大副 二副,你完成全部到基隆的航線規劃了嗎?

2/O Not yet, sir. But I guarantee it will be finished in an hour.

二副 還沒,長官。但我保證我會在一個小時內完成它。

C/O OK. Do you have any questions or are there any outstanding issues?
大副 好,你有任何問題或是尚未解決的問題嗎?

2/O Thank you for asking, Chief, but I can resolve these issues within an hour.
二副 謝謝你的詢問,大副。但是我想我可以在一個小時內解決這些問題。
C/O Good, see you later.
大副 很好,待會見。
( An hour later ) (一小時後)
2/O Hello, Chief. The route has been finished. Could you have a look?
二副 哈囉,大副,航線規劃已經完成了,可以請您過目一下嗎?

C/O Yeah. Let me see, mm…not bad. ( Suddenly ) Oh, this is terrible!
大副 好,讓我看看,嗯…不賴喔。( 突然間 )喔,這很糟糕!

2/O What?
二副 怎麼了?
C/O The line is close to the dangerous wreck.
大副 這航線非常接近危險的船骸。
2/O Well, don’ t worry, sir. The dangerous wreck has been removed according to the latest
notices to mariners of Taiwan.

二副 嗯,別擔心,長官。根據最新的基隆船員通報,這個危險的船骸已經排除了。
C/O I see. That’ s good. Look, Second Officer, the route must keep a wide margin off of the
small island.
大副 我瞭解了,很好,你看,二副,航線必須藉由保持足夠的空間來避開小島。
2/O Yeah, that’ s right, sir.
二副 是的,沒錯,長官。
C/O ( Pointing an area ) Remember that we may encounter a lot of fishing boats here.
大副 ( 指著那個區域 )記得我們可能會在這裡遇到漁船。
2/O Yes, sir. I will keep that in mind.
二副 是的,長官。我會謹記在心的。

Vocabulary & Phrase 字彙與片語

correct 改正;矯正;校準 buoy 浮標;浮筒
alteration 改變;變更;修改 drift away 漂流
destination 目的地;終點 vicinity 附近地區;近處
be subject to 受...管制 lookout 警戒;監視
compulsory 強制的;強迫的 guarantee 保證;擔保
pilotage 領航 wreck 船難事故
district 地區;區域;地帶 margin 餘地;餘裕
admiralty 海事法 encounter 遭遇;遇到

Part 2-2 A Relaxed Conversation

( A chief officer is accompanying a Port State Control Officer for inspection on board )
( 大副陪同港口檢查官員在船上進行檢查 )

C/O Hi, nice to see you again.

大副 嗨,很高興再次見到您。
PSC/O Me, too. How are things with the vessel?
檢查員 我也是,這艘船的狀況如何?
C/O Everything is fine. Before we arrived at port we carried out a thorough examination.
大副 都很好。在船抵達港口前,我們已進行過完整的檢查。
PSC/O Hmm, everything seems to be well maintained. Chief, how long have you been with
this vessel?
檢查員 嗯,一切看起來都保養的不錯。大副,你在這艘船上多久了?

C/O For 3 years.
大副 三年
PSC/O Which countries have you been to?
檢查員 你曾經到過哪些國家?
C/O I have been to many countries such as Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Vietnam,
Singapore, and many others. By the way, have you ever worked on a vessel before?
大副 我去過不少國家,像是日本、韓國、菲律賓、越南、新加坡等等…順道一提,你也
PSC/O Yes, I have been a seaman for over 16 years.
檢查員 是,我曾在船上工作過 16 年。
C/O What did you do on board at that time?
大副 當時你在船上的工作是什麼?
PSC/O I am a captain with WAN HAI LINES LTD.
檢查員 我在萬海航運公司擔任船長一職。

C/O Can you tell me something about your company?

大副 你可以告訴我一些關於你們公司的事嗎?

PSC/O Certainly. It is a private enterprise.

檢查員 當然,他是一家私人企業。
C/O Where is the headquarters of your company?
大副 你們公司的總部在哪裡?
PSC/O Its headquartered in Taipei with branch offices and agencies in many countries.
檢查員 總部位於台北,在很多國家還有分公司和代理。

C/O Certainly. It is a world famous shipping company.

大副 當然,他是一家世界聞名的船公司。

( The chief engineer meets his classmate of university while having sightseeing on street )
Classmate Hi, Huang, long time no see.
同學 嗨!黃,好久不見。
C/E Hello Wu, its good to see you again.
輪機長 哈囉,吳,很高興再見到你。
Classmate How have you been these past ten years?
同學 你過去這十年來過的如何?
C/E I am working at a large company.
輪機長 我在一家大公司上班。
Classmate What kind of company is it?

Classmate What kind of company is it?
同學 那是一家什麼樣的公司?
C/E It is a steamship company headquartered in Taipei. I am a seaman and work on vessel
輪機長 是一家總部在台北的航運公司,我是個船員且在意春輪上工作。
Classmate Does your company have any training centers?
同學 你們公司有任何訓練中心嗎?
C/E Yes. We have a training center in ShenZhen. Every year many seamen are trained
there. What do you do now?
輪機長 有,我們在深圳有一訓練中心,每年有很多船員在那裡受訓。你現在在做什麼?
Classmate I teach English at a local college.
同學 我在本地大學教英文。
C/E Are the students excited to learn English?
輪機長 學生對學英文有興趣嗎?
Classmate Nearly everybody knows English is very important for their future, therefore all of my
students work very hard.
同學 最近大家都知道英文對他們的未來很重要,因此所有的學生都很認真在學。

C/E How is Calvin Wu? He used to be a little bit of a rebel.

輪機長 凱爾文吳如何?他曾經是個有點叛逆的小男孩。
Classmate He works at China Shipbuilding Corporation (CSBC)
同學 他現在在台灣造船公司工作。

C/E Really, that’s great to hear.

輪機長 真的嗎,我無法想像!
Classmate When I go to Keelung next time, I will let him know you asked about him.
同學 下次我去基隆會代你向他問好。

Vocabulary & Phrase 字彙與片語

inspection 檢查;檢驗;審視 branch 分公司;分店
carry out 完成;實行 sightseeing 觀光;遊覽
appearance 外貌;外觀 naughty 頑皮的;淘氣的
private 私立的;私有的 imagine 想像
headquarter 總部

Part 2-3 Taking over a New Ship
S/E Shall we check the technical data, Chief?
船廠工程師 我們來核對一下技術資料好嗎,輪機長?
C/E Sure, will you show me the catalogue?
輪機長 好的。把資料目錄給我看一下好嗎?
S/E Yes. Here is the catalogue of the quality surveillance certificate.
船廠工程師 好的,這是品質檢驗證書的目錄。
C/E Has it been confirmed by the ship’s classification society?
輪機長 這些品質檢驗證書是由船級社認可的嗎?
S/E Yes. It has been confirmed by the world famous classification society, the X Society.
You can go through and check item by item.
船廠工程師 對,是由世界著名的船級社之一 X 船級社認可的。你可以討論並逐一檢查。
C/E Sounds good, I’ll do that.
輪機長 聽起來不錯,我會的。

S/E This is the maintenance and operation manual for the equipment that goes along with
the certificate.
船廠工程師 這是設備的維修保養和操作說明書,與品質檢驗證書是一致的。

C/E Does the manual have a serial number?

輪機長 說明書上有序號嗎?

S/E I am sorry, you have to make it by yourself.

船廠工程師 對不起,序號要自己編。

C/E Do you have any idea how many sets you have aboard the ship?
輪機長 你知道船上有幾套資料嗎?

S/E Two sets. One is here and the other has been sent to the captain. Shall I put it in the
船廠工程師 兩套。一套在這裡,另一套已送到船長那裡了。我把它放到書櫃裡去好嗎?
C/E OK. Thank you.
輪機長 好,謝謝。
S/E Now, please sign the list of the data.
船廠工程師 那麼,請你在資料清單上簽字。
C/E All right, but I wonder if the data is all in English.
輪機長 好,但是我想知道這些資料是否都是英文的。
S/E No. Some of the auxiliary machinery is not in English. The reference room staff is
now busy with the translation work.
船廠工程師 不。有些關於輔助機械的資料不是英文的。船廠資料室的工作人員正忙著翻譯成英文。
C/E Engineer, do you have the results of the main engine shipway test?

輪機長 工程師,你們有主機船台的試驗結果嗎?
S/E Yes, but I did not bring it with me today.
船廠工程師 有的,不過今天我沒有帶來。
C/E Please bring it tomorrow. I‘ d like to take a look at the results of the main engine test.
輪機長 明天請帶來,我想瞭解主機的試驗結果。
S/E No problem. The main engine is one of the most advanced engine types in the world.
It’s a high pressure charged, forced cooled and uni-flow scavenging long stroke engine
Large capacity and low oil consumption are its main characteristics. It consumes low
grade fuel and the oil consumption is only X grams per horsepower-hour. It is a very
efficient and will save a lot of operational costs in the future. Furthermore it is easy to
maintain this top performing engine.
船廠工程師 沒問題。這主機機型是世界上最先進的一種,是一種高增壓、強力冷卻和直流掃氣式長
為 X 公克。這會在將來的工作中節省大量的資金。此外,它的維修保養也很容易。
C/E According to your introduction, it sounds a great engine.
輪機長 根據你的介紹,聽起來像是台不錯的引擎。
S/E The main engine control system adjustments will be finished tomorrow. Allow me to tell
船廠工程師 you a little bit about the system.
C/E Yes, please. Since we are free lets go to the engine room now.
輪機長 好的,請吧,不過既然我們都有空,我們現在就到機艙去。

C/E Were you able to fix all of the issues with our vessel?
輪機長 你們是否可以把一切問題都處理好?
S/E I am sorry to say that some minor faults will be put off until your next dry dock, but
most of the issues will be resolved before we hand over the ship.
船廠工程師 對不起,一些小毛病要拖到下次塢修了,但大部分的問題會在交船前解決。

C/E As the chief engineer, I hope that the ship won’ t have any hidden troubles. We want to
be sure the vessel is operating safely and efficiently.
輪機長 身為輪機長,我不希望船舶帶有任何潛藏的危機,我們需要確保船舶安全而可靠的營運。
S/E You are absolutely right. We’ll do our best. There should be no large issues when we
are finished, if you find any problems, please let us know. We can provide you with any
technical advice you may need.
船廠工程師 你說的完全對。我們會盡力而為的。應該不會什麼大問題當我們完工後,如果你們有什

C/E We will contact you if necessary. Thank you for all of your help.
輪機長 如果需要的話,我們會聯繫您的。感謝您的幫忙。
S/E Thanks for all of your assistance.
船廠工程師 謝謝你們的協助。
C/E Don’t mention it. Anything I can do to help. The better we cooperate the better we can
work together to solve any potential issues.
輪機長 不用客氣。任何事我都願意幫忙。我們的合作默契越好,我們越可以一起解決任何潛在
S/E Sure, thanks again.
船廠工程師 對,再一次謝謝你。

Vocabulary & Phrase 字彙與片語

check up 核對 reliable 可信賴的;可靠的

catalogue 目錄 cooperate with 合作;協作
surveillance 監督;檢查 technical 專門的;技術性的
bookcase 書架;書櫥 classification society 船舶協會

wonder 納悶;想知道 manual 手冊;簡介

scavenging 掃氣 staff (全體)工作人員

hidden 隱藏的;隱祕的

Part 3-1 Taking a Pilot Aboard

WH605 proceeds towards the temporary anchorage. After dropping anchor she calls up the pilot

WH605 Pilot station. This is WH605 on Channel 12. Over.

意春輪 領港站,這裡是意春輪在第 12 頻道呼叫,完畢。
Station WH605. This is the Pilot station. Over.
領港站 意春輪,這是領港站,完畢。
WH605 Pilot station. This is WH605. I dropped anchor at 1300 hours local time. My anchor
position is 140 degrees 3 miles from the White Lighthouse. When will the pilot be
available? Over.
意春輪 領港站,這是意春輪,我在當地時間 1300 時完成拋錨,我船的錨位在懷特燈塔 140 度
3 海浬處的位置,請問何時方便上領港,完畢。
Station WH605. This is the Pilot station. The pilot will be available at 1800 hours local time.
You can take pilot at No.2 light buoy. Stand by on channel 12. Over.
領港站 意春輪,這裡是領港站,我們預計在當地時間晚上八點上領港。你可以在 2 號燈浮筒處

接領港,請在 12 頻道待命,完畢。
WH605 Pilot station. This is WH605. Message understood. Standing by on channel 12. Out.
意春輪 領港站,這裡是意春輪,電文瞭解,會在 12 頻道待命,結束。

( WH605 weighs anchor at 1730 hours local time and proceeds at slow speed towards No.2 light
buoy. ) ( 意春輪在當地時間 1730 時起錨並以慢速開往二號燈浮 )
WH605 Pilot station. This is WH605. Over.
意春輪 領港站,這是意春輪,完畢。
Station WH605.This is the Pilot station. Report your position to assist with identification. Over.
領港站 意春輪,這是領港站,請報出您的位置以協助確認,完畢。
WH605 Pilot station. This is WH605. My position is 120 degrees 4 miles from No.2 light buoy.
意春輪 領港站,這是意春輪,我的位置在二號燈浮的 120 度 4 海浬處。
Station WH605. This is the Pilot station. I have located you on my radar. The pilot boat is
coming to get you. Please keep pilot boat on your lee side and contact the pilot boat
on VHF channel 14. Out.
領港站 意春輪,這是領港站,我已在雷達上確認你的位置。領港艇正朝你的方向駛去,請讓領
港船保持在下風舷處並以 VHF 的 14 頻道聯絡領港艇,結束。

WH605 Pilot station. This is WH605. I will stand by on channel 14. Out.
意春輪 領港站,這裡是意春輪,我會在 14 頻道待命,結束。

( A pilot boat is approaching WH605 and calling her up on VHF channel )

(領港船正接近意春輪,並以 VHF 與意春輪聯繫)
Pilot boat WH605. This is the pilot boat calling. Do you read me?
領港艇 意春輪,這裡是領港艇呼叫,收到呼叫嗎?
WH605 Pilot boat. This is WH605. I read you loud and clear. Over.
意春輪 領港艇,這是意春輪,能清楚收到你的訊息,完畢。
Pilot boat WH605. This is the pilot boat. I am approaching your vessel from the west. Make a
lee on your port side for me. Over.
領港艇 意春輪,這是領港艇,我正要從西邊靠近你的船,請在左舷方向留空間給我,完畢。
WH605 On which side do you want me to rig the pilot ladder? Over.
意春輪 你要我在哪邊放領港梯?完畢。
Pilot boat WH605. This is the pilot boat. Please rig the pilot ladder on port side. Over.
領港艇 意春輪,這是領港艇,請在你的左舷放領港梯,完畢。
WH605 Pilot boat. This is WH605. I will rig the pilot ladder on my port side. Over.
意春輪 領港艇,這裡是意春輪,我會在左舷放領港梯,完畢。
Pilot boat WH605. What is your freeboard? Over.

領港艇 意春輪,你的乾舷多少?完畢。

WH605 Pilot boat. This is WH605. My freeboard is 10 meters. Over.

意春輪 領港艇,這裡是意春輪。我的乾舷 10 米,完畢。
Pilot boat WH605. This is the pilot boat. You must rig the accommodation ladder together with
the pilot ladder. Please also put lights on the pilot ladder. Over.
領港艇 意春輪,這是領港艇。你必須將舷梯和領港梯一起放。並請在領港梯裝上燈,完畢。
WH605 Pilot boat. This is WH605. Your message understood. Over.
意春輪 領港艇,這裡是意春輪。電文瞭解,完畢。
Pilot boat WH605. This is the pilot boat. Please make boarding speed of 3 knots and stop engine
until the pilot boat is clear. Out.
領港艇 意春輪,這是領港艇。請把登輪速度控制在三節,並讓主機停止運轉直到上領港為止
WH605 Pilot boat. This is WH605. I will make boarding speed 3 knots and stop engine until the
pilot boat is clear. Out.
意春輪 領港艇,這裡是意春輪。我會讓登輪速度控制在三節並停止主機直到上領港,結束。

Vocabulary & Phrase 字彙與片語

anchorage 下錨;停泊 lee 背風面;下風

lighthouse 燈塔 rig 裝配構件

stand by 準備;待命 freeboard 乾舷

weighs anchor 起錨;啟航 accommodation ladder 舷梯

Part 3-2 Homesick

( A young cadet looks gloomy… ) ( 一位年輕的實習生好像很憂鬱… )
Captain Are you homesick?
船長 你想家嗎?

Cadet Yes. It has been half a year since I left home, I wonder how my friends and family are
實習生 是的,我離開家已經半年了,我想知道我的家人和朋友們過的怎麼樣。
Captain Are your parents well?
船長 你的父母可安好?
Cadet Yeah, for the most part they are doing fine, and fortunately there is not much work to do
in the fields.

實習生 是的,他們還算不錯,而且幸運的是田裡沒有太多的工作可作。
Captain It sounds like you have nothing to worry about.
船長 這樣聽起來你可以不用擔心了。
Cadet Unfortunately, my father has bronchitis and although he has seen many doctors he still
coughs a lot in the winter. I worry about him.
實習生 不幸的是我父親有支氣管炎,雖然去過很多醫院但冬天時還是會咳嗽,我會擔心他。
Captain Is there anyone to take care of him?
船長 有人照顧他嗎?
Cadet My girlfriend occasionally visits my parents, but sine we are not married it is not always
實習生 我的女友偶爾會去探視我的父母,但由於我們還沒結婚,所以不是很方便。

Captain So do you miss your girlfriend a lot as well?

船長 所以你也很思念你的女朋友?
Cadet Of course.
實習生 當然了。

Captain Its no wonder that you look distressed, you have many loved ones to care about.
船長 難怪你看起這麼沮喪,你有這麼多人要擔心,

Cadet But…
實習生 但是…
Captain Don’t worry about it too much. Look on the bright side and things will get better. Just
think about how happy you will be to see them when you get home.
船長 別太擔心,樂觀一點!事情會好轉的,只要想想當你回家見到他們時你會有多開心就好了。

AB You are off duty now. Do you want to play table tennis?
舵工 你現在下班了,我們一起來玩桌球吧

3/O I am afraid I can’ t now.

三副 我現在恐怕不行耶。
AB Why not?
舵工 為什麼呢?

3/O Yesterday I learned that my wife was recently injured.

三副 昨天我接到消息說我的老婆最近受傷了。

AB I am sorry to hear that. Is she okay?

舵工 我很遺憾聽到這個消息,他還好嗎?
3/O I hope so, her leg was broken in a car accident. I feel helpless because I am at sea.

AB I’m sure she will be fine, are there any family members that can take care of her?
舵工 我相信他一定回沒事的,有家人可以照顧她嗎?
3/O Yes, her mother. My mother-in-law is staying with her while I am at sea.
三副 有,她的母親。當我在船上時我的岳母會陪伴在她旁邊。
AB Did you tell the captain? He can try to contact our company as soon as possible and the
company will do what they can to help your wife.
舵工 你有告訴船長嗎?他可以試著盡快和公司聯繫並讓公司來協助你的老婆。
3/O I’m afraid that will be too much trouble?
三副 我擔心這會不會太麻煩?
AB Don’t worry about it, this way you can rest assured that your wife is okay and be
focused on the task at hand to ensue the safety of the ship.
舵工 不用擔心這個,這樣你才可以放心,你夫人的狀況無虞並專心手邊的工作,以確保船舶的

3/O Thank you very much for your suggestion. I will let the captain know right now.
三副 非常感謝你的建議,我現去馬上去找船長。

AB Take care.
舵工 多保重
3/O I will.
三副 我會的

Vocabulary & Phrase 字彙與片語

gloomy 陰鬱的;憂鬱的 ought 應當;應該

homesick 思鄉病的 injure 傷害;損害
wonder 納悶;想知道 mother-in-law 婆婆;岳母
bronchitis 支氣管炎 bother 麻煩;費心

Part 3-3 SMA on Board the Ship

Auditor What’ s your responsibility according to your company’ s SMS?
稽核員 根據你們公司的安全管理系統規定,你的職責是什麼?
C/E I am in charge of the plan and organization of the engine department.
輪機長 我負責輪機部的組織與管理。

Auditor Would you mind explaining that in detail?

稽核員 你能詳細解釋一下嗎?

C/E No, of course not. I am responsible for the operation and maintenance of all the
mechanical and electrical machinery and equipment. I will give or issue standing
orders and special orders according to the actual situation.
輪機長 當然可以,我負責機械與電器設備的操作及維修保養,依據機器實際運轉狀況給予或
Auditor Who do you give the orders to, and what are the orders for?
稽核員 你發指令給誰?發這些指令的目地是什麼?
C/E I give the orders to the engineers in order to keep all machinery and equipment in
good condition.
輪機長 為了保持機械設備在良好的狀態,我會發送指令給輪機員。
Auditor OK. Thanks.
稽核員 好的,謝謝。
C/E You are welcome, sir.

輪機長 不客氣,先生。

Auditor Who trains the new crew members?

稽核員 誰負責培訓新進船員?

C/E The Chief Officer will arrange the training according to our SMS. But some training is
carried out by our Second Engineer if the newcomer is an engineer or a motorman.
輪機長 根據我們的安全管理系統,大副會安排這項工作,但如果新來的是一為輪機員或機工,

Auditor What type of training?

稽核員 哪些訓練?
C/E Training for safety and fire-fighting equipment in the engine room, education and
training to prevent oil pollution at sea, emergency evacuation of the engine room, etc.
輪機長 機艙救生及消防設備的使用、海上防污染教育與培訓、如何從機艙應急通道逃生等。
Auditor Do you have the training record?
稽核員 你有培訓紀錄嗎?

C/E Yes, I do. Here you are.

輪機長 我有,在這邊。
Auditor Thanks. ( After a while… ) Please show me the record for your last internal audit.
稽核員 謝謝。
( 一會後… )請出示上次的內稽紀錄。
C/E No problem, here you go.
輪機長 好。在這邊。
Auditor There was a non-conformity. Did you rectified it?
稽核員 有一項不符合,你們矯正了嗎?

C/E Yes, we did, everything meets or exceeds the requirements.
輪機長 是的,我們已經做了矯正,一切都符合甚至高過標準。
Auditor May I have a look at your maintenance plan for the auxiliary generator?
稽核員 我能看一下你的發電機維修保養計畫嗎?
C/E Certainly. Here you are.
輪機長 當然。在這邊。
Auditor Please show me the repair records for the main engine and the Engine Logbook.
稽核員 請出示主機的修理紀錄及輪機日誌
輪機長 好。
Auditor Why has this item not been recorded in the Engine Logbook?
稽核員 為什麼這個項目在輪機日誌裡沒有紀錄?
C/E Oh, I will tell the Second Engineer to put it down right now.
輪機長 喔,我叫大管立刻補上。

Auditor Now, please show me your records for your received documents.
稽核員 現在請出示文件的接收紀錄。

C/E Here you are.

輪機長 在這邊。

Auditor Were you trained before you came on board?

稽核員 你上船前有接受過培訓嗎?

4/E Yes, I was.

三管 是的,我接受過培訓。

Auditor What training did you receive?

稽核員 你接受過哪些培訓?
4/E Besides the special training related to my work, I received additional training and
education on our safety management system.
三管 除了與我的工作有關的培訓以外,還接受額外的安全管理系統培訓。

Auditor Have you been trained on board?

稽核員 你在船上接受過培訓嗎?
4/E Yes. The Captain and the Second Engineer trained other crewmembers as well as
三管 有。船長和大管對我及其他的船員都進行過相關的培訓。
Auditor What would you do if the abandon ship alarm sounded?
稽核員 如果棄船信號響起,你會做什麼?
4/E I would put on my life jacket and go to the muster station as soon as possible.

三管 我會穿上救生衣並盡速到集合地點。
Auditor Which station?
稽核員 哪一個地點?
4/E I‘ d go to No.1 lifeboat with a blanket.
三管 我會帶一條毛毯到一號救生艇。
Auditor Could you tell me about the safety management system for your ship?
稽核員 你能介紹一下你們船上的安全管理系統嗎?
4/E Sure. We have a ship safety committee. The committee consists of 5 people nominated
by the Captain. The committee will monitor the ship’ s safety.
三管 好的,我們船上有安全管理委員會,由船長指定的五個人組成,委員會負責督察全船的
Auditor What’ s the relationship between the Captain and the committee?
稽核員 船長和委員會之間是什麼關係?
4/E The Captain is the leader of the committee, but sometimes the committee advises the
Captain to assign specific duties.
三管 船長是安全管理委員會的領導,但是有時候委員會會建議船長分派一些特殊的任務。
Auditor What is the relationship between the Captain and the Chief Engineer?
稽核員 船長和輪機長之間是什麼關係?

4/E The Captain is the leader of the whole ship. He can direct the Chief Engineer. The
Chief Engineer is the head of the engine department.
三管 船長是全船的領導,他可以直接指揮輪機長,而輪機長是輪機部的領導。

Vocabulary 字彙

crewmember 人員 rectify 矯正;改正

newcomer 新手;初學者 abandon 丟棄;拋棄
evacuate 撤離;撤退 muster station 集合地

route 路線;路程 nominate 任命;指定

audit 審核;查帳 monitor 監控;監測
non-conformity 不符合 definite 明確的;確切的


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