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PART 1-1

Hatch cover
3/O Bosun. Open all the hatch covers please, the surveyor will check the cargo holds.
三副 水手長。請把所有艙蓋打開,檢查員要檢查大艙。

Bosun Yes, sir. I will arrange it right now. Vincent, Neo, you two open all the hatch covers. Be
careful, check if all the Heavy Bolts on covers and quick-acting cleats around the hatch
coaming have been released before opening the hatch covers.
水手長 好的,三副。我立刻安排。尼歐、文生你們兩位去把所有的艙蓋打開。仔細點,開艙前檢
Neo I will go switch on the power source and start the motor.
尼歐 我去開電源啟動馬達
Vincent OK, I will stand by the No. 1 hatch.
文生 好,我在第一艙那準備
(Neo comes to No. 1 hatch.)
Neo Vincent, I am not familiar with this kind of Control Box for opening and closing the
hatch covers. Could you show me how to operate it?
尼歐 文生,我對這種艙蓋的開關控制盒不熟,你能告訴我怎麼操作嗎?
Vincent Sure. I have already finished checking the Heavy Bolts, and they have been released.
Now releasing all the quick-acting cleats first, please put the 1st control lever up and
set the second control lever in the neutral position.
文生 當然可以,我已檢查了重型鏍栓,他們都已被卸下了,現在首先鬆速動鑼栓,你把這控
Neo That’ s right. The cleats are acting. Well, it appears all the cleats have been released.
尼歐 對啦。鏍栓在動。好,好像所有的速動鏍栓都已卸掉了。
Vincent You must make sure. Otherwise, the covers, cleats, and hatch coaming will be
damaged, which is very dangerous. OK, please set the first lever in the neutral position,
and push up the second lever. The hatch covers will be lifted by hydraulic power.
文生 你必須確認。否則艙蓋、艙蓋、鏍栓及艙口周圍會被損壞,這樣是十分危險的!好,你
Neo I see. Then I can use the last two control levers to open or close the hatch covers.
尼歐 我明白了,然後我可以用最後兩個控制桿開關艙蓋。
Vincent You are right. And make sure that the hatch cover wheels have been lifted up completely
before you open it. In order to avoid shock, you must pay attention to slow down the
rolling speed when the covers wheels come near the end of rail.
文生 沒錯,但是在開艙前確認所有的艙蓋輪子都已完全被頂起來,因此你必須要注意,為了

Neo After opening the covers, we should set the stopper pins, right?
尼歐 開艙後,我們應該插上制動插銷,對嗎?
Vincent Yes. That is very important if you do not it will be very dangerous.
文生 對!必須記住這點,否則會非常危險。
Neo Thank you very much, I will keep it in mind.
尼歐 非常感謝您,我會牢記這一點的。

C/O Hello, glad to see you again.
大副 哈囉,很高興再次見到你!
Engineer Hello, Chief Officer. What will we do today?
工程師 哈囉,大副,我們今天要做什麼工作?
C/O Let me see. After repairing the hatch covers we must test to make sure it is water
tight. Please let me know the time and date of the scheduled test.
大副 我看看…在檢修完艙蓋後要進行水密測試,請事先告訴我測試的日期。
Engineer No problem. I’ll inform you again one day before the test date?
工程師 沒問題,到時候我會早一天通知你。

C/O You are very thoughtful, sir. And you know our ship will carry grain in bulk next voyage,
so the cargo holds must be thoroughly cleaned with high-pressure fresh water.
大副 先生,你考慮的非常周到,而且你知道我們這艘船下個航次貨艙要載運穀物,所以貨艙
Engineer Is there anything I can do for you?
工程師 有什麼我可以為你做的嗎?
C/O Yes, those rusted areas should be scraped and patched with two coats of primer and
one coat of paint on the surface matching the original color.
大副 有,我想有的。你看,生鏽的區域得刮乾淨,並補上兩層漆,表面的那一層得和原來的
Engineer Yes sir. You can count on me sir.
工程師 好的,我會記得的。

Vocabulary 字彙
hatch cover 艙蓋 coaming 艙口
bolt 鏍栓 lever 控制桿
cleat 楔;栓 neutral 中間的

otherwise 否則;不然 carry out 完成,實行
hydraulic 液壓的 inform 通知;告知
avoid 避免 in advance 預先;事先
pay attention 注意;專心 notice 預先通知
shock 衝擊;震動 grain 穀物
rolling 旋轉;滾動 cargo hold 貨艙
rail 軌道 thoroughly 徹底的;認真仔細的
pin 梢;栓 scrap 刮除
bear in mind 記住 patch 修補
water tight 水密測試

PART 1-2
Requests and Offers
A Bosun is asking a docker how to go to the Seamen’ s Club

Bosun Excuse me…

水手長 打擾一下…

Docker Yes?
碼頭工人 是

Bosun Will you please tell me how far is it to the Seamen’ s Club?
水手長 可否請你告訴我從這裡到海員俱樂部大概有多遠?
Docker It ‘s only a fifteen-minute walk from here.
碼頭工人 從這裡步行到那只需 15 分鐘。

Bosun How can I get there? It is my first time here could you please direct me?
水手長 我應如何到那裡?這是我第一次到這裡,你可以告訴我方向嗎?
Docker Well, walk down the street until you reach the traffic lights.
碼頭工人 嗯,你沿著這條街往下走直到遇到了紅綠燈。

Bosun Walk down the street until I reach the traffic lights. And then?
水手長 沿著這條街往下走直到我遇到了紅綠燈,然後呢?
Docker Then turn right and walk until you see a 40-storey building.
碼頭工人 然後右轉繼續走,直到你看到一棟 40 層的大樓。
Bosun Is that the Seamen’ s Club?
水手長 那就是海員俱樂部嗎?

Docker No. Walk around to the other side of building and you ‘ll see the Seamen Club. I ‘m
sure you won’ t miss it.
碼頭工人 不,走到那棟大樓另一邊的附近,你就會看到海員俱樂部。我相信你不會找不到的。
Bosun Thank you very much.
水手長 非常感謝你
Docker You are welcome.
碼頭工人 不客氣。

Oiler Ray asks the Third Engineer Xavier to go shopping with him.
Oiler Hello, third officer. What are you busy with?
加油 哈囉!三副,你在忙什麼啊?
3/E I am reading some English material. What can I do for you?
三管 我正在看一些英語教材,我能為你做些什麼嗎?
Oiler Would you do me a favor?
加油 你可以幫我一個忙嗎?
3/E Yes, of course. Name it.
三管 好啊!當然可以。你說。

Oiler I need to do shopping in the port, but my English is not very good. Could you
go to the supermarket with me today or tomorrow?
加油 我得去港口買一些東西,但是我的英語不太好,你可以今天或是明天跟我一起去超市
3/E I would love to. How about tomorrow morning?
三管 我十分願意,那就明天早上如何?
Oiler Great. Thanks a lot.
加油 太好了!多謝囉!

3/E What do you want to buy?

三管 你想要買什麼?
Oiler You know we ‘ll be on the homeward voyage. I want to buy some cosmetics for my
wife and some toy cars for my son.
加油 你知道我們下個航次就要往回程開,我想買一些化妝品給我老婆,一些玩具車給我兒
3/E Why do you want to buy those things for them here?
三管 你為什麼想要為他們買這些東西。
Oiler I heard the cosmetics made in Taiwan are high quality and particularly good for Chinese
women. The toys made in Taiwan are the best and roll smoothly on the ground. Children
really like them.
加油 聽說台灣製的化妝品對中國女性很好,台灣製的玩具車在地板上可以移動的很順利。小
3/E That’s good to know, in that case, I’ll buy some cosmetics for my wife also.

三管 如果你說的是真的,那我也要買一些化妝品給我老婆。
Oiler Sounds good, lets meet tomorrow and head into town for the supermarket.
加油 所以讓我們明天一起去超市吧,明天見囉!
3/E See you.
三管 再見囉!

Vocabulary 字彙
reach 抵達;到達 homeward 向家的,向本國的
traffic light 交通號誌 cosmetic 化妝品
storey 樓層 toy 玩具
material 素材;資料 true 真實的
do … a favor 幫某人一個忙

PART 1-3
Hydraulic Equipment Repair
C/O Chief Engineer, the duty officer reported that a large amount of hydraulic oil leakage
was found in the engine room near the crane and the warning alarm is on. Will you
please send the third engineer for inspection?
大副 輪機長,剛剛值班駕駛員報告,吊車機房內有大量的漏油,且吊車機出現故障警報。請
C/E OK. I will call him up right now and ask him to have a look.
輪機長 好的。我馬上就打電話給他並叫他去檢查一下。

3/E Chief, Can I help?

三管 輪機長,有事嗎?
C/E Yes. Just now the chief officer told me that there was a good deal of hydraulic oil
leakage in the engine room near the crane and the warning bell rang too. The crane is
out of order and can’ t be used now. Will you go figure out what is wrong?
輪機長 對,剛才大副告知吊車機房內有大量漏油,警報器也響了。吊車故障無法使用,你去檢
3/E Sure. I will go at once.
三管 好,我馬上就去。
C/E Have you found out what the trouble is?
輪機長 找到故障了嗎?
3/E Yes. An elastic connection pipe at hydraulic oil pump exhaust pipe has burst and
the oil in the oil box has been leaking.

三管 找到了。油泵的出口管路上有一段軟管爆開了,把油箱的油都漏光了。
C/E Are there any spare parts for the connection pipe?
輪機長 有軟管的備件嗎?
3/E No, I have already checked.
三管 沒有,我已經查過了。
C/E Mm, let me see. Let the second engineer arrange for somebody to dismantle the
connection first, then ask the No. 1 oiler to come to me. We have to work overtime
tonight because we cannot hold up the discharging tomorrow.
輪機長 嗯,讓我想想。讓大管輪安排人先把接管拆下來,然後叫加油長來見我。我們今晚得加
3/E You are right, Chief. But I am afraid it may be difficult for us to dismantle the
connection because of narrow space. We will give it our best shot.
三管 對,輪機長,但恐怕拆下接管很困難,因為施工的地方非常狹窄,我們只能試試看。

C/E No. 1 oiler, are there any high pressure metal pipes onboard?
輪機長 加油長,船上有承受壓力較大的金屬管嗎?
No .1 What’ s the kg/cm2?
加油長 要每平方公分多少公斤的?

C/E Not less than three hundred kg/cm2.

輪機長 不能小於每平方公分三百公斤

No .1 What is the diameter?

加油長 直徑是多少?

C/E X mm.
輪機長 X 公厘。
No .1 I don’ t think we have high pressure metal pipes with such a large diameter.
加油長 我想我們船上沒有這麼大的高壓金屬管。
C/E What diameter pipes do you have?
輪機長 那麼有多大直徑的?
No .1 Y mm. Smaller than you mentioned before.
加油長 Y 公厘,比你剛才說的直徑要小些。

3/E That won’ t do.

三管 那不行。
C/E We have no choice but to use this pipe in our current situation. The pipes we need
are not available in the local market and it will take a long time to order them. Let’ s
measure the length of the connection first and weld one of the ends in the workshop.
The other end can be taken to the crane and welded on the spot. As for the flanges,
the original ones should be alright.

輪機長 現在這種情況也只能用這種管子了。我們需要的那種管子在這裡的市場買不到,訂購也
No.1 That will do. But the clearance between the flanges and the pipe is Z mm.
The connection could still leak after the repair.
加油長 可以。但法蘭盤和管子間的縫隙有 Z 公厘,接起來不知道還會不會漏油。
C/E You can solve the clearance problem with additional welding.
輪機長 可以用堆焊的方法慢慢焊接起來。
No.1 OK. Let me try. Mm, it works well.
加油長 好吧,我試試看。嗯,還不錯。

Vocabulary & Phrase 字彙與片語

leakage 漏;洩漏 afraid 害怕
crane 起重機;吊車 narrow 狹窄的
inspection 檢查;檢驗 diameter 直徑
right now 馬上;就是現在 pressure 壓力
at once 馬上;立刻 mention 提及;說起
elastic 有彈性的 circumstance 情況;環境;情勢
exhaust 排出 order 訂購;訂貨
burst 爆炸;破裂 weld 焊接;鍛接
dismantle 拆除 flange 法蘭盤;凸緣
overtime 加班 remedy 補救
discharge 卸貨 clearance 空隙

Part 2-1
Gangway watch
Bob is on duty when a stranger comes on board and he goes directly toward the door.
Bob Excuse me, sir. Who are you looking for? Could you register first?
包伯 打擾一下,先生。請問您在找誰?可否先登記嗎?

Visitor Oh. I am from company X. I was in such a rush that I forgot to register. I apologize.
來訪者 喔,我是公司派來的,我太著急而忘了登記,對不起!
Bob No worries. Welcome onboard our ship, sir. Please show your identification.
It is our duty to make sure every visitor aboard has been officially registered.

包伯 沒關係。歡迎到我們船上,先生。請出示您的身分證。我必須登記一下,你知道的,這
Visitor I understand and that’s a good policy, here is my identification.
來訪者 這種態度很好,這是我的身分證。
Bob Wow you’re a port engineer I admire that. Please sign your name here, thank you.
包伯 您是駐埠輪機長喔。我好欽佩。請在這裡簽名,謝謝!
Visitor OK. Is Captain in his quarters?
來訪者 好,船長在嗎?
Bob The Captain is not on board, he has gone ashore, but he will be back soon. The chief
officer is on board would you like to meet with him?
包伯 船長不在船上,他上岸了,但他說他會很快回來。大副在船上,你要見他嗎?
Visitor Where is the Chief Officer?
來訪者 大副在哪裡?
Bob He is in his cabin. Would you like to see him?
包伯 他在他的房間裡,您想要找他嗎?

Visitor Yes. Could you please show me the way?

來訪者 是的,你能帶我去嗎?

Bob Sure, one minute please.

包伯 好,請稍等一分鐘。
Bob is calling the Chief Officer on walkie-talkie
Bob Chief Officer, this is Bob calling.
包伯 大副,這是包伯呼叫。
C/O Bob, this is Chief Officer. Please go ahead.
大副 包伯,我是大副,請講。
Bob Chief Officer. The port engineer, Mr. James Is on board now. He would like to see you.
包伯 大副,駐埠輪機長詹姆斯先生現在正在船上,他想見您。
C/O OK. I have heard of him. I am in my cabin. Please show him the way.
大副 好的,我認識他,我在房間等他,請帶他過來。
Bob Yes, sir. Mr. James, Chief Officer is waiting for you. Please follow me. Take this way.
包伯 是的,大副。詹姆斯先生,大副在等您,請跟我來,這邊。
Visitor Thank you very much. The living quarters are very clean. You do run a tight ship.
來訪者 非常感謝您,你們生活區域非常乾淨,你們做的很好!
Bob We live here everyday. A clean environment is very important for our health.
It is good for us to keep it clean all times.

包伯 我們每天都在這裡生活。乾淨的環境對健康很重要。這對我們自己有益,所以我們必須
Visitor You bet. There is no doctor on board and sanitation is very important.
來訪者 你說的對,在船上沒有醫生,所以衛生非常重要。
Bob Well, this is Chief Officer’ s cabin. ( After knocking the door. ) Chief Officer, this is port
Engineer, Mr. James from company X.
包伯 好,這是大副的房間。(敲門後) 大副,這是從公司來的駐埠輪機長詹姆斯先生。
C/O Nice to meet you, I am the Chief Officer.
大副 很高興見到您,我是大副。
Visitor Nice to meet you, Chief Officer, I am port Engineer James from company X.
來訪者 很高興見到您,大副,我是公司派來的駐埠輪機長詹姆斯。
C/O I have heard about you for a long time. Come in please.
大副 久仰您的大名。請進。
Bob Chief Officer, Port Engineer, I am on duty, so I have to go down now.
包伯 大副、駐埠輪機長,由於我正在當班,所以我現在得下去了。

C/O Take care and please keep an eye out for unregistered guests onboard and ensure that
everything is normal.
大副 仔細點,注意陌生人和船舶周圍情況。

Bob Yes, sir.

包伯 是,大副。

Vocabulary & Phrase 字彙與片語

look for 尋找 identification 身分證明
register 登記;註冊 admire 欽佩;欣賞
rush 急忙;倉促;忙亂 accommodation 住處
never mind 沒關係;不用在意 sanitation 公共衛生;環境衛生

Part 2-2
What Movies Do You Like Best?
Captain Kenny and Chief Officer Tyler are talking about movies at saloon.

Kenny Do you prefer to watch movies based on novels or historical movies?

肯尼 你比較喜歡看文學電影還是歷史電影?
Tyler I prefer literary movies such as “Lust, Caution”, “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”, etc.

泰勒 我比較喜歡像是「色,戒」
Kenny Why?
肯尼 為什麼?
Tyler Besides the stories, I like their style.
泰勒 因為除了故事內容外,我喜歡它們的風格。
Kenny What about the stars in the movies?
肯尼 那你覺得電影裡的明星如何呢?
Tyler Oh, marvelous! Both the male and female stars do a great job with their roles.
They are my favorite movie stars. I admire them so much.
泰勒 喔,太棒了!男女主角們的演技相當精湛,而且他們是我最愛的明星,我十分仰慕他們。
Kenny Really? What about your favorite scenes from the two movies?
肯尼 真的嗎?那你覺得這兩部電影的故事場景如何?
Tyler Both movies describe different times and tell different stories but the scenes in
each movie are equally beautiful and magnificent.
泰勒 雖然這兩部電影所描述的是不同時代背景和不同的故事,但是他們的場景是一樣美麗而

Kenny What are the movies about?

肯尼 故事內容是關於什麼?
Tyler One is about war, and the other is about peace.
泰勒 一部是關於戰爭,另一部則是關於和平。
Kenny But they have a similar theme. Both movies tell a story about love between the men
and women although in a different settings and separate eras.
肯尼 但是它們都在描述一個相同的主題:就是不同時空背景下的男女之愛。
Tyler Your right, movies with themes like this often touch millions of people due to the
universal theme of Love.
泰勒 沒錯,這的確感動了數百萬人。

Emma Oh, the new Kung Fu movie is playing at the cinema.
艾瑪 喔,戲院現在正在播出新的功夫片。

Teresa I’m not really in the mood for a Kung Fu movie right now.
泰瑞莎 我已經不想看了。
Emma But you have told me before that you enjoy watching Kung Fu movies.
艾瑪 但是您以前告訴過我你很喜歡看功夫片啊。
Teresa Recently I feel like most of the stories are about the same and are not that interesting.
泰瑞莎 我現在已經看膩這種片子了。
Emma Would you want to catch a double feature?

艾瑪 你想看一場兩部連映的電影嗎?
Teresa Sure they are showing the classic version of the same movie after the new release.
泰瑞莎 好啊!因為它們在播完之後都會再播放同一部電影的經典版。
Emma How long do you think it will be?
艾瑪 你覺得它們會播多久?
Teresa I guess it will last about 6 hours.
泰瑞莎 我猜全部播完大概要六個小時。
Emma Wow, that’ s nearly the entire evening.
艾瑪 哇,那幾乎是一整晚。
Teresa That’ s true. And the first movie starts at 11 p.m.
泰瑞莎 的確是,它從晚上十一點開始播放。
Emma In that case lets start getting ready for it now.
艾瑪 哇!那我們現在得趕快準備了
Teresa Lets clear our plans with the Master first. He will worry about us if we are not back
to the ship on time. He may not allow us to spend a whole night at the movies.
泰瑞莎 但是我們得打電話跟船長報備一下,你知道如果我們沒有即時回到船上,他會擔心我們

Emma I guess so, well if you’re right then lets just go dancing.
艾瑪 好啊,如果這樣,我們可以去跳舞。

Vocabulary & Phrase 字彙與片語

literary 文學的;文藝的 touch 觸動;感動
history 歷史 Kung Fu 功夫;武術
lust 慾望 cinema 電影院
caution 警告;告誡 sick of 對…厭惡
crouch 彎腰;蜷伏 tired of 厭煩
style 風格;作風 catch 趕上
marvelous 令人驚歎;不可思議的 double feature 兩場連映電影
skillful 熟練的 classic 經典;古典
scene 電影場景;電影鏡頭 nearly 幾乎;差不多
describe 描述;描繪 preparation 準備;預備
magnificent 壯麗的;宏偉的 allow 允許;准許

Part 2-3
After Repairs – Tests and Trials
C/E Excuse me, Port Engineer Zhang. When are you testing the air compressor?
輪機長 打擾一下,張駐埠輪機長。您計畫何時測試空壓機?

P/E Tomorrow morning.

駐埠輪機長 明天早上。
C/E What time?
輪機長 幾點呢?

P/E How about 0830?

駐埠輪機長 早上八點半如何?

C/E OK. I will be there on time. Have you invited a surveyor?

輪機長 好的,我會準時到現場。您請驗船師了嗎?

P/E Yes. I have invited a surveyor from China Corporation Register of Shipping.
駐埠輪機長 是的。我已經請了中國驗船中心的驗船師。
C/E Please give me 3 copies of the records after the test.
輪機長 屆時請您將一式三份的試驗報告給我。

P/E OK. We will hand them over together with the certificate.
駐埠輪機長 好的,我會連同證書一起給你。
C/E Thanks a lot!
輪機長 謝謝囉。

3/E When will you begin the trial of windlass?
三管 你們什麼時候開始試驗錨機?
S/E Right now.
船廠工程師 現在。
3/E After heaving up anchor, run it at slow speed for half an hour.
三管 起錨後,低速運行半小時。

S/E OK. Heave anchor!

船廠工程師 好的,起錨
3/E Stop. Let me feel the bearing bush… Start!
三管 停車,讓我摸一下軸瓦…開車。
S/E It has been half an hour.
船廠工程師 現在已經過了半小時。
3/E Stop. Please open the gearbox… Now close it and run it at top speed.
三管 停車,打開齒輪箱…現在關閉齒輪箱並開快車。

S/E All right.
船廠工程師 好吧!
3/E Stop. You see, the bearing has become hot.
三管 停車!你看,軸承開始發熱了。
S/E I think it is nothing serious if the bearing is a little hot.
船廠工程師 我想只是軸承發熱,問題不大。
3/E I don’ t think so. Please take off the covers.
三管 我可不這麼認為,請打開軸承蓋。
S/E All right then.
船廠工程師 那好吧!
3/E You see the alignment is off. Please try to repair it again.
三管 你看!調校不良,我希望您再檢修一下。

S/E First, let’ s check the auxiliary systems for the main engine.
船廠工程師 首先,讓我們檢查一下主機的輔助系統。
C/E I will start the No.1 seawater pump first.
輪機長 我先開啟一號海水泵

S/E Please wash the pipeline.

船廠工程師 請先沖洗管線

2/E Yes, sir. The suction and discharge pressure are normal.
二管 是,先生。吸排壓力正常。

C/E Start the No.2 lubricating oil pump for inspection and then the auxiliary machinery.
輪機長 現在啟動二號滑油泵檢查,然後是其他輔機。
2/E Everything is operating properly sir.
二管 現在他們都運作正常。
C/E Second Engineer, please take off the turning gear and turn on the engine by putting in
starting air.
輪機長 二管,請脫開盤車機,用啟動空氣沖車。
S/E Keep it running for half an hour at xx r/min ( rpm ).
船廠工程師 並將其保持在 xx 轉速運行半小時。
2/E Yes, sir.
二管 是,輪機長
C/E Everything looks good. Now let’ s move to the begin the trial.
輪機長 一切都不錯,現在我們進行啟動試驗
船廠工程師 好的。

Vocabulary & Phrase 字彙與片語

compressor 壓縮機 alignment 調準;校直

invite 邀請;招待 auxiliary 輔助的
surveyor 驗船師 suction 吸
bearing bush 軸瓦 discharge 排出
gear box 齒輪箱 lubricate 潤滑

Part 3-1
Taking over the Navigation Watch on the Bridge
Third Officer comes up to the bridge and checks the ship’ s chart. He reads the Captain’ s night
order book. After letting his eyes get used to the darkness, he comes out to the wheel house.
3/O Good evening, sir.
三副 晚安,長官。
C/O Good evening.
大副 晚安。
3/O May I take over the watch?
三副 我可以接手當職的工作嗎?
C/O OK. Our present course and speed are 218 degrees 17 knots. We have maintained
the same speed for the last four hours.
大副 好,我們目前的航向及速度是 218 度 17 節。我們過去的四小時都保持著相同的速度。
3/O Yes, sir. Our course is 218 degrees 17 knots. What is the distance to the next way
三副 是的,長官。我們目前的航向及速度是 218 度 17 節。我們到下一個路途點還有多遠?

C/O About 7 miles, and we will reach it sometime around 2015. The current light, and
visibility conditions are good.
大副 大約 7 海浬,我們大約會在 2015 時抵達該處, 潮水的影響不大而且能見度很好。
3/O Yes, I see.
三副 我瞭解了。

C/O Look, the ship over there showing the green light is nearly on an opposite course. Her
distance is 5 miles, and her course 031 degrees.
大副 你看,那艘顯示綠燈的船幾乎和我們的方向相反。她和我們的距離有五海浬,航向 31

3/O Yes, I will see to it.
三副 是,我會負責看好她的。
C/O There is another ship, far away off our port side, at a distance of 15 miles. I have
observed it on radar, and its course is also opposite. We will see her mast light soon.
大副 還有一艘船,在我們的左舷 15 海浬處。我已經看到她在雷達上而且她的航向也和我們相
3/O Yes, sir. ( He looks for it with the binoculars ) I can’ t see it yet.
三副 是的,長官。
C/O I haven’ t seen any fishing boats, but Second Mate saw a lot of them during his watch.
Keep a close watch for them.
大副 我是沒有看到任何漁船,但是二副在他當值的時候看到很多艘,你得仔細注意他們的動
3/O Yes, sir.
三副 是,長官。

C/O No navigation warning so far. Have you read the Captain’ s night orders yet?
大副 直至目前為止沒有任何航行警報,我猜你已經看過船長的夜令簿了吧?

3/O Yes sir I have. I am ready to take over. Thank you and good night.
三副 是的,我已看過了。我會接管航行當職的,長官,謝謝!
C/O Good night.
大副 晚安。

2/O Hi, Could you give me a hand?
二副 嗨!你可以幫我一個忙嗎!
Cadet Yes, sir. What can I do for you?
實習生 是的,長官。我可以為您做什麼?
2/O Can you help me with the chart work? I need to fix the ship’ s position.
二副 你可以幫我完成海圖工作嗎?我需要定船位。
Cadet Let me try. What’ s the wind force and leeway?
實習生 讓我試試,風力和風壓差的資料呢?

2/O Oh, the wind is Beaufort force 5, wind direction north and leeway 3o.
二副 喔,風力的浦福風級 5 級,風向北且風壓差 3 度
Cadet And what about the current?
實習生 那目前的流向呢?

2/O The direction is 075o, speed 3 knots, drift angle 17o.

二副 方向 075 度,速度三節,風流壓差 17 度。

Cadet OK. Let me see. ( The cadet looks at the magnetic compass and the log… )

實習生 好,讓我看看。(實習生看了一下磁羅經和日誌)
Cadet Course of advance 090o, leeway +3o and drift angle –17o. Is that all right?
實習生 航向定為 090 度,風壓差加三度,漂流角減 17 度。這樣對不對?
2/O Yes, all right. Please hurry up.
二副 好,沒錯。請再快點。
Cadet OK, I will finish in 10 minutes.
(Ten minutes later. Second officer comes into the chartroom.)
實習生 好,我會在十分鐘內完成(十分鐘後,二副走到船圖室)
2/O How is everything?
二副 工作的狀況如何?
Cadet We are now in position L 30o25.0 N λ 131o30.0 E.
(Second Officer looks at GPS, its almost the same. )
實習生 嗯,我們現在的位置在北緯 30 度 25 分、東經 131 度 30 分(二副看了一下全球位置測定

2/O You have done a good job! Thank you very much.
二副 你做的很好,非常謝謝你。

Cadet I am glad I could help.

實習生 我很高興我可以幫忙。

Vocabulary & Phrase 字彙與片語

night order book 夜令簿 give… a hand 給某人協助

way point 路途點 leeway 風壓差

visibility 能見度 Beaufort scale 蒲福風級

opposite 相反的 current 水流
mast light 桅燈 magnetic compass 磁羅經
binoculars 雙筒望遠鏡

Part 3-2
Jay What time is it now?
杰 現在幾點了?
Simon It is 1900 sharp.
西蒙 晚上七點整。
Jay It is a little late. We have to go now. I will take over duty at 2000.
杰 有點晚了,我們現在得走了。我晚上八點要當班。

Simon It will take us more than a hour to get to the ship by bus we have to take a taxi.
西蒙 坐公車到船上要花上一個多小時,我們必須搭計程車。
Jay You’re right. Let’ s catch a taxi.
杰 沒錯,我們攔一輛計程車吧。
Simon Here comes one! The taxi light is on, that means its available. Let‘ s wave it down.
西蒙 來了一輛!紅燈是亮的表示計程車是空的,我們招手示意他停下來。
Jay It’ s stopping. Get in!
杰 停下來了,上去吧!
Driver Hello sir, where would you like to go?
司機 哈囉。先生,要去哪裡?
Jay To No. 11 wharf at Keelung West Port, please.
杰 到基隆港十一號西岸碼頭。
Driver OK. Buckle up, please. We will be there soon.
司機 好的,請繫好安全帶。

Simon How long will it take to get to the No. 11 wharf?

西蒙 到十一號碼頭要多久的時間。

Driver About a half-hour.

司機 大約半小時左右。
Jay By the way, how much will it be?
杰 順便問一下,大約要多少錢?
Driver The base fare is 75 NT dollars for the initial 1.65 kilometers, and an additional 5 NT
dollars per 350 meters and 5 NT dollars for each 3 minutes waiting in traffic.
司機 在開始的 1.65 公里是 75 元台幣,另外每 350 公尺 5 元台幣,每 3 分鐘再加 5 元。

Simon The fare is much higher than in our country.

西蒙 這費用比我們國家的高太多了。
Jay The living standards vary in different countries, and that must be taken into account.
杰 不同國家的生活水準並不一樣,你必須考慮到這一點。

Simon I guess you’re right.

西蒙 這倒是真的。
Jay Oh, here is wharf No. 11.
杰 喔,我們到了十一號碼頭了。
Simon How much is it?
西蒙 總共多少錢?
Driver 500 NT dollars
司機 500 元
Simon Here you are.

西蒙 給你。

Xavier Excuse me, Could you please show me seat 18C?
塞維爾 打擾一下,你能告訴我 18C 的座位在哪裡嗎?
Steward Sure. 18C is an aisle seat, this way please. Here it is.
男空服員 好的,18C,這邊請,靠通道座位,在這裡。
Xavier Thank you.
塞維爾 謝謝你。
Steward Your welcolm.
男空服員 不客氣。

Announcement: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome on China Airline flight CI-626,…The airplane will
take off on time, please turn off your mobile phone and other electronic equipment, and fasten your
safety belts. Thank you for your cooperation, and have a good flight!
廣播通告:各位女士先生們,歡迎搭乘華航 CI-626 班機,… 飛機將準時起飛,請您關閉您的行動電
( During the course of the flight )(在航行中)
Steward What would you like sir? Coffee, tea, or juice?
男空服員 先生,請問您想要喝什麼飲料?咖啡、茶或是果汁?

Xavier Is there any orange juice?

塞維爾 有柳橙汁嗎?

Steward Yes. Would you like a cup of orange juice?

男空服員 有,你要一杯柳橙汁嗎?

Xavier OK. A cup of orange juice would be great, thank you.

塞維爾 好的,請來一杯柳橙汁。
Steward Here you are.
男空服員 給你。
Xavier Excuse me, sir. I’m a little cold, could you please bring me a blanket?
塞維爾 對不起,先生。我感覺有點冷,你能給我一條毛毯嗎?

Steward No problem would you like a hot drink to warm you up?
男空服員 沒問題。我想您來杯熱飲會更好。
Xavier That’s a good idea, could I change my order to a cup of hot tea, please?
塞維爾 好主意,請來杯熱飲。
Steward Sure, no problem. Please wait a minute, I will bring the blanket over soon.
男空服員 好的。請等一分鐘,我很快把毛毯拿過來。
Xavier Thank you very much!

塞維爾 非常感謝你!
Steward You are welcome!
男空服員 不客氣。

Vocabulary & Phrase 字彙與片語

take over 接管 take into account 考慮到
imply 意味著 aisle 通道;走道
wharf 碼頭 fasten 繫緊;紮牢
buckle up 扣住 blanket 毛毯;毯子
initial 開始的;最初的 bring 拿來

Part 3-3
During Bunkering / Requiring Oil Analysis
Bargeman Here is the oil barge. Which side should it pull up to?
油駁工人 油駁船到了,該靠哪一舷?

2/E Starboard side, please. Wait a minute, I will ask the sailor to put down the gangway
and lift up the oil hose first. Let me show you the locations of oil connections.
二管 請靠右舷,稍等一下,我去叫水手先把舷梯放下,把加油管吊上來,我來告訴你油管接

Bargeman Is the diesel oil first?

油駁工人 先加柴油嗎?
2/E That’ s right. The pumping rate for diesel oil is 80 tons and 120 tons for fuel oil.
Remember to watch for my signals to know when to start and stop bunkering.
二管 對,柴油的泵油速度是 80 噸,燃油是 120 噸。別忘了看我開泵停泵的信號。
Bargeman Are the fire hoses and equipment in good order? Even the smallest fire could cause a
disaster. We must take every precaution against fire when we are dealing with bunker.
油駁工人 消防皮龍和消防設備都準備好了嗎?一點小火就會引起很大的麻煩。因此,加油時我們

2/E Certainly. All of the fire equipment is in good working condition sir.
二管 當然。都準備好了,隨時可以使用。
Bargeman What about the communication system?
油駁工人 通訊系統怎麼樣?
2/E The communication system is in proper working order.
二管 通訊的系統已經開通了。

Bargeman Now, please come to our barge to take sounding and measure the temperature and
water content in tanks.
油駁工人 現在請到我們油駁上來測量油艙中的油量、油溫和水分吧。
2/E OK. I will take the trim, check the tank table, and record all the relevant data for
二管 好的。我會記下吃水差,查看油艙表並記下所有相關數據作為參考。
Bargeman Okay, the oil pipe is connected. Have you opened all the valves and plugged the deck
scupper pipe?
油駁工人 好,油管已經接上了,你打開所有的閥,堵住甲板排水管了嗎?
2/E Yes. But we have to make sure all the pipes are connected in good condition and there
is no leakage or choke on connected parts. Please wait for my signal… Okay we are
Ready. Lets start pumping, please open it up a little more!
二管 都準備好了。但我們還得確保所有的管路都已連接好,在接口處沒有任何洩漏和堵塞。

2/E Close it a little bit, the tank is nearly full. Slow down…Stop pumping! This tank is full,
let’s start pumping the fuel oil.
二管 再關小一點!這個油櫃快滿了。慢一點,停泵!這個油櫃滿了,我們換燃油吧。
Bargeman The pumping is finished. Shall we dismantle the pipe?
油駁工人 泵油結束了,我們可以拆下加油管了嗎?
2/E Before dismantling the pipe, would you please flush the oil retained in the hose with
compressed air?
二管 拆之前先用壓縮空氣吹一下加油管裡的殘油吧?
Bargeman OK. Will you sound our tanks once again?
油駁工人 好的。再測量一下我們的油艙吧?
2/E Yes I will do it again to check the amount of oil.
二管 好,我在測一下核對油量。
Bargeman Here are oil samples, please sign both of the labels. You keep this bottle and I will
take that one to our company.
油駁工人 這是兩瓶油樣,請簽標籤,你拿這一瓶,我把那一瓶帶回公司。
2/E Alright.
二管 好的。

C/E Here are two oil samples, would you please analyze them for us?
輪機長 這是兩瓶滑油油樣,請為我們化驗一下好嗎?
Rep. With pleasure, what items do you want to be analyzed?

廠商代表 好的。你們想化驗什麼項目?
C/E Please analyze the oil viscosity, acidity number, flash point, water content, ash content,
and check for mechanical impurities and carbon residue.
輪機長 請化驗黏度、酸鹼值、閃點、水分、灰份、機械雜質和殘炭值。
Rep. All right. Please fill in the application form. It will take us about 3 days to get the
results. It is possible that the report may be finished a bit earlier, I know that you are
in a rush and I will send you the report as soon as we finish the analysis.
廠商代表 好吧。請填寫這張申請表。化驗這些項目可能要用 3 天的時間,也許你們會早一點拿到
C/E Thank you very much.
輪機長 非常感謝你。
Rep. How many copies do you need?
廠商代表 你們要幾份化驗報告?
C/E Three.
輪機長 三份。

Vocabulary 字彙
barge 駁船 scupper pipe 排水管

alongside 在…旁邊 choke 堵塞

gangway 舷梯 dismantle 拆除

lift up 吊起 flush 沖洗

hose 軟管;皮龍 once again 再一次

diesel oil 柴油 label 貼紙;標籤

fuel oil 燃油 lube oil 滑油

least 最小的;最少的 analyze 分析;解析
precaution 預防;警惕;謹慎 viscosity 黏性

certainly 無疑的 ash 灰質

sounding 調查;試探 impurity 雜質

trim 平衡;吃水差 residue 殘餘


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