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1. Why is there a need to classify hazardous materials?

Discuss how the hierarchy of controls apply to

handling these materials.

Hazardous materials can potentially danger anyone who’s in contact with any toxic chemicals, explosives
and radioactive materials when these materials are not handled properly. Therefore, it is necessary to
create countermeasures ensuring the safety of everyone in contact with the materials especially for the
safety of the community. Base on the Hierarchy of controls, if the materials is not in use then it should be
stored carefully where it is fully secured meaning it has good packaging and doesn’t contact workers
frequently and isolating it that serves as an engineering control. If the materials are needed by the
workers where they have to use it for work, they should follow strict rules and regulation from the
management which serves as administrative control. Lastly, when they are in contact with the materials
itself, they need to wear the proper PPE for a certain materials such as proper face mask, eye protections
and hazmat suits for toxic chemicals which serves as last hierarchy of control which is Personal protective

2. What is Maintenance Safety? What are the consequences of not following sound maintenance safety

Maintenance safety is a high risk activity which keeps the condition and performance of the industry from
its workplace, equipment and even the organization itself to maintain its quality performance and
minimizing risk for future works. It also takes time to use and have the maintenance on equipment which
also use a lot of resources. Failing to address sound maintenance safety precaution is also failing the
corrective and preventive maintenance, corrective means keeping the equipment fixed and preventive
which means predetermined incidents. If the organization only inspected the machine only and not on the
working phase which a lot of components works, it holds a risk to the workers dealing with the machine
and the machine itself.

3. How can safety be assured when operating boilers and unfired pressure vessels? Explain in detail.

To operate boilers and unfired pressure vessels with safety precaution; First, check all components if they
are properly installed. Make sure when installing you must know all possible things to happen and never
left uncheck on gauges because of the tendency that they might fail. Then, the equipment to be used
must be checked carefully with a check list addressing the conditions of the pump inlets, hydraulics is at a
defined pressure, if the pipes have blockages, leakage and loose connections. During operation never
operate above the designed pressure, clean perforated line and install a strainer. Insulate all hot parts
and FD/ID fan should be grease in all movable parts. In addition, with the precautions, maintain air ratios,
always check if everything operates well and accordingly to the checklist given by the management.

4. What is the most important requirement before one can safely work in an environment dealing with
electricity? Discuss the controls that assures electrical safety by giving examples.

Base from the discussion, being physically fit is the most important requirement before one can safely
work in an environment dealing with electricity because of the hazards that exist in that kind of
environment and it is also important that they have a proper training from the work that they’re going in.
From the methods of control discussed in the report, Engineering control serves as the first defense from
the hazard on an electrical job such as power breakers to turn off power and avoid working with electrical
circuits or devices with an active power. Second one is Administrative control, where the organization put
a specific rules and regulation to the work environment such as putting electrical warnings and signage’s,
procedures and check list to work with safe precautions. Lastly, if the workers deal with live electrical
circuits or devices, it is necessary to put a Personal protective equipment as a last method of control such
as wearing insulated gloves, helmets, insulated boots and the usual PPE that exist in an electrical
5. What is ergonomics? Why is it important? Name some examples of ergonomic hazards and discuss how
they are prevented?

Ergonomics is simply deals with the situation of a human body during an activity. It is studied for the
workers to work comfortable and efficient so that they maintain good posture and zero inconveniences
during work hours. Common ergonomic hazards exist such as lifting heavy loads, reaching high places
and poor lightings; For lifting heavy objects, poor lifting posture can lead to injuries and in worst cases
long-term injuries. To prevent this kind of hazard, by bending the hips and knees to squat down to your
load, and keeping it close to your body while straightening your legs to lift the object. If incase it is
impossible to do it by hand, then use equipment to eliminate yourself from the hazards of the object. For
reaching high places, there exist good equipment to reach such heights to do work but also putting
precautionary PPE like helmets and safety belts to avoid falling and for poor lightings, it is better to
replace the lights by good ones that is more appropriate to work comfortable instead of small lights which
is cheap and hazardous to workers.

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