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Sense of Sin: Salvation History/ THEO

1. God created human beings to live with him in peace and happiness. Why do you think the
first humans turned away from God?

2. How can you be joyful knowing that sin continues to exist in this world?
1. God does not seek for his followers or devotees; instead, he has given us a mind to think and
most especially a heart to love. As humans, we have the basic right to turn away from God in
order to seek the truth in our own way. God also grants us the freedom of choice and will to
live our lives as we see fit. The greatest gift he can give is the gift of freedom. He wants us to
make our decisions within the overall blueprint of his will because we love him and want to
obey him. That is why we must always remember that God will forgive our sin if we come to
Him openly and confess the sin we have committed, because he is our father and we are his
sons and daughters.

2. Sin, in my opinion, should not be a normal way in the life of the believers. When we commit
sin, it affects both ourselves and others. It also deprives us of our ability to comprehend the
spiritual truth and causes us to lose sight of the joy of our salvation. According to the Bible, the
Holy Spirit encourages us in understanding God’s will. The most basic thing we can do to live a
joyful life is to let God’s peace rule in our hearts, to which we were also called in one body, and to be
grateful for all the blessings that he bestows on us. This means that confessing our sins to God is the
only way for us to continually turn away from them and do better in our lives. Because when
we confess our sins to God, we are also expressing our gratitude for the breadth of His
forgiveness. In the end, God will generate us from our guilt and strengthen our faith as his

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