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What is Democracy? Challenges for democracy in Pakistan.



Democracy, a famous form of governance that gives popular sovereignty to the people of a country,
secures equal rights, liberty, freedom of speech, and minority rights. People choose their
representatives who guarantee the prevalence of true democratic norms. For instance, the systems of
government of the U.S. and the Scandinavian countries, which are based on democratic values, are
models for all the countries of the world to govern people democratically. Pakistan, however, has not
exercised democracy in its true essence since independence, unfortunately. Some grave challenges
hinder the implementation of democratic norms in the country. Lack of education, the gap between the
political elite and general public, lack of awareness in the general public, negative role of media, rigged
elections, dictatorship, the intervention of the military in civil affairs are the main obstacles in the way of
nourishment of democracy in Pakistan. Nonetheless– through sincere and collective efforts by political
leadership, media, and civil society– Pakistan can move towards a democratic path and can stand among
the democratic nations of the world.



Democracy, a system of governance in which government is elected according to the majority’s will,
ensures equality, liberty, the rule of law, and meritocracy. However, Pakistan, unfortunately, has
remained devoid of the true essence of democracy since its inception due to some grave challenges. The
repetitive dictatorship cycles, rigged elections, intervention of establishment in civil matters, and politics
of self-interest have ruined Jinnah’s vision of a true democratic Pakistan. In addition, the gap between
the political elite and general public, lack of education and general public awareness have also derailed
the country from a democratic path. Nevertheless, a pragmatic and sagacious approach collectively by
politicians in developing a democratic environment, academia in promotion of education, and media in
the creation of awareness to the general public can help Pakistan become a stable democratic state.



Democracy, a legitimate approach to rule the country based on the majority's will, is considered one of
the best forms of government among the nations of today's world. In the democratic setup, every citizen
has political freedom, freedom of speech, and legal equality. In addition, meritocracy, an independent
judiciary, free and fair elections are also the fundamental features of democracy. Notwithstanding, in
Pakistan, democracy has not taken proper roots since independence. Due to challenges like polarized
politics, military coups, military intervention in civil matters, lack of education, the gap between the
political elite and general public, and lack of general public awareness, the country has left the
democratic path. Even though Pakistan has entered the longest uninterrupted people democratic rule in
its history, democracy appears to be weakening. Nonetheless, inclusive efforts of political leadership,
civil society, and media can help the country in becoming a strong democracy.

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