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Integrity in Public Speaking

1.) What is integrity? How important is this trait to a public speaker?

Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness
and honesty is a state imposed by others, which is related to self-integrity in some ways.
Integrity is defined as doing the right thing rather than the wrong thing.
I think integrity is a sign of leadership exhibited through public speaking, in which we speak from
a place of wholeness and our words correspond to our actions. People who work with integrity
consistently do the right thing in the right way, and their actions are consistent with their values.
When you act with integrity, you build your credibility. To be a good public speaker, you must
impress and persuade the audiences, and you must be true to yourself and value your
performance in order to achieve the level of integrity that every leader requires in order to be a
great speaker.

2.) Give three (3) instances where you can demonstrate integrity in a public speech.

One example of how we can demonstrate integrity in public speech is by being dependable and
following through on commitments. Our reputation influences how others interact with us and
how they perceive what we say to them. Being able to deliver on our promises and keep our
promises to others makes it easier to persuade them during a public speech. Two, when
communicating with others, be open and honest. Being a public speaker necessitates being
trustworthy and honest with others. Honesty creates credibility in what you say. It provides a
clear picture and understanding of the concept you are presenting in your speech. Three, when
giving public speeches, strive to be considerate of others and dependable. When speaking in
public, always keep others' needs in mind, especially when discussing sensitive topics. Some
words should be avoided and replaced with gentler ones for the sake of the speech's integrity,
so that it does not hurt or show disrespect to others.

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