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- CHARLOS MULOKO (2001020069)
- JENNIFER ARITA BANO (2001020099)
- WATI ARANCI PANDIE (1901020129)




First of all, we wants to express our gratitude to Jesus Christ, because of His bless and
grace, this paper can be finished on time.
This paper is a requirement to fulfill the group assigment from Ms. Santry, the lecture
of English Department, Nusa Cendana University. We also thanks to her for all the guidance
to complete it.
In completing this paper, we faced many problems, but with the help of many people,
all the problems could be passed. May Jesus Christ give the blessing for them. Although this
paper has many deficiencies in the arrangement and explanation, we hope that it can be used
as a reference for the reader to know the used of games in teaching learning process.

Kupang, 29th January 2022


Using Games as ELT is essential for the most part when learning english, it plays an
important role in making student feel more engaged to dig deep in learning english. However,
Many teachers aren’t aware that they can consider this as a learning strategy to their student;
it has lots of benefits, which it make the class be less boring and can create a positive
environment for the students.
Foreign language learning games can serve as a guideline for creating a meaningful
environment for language learning. This method will always make the learners feel attached
since games can attract their interest unlike a lesson without one. Learners can both learn and
have fun the same time with the presence of games.
Using games can give a chance for the learners to eventually learn to move from their
comfort zone. With that, it’ll be immensely motivating the student to learn english. Not only
that, games can make a successfully decreases student anxiety, to lighten the mood or to ease
up the tension so that the can be more relaxed and enjoyable.


Games can involve all students in the learning process, especially shy students who
are hesitant to speak the target language in front of a large audience. When playing games in
pairs or groups, however, each learner must interact with one another in order to solve the
problem. When given genuine reasons to interact in the target language, these students would
feel more at ease than if they were speaking in front of the entire class. Joining together in the
game often allows learners to understand and acknowledge the efforts of others, which aids in
the development of team-building skills. Furthermore, through several repetitions when
playing with various individual students in the language class, playing games helps language
learners remember and maintain new vocabulary in their long-term memory.
A. Roles of games in language teaching and learning
Listening and observing alone, according to [18], does not promote active language stages in
learners but rather language knowledge. Learners need chances to use their language in order
to progress from language comprehension to language communicative results, and word
games have been shown to be effective in ensuring learners’ active participation in the
learning process. Finally, in addition to providing learners with a plausible opportunity to use
and practice the targetlanguage [4,19], games provide a great deal of fun and enjoyment,
which are essential aspects of language learning that are often overlooked by teachers in their
search for teaching points or by course designers [20]. Although the conscious mind is
focused on the “task” of playing the game, games help students concentrate their
subconscious minds on language processing. As a result, games can help to reduce anxiety,
inspire students in second language classes, and increase the likelihood of feedback
acquisition [3,9].
In a nutshell, games assist all students in engaging in communicative, constructive, and
problem-solving practices that are student-centered. Games provide learners with a rich,
meaningful exposure to comprehensible language input while also engaging them cognitively
in language use, which is thought to be a prerequisite for language acquisition [21]. Games
are, therefore, “part of a teacher’s equipment, not only for the language practice they provide
but also for the therapeutic effect they have” [1].
Constantinescu (2012) states some advantages of games as in the following:
• “Games build up learners’ English repertoire in a familiar and comfortable
environment (even for students who may have special needs), where they feel
confident. More than this, English is widespread used with computers.
• Games increase motivation and desire for self-improvement.
• Challenge and competition are key factors for any game and students pay more
attention to completing the task.
• Interdisciplinary approach. Students use knowledge from other classes, too.
• Games develop students’ ability to observe.
• Games have clear rules and objectives.
• Games develop critical thinking, problem solving, and imagination.

• Games offer new and dynamic forms of teaching/ practicing which replace the
traditional worksheets.
• Games are adaptable for different levels of knowledge.
• Educational games are easy to understand and use.
• Educational games do not take long time to be played in the class.

There are many online educational games which are free of charge.

• Immediate feedback both for the students and the teacher.

• The results are more visible (sometimes both visual and acoustic) and have a stronger
• The working time is usually known from the beginning and it is respected
• Games facilitate collaborative learning but, in the same time, students may learn at
their own speed and cognitive level.
• Games may be used in the classroom as rewards for students.

B. Things to consider when choosing a game language

Constantinescu (2012) expressed that when choosing language games, many points are
needed to be considered by teachers:

- Games should have an aim. They are used to motivate students, not only for fun.
- Games should focus on the use of language. By their means students have to learn,
practice, or refresh language components
- The content should be appropriate. It should fit the curriculum, be correct from all
points of view and not to promote wrong values (e.g. violence).
- Games should be technically easy to use in the classroom.
- Games should be in accordance with students’ age and level of knowledge.
- Games should keep all of the students interested.
- It is advisable to use short games; otherwise students may lose their interest.

C. Several things could be detrimental related to the use of games in the context of
teaching and learning.

Excerpted from the article written by Felicia Lee in the context of science and education, it
was found that several things could be detrimental related to the use of games in the context
of teaching and learning.

1. Complexity of games can be distracting. In this concept Felicia lee argued that the
complex vocabulary game could distract learners from the pedagogical objectives in
point, if the game is structurally complicated then it will make learners distracted by
the existing mechanisms and render vocabulary learning ineffective.
2. Games can be viewed as busywork. If the game that is played together is a game with
a complicated mechanism, it will be seen as a game that is busy and not entertaining,
Felicia Lee argues that games that are applied in the classroom can be considered as
activities or tasks that make students look busy because they have to run. Here and
there to find answers, must look busy and finally make students feel overwhelmed in
achieving the game target.
3. Games need resources to develop. In implementing games in the learning system the
teacher must pay more attention and be selective about the games that will be played
together in class, especially in vocabulary games, the suitability of vocabulary games
can certainly include many things such as the level of difficulty, complexity and the
amount of time consumed. For this reason, vocabulary games require resources to
develop, the resources in question are the students themselves and the director/teacher
in responding to vocabulary games.

The three shortcomings in the application of vocabulary to the EFL classroom are things that
need to be considered by every teacher in providing classroom teaching, these three things
must be considered so that as Felicia Lee said in science and knowledge that vocabulary
games must be played so as not to damage the pedagogical elements that exist and do not
make students look depressed and feel busy because they have to find answers to the games
that are being practiced.
Another disadvantages from games are :

1. The first disadvantage of applying games in teaching learning

process was by attracting student’s interest to games, all of them
were active and made noisy. Sometimes they too much moved and
spoke. That condition made the teacher difficult to control them.

2. The second advantage of applying some games in teaching learning
process was by doing games the teacher only had a little time to
explain the
3. Material and gave some new vocabularies. So there was no longer
time for teacher to explain more and help them to memorize all the
new vocabularies.


The main aim of this review was to analyze how important is using games in EFL
classrooms, the outcome of our review is that games can creates an environment where
student do not feel pressured and at the same time, is highly motivating the student to learn
language more, and we can’t ignore that this can reduces students anxiety in class. To be
short, games can be accepted as useful and effective tools that are effective for teaching
vocabulary. The used of games in EFL classrooms is a way to provide more interesting,
enjoyable, and effective teaching (Uberman, 1998).
In conclusion. It can be stated without being biased, games are very importart
instrument in language teaching classroom. In terms of providing a relaxed environment for
learners and for both teachers and learners, games are very useful if they have an educational
purpose rather than being fun..


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