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FEU Roosevelt Marikina

Senior High School

English for Academic & Professional Purposes

SY 2021-2022

How have the goals of feminists changed over

the decades?

A Thesis Presented to the Senior High School Department of FEU Roosevelt - Marikina

Presented by:

Delos Santos, Venezia Claire D.

Forfieda, Honey Lee

Razon, Liana Dane

Delos Santos, Kimverly

Anday, Jorich Rance

Grade & Section:


Feminism is the belief in gender equality on social, economic, and political levels.
Feminism is now found all over the world and is represented by a variety of organizations
dedicated to advancing women's rights and interests. There have been many outstanding
women who have made significant contributions to local or global history, but not all of them
have been champions for women's causes. The women's movement is made up of both men
and women who labor and struggle for gender equality and the betterment of women as a
social group. Women were generally limited to the house as daughters, wives, and mothers in
most civilizations, and we are frequently only aware of women in history because of their
relationship to renowned men. Of doubt, many women have played major roles in cultural
and political life throughout history, but they are often overlooked.

The major purpose of our paper is to examine the significance of feminism in our
society and how feminist changed over the decades. Its purpose is to provide answers to the
following questions;

1. How does feminism benefit the society?

2. What led to the feminist movement?
3. How does the rights brought by feminism affect today’s generation?
4. What is the difference between feminism and women’s right?

Background of the study

Feminism is a complicated mix of beliefs and theories, but at its most basic level, it
seeks equal social, political, and economic rights for women. The first wave of feminism,
which occurred at the close of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries, was
primarily concerned with women's voting rights and property rights. Then the second wave of
feminism and the Women’s Liberation Movement of the 1960s focused on issues beyond the
legal status of women to include sexuality, reproductive rights, gender roles, and patriarchal
attitudes and culture.

Prior to the late nineteenth century, women were frequently taken for granted and
were not seen to be as competent as males. At the time, it felt quite natural to society that
males had more power and strength than women, and it was believed that women weren't
supposed to be in the outside world, to receive an education, or to work.
Kimberle Crenshaw, an American scholar, created the phrase "intersectional
feminism" in 1989. It is described as the study of overlapping or crossing social identities, as
well as related oppressive, domineering, or discriminatory institutions. It indicates that
women are subjected to oppression in various forms and to varying degrees of intensity.
Women who take the initiative and become active in politics are receiving more
encouragement than ever before. These are just a few examples of how feminism has grown
throughout time. The feminist movement still faces hurdles and barriers to overcome, but
with each modest victory, we draw closer to our egalitarian goals. Though the battle has
evolved, preconceptions persist, and the cause will not die, at least not very soon.

Purpose/Significance of the study

The purpose of this study is to determine how feminism evolved and became more
common as an idea and movement. This may serve as awareness not to only one gender but
to all in the gender spectrum that women are women. They don't need to be more feminine to
be called a female or dress girly to look like a girl. Women can conquer the world.
Femininity has changed all over the decades and still continues to aspire to every sexuality in


Feminism is a complex set of views and theories, but at its most basic level, it
advocates for equal social, political, and economic rights for women. Prior to the late
nineteenth century, women were generally taken for granted and were not regarded as being
as capable as men. Women who take the initiative and become politically involved are being
encouraged more than ever before.

In the globe, there is still a lot of discrimination towards women. And 'out
there' does not imply all the way over there, where it can't grasp you and you don't have to
worry. Nowadays, it is quite easy for people to dismiss the need for feminism because the
prior "big problems" have been handled. The term "feminist" today implies something
radically different to people of various sexes than it did previously. Women are far more
likely than males to be sexually assaulted, yet unreasonable expectations for women's
physical beauty and behavior persist. Any female political presence demonstrates that we
have come a long way since the feminist movement began, but not far enough.
The goal of this research is to identify how feminism arose and spread as an
ideology and movement. This may serve as a reminder not only to one gender, but to all
genders, that women are women.


How feminist goals changed over the decades. The Second Angle. (2021, June 10). Retrieved
February 18, 2022, from

The changing face of feminism. Philosophy Talk. (n.d.). Retrieved February 18, 2022, from

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